Solr REST API - force POST to replace managed resources - solr
In docs there is info:
PUT/POST is used to add terms to an existing list instead of replacing the list entirely. This >is because it is more common to add a term to an existing list than it is to replace a list >altogether, so the API favors the more common approach of incrementally adding terms especially >since deleting individual terms is also supported.
Is there some way to force POST request to replace all managed resource on endpoint, instead of adding terms?
Solr version 8.2

As an answer to myslef - no there is not.
You can fork and change it in source.


Get information from publishItem to publish end in sitecore

I got a setup with sitecore and solr.
Im looking to gather information (the different TemplatesIds) in publishItem, and then when the publish has ended, call solr with the names which needs to be reindex.
Ive managed to get all the template IDs both using PublishItemProcessor and as a publish:itemProcessed event, where i store the template ids in the PublishContext.CustomData as a Hashset.
But how can i, when the publishing is done get this information i've gathered during publishing? I want to call solr, once, and only once, after everything is published, with information gathered during the publishing.
Hope this makes sense guys, please help out.
You don't need to make a hack to reindex indexes after a publishing.
Sitecore has out of the box this functionality.
You use index update strategies to maintain indexes. You can configure each index with a unique set of index update strategies. You should not specify more than three update strategies per index for performance reasons.
Sitecore provides a varied set of index update strategies, and you can extend this set with more strategies.
All the strategies that are delivered with Sitecore are defined under the following node in the Sitecore.ContentSearch.Solr.Index.IndexName configuration files:
<configuration ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultSolrIndexConfiguration" />
<strategies hint="list:AddStrategy">
You need to use of these default strategies:
More information about search, indexing and crawling you can find here:

How to programmatically create indexing from the list of urls in java

I want to create search engine. So I had used nutch and solr for the developing it.
But it is not able to crawl each and every url of the website and search results are not as
good as Google.So I started using jcrawler to get list of url.
Now I have list of urls.But I have to index them.
So is there any way where I can index list of urls stored line by line in a file.
and show results vis lucene or solr or any other Java API
How you programmatically do something really depends on which language you plan on writing your code in - fetching content from a URL and making sense of that content before indexing will be largely dependent on the libraries available for your programming language of choice.
You can still use nutch with the Solr backend - give it the list of urls as input and set --depth to 1 (so that it doesn't spider anything further).
There are also other "ready" options, such as Crawl Anywhere (which has a Solr backend) and Scrapy.
"Not as good as Google" is not a good description of what you want to accomplish and how to approach that (keep in mind that Search is a core product for Google and they have a very, very large set of custom technologies for handling search). If you have specific issues with your own data and how to display that (usually you can do more useful results as you have domain knowledge of the task you're trying to solve), ask concrete, specific questions.
You can use Data Import Handler to load the list of URLs from file and then read and index them.
You'd need to use nested entity with outside entity having rootEntity flag set to false.
You'd need to practice a little bit with DIH. So, I recommend that you first learn how to import just the URLs into individual Solr documents and then enhance it with actually parsing of URL content.

Index content of PDFs with Solr and Tika

The problem briefly: I would like Sitecore to index the contents of PDFs using Solr's built in functionality (supplied by Tika). I'm not sure how to configure Sitecore's indexing to use this feature in Solr(Tika). (I think I need to write a custom indexer.)
I'm working with Sitecore 7 (7.1 Update 1) and want to index content from PDFs (or other rich media types). I'd like to index this data for search purposes.
I have Solr (4.6.1) installed and working with Sitecore 7. When I index my site it saves all of the documents to the correct Solr core, and I can successfully retrieve these documents for display.
Using curl, I can send a PDF to my Solr instance and get it indexed.
curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?literal._id=doc1&uprefix=attr_&fmap.content=attr_content&commit=true" -F "myfile=#sample.pdf"
This works, and I can read this content in my Sitecore web project and display it in views, so I know I can get access to this data. However, I would like the data to be attached to the items that I have uploaded in Sitecore.
I'd like something like this to happen when I upload a PDF to the Sitecore Media Library and publish the item, or at least when I re-index the site.
I'm currently walking through the following tutorial to learn some things about writing custom indexing (here is a link to part 1):
Thanks for you patience.
For Sitecore, when handling media data, Lucene and Solr needed to index the content in a consistent way (so that you could switch between them if needed and still get data indexed in the same way). As Tika integration is very much a Solr thing it was decided that both should use the general windows concept of IFilters for indexing (
This means that as long as you have the correct IFilter for that mime type installed on the machine that is doing the indexing, then the '_content' computedfield will be populated with the output.
This doesn't mean you can't use the Solr Tika integration but it is not supported by default and would be a customization.
It would be very simple to:
Disable the '_content' computed field
Set up a publish pipeline processor that looks at each item being published
Check if it is a media item
Check to see if it is a PDF
Issues a command to push the content to your Solr server for indexing by Tika.
You may want to see what results you get by using an IFilter, if the results are close enough to what you want then you can go with that, if Tika is producing better results for you then you should be able to switch to that, although you would probably have your media content indexed in a separate Solr core so you would lose any Sitecore specific metadata around the document.
Some blog posts that might be helpful:
I second the recommendation to use Sitecore's built-in MediaItemContentExtractor + IFilter approach, unless you've already ruled that out for some reason (IFilter difficulties, perhaps). If an IFilter is not an option, or if you're interested in the other approach regardless, I would integrate Tika a little differently than Stephen suggested, though.
The tutorial you referenced deals with writing your own search provider - i.e. replacing the built-in provider entirely. You should be able to leverage Sitecore's Solr provider and accomplish what you need with something lighter: a computed index field. The built-in media extractor mentioned above uses this approach, which enables you to put just about anything into your index during the normal indexing process. Here is a blog post from John West that walks through creating a basic computed index field: Sitecore 7: Computed Index Fields.
In short, write a class that implements IComputedIndexField and represents content extracted from PDFs or other rich documents. In your implementation of the ComputeFieldValue method:
Call GetMediaStream() on the document.
Pass the stream to Solr in an extract-only command and capture the result.
Return that result to store it in the computed index field.
If you need the media content to be in a particular existing index field, then configure the computed field as a copy field (see 3.3.3) into the existing field. Otherwise, configure your search to reference the computed field.
The main drawback here is the expense of passing the extracted content back and forth, rather than committing it directly to the index in a single step. Depending on your index size and contents, that may not be an issue for you.
One other potential option would be a post-rebuild task to add media content to the existing indexed documents. I am not certain this would work. It depends on knowing the IDs of the media items' documents and committing the rich document content in partial document updates, which this person was unsuccessful in attempting. If you try this, be sure to execute it in the indexing:end event prior to HTML cache clearing.
Whatever approach you take, if you want to work with Tika on a higher level than cURL, have a look at SolrNet's implementation of ExtractCommand and related classes.
If you could upgrade your site into sitecore 7.2 in which the media items content will be indexed automatically and there is no need to install the related IFilter, You should read the following:
Media Content Indexing in sitecore 7.2

Easy GUI way to add data to a Solr index

I'm working on the front end of an app that uses Solr for data storage. Currently I have an empty index, but it'd (understandably) be a lot easier for me if some dummy data was returned so I could make sure that it's output correctly on the front end.
If I was working with and RDBMS (let's say postgres) I'd open up a GUI (e.g. pgadmin) and type data manually into a few rows to achieve this goal. I have access to the Solr web interface, but I can't see any obvious call to action saying INSERT YOUR DATA HERE. The closest thing I can find to an answer on the web is this SO thread, but it's still not quite the droids easy GUI-based solution I'm looking for.
So, my question is: Is the a way to quickly and easily insert some data equivalent to the RDBMS method mentioned above?
Make sure you have defined a schema in schema.xml.
SOLR does indeed have a (limited) html GUI, which on a local installation is probably found at localhost:8983/solr (default). If you can get to the base admin page, then on the left there is a small combobox where you can select a core/collection. If you click on THAT, then you get a list of options that emerges, and you can pick 'documents' to get a similar GUI to what I think you expect from postgres/RDBMS/whatnot.
http://localhost:8983/solr/#/collection1/documents is the URL on a default SOLR installation that I have. This should work as long as you don't have default cores. (Replace collection1 with your collection name and localhost:8983 with wherever your solr is hosted/the port).

How to implement Solr into Sitecore

I have to implement Solr index into Sitecore and I would like to know what is the best approach?
I looked at following approaches:
Capture publish end event (or other events) and then push item to solr index
Implement custom database crawler and get all changes from history table. Then using custom index push data to solr.
Second approach sounds like a way to go (in my opinion). In this case do I need to create a new search index, or search manager?
If anyone's done it before, can you point me into the right direction? Also if you could post some links to articles about sitecore-solr implementation.
Ok, after reading sitecore documentation this is what I came up with :
Create your custom SolrConfiguration class where you can set properties like solrserviceurl, add indexes and its definition (custom solr indexes)
Create SolrIndex and add it (in the config file) to your SolrConfiguration. Which instantiating, solrindex should subscribe to AddEntry event of Sitecore History Manager, and communicate with solr crawlers.
Create custom processor and hook into sitecore initialisation pipeline. Processor should initialize SolrConfiguration (from step 1)
Since everything in your config file in will be build using refrection, you can get instance of your cofiguration based on your config file
How does that sound like. Can I have any comments please?
We've done this on a few sites and tend to have a new "published" solr index and "unpublished" index
We interrupt:
Event to push things into the unpublished index (you may not need this, it depends if you want things in preview mode)
We process additions and updates to the published index here, I'm not sure what we do about deletions here without digging right into the code but certainly deal with deletions on the OnItemDelete (mentioned below)
We interrupt here to remove things from the published and non-published index (I think we remove from the published index here because Sitecore makes you publish the parent node in order to publish out deletions to the web database)
I hope that helps, I'd post the code if I could (but I'd be scowled at).
In addition to the already posted answer (which I think is a good way to do things) I'll share how we do it.
We basically just took a look at the Sitecore database crawler and decided to do things kind of like how it was doing it.
We utilize a significantly modified version of the Custom Item Generator to facilitate mapping between strongly typed objects and an object that has properties that correspond to our Solr schema. For actual communication with Solr we use SolrNet.
The general idea is that we loop through all the items (starting with the site root) recursively and map them to the appropriate type based on its template. Then we go through an indexing process for that item (some items need to index multiple documents to Solr in our implementation).
This approach is working very well for us except I will note that because we are indexing everything at once, it tends to introduce a slight bit of lag time between publish and the site reflecting any changes made to the index. One oversight we made in the beginning but will be working to fix soon is that we don't have an "unpublished" index (meaning we need to publish the site to see updates). It doesn't impact our solution that much really, but I can definitely see where it would others, so keep that in mind.
We didn't particularly want to get into the deletion of items from the index so we do the indexing as a publish:end event.
I hope this additional insight helps you. As far as I know there's not a whole lot of information out there about this specific combination of products, but I can tell you it's definitely possible and quite useful.
