Configuring the redirects for an application registration in Azure Active Directory network error - azure-active-directory

When I try to configure authentication of a registered web .Net Core app in Azure Active Directory by updating the redirect URLs I get a network error:
"Configuring your application registration
Network error: There is an issue establishing a connection to the service. Please refresh the browser to try again"
If I look into console I see CORS error:
"Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Method PATCH is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods in preflight response."
See also attached image:

Check if you have any CORS extension installed on your browser. That was the case for me. I had this extention installed but once disabled I was able to save the changes


Getting the Fetch API error with GoogleLogin OAuth

I'm using GoogleLogin in the #react-oauth/google package in my React app running on port 3000. When I'm fetching http://localhost:30001/auth/google I'm getting the error in the Chrome dev tools:
POST http://localhost:3001/auth/google net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
TypeError: Failed to fetch
And in the Safari dev tools:
Fetch API cannot load http://localhost:3001/auth/google due to access control checks.
I suspect the error is due to the CORS policy. How can I be absolutely sure of that?
I don't have access to the server, so I can't update the CORS policy from there. Is there anything at this point that I can do?
Note: The Response in the Network tab in the Chrome dev tools is empty & the Headers has Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin

AWS API call is being blocked by the CORS policy

I created a DynamoDB table and attached 3 lambda functions to it. I'm trying to call these functions by attaching an API Gateway trigger to them. I created a Rest API and then the get method. Afterwards, I deployed the API and the API link works as intended. I'm now trying to call the API using a Axios in React.
.then(res => {
The problem is that whenever I try to run this on a local server, I get the following error.
Access to XMLHttpRequest from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
I've tried enabling CORS on the API Gateway but that doesn't work either. I know the problem lies somewhere in the backend but I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do.
If you have enabled CORS then this is expected behaviour. CORS will not allow other domains to access your API unless otherwise configured.
Check how to properly configure CORS on API-Gateway from here:
For your development / test / learning environment you can disable* CORS and then you can call API from localhost.
More troubleshooting on API Gateway CORS issue:
*It is not recommended based on security grounds
Try opening chrome with CORS security disabled.
Mac OS:
open -n -a /Applications/Google\\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security

How to resolve Access-Control-Allow-Origin error with Azure AD

I am getting an error when I try to make request from my react SPA application to get id and access token from Azure AD. Below is the error from the browser console log:
Access to XMLHttpRequest at '{tenant id}/oauth2/token' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
I am trying PKCE flow for my SPA and I am not using any JS library. I am making hte request with plain XMLHttpRequest.
Please suggest what I am missing.
You can use this error with install "Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin" or same extention on your browser.

CORS request did not succeed - react

I make this API request , using axios in ReactJS`${API_URL}/valida_proximo`, {
id: =>
// this.setState({ images, loadingAtribuiImagens: false})
It works really well in Google Chrome, but on Firefox I receive an error:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:5000/valida_proximo. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).[Learn More]
What can I do?
This is my API
#blueprint.route('', methods=['POST', ])
def index():
if request.json:
id_usuarioImagem = request.json.get('id')
imagens_selecionadas =
if imagens_selecionadas:
for imagem_selecionada in imagens_selecionadas:
return 'ok', 200
return 'error', 400
CORS errors are usually associated with cross domain requests and something not configured to accept a request on the recipient side of the request. The fact that chrome is working but firefox doesn't seems rather strange.
This was a method I used:
Open Firefox browser and load the page.
Perform the operation which is throwing Cross Origin Request Security (CORS) error.
Open firebug and copy the URL which is throwing Cross Origin Request Security (CORS) error.
Load the same URL in another tab in same Firefox browser.
Once you open the URL in another tab will ask you to add the certificate.
After adding the certificate will resolve Cross Origin Request Security (CORS) error and now you will not be getting this error.
I'm not too familiar with Axios, but it looks like you're making a post request from your React to your Flask backend. If the front-end and the backend are on different ports (like your Flask seems to be on PORT 5000), then you're making a CORS request.
With CORS, depending on what you're posting, you might need to include some Access-Control headers in your Flask response object. You can do this either manually, or just pip-installing and using the 'flask-cors' package. Import the package into your app factory and use it like so (see their docuementation for more info):
from flask_cors import CORS
def create_app(test_config=None):
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)
The request might also get 'preflighted' with an 'OPTIONS' request, also depending on the nature of your POST. More information would be helpful
This is a bug in firefox.
if you follow the link (MDN) in the error msg . you will find:
What went wrong?
The HTTP request which makes use of CORS failed because the HTTP connection failed at either the network or protocol level. The error is not directly related to CORS, but is a fundamental network error of some kind.
which i read as the connection failed and not a problem with CORS settings.
you will just have to ignore the error message until firefox gets it fixed.
The error has something to do with refreshing the page and long polling requests or service workers and polling requests.
If anyone sees this question again, I had this problem because I made a request to https://url instead of http://url

request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS

I'm doing application with spring security and Spring MVC in back end and Angular in front end.
My problem is that I do the logged in correctly, but the problem in logged out I implemented correctly in my localhost: http://localhost:8080 worked without problem. When I change it to https:// I get this error:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I want to know how to correct that? And how to know which url blocked by https in the browser for example chrome?
This post which gives a solution to your problem:
All the details are explained there, basically all you have to do is add this two lines to my file:
I fixed by removing a forward slash from the end of a URL fixing everything.this is help me : GET request throws error after app implemented SSL: Mixed Content: This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS"
This happens when the server is using http (non secured). You can fix it by enforcing https for all resources in the backend. Check here for more details.
In #Jabir Minjibir's answer there is very good link to describe the error. As sum up, when your application works with httpS scheme you can't make visits to unsecure links which is http.
I got this error and fixed it like I wrote below:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but
requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''.
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
You can mask unsecure links with simple-https-proxy npm package. In my experience I was coding an angular sample on httpS:// and I was trying to connect to an Elasticsearch server which doesn't have a domain name. I needed to make it working with ssl but I couldn't modify it's scheme. Thus I installed a proxy which can work secure (httpS).
I installed the npm package:
npm i -g simple-https-proxy#latest
Then I created certificate:
simple-https-proxy --makeCerts=true
Then I ran it
simple-https-proxy --target= --port=9201 --rewriteBodyUrls=false
In another example:
