How to update React state once useMutation is done? - reactjs

I add an user to an api with react-query's useMutation hook. It works. Now, I need to add the new user to my array of users, which is in my state.
I know I'm supposed to query all the users with useQuery and then use onSuccess inside useMutation to modify the cache. But in certain cases, I don't fetch the users with useQuery, so I need to update a local state as I would do with a normal promise.
For the moment, I simply check if the prop "success" is true and if so, I update the array. But it only works on the second click. Why and how to fix this?
It seems the success condition inside onAddUser() is only reached on a second click.
export default function App() {
const { updateUser } = userService();
const { update, loading, error, data, success } = updateUser();
const [users, setUsers] = useState(allUsers);
const onAddUser = async () => {
await update(newUser);
if (success) {
return setUsers((users) => [...users, data]);
return (
{ => (
<div key={}>
{} - {user.job}
{loading && <div>sending...</div>}
{error && <div>error</div>}
<button onClick={() => onAddUser()}>add user</button>
Here is also a sandbox:

The success prop returned from updateUser (I assume this is somehow the result returned by useMutation) will only update on the next render cycle. Functions will still keep the reference to whatever they closured over, even if you have an async await in there. This is nothing react-query specific, this is just how react works.
I would suggest to use the onSuccess callback of the mutation function, or use mutateAsync and check the result, though you have to keep in mind to catch errors manually if you use mutateAsync. You can read about mutateAsync here, I'm gonna show you a mutate example:
const { mutate, loading } = useMutation(() => ...);
const onAddUser = () =>
mutate(newUser, {
onSuccess: (newData) => setUsers((users) => [...users, data]);
also, please don't violate the rules of hooks. You can only call hooks from functional components or other hooks (=functions that start with use), but in your codesandbox, you call useMutation from the updateUser function ...


React hooks not showing correct data when component is rendered

I have created a hook in a component as below.
useEffect(() => {
.then((response) => {
setInfo(<MatchData responseCode={responseCode} matchdata={matchdata} />);
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
This is a state function used in the above effect
const [info, setInfo] = useState();
I expected the above useEffect should return me some data in the below block
<div> {info} </div>
but it is showing wrong data, whereas I have created another function to trigger on Refresh button as
function refresh() {
setInfo(<MatchData responseCode={responseCode} matchdata={matchdata} />);
this function is returning me correct data. I want to create a functionality that will dynamically update the div element with change in state of {info}, by default when the page is loaded first, it should fetch data from the endpoint used here only. I'm new to React. Where I'm going wrong and how do I achieve it?
I don't want to say this is wrong, but this seems like an atypical approach from what I've seen in the wild. Specifically I am talking about storing a JS/JSX or TS/TSX element in a state object. I have more commonly seen a value stored in that type of variable and that value changing when necessary via the set dispatch function. Then the state object is passed to the component who needs it to do something. In react, when the value of that state object changes, it will cause the component who uses it to re-render. If I were coding this, this is what my code would look like.
const [info, setInfo] = useState();
const getData = () => {
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
const divComponent = ({info}) => (
const refreshButton = () => (
<button onClick(()=>getData())>Refresh</button>
Unless you only specifically want something to happen once at component mount, you would not use useEffect() like you did in your code. If the decision to refresh were coming from an external object with state instead of the refresh button, you could add that object whose state changes to the dependency array of the useEffect function. This would cause the refresh to run any time that object's state value changes. In the code above, getData() (which might need to be async) will only run when called. Then you have a component called divComponent which is expecting info to have value. When rendering this component you would want a null check like I coded below. Finally the refreshButton component will call getData() when it is clicked.
Then in your code that renders this, I would have something like this:
{info ? <divComponent info={info} /> : <p>There is no info</p>}
<refreshButton />
The code above will check if the state object info has value, and if it does it will render the divComponent with your data values. If it does not, instead it will show the p tag explaining that there is no data. Either way it will render the refreshButton, which would run the getData() function again when clicked.
** EDIT **
Based on your comment, here is another approach so you can have a value on page load and update when necessary:
import {useState, useEffect} from "react";
const [info, setInfo] = useState();
const getData = () => {
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
useEffect(()=> {
}, [])
const divComponent = ({info}) => (
const refreshButton = () => (
<button onClick(()=>getData())>Refresh</button>
export const Page = () => (
{info ? <divComponent info={info} /> : <p>There is no info</p>}
<refreshButton />
your method is quite complex. I believe you need to add your MatchData Component Inside the div in this way.Also Don't Need To Call State Method setInfo() in useEffect hook.Only responseCode and matchdata Needed that is already adjusted by you in useEffect Hook.

Can't Update state after fetch request

I'm trying to make an app where I fetch data from a Graphql API, and update state after fetching, but after the successful request I'm getting the data but I can't update state with that data. when I console log the response data it's showing the array with required data but when I update state and console log the state it's showing empty array.
I need to update the state to use it in the component, when i'm doing this it's throwing error that currList is undefined.
here are pictures of code and console.
export default function App() {
const [search, setSeach] = useState("");
const [currList, setCurrList] = useState([]);
const fetchShips = async () => {
const response = await request(gql`
ships {
console.log("request response",;
console.log("currlist:", currList);
useEffect(() => {
}, [currList]);
const Searchitems = (event) => {
currList.filter((item) => {
return || item.home_port.includes(search);
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="container">
<div className="body">
placeholder="Search Ships"
<p>Total Count: {currList.length}</p>
<div className="ships">
{, index) => {
return (
the State is Updated just not when the code is running that's why it logs that the state is an empty array, try to console.log it once again and you will see that there is something in the List.
That's normal, everything is happening asynchronously. React will trigger a re-render once your currList is updated and you will get its new value. If you want to listen to this change, you have to use useEffect with currList as a dependency.
useEffect(() => {
console.log("List is updated", currList);
}, [currList]);
The function fetchShips has closure over the currList state variable that blongs to specific render call, so when you log it after calling setCurrList it shows you the previous state not the updated state, you can log it in the useEffect to see the changes.
I had the same problem once. I couldn't find efficient solution but my solution saved me anyway.
I used useRef instead of useState.
Try this:
const currList = useRef([]);
const fetchShips = async () => {
const response = await request(gql`
ships {
console.log("request response",;
// setCurrList(;
currlist.current =
console.log("currlist:", currList);
// Also as far as I know ,you should use useEffect like this
//... codes
//... codes
//... codes
Before using useRef, try to define your fetchShips function inside useEffect so maybe you don't need my solution.
Why is not efficient my solution for your case?
When you want to update your currList data, useRef does not trigger re-render. Even if your data updated, you cannot see it on your screen.
So setCurrList(currList.current) can save you but as I said earlier it may not efficient way.

Promise data when using react and axios

in this code whenever I try to direct to /dashboard it wouldn't wait for the response of axios and goes immediately to return part and it use loggedin with it's default value which is undefined here. Well I guess I should use promises but I don't know how...
So I would appreciate it if someone could help.
import axios from 'axios';
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
import { Redirect } from 'react-router';
import OverallCondition from "./dashOverall";
import Toolbar from "./dashToolbar";
export default function Dashboard(){
const [loggedin, check] = useState()
.then(response => {
.catch(err => console.error(err));
return <section className='dashboard'>
{loggedin ? <div>
</div> : <Redirect to='/login'/>}
You need to use useEffect hook to make the HTTP request.
Making the HTTP request at the top-level inside your function component will trigger a new HTTP request every time your component is re-rendered.
Also, since the axios.get(...) is asynchronous, code below the axios.get(...) will execute before the request is completed.
To handle this situation appropriately, follow the steps mentioned below:
Create a state that represents whether the HTTP request is pending or not. Its initial value should be true
const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(true);
Use the useEffect hook to make the HTTP request. Making HTTP requests at the top-level inside the function component is NOT the right approach - you don't want to make a request every time your component re-renders
Also don't forget to set isPending to false, otherwise user will continue to see the loading spinner even after the request has completed. You can use the finally() method to call setIsPending(false)
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => setLoggedIn(
.catch(err => console.error(err))
.finally(() => setIsPending(false));
}, []);
Empty array passes as a second argument to the useEffect hook will ensure that the HTTP request is initiated only once, after the initial render of the component
While the request is pending, show some loading spinner to the user. When the component first renders, as the isPending is true, user will see the loading spinner
if (isPending) {
return <Spinner/>; // you need to create the "Spinner" component
Here's how you could implement the above steps in your code:
function Dashboard() {
const [loggedin, setLoggedIn] = useState();
// this state will be used to show a loading spinner
const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(true);
// for HTTP request, use the "useEffect" hook
useEffect(() => {
.then(response => setLoggedIn(
.catch(err => console.error(err))
.finally(() => setIsPending(false));
}, []);
// show a spinner to the user while HTTP
// request is pending
if (isPending) {
return <Spinner/>;
return (
<section className='dashboard'>
{loggedin ? (
) : <Redirect to='/login'/>
Issues with the code
Use a better terminology with the useState return
Instead of
const [loggedin, check] = useState()
const [loggedin, setLoggedin] = useState()
Understand the life cycle
Your axios.get is inside the function body, all code there will be executed on every render, it is certainly not what you wanted, for operations that may have side effects, you need to use the useEffect hook
The useEffect hook allows you to control better when the code will execute, in your case, you want it to run once
const ShowOnceLoaded = ({ isLoaded, children }) => {
if (!isLoaded)
return <p>Loading...</p>
return <>{children}</>
export default function Dashboard(){
const [ isLoaded, setIsLoaded ] = useState(false)
const [loggedin, setLoggedin] = useState(false)
React.useEffect(() => {
.then(response => {
.catch(err => console.error(err));
}, [])
return <section className='dashboard'>
<ShowOnceLoaded isLoaded={isLoaded}>
{loggedin ? <div>
</div> : <Redirect to='/login'/>}
In addition to what you had, now there is a state set once the request is complete, only then we can decide if the user is logged in or not, otherwise, we will redirect the user even before the request is done, as the state initializes as false by default
The empty array on useEffect is used to run the code only when the component mounts

Prevent updating an unmounted component during async event handler

I have an async event handler that deletes a component, but this component is using state to watch the event handler execution status. The event handler is a mock of deleting an item from a remote database.
The problem is that upon successful deletion, the component is unmounted, so the final state update (to indicate that deletion is done) triggers the error "Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component".
I understand that it is frequent classical issue, I would like to know what is the best way to solve it.
A sandbox:
The full code for reference:
import React from "react";
export default function App() {
const [fruits, setFruits] = React.useState(["apple", "pear", "peach"]);
return (
{ => (
<Row key={fruit} fruit={fruit} setFruits={setFruits} />
function Row({ fruit, setFruits }) {
const [isDeleting, setIsDeleting] = React.useState(false);
const handleDelete = async () => {
try {
await deleteFruit(fruit, setFruits);
} catch (error) {
console.log("An error occured");
return (
<button onClick={handleDelete} disabled={isDeleting}>
async function deleteFruit(fruitToDelete, setFruits) {
// mock remote DB
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
setFruits((fruits) => fruits.filter((f) => f !== fruitToDelete));
}, 1000);
I have tried to prevent the issue by recording if the component is mounted with useRef and useEffect. It works, but I find that it is not easily readable. Is there a more explicit method to achieve this behaviour?
In component Row's render function:
const refIsMounted = React.useRef(true);
React.useEffect(() => {
refIsMounted.current = true;
return () => {
refIsMounted.current = false;
}, []);
And the async event handler:
if (refIsMounted.current) {
based on useEffect documents you can return a clean-up function.
Often, effects create resources that need to be cleaned up before the
component leaves the screen, such as a subscription or timer ID. To do
this, the function passed to useEffect may return a clean-up function.
so your code will be like below:
return ()=>{
I realized what was the issue: the lifetime of a component that triggers an async event handler is independent of the execution time of this async event handler
So the solution is either:
to put the state modified by the handler in a component which we know will outlive the handler, either higher in the component hierarchy or in Redux.
to use the useRef trick as described above to check whether the triggering component is still in existence
Here I lifted the state in the parent component:

Imperatively trigger an asynchronous request with React hooks

I'm having trouble deciding how to trigger an API call imperatively, for example, on a button click.
I'm unsure what is the proper approach with hooks, because there seems to be more than one method, but I don't understand which is the "best" approach and the eventual implications.
I've found the following examples that are simple enough and do what I want:
Using useEffect() with a trigger value
function SomeFunctionComponent() {
const [fakeData, setFakeData] = useState(0);
const [trigger, setTrigger] = useState(false);
async function fetchData() {
if (!trigger) return;
const newData = await someAPI.fetch();
useEffect(() => {
}, [trigger]);
return (
<button onClick={() => setTrigger(!trigger)}>Refresh</button>
Just calling the API and then setState()
function SomeFunctionComponent() {
const [fakeData, setFakeData] = useState(0);
async function fetchData() {
const newData = await someAPI.fetch();
return (
<button onClick={fetchData}>Refresh</button>
There are also other approaches that leverage useCallback() but as far as I understood they are useful to avoid re-rendering child components when passing callbacks down and are equivalent to the second example.
I think that the useEffect approach is useful only when something has to run on component mount and programmatically, but having what essentially is a dummy value to trigger a side-effect looks verbose.
Just calling the function looks pragmatic and simple enough but I'm not sure if a function component is allowed to perform side-effects during render.
Which approach is the most idiomatic and correct to have imperative calls using hooks in React ?
The first thing I do when I try to figure out the best way to write something is to look at how I would like to use it. In your case this code:
<button onClick={fetchData}>Refresh</button>
seems the most straightforward and simple. Something like <button onClick={() => setTrigger(!trigger)}>Refresh</button> hides your intention with details of the implementation.
As to your question remark that "I'm not sure if a function component is allowed to perform side-effects during render." , the function component isn't doing side-effects during render, since when you click on the button a render does not occur. Only when you call setFakeData does a render actually happen. There is no practical difference between implementation 1 and implementation 2 in this regard since in both only when you call setFakeData does a render occur.
When you start generalizing this further you'll probably want to change this implementation all together to something even more generic, something like:
function useApi(action,initial){
const [data,setData] = useState({
async function doLoad(...args){
const res = await action(...args);
return [data.value,doLoad,data.loading]
function SomeFunctionComponent() {
const [data,doLoad,loading] = useApi(someAPI.fetch,0)
return <React.Fragment>
<button onClick={doLoad}>Refresh</button>
The accepted answer does actually break the rules of hooks. As the click is Asynchronous, which means other renders might occur during the fetch call which would create SideEffects and possibly the dreaded Invalid Hook Call Warning.
We can fix it by checking if the component is mounted before calling setState() functions. Below is my solution, which is fairly easy to use.
Hook function
function useApi(actionAsync, initialResult) {
const [loading, setLoading] = React.useState(false);
const [result, setResult] = React.useState(initialResult);
const [fetchFlag, setFetchFlag] = React.useState(0);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (fetchFlag == 0) {
// Run only after triggerFetch is called
let mounted = true;
actionAsync().then(res => {
if (mounted) {
// Only modify state if component is still mounted
// Signal that compnoent has been 'cleaned up'
return () => mounted = false;
}, [fetchFlag])
function triggerFetch() {
// Set fetchFlag to indirectly trigger the useEffect above
return [result, triggerFetch, loading];
Usage in React Hooks
function MyComponent() {
async function fetchUsers() {
const data = await fetch("myapi").then((r) => r.json());
return data;
const [fetchResult, fetchTrigger, fetchLoading] = useApi(fetchUsers, null);
return (
<button onClick={fetchTrigger}>Refresh Users</button>
<p>{fetchLoading ? "Is Loading" : "Done"}</p>
