How to choose a DBMS? - database

I am learning to design systems, specifically the database part in it and I know a lot of similar posts are available on SO but either they are a decade old (and a lot has changed since then) or they don't have helpful answers.
All the previous answers or blog posts compare relational and non-relational DBMS (or SQL and NoSQL) in some way. And I can't see a well defined line between the two. Because as soon as I read about a property of NoSQL DBMS, I find there's a latest version of a SQL DBMS that provides the same property and vice versa. For example, Document data-stores store data in JSON-like objects and you can even query into these objects but then I found that PostreSQL also provides this functionality.
Next common point of comparison is Scalability. Well, I can see a lot of giants like Amazon using SQL dbms and they don't seem to have any scalability issues.
Next point of comparison is that SQL dbms enforce schema. We can kind of do that with MongoDB schema validation.
And now newSQL databases claim to provide the scalability of NoSQL systems for online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads while maintaining the ACID guarantees of a traditional database system.
So it seems like Relational dbms and Non-relational dbms are moving towards each other.
Keeping all these things in mind, how to choose a dbms? I mean what points do you consider? What's the thought process?
Thank you!

Choosing as a platform for learning or choosing for a specific project? That really does have an impact. If it's for a specific project then the choice will depend on the needs of the project... where is the data coming from? What is the purpose of storing it? (Is it for record keeping, transactional, etc.) Who will access it and how? What needs to be accomplished?
There are a lot of options to consider, that's a fact, but it's helpful to consider the purpose of the project to realize which systems are a better fit.
Beyond that, another major factor in a decision is the skills of the people involved or what is already available in the company (if anything).
Do you have specific details at this point or is this more of learning exercise?


NoSQL movement - justification for SQL RDBMS

In past year I've made numerous projects with NoSQL json based databases - the rich kinds (not the key/value stores) - such as CouchDB, MongoDB, RavenDB. I talk to fellow programmers often about my adoption, I notice though I'm always quick to add "of course SQL RDBMS system still have a place, its always whats best for particular project/task" - as a little disclaimer so not be seen as kool aid drinker, however its pretty shallow statement. Outside of legacy projects that already have an investment in RDBMS, or corporate mandates insisting on Oracle, I struggling to think of any future green field project I'd opt for a SQL database. Its CouchDB all the way for me as far as I can see with rich map/reduce, changes feed, replication support, RESTFUL api (sorry thats starting to sound like a plug)
I'd like to hear those that do "get" (beyond screencasts) NoSQL Json M/R databases such as CouchDb, what type of projects do you think you'll use MS-SQL, Oracle, Postgresql etc.. in the future ?
One of the biggest strengths of SQL is that there is a standard way of modelling just about anything - for any given project it may not provide an optimal solution, but it does provide a reasonable one. This means that in a corporate environment you can decide that everything will be stored in Oracle to get the maintenance benefits of having a single system without the risk that it will be completely inappropriate for future projects.
This ability to handle different requirements without needing a lot of planning is also relevant at the start of projects where the design doesn't get signed off until six months into development - again, something that applies mostly in corporate development.
Using NoSQL properly generally requires better developers than you need for SQL development. One of the many SQL code samples available can be edited into a working system by someone who barely knows what they are doing. NoSQL does things like eliminating integrity checks for performance - a good developer produces well tested code that doesn't insert invalid records or understands why a few invalid records don't matter for a particular app. A bad developer thinks anything without error messages is good code. The average developer at a successful web startup can probably handle it. The average developer maintaining internal corporate apps probably can't.
On my own projects where I have complete control of the platform choice and know both the requirements and who will do the development, NoSQL is as good a complete solution as you suggest. Nothing really matters except the technical advantages - easier to code, easier to maintain, better performance, horizontal scaling.
In the corporate environment it's the other realities that dominate - incompetent developers, unknown/changing requirements, long application life cycles, the need to minimize the number of systems - NoSQL wasn't designed for that problem set.
Off-hand, I'd simply say that if the data is inherently relational, an RDBMS is the optimal choice. For instance, an order management system is a good fit for an RDBMS. If the data is not inherently relational (like Google's search index, for example), than NoSQL is a better choice. They both have their place.
My latest application is massively hierarchical/relational with objects containing sub-objects containing sub-objects, all related by natural keys. It's a perfect fit for an RDBMS, and would have been much trickier in a NoSQL DB.

What is NoSQL, how does it work, and what benefits does it provide? [closed]

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I've been hearing things about NoSQL and that it may eventually become the replacement for SQL DB storage methods due to the fact that DB interaction is often a bottle neck for speed on the web.
So I just have a few questions:
What exactly is it?
How does it work?
Why would it be better than using a SQL Database? And how much better is it?
Is the technology too new to start implementing yet or is it worth taking a look into?
There is no such thing as NoSQL!
NoSQL is a buzzword.
For decades, when people were talking about databases, they meant relational databases. And when people were talking about relational databases, they meant those you control with Edgar F. Codd's Structured Query Language. Storing data in some other way? Madness! Anything else is just flatfiles.
But in the past few years, people started to question this dogma. People wondered if tables with rows and columns are really the only way to represent data. People started thinking and coding, and came up with many new concepts how data could be organized. And they started to create new database systems designed for these new ways of working with data.
The philosophies of all these databases were different. But one thing all these databases had in common, was that the Structured Query Language was no longer a good fit for using them. So each database replaced SQL with their own query languages. And so the term NoSQL was born, as a label for all database technologies which defy the classic relational database model.
So what do NoSQL databases have in common?
Actually, not much.
You often hear phrases like:
NoSQL is scalable!
NoSQL is for BigData!
NoSQL violates ACID!
NoSQL is a glorified key/value store!
Is that true? Well, some of these statements might be true for some databases commonly called NoSQL, but every single one is also false for at least one other. Actually, the only thing NoSQL databases have in common, is that they are databases which do not use SQL. That's it. The only thing that defines them is what sets them apart from each other.
So what sets NoSQL databases apart?
So we made clear that all those databases commonly referred to as NoSQL are too different to evaluate them together. Each of them needs to be evaluated separately to decide if they are a good fit to solve a specific problem. But where do we begin? Thankfully, NoSQL databases can be grouped into certain categories, which are suitable for different use-cases:
Examples: MongoDB, CouchDB
Strengths: Heterogenous data, working object-oriented, agile development
Their advantage is that they do not require a consistent data structure. They are useful when your requirements and thus your database layout changes constantly, or when you are dealing with datasets which belong together but still look very differently. When you have a lot of tables with two columns called "key" and "value", then these might be worth looking into.
Graph databases
Examples: Neo4j, GiraffeDB.
Strengths: Data Mining
While most NoSQL databases abandon the concept of managing data relations, these databases embrace it even more than those so-called relational databases.
Their focus is at defining data by its relation to other data. When you have a lot of tables with primary keys which are the primary keys of two other tables (and maybe some data describing the relation between them), then these might be something for you.
Key-Value Stores
Examples: Redis, Cassandra, MemcacheDB
Strengths: Fast lookup of values by known keys
They are very simplistic, but that makes them fast and easy to use. When you have no need for stored procedures, constraints, triggers and all those advanced database features and you just want fast storage and retrieval of your data, then those are for you.
Unfortunately they assume that you know exactly what you are looking for. You need the profile of User157641? No problem, will only take microseconds. But what when you want the names of all users who are aged between 16 and 24, have "waffles" as their favorite food and logged in in the last 24 hours? Tough luck. When you don't have a definite and unique key for a specific result, you can't get it out of your K-V store that easily.
Is SQL obsolete?
Some NoSQL proponents claim that their favorite NoSQL database is the new way of doing things, and SQL is a thing of the past.
Are they right?
No, of course they aren't. While there are problems SQL isn't suitable for, it still got its strengths. Lots of data models are simply best represented as a collection of tables which reference each other. Especially because most database programmers were trained for decades to think of data in a relational way, and trying to press this mindset onto a new technology which wasn't made for it rarely ends well.
NoSQL databases aren't a replacement for SQL - they are an alternative.
Most software ecosystems around the different NoSQL databases aren't as mature yet. While there are advances, you still haven't got supplemental tools which are as mature and powerful as those available for popular SQL databases.
Also, there is much more know-how for SQL around. Generations of computer scientists have spent decades of their careers into research focusing on relational databases, and it shows: The literature written about SQL databases and relational data modelling, both practical and theoretical, could fill multiple libraries full of books. How to build a relational database for your data is a topic so well-researched it's hard to find a corner case where there isn't a generally accepted by-the-book best practice.
Most NoSQL databases, on the other hand, are still in their infancy. We are still figuring out the best way to use them.
What exactly is it?
On one hand, a specific system, but it has also become a generic word for a variety of new data storage backends that do not follow the relational DB model.
How does it work?
Each of the systems labelled with the generic name works differently, but the basic idea is to offer better scalability and performance by using DB models that don't support all the functionality of a generic RDBMS, but still enough functionality to be useful. In a way it's like MySQL, which at one time lacked support for transactions but, exactly because of that, managed to outperform other DB systems. If you could write your app in a way that didn't require transactions, it was great.
Why would it be better than using a SQL Database? And how much better is it?
It would be better when your site needs to scale so massively that the best RDBMS running on the best hardware you can afford and optimized as much as possible simply can't keep up with the load. How much better it is depends on the specific use case (lots of update activity combined with lots of joins is very hard on "traditional" RDBMSs) - could well be a factor of 1000 in extreme cases.
Is the technology too new to start implementing yet or is it worth taking a look into?
Depends mainly on what you're trying to achieve. It's certainly mature enough to use. But few applications really need to scale that massively. For most, a traditional RDBMS is sufficient. However, with internet usage becoming more ubiquitous all the time, it's quite likely that applications that do will become more common (though probably not dominant).
Since someone said that my previous post was off-topic, I'll try to compensate :-) NoSQL is not, and never was, intended to be a replacement for more mainstream SQL databases, but a couple of words are in order to get things in the right perspective.
At the very heart of the NoSQL philosophy lies the consideration that, possibly for commercial and portability reasons, SQL engines tend to disregard the tremendous power of the UNIX operating system and its derivatives.
With a filesystem-based database, you can take immediate advantage of the ever-increasing capabilities and power of the underlying operating system, which have been steadily increasing for many years now in accordance with Moore's law. With this approach, many operating-system commands become automatically also "database operators" (think of "ls" "sort", "find" and the other countless UNIX shell utilities).
With this in mind, and a bit of creativity, you can indeed devise a filesystem-based database that is able to overcome the limitations of many common SQL engines, at least for specific usage patterns, which is the whole point behind NoSQL's philosophy, the way I see it.
I run hundreds of web sites and they all use NoSQL to a greater or lesser extent. In fact, they do not host huge amounts of data, but even if some of them did I could probably think of a creative use of NoSQL and the filesystem to overcome any bottlenecks. Something that would likely be more difficult with traditional SQL "jails". I urge you to google for "unix", "manis" and "shaffer" to understand what I mean.
If I recall correctly, it refers to types of databases that don't necessarily follow the relational form. Document databases come to mind, databases without a specific structure, and which don't use SQL as a specific query language.
It's generally better suited to web applications that rely on performance of the database, and don't need more advanced features of Relation Database Engines. For example, a Key->Value store providing a simple query by id interface might be 10-100x faster than the corresponding SQL server implementation, with a lower developer maintenance cost.
One example is this paper for an OLTP Tuple Store, which sacrificed transactions for single threaded processing (no concurrency problem because no concurrency allowed), and kept all data in memory; achieving 10-100x better performance as compared to a similar RDBMS driven system. Basically, it's moving away from the 'One Size Fits All' view of SQL and database systems.
In practice, NoSQL is a database system which supports fast access to large binary objects (docs, jpgs etc) using a key based access strategy. This is a departure from the traditional SQL access which is only good enough for alphanumeric values. Not only the internal storage and access strategy but also the syntax and limitations on the display format restricts the traditional SQL. BLOB implementations of traditional relational databases too suffer from these restrictions.
Behind the scene it is an indirect admission of the failure of the SQL model to support any form of OLTP or support for new dataformats. "Support" means not just store but full access capabilities - programmatic and querywise using the standard model.
Relational enthusiasts were quick to modify the defnition of NoSQL from Not-SQL to Not-Only-SQL to keep SQL still in the picture! This is not good especially when we see that most Java programs today resort to ORM mapping of the underlying relational model. A new concept must have a clearcut definition. Else it will end up like SOA.
The basis of the NoSQL systems lies in the random key - value pair. But this is not new. Traditional database systems like IMS and IDMS did support hashed ramdom keys (without making use of any index) and they still do. In fact IDMS already has a keyword NONSQL where they support SQL access to their older network database which they termed as NONSQL.
It's like Jacuzzi: both a brand and a generic name. It's not just a specific technology, but rather a specific type of technology, in this case referring to large-scale (often sparse) "databases" like Google's BigTable or CouchDB.
NoSQL the actual program appears to be a relational database implemented in awk using flat files on the backend. Though they profess, "NoSQL essentially has no arbitrary limits, and can work where other products can't. For example there is no limit on data field size, the number of columns, or file size" , I don't think it is the large scale database of the future.
As Joel says, massively scalable databases like BigTable or HBase, are much more interesting. GQL is the query language associated with BigTable and App Engine. It's largely SQL tweaked to avoid features Google considers bottle-necks (like joins). However, I haven't heard this referred to as "NoSQL" before.
NoSQL is a database system which doesn't use string based SQL queries to fetch data.
Instead you build queries using an API they will provide, for example Amazon DynamoDB is a good example of a NoSQL database.
NoSQL databases are better for large applications where scalability is important.
Does NoSQL mean non-relational database?
Yes, NoSQL is different from RDBMS and OLAP. It uses looser consistency models than traditional relational databases.
Consistency models are used in distributed systems like distributed shared memory systems or distributed data store.
How it works internally?
NoSQL database systems are often highly optimized for retrieval and appending operations and often offer little functionality beyond record storage (e.g. key-value stores). The reduced run-time flexibility compared to full SQL systems is compensated by marked gains in scalability and performance for certain data models.
It can work on Structured and Unstructured Data. It uses Collections instead of Tables
How do you query such "database"?
Watch SQL vs NoSQL: Battle of the Backends; it explains it all.

With Cloud Computing increasingly getting popular, will Relational DBs suffer death?

While computer programming evangelists predicting the future of Cloud Computing to be very bright, is there a chance for relational databases to be on their way out?
What are the DBs that are more suitable for Cloud Computing?
Here's a good article that may answer some of your questions. It features a good comparison between RDBMS systems and the ones usually used for cloud storage infrastructure:
The relational database model has a firm mathematical basis in relational algebra. This makes it easy to reason about, to extend, and to use properly (in theory). Even if database access patterns change significantly as a result of these new APIs and uses, it's likely that a relational database will form the underlying implementation for this reason.
No, RDBMSs will always have a place because of their functionality. Not just on their own, but also as backbones to other systems (like OODBMSs).
Relational databases are still relevant, both for localized storage (such as application-specific storage) and for server storage.
The cloud computing platforms that I've seen each have a relational database offering. So, I don't see cloud computing really changing the picture in reference to database types being used.
However, something will eventually replace the databases that we're all used to. The question is whether that will be a higher-level version of RDBs or something different. Another aspect of that question is how long will it take for the current crop of RDBs to fade out? (I don't have an answer for either.)
Clouds go poof still these days, so I don't think so anytime soon.
I don't think that cloud computing will kill RDBMSs. Something else might though.
First, what type of storage engine a given application uses does not (or should not) depend on where it is running (the cloud or a specific server), but rather on how it needs to store the data.
Second, as far as I can tell the only reason people think RDBMSs are on their way out is because they don't scale as well as non-relational DBMSs (such as document-oriented DBMSs like CouchDB) which can more easily be distributed into the cloud. However, there is no reason that RDBMSs cannot become more cloud-friendly in the future. As an early example, look at Drizzle:
The Drizzle project is building a database optimized for Cloud and Net applications. It is being designed for massive concurrency on modern multi-cpu/core architecture.
So no, I don't think that cloud computing will kill RDBMSs. They will just be forced to adapt. What might kill them, however, is if an existing alternative, or a new one, becomes as robust and easy to use as RDBMSs. What I mean is a solution that has both completely solid software (betas not allowed) and is easy for programmers to switch to. They give out degrees to people who understand RDBMSs. Because of all the assisting software (such as ORMs like ActiveRecord, SQLAlchemy, and whatever the .NET folk use I'm assuming), using RDBMSs has become easy even for people who don't know what the first normal form is. So I think that until there is a way for people to use (for instance) a DODBMS just as easily, RDBMSs will continue to dominate. I'm also not saying that is necessarily bad. Again, which DBMS you use should depend on your data, not what people say is cool and better.
A quote from the article :
"The inherent constraints of a relational database ensure that data at the lowest level have integrity. Data that violate integrity constraints cannot physically be entered into the database. These constraints don't exist in a key/value database, so the responsibility for ensuring data integrity falls entirely to the application. But application code often carries bugs. Bugs in a properly designed relational database usually don't lead to data integrity issues; bugs in a key/value database, however, quite easily lead to data integrity issues."
What this means to me is that RDBMS's are doomed, and hotshot new technologies are facing a great and brilliant future, to the same extent that users aren't anywhere near interested in the correctness of their data.
There's nothing wrong with relational databases for applications that need to query more structured data (e.g., "How many people bought product XYZ, on this date, paid more than $100, but less than $150?"). There are potentially significant architectural issues that will need to be addressed as these systems scale and grow. Once your DB outgrows the one machine you started on and/or traffic/requests begin to overload available resources, then (if you still want to keep your relational database) you have to start adding layers. Thankfully today, there are many more options available then in previous years... including caching, map and reduce, and other functionality - but these add-on layers do add complexity and maintenance overhead. In one sense I'd consider these engineered "band-aids" which will most likely solve the scalability and distribution problems with a relational DB today, but longer term? Who knows. I also see these popular layers today - all of which are basically trying to emulate functionality already available in object DBs, giving developers a "virtual object DB" layer that they can use with their object languages to do things faster and more efficiently, and get past the growth and performance obstacles. So I guess my overall opinion is, relational DBs became the defacto DB probably mostly due to how (relatively) easy it was to query a database, and get results back to the one client/app using it. As volumes have grown though, and application complexity is exponentially greater today, I think more developers will decide to bite the bullet, learn the syntax for object DBs (which is actually about as standardized today as relational DBs), and just skip all the middleware and layers that only emulate functionality that one could get natively in an OODBMS. I've seen OODBs that simply get installed on any number of servers, and automatically distributing data as needed, and giving the developer a single view of any size federation of databases... Seems to me the best solution as systems become more distributed, to get a DB that can has native distributed architecture. Anyway, just a thought.

What exactly is NoSQL?

What exactly is NoSQL? Is it database systems that only work with {key:value} pairs?
As far as I know MemCache is one of such database systems, am I right?
What other popular NoSQL databases are there and where exactly are they useful?
Thanks, Boda Cydo.
I'm not agree with the answers I'm seeing, although it's true that NoSQL solutions tends to break the ACID rules, not all are created from that approach.
I think first you should define what is a SQL Solution and then you can put the "Not Only" in front of it, that will be more accurate definition of what is a NoSQL solution.
With this approach in mind:
SQL databases are a way to group all the data stores that are accessible using Structured Query Language as the main (and most of the time only) way to communicate with them, this means it requires that the database support the structures that are common to those systems like "tables", "columns", "rows", "relationships", etc.
Now, put the "Not Only" in front of the last sentence and you will get a definition of what means "NoSQL". NoSQL groups all the stores created as an attempt to solve problems which cannot fit into the table/column/rows structures or even in SQL Statements, in most of the cases these databases will not support relationships, they're abandoning the well known structures just because the problems have changed since their conception.
If you have a text file, and you create an API to store/retrieve/organize this information, then you have a NoSQL database in your hands.
All of these means that there are several solutions to store the information in a way that traditional SQL systems will not allow to achieve better performance, flexibility, etc etc. Every NoSQL provider tries to solve a different problem and that's why you wont be able to compare two different solutions, for example:
djondb is a document store created to be used as
NoSQL enterprise solution supporting transactions, consistency, etc.
but sacrifice performance of its counterparts.
MongoDB is a document store (similar to
djondb) which accomplish great performance but trades some of the
ACID properties to achieve this.
CouchDB is another document store which
solves the queries slightly different providing views to retrieve the
information without doing a full query every time.
As you may have noticed I only talked about the document stores, that's because I wanted to show you that 3 different document stores implementations have different approach, therefore you should keep in mind the golden rule of NoSQL stores "Use the right tool for the right job".
I'm the creator of djondb and I've been doing a lot of research even before trying to start my own NoSQL implementation, but this is a field where the concepts will keep changing the way we see the information storage.
From wikipedia:
NoSQL is an umbrella term for a loosely defined class of non-relational data stores that break with a long history of relational databases and ACID guarantees. Data stores that fall under this term may not require fixed table schemas, and usually avoid join operations. The term was first popularised in early 2009.
The motivation for such an architecture was high scalability, to support sites such as Facebook,, etc...
To quickly get a handle on NoSQL systems, see this blog post I wrote: Visual Guide to NoSQL Systems. Essentially, NoSQL systems sacrifice either consistency or availability in favor of tolerance to network partitions.
What is NoSQL ?
NoSQL is the acronym for Not Only SQL. The basic qualities of NoSQL databases are schemaless, distributed and horizontally scalable on commodity hardware. The NoSQL databases offers variety of functions to solve various problems with variety of data types, where “blob” used to be the only data type in RDBMS to store unstructured data.
1 Dynamic Schema
NoSQL databases allows schema to be flexible. New columns can be added anytime. Rows may or may not have values for those columns and no strict enforcement of data types for columns. This flexibility is handy for developers, especially when they expect frequent changes during the course of product life cycle.
2 Variety of Data
NoSQL databases support any type of data. It supports structured, semi-structured and unstructured data to be stored. Its supports logs, images files, videos, graphs, jpegs, JSON, XML to be stored and operated as it is without any pre-processing. So it reduces the need for ETL (Extract – Transform – Load).
3 High Availability Cluster
NoSQL databases support distributed storage using commodity hardware. It also supports high availability by horizontal scalability. This features enables NoSQL databases get the benefit of elastic nature of the Cloud infrastructure services.
4 Open Source
NoSQL databases are open source software. The usage of software is free and most of them are free to use in commercial products. The open sources codebase can be modified to solve the business needs. There are minor variations in the open source software licenses, users must be aware of license agreements.
5 NoSQL – Not Only SQL
NoSQL databases not only depend SQL to retrieve data. They provide rich API interfaces to perform DML and CRUD operations. These are APIs are move developer friendly and supported in variety of programming languages.
Take a look at these:
and this:
I used something called the Raima Data Manager more than a dozen years ago, that qualifies as NoSQL. It calls itself a "Set Oriented Database" Its not based on tables, and there is no query "language", just an C API for asking for subsets.
It's fast and easier to work with in C/C++ and SQL, there's no building up strings to pass to a query interpreter and the data comes back as an enumerable object rather than as an array. variable sized records are normal and don't waste space. I never saw the source code, but there were some hints at the interface that internally, the code used pointers a lot.
I'm not sure that the product I used is even sold anymore, but the company is still around.
MongoDB looks interesting, SourceForge is now using it.
I listened to a podcast with a team member. The idea with NoSQL isn't so much to replace SQL as it is to provide a solution for problems that aren't solved well with traditional RDBMS. As mentioned elsewhere, they are faster and scale better at the cost of reliability and atomicity (different solutions to different degrees). You wouldn't want to use one for a financial system, but a document based system would work great.
Here is a comprehensive list of NoSQL Databases:
I'm glad that you have had success with RDM John! I work at Raima so it's great to hear feedback. For those looking for more information, here are a couple of resources:
Video Overview of RDM's General Architecture
Free Evaluation Download of RDM

What are the pros and cons of object databases?

There is a lot of information out there on object-relational mappers and how to best avoid impedance mismatch, all of which seem to be moot points if one were to use an object database. My question is why isn't this used more frequently? Is it because of performance reasons or because object databases cause your data to become proprietary to your application or is it due to something else?
Familiarity. The administrators of databases know relational concepts; object ones, not so much.
Performance. Relational databases have been proven to scale far better.
Maturity. SQL is a powerful, long-developed language.
Vendor support. You can pick between many more first-party (SQL servers) and third-party (administrative interfaces, mappings and other kinds of integration) tools than is the case with OODBMSs.
Naturally, the object-oriented model is more familiar to the developer, and, as you point out, would spare one of ORM. But thus far, the relational model has proven to be the more workable option.
See also the recent question, Object Orientated vs Relational Databases.
I've been using db4o which is an OODB and it solves most of the cons listed:
Familiarity - Programmers know their language better then SQL (see Native queries)
Performance - this one is highly subjective but you can take a look at PolePosition
Vendor support and maturity - can change over time
Cannot be used by programs that don't also use the same framework - There are OODB standards and you can use different frameworks
Versioning is probably a bit of a bitch - Versioning is actually easier!
The pros I'm interested in are:
Native queries - Db4o lets you write queries in your static typed language so you don't have to worry about mistyping a string and finding data missing at runtime,
Ease of use - Defining buissiness logic in the domain layer, persistence layer (mapping) and finally the SQL database is certainly violation of DRY. With OODB you define your domain where it belongs.
I agree - OODB have a long way to go but they are going. And there are domain problems out there that are better solved by OODB,
One objection to object databases is that it creates a tight coupling between the data and your code. For certain apps this may be OK, but not for others. One nice thing that a relational database gives you is the possibility to put many views on your data.
Ted Neward explains this and a lot more about OODBMSs a lot better than this.
It has nothing to do with performance. That is to say, basically all applications would perform better with an OODB. But that would also put lots of DBA's out of work/having to learn a new technology. Even more people would be out of work correcting errors in the data. That's unlikely to make OODBs popular with established companies. Gavin seems to be totally clueless, a better link would be Kirk
Cannot be used by programs that
don't also use the same framework
for accessing the data store, making
it more difficult to use across the
Less resources available online for
non SQL-based database
No compatibility across database
types (can't swap to a different db
provider without changing all the
Versioning is probably a bit of a
bitch. I'd guess adding a new
property to an object isn't quite as
easy as adding a new column to a
All of the reasons you stated are valid, but I see the problem with OODBMS is the logical data model. The object-model (or rather the network model of the 70s) is not as simple as the relational one, and is therefore inferior.
jodonnel, i dont' see how use of object databases couples application code to the data. You can still abstract your application from the OODB through using a Repository pattern and replace with an ORM backed SQL database if you design things properly.
For an OO application, an OO database will provide a more natural fit for persisting objects.
What's probably true is that you tie your data to your domain model, but then that's the crux!
Wouldn't it be good to have a single way of looking at both data, business rules and processes using a domain centric view?
So, a big pro is that an OODB matches how most modern, enterprise level object orientated software applications are designed, there is no extra effort to design a data layer using a different (relational) design. Cheaper to build and maintain, and in many cases general higher performance.
Cons, just general lack of maturity and adoption i reckon...
