React Redux REST API - when to reload data into application - reactjs

I am currently working on a MERN stack application with a React Redux front end. It is an job management system with a calendar showing booked in jobs/events.
I have a question regarding best practices around making API calls and loading data into my app. The database is small scale at the moment so a small amount of data is loaded into my Redux store.
When is best to make GET requests to load my data into my app and handle changes made by other clients? Do I load all data on each page load? Is there a cleaner/more efficient way to do this?
Any help/guidance is much appreciated, thank you

From my personal experience, I believe that if your application will be accessed by different users simultaneously, you could GET the calendar data when a user first accesses his calendar and whenever the user is going to add a new job/event. This way he has access to the latest data before creating a new event. Also when creating an event, if the API returns an error because there is a collision between events you can update the data on the FE. This would be a lazy approach and it wouldn't keep the calendar constantly updated.
If you need data to be fresh you could also set a timer and execute GETs periodically.


What's the Best way to Reduce Mobile Data Usage in React and React-Native Apps

Data usage really matters for my targeted users. So, I am looking for an APPROACH that'll help me reduce the number of data fetching during react rerender cycles in React and React-native App.
Let's say I have a page that renders all the Items fetched from an API. Since the API's data can be updated at anytime, I am obliged to re-call the API whenever the user displays this page.
IS THERE ANY WAY FOR ME TO KNOW THAT THE DATA HAS BEEN UPDATED WITHOUT BEING OBIGED TO RECALL THE API?? Because I think that the less HTTP requests I send the less mobile data I consume (Maybe I am wrong... I don't know)
I thought of implementing a solution with Redux and :
I wanted to prepare an event called data-updated that will be managed by and whenever one of the users performs an action that updates the item lits (The API data), the data-updated event will be triggered and all the connected users will be notified. Then in the data-updated event handler I will update the item list state slice in the redux store.
My worry is that since keeps the connection between users and the server alive during the whole session, Won't this approach consume even more Mobile data than recalling the server at any rendering??
You can proceed with graphql with mutations and its caching mechanism, its pretty cool and if I mention if it is handled efficiently you can run your application in 2g network also with speed. Checkout its usage and advantages over REST you gonna love it.
Another way is by using redisCache but personally I've not used it though you can check.
You can use React-query lib for data fetching, updating, caching can read more about it but read its docs.

React fetch data every time page reloads

I am making a react SPA application, atm I'm using fetch every time page loads, I would like to know if it's better to store such data(for example: user data) in Local Storage and if yes, what if some data in the backend DB changes?
Sorry if there are similar questions, I just couldn't find them,
Store user data after fetching from server in local storage is good solution that I have used before.
Use React-Query
For update user data after that updated in DB I recommend using a swr approach packages like react-query which sync your local data with server immediately.

How should redux store be used in large react applications?

I'm currently building an e-commerce react application, where users can sell pre owned stuff to each other. A typical workflow from a user perspective for creating and managing ads can look like this: A user creates an Ad -> The Ad is uploaded to a database -> The user fetches his ads from a database and views them in a list -> He decide to change something in an Ad, clicks it and gets a form with the ad data (fetched from database) that can be edited.
My problem here is that I'm really confused about what to keep in redux? The purpose of redux is to simplify data flow, data that is needed in multiple components should be stored there. But if I always fetch the data i need from database (as for example when a user fetch a list of his ads or the ad data that can be edited), isn't redux just an unnecessary step then?
I want to be consistent throughout my code about how I'm fetching data. Right now I've been using redux to store all my data fetched from database, keeping all my API calls in different actions. The data fetching however get really troublesome when it comes to fetching data from the database that then should be editable by the user. To make fetched data editable, it has to be stored in the components local state, so storing the data both in redux and local state feels very inconvenient.
I've searched the web for specific guidelines for the but I'm not getting any wiser. To be honest I don't think I've understood how to use redux properly. I would be really grateful for some advice on this matter.
Primarily its used for application state management. You need to consider your usecase and yourself simple questions i.e
Do you need that state for rest of the applications?
Will other components get affected by these states?
How often your data will
Are there other users using the same data and can update it?
Do you need to cache the data to prevent refetching?
The view built on top of it is a reflection of that state, but does not have to exclusively use that state container for everything it does.
For example, in your case, you will need to keep your api's responses into redux state if you want to pass that state to other components and you dont want to do the same API call again and again.
But, if your data changes so often and you need refreshed data everytime you should not keep it in the redux. Otherwise you will end up having stale data on different screens.
Note :
There could also be other possibilities that can be consider but this is some very basic info that I thought will be useful for you to take a decision

Server data change in Single Page Application

I am creating a SPA using react-redux and dot net core web api.
I am calling get data in the componentDidMount. I have search functionality as well to implement. So i can do a real time search or search in the redux state that we fetched previously.
Is there any way for the application to be notified about any data changes on the server so that the state data can be up to date?
What is the best approach for such scenario. I need to implement ticketing system as where tickets needs to be updated so that if a ticket is picked up by one user, it should not be visible to other user.

React / Flux - fetch all data after every update/add/remove

I'm learning React and Flux and there's something that bothers me about all the examples I've seen so far.
They all are pretty much a CRUD UI.
In them, they always fetch all the data after every change (update/add/delete etc.)
So let's say, we have a todo app, and the user added a new todo item.
In a response, the store will get an action, call some API in the server to add the item and then fetch all the items again.
Isn't that expensive?
I understand why it makes things simpler which is good. But, why not add the item to the store's state. I understand this makes it so you always have the keep the store and the data in the server synced like that but it's not as expensive.
One solution I saw was pagination but in the example they would still get all the items for the new page every time a user changes it.
Why always fetch all the data?
If we use pagination - would we get the new page from the server every time a user changes pages?
It is not necessary to get data after every change. In the apps that I have built, I have always changed the store rather than get all data.
In only one project which involved DreamFactory API, we used to refresh the model (only that model/item) after an update. That was necessary because DreamFactory API pulls all the related data in a single call.
