Searching for another way of displaying object of object in Mongodb - database

I have data that looks like:
'_id': ObjectId('589ba2fb2742a35b47dad21c'),
'name': 'Iphone7',
'price': 14500,
'category': 'Phone',
'vendor': 'Apple',
'stock': [
'quantity': 10,
'_id': ObjectId('589ba2fb2742a35b47dad21d'),
'name': 'Samaung TV',
'price': 6500,
'category': 'TV',
'vendor': {
'name': 'Samaung',
'phone': '01061202200',
'stock': [
'quantity': 5,
I could get second "vendor" which contain phone as like:
db.products.find({"": {"$exists": true}}).pretty()
I'm searching for any other way to do get only the vendor that contains "phone" value. I'm new to mongo. thanks in advance.

I would argue $exists is the best. However if for some case you insist not to do so you could use $type to only find documents where is of a certain type.
Under the assumption that all phone numbers are type string you could use this query:
"": {
$type: 2
If can be multiple types you'll have to use an $or query to cover all those types like so: (in this example types 1 and 2 represent number and string)
$or: [
"": {
$type: 1
"": {
$type: 2
Mongo Playground


How to use $getfield to get a field from ROOT Document with condition in Aggregation Mongodb

I'm starting to learn Aggregate in MongoDB. I have a simple Doc as below, which has 2 fields, name and examScores, examScores is an array contains multiplier documents:
{ _id: ObjectId("633199db009be219a43ae426"),
name: 'Max',
[ { difficulty: 4, score: 57.9 },
{ difficulty: 6, score: 62.1 },
{ difficulty: 3, score: 88.5 } ] }
{ _id: ObjectId("633199db009be219a43ae427"),
name: 'Manu',
[ { difficulty: 7, score: 52.1 },
{ difficulty: 2, score: 74.3 },
{ difficulty: 5, score: 53.1 } ] }
Now I query the maximum score of each person using $unwind and $group/$max as below:
{$unwind: "$examScores"},
{$group: {_id: {name: "$name"}, maxScore: {$max: "$examScores.score"}}}
{ _id: { name: 'Max' }, maxScore: 88.5 }
{ _id: { name: 'Manu' }, maxScore: 74.3 }
But I want the result also contains the examScores.difficulty field corresponding to name and examScores.score, like below:
{ _id: { name: 'Max' }, difficulty: 3, maxScore: 88.5 }
{ _id: { name: 'Manu' }, difficulty: 2, maxScore: 74.3 }
I know that I can use $sort + $group and $first to achieve this goal. But I want to use $getField or any other methods to get data from ROOT Doc.
My idea is use $project and $getField to get the difficulty field from ROOT doc (or $unwind version of ROOT doc) with the condition like = and Root.examScores.score = Aggregate.maxScore.
It will look something like this:
{name: 1,
maxScore: 1,
{$getField: {
field: "$examScores.difficulty"
input: "$$ROOT.$unwind() with condition/filter"}
I wonder if this is possible in MongoDB?
Solution 1
$group - Group by name. You need $push to add the $$ROOT document into data array.
$project - Set the difficulty field by getting the value of examScores.difficulty from the first item of the filtered data array by matching the examScores.score with maxScore.
$unwind: "$examScores"
$group: {
_id: {
name: "$name"
maxScore: {
$max: "$examScores.score"
data: {
$push: "$$ROOT"
$project: {
_id: 0,
name: "$",
maxScore: 1,
difficulty: {
$getField: {
field: "difficulty",
input: {
$getField: {
field: "examScores",
input: {
$first: {
$filter: {
input: "$data",
cond: {
$eq: [
Demo Solution 1 # Mongo Playground
Solution 2: $rank
$rank - Ranking by partition name and sort examScores.score descending.
$match - Filter the document with { rank: 1 }.
$unset - Remove rank field.
$unwind: "$examScores"
$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: "$name",
sortBy: {
"examScores.score": -1
output: {
rank: {
$rank: {}
$match: {
rank: 1
$unset: "rank"
Demo Solution 2 # Mongo Playground
Opinion: I would say this approach:
$sort by examScores.score descending
$group by name, take the first document
would be much easier.
There's no need to $unwind and then rebuild the documents again via $group to achieve your desired results. I'd recommend avoiding that altogether.
Instead, consider processing the arrays inline using array expression operators. Depending on the version and exact results you are looking for, here are two starting points that may be worth considering. In particular the $maxN operator and the $sortArray operator may be of interest for this particular question.
You can get a sense for what these two operators do by running an $addFields aggregation to see their output, playground here.
With those as a starting point, it's really up to you to make the pipeline output the desired result. Here is one such example that matches the output you described in the question pretty well (playground):
"$addFields": {
"relevantEntry": {
$first: {
$sortArray: {
input: "$examScores",
sortBy: {
"score": -1
"$project": {
_id: 0,
name: 1,
difficulty: "$relevantEntry.difficulty",
maxScore: "$relevantEntry.score"
Which yields:
"difficulty": 3,
"maxScore": 88.5,
"name": "Max"
"difficulty": 2,
"maxScore": 74.3,
"name": "Manu"
Also worth noting that this particular approach doesn't do anything special if there are duplicates. You could look into using $filter if something more was needed in that regard.

Update nested subdocuments in MongoDB with arrayFilters

I need to modify a document inside an array that is inside another array.
I know MongoDB doesn't support multiple '$' to iterate on multiple arrays at the same time, but they introduced arrayFilters for that.
MongoDB's sample code:
db.coll.update({}, {$set: {“a.$[i].c.$[j].d”: 2}}, {arrayFilters: [{“i.b”: 0}, {“j.d”: 0}]})
Input: {a: [{b: 0, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}, {b: 1, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}]}
Output: {a: [{b: 0, c: [{d: 2}, {d: 1}]}, {b: 1, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}]}
Here's how the documents are set:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8b7e0ce3444f8ec5bd7"),
"name" : "support",
"contactTypes" : {
"nonWorkingHours" : [],
"workingHours" : []
"workingDays" : [],
"people" : [
"enabled" : true,
"level" : "1",
"name" : "Someone",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"),
"contacts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"),
"retries" : "1",
"priority" : "1",
"type" : "email",
"data" : ""
"__v" : 0
Here's the schema:
const ContactSchema = new Schema({
data: String,
type: String,
priority: String,
retries: String
const PersonSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
level: String,
priority: String,
enabled: Boolean,
contacts: [ContactSchema]
const GroupSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
people: [PersonSchema],
workingHours: { start: String, end: String },
workingDays: [Number],
contactTypes: { workingHours: [String], nonWorkingHours: [String] }
I need to update a contact. This is what I tried using arrayFilters:
{'$set': {'people.$[i].contacts.$[j].data': 'new data'}},
{arrayFilters: [
{'i._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.personId)},
{'j._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.contactId)}]},
function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
The document is never updated and I get this response:
"ok": 0,
"n": 0,
"nModified": 0
What am I doing wrong?
So the arrayFilters option with positional filtered $[<identifier>] does actually work properly with the development release series since MongoDB 3.5.12 and also in the current release candidates for the MongoDB 3.6 series, where this will actually be officially released. The only problem is of course is that the "drivers" in use have not actually caught up to this yet.
Re-iterating the same content I have already placed on Updating a Nested Array with MongoDB:
NOTE Somewhat ironically, since this is specified in the "options" argument for .update() and like methods, the syntax is generally compatible with all recent release driver versions.
However this is not true of the mongo shell, since the way the method is implemented there ( "ironically for backward compatibility" ) the arrayFilters argument is not recognized and removed by an internal method that parses the options in order to deliver "backward compatibility" with prior MongoDB server versions and a "legacy" .update() API call syntax.
So if you want to use the command in the mongo shell or other "shell based" products ( notably Robo 3T ) you need a latest version from either the development branch or production release as of 3.6 or greater.
All this means is that the current "driver" implementation of .update() actually "removes" the necessary arguments with the definition of arrayFilters. For NodeJS this will be addressed in the 3.x release series of the driver, and of course "mongoose" will then likely take some time after that release to implement it's own dependencies on the updated driver, which would then no longer "strip" such actions.
You can however still run this on a supported server instance, by dropping back to the basic "update command" syntax usage, since this bypassed the implemented driver method:
const mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
const uri = 'mongodb://localhost/test',
options = { useMongoClient: true };
const contactSchema = new Schema({
data: String,
type: String,
priority: String,
retries: String
const personSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
level: String,
priority: String,
enabled: Boolean,
contacts: [contactSchema]
const groupSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
people: [personSchema],
workingHours: { start: String, end: String },
workingDays: { type: [Number], default: undefined },
contactTypes: {
workingHours: { type: [String], default: undefined },
contactTypes: { type: [String], default: undefined }
const Group = mongoose.model('Group', groupSchema);
function log(data) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2))
(async function() {
try {
const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri,options);
// Clean data
await Promise.all(
Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k,m]) => m.remove() )
// Create sample
await Group.create({
name: "support",
people: [
"_id": ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"),
"enabled": true,
"level": "1",
"name": "Someone",
"contacts": [
"type": "email",
"data": ""
"_id": ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"),
"retries": "1",
"priority": "1",
"type": "email",
"data": ""
let result = await conn.db.command({
"updates": [
"q": {},
"u": { "$set": { "people.$[i].contacts.$[j].data": "new data" } },
"multi": true,
"arrayFilters": [
{ "i._id": ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8") },
{ "j._id": ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda") }
let group = await Group.findOne();
} catch(e) {
} finally {
Since that sends the "command" directly through to the server, we see the expected update does in fact take place:
Mongoose: groups.remove({}, {})
Mongoose: groups.insert({ name: 'support', _id: ObjectId("5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e4"), people: [ { _id: ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"), enabled: true, level: '1', name: 'Someone', contacts: [ { type: 'email', data: '', _id: ObjectId("5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e5") }, { _id: ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"), retries: '1', priority: '1', type: 'email', data: '' } ] } ], __v: 0 })
{ n: 1,
nModified: 1,
{ ts: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
t: 24 },
electionId: 7fffffff0000000000000018,
ok: 1,
operationTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
{ clusterTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
signature: { hash: [Object], keyId: 0 } } }
Mongoose: groups.findOne({}, { fields: {} })
"_id": "5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e4",
"name": "support",
"__v": 0,
"people": [
"_id": "5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8",
"enabled": true,
"level": "1",
"name": "Someone",
"contacts": [
"type": "email",
"data": "",
"_id": "5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e5"
"_id": "5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda",
"retries": "1",
"priority": "1",
"type": "email",
"data": "new data" // <-- updated here
So right "now"[1] the drivers available "off the shelf" don't actually implement .update() or it's other implementing counterparts in a way that is compatible with actually passing through the necessary arrayFilters argument. So if you are "playing with" a development series or release candiate server, then you really should be prepared to be working with the "bleeding edge" and unreleased drivers as well.
But you can actually do this as demonstrated in any driver, in the correct form where the command being issued is not going to be altered.
[1] As of writing on November 11th 2017 there is no "official" release of MongoDB or the supported drivers that actually implement this. Production usage should be based on official releases of the server and supported drivers only.
I had a similar use case. But my second level nested array doesn't have a key. While most examples out there showcase an example with arrays having a key like this:
"id": 1,
"items": [
"name": "Product 1",
"colors": ["yellow", "blue", "black"]
My use case is like this, without the key:
"colors": [
I managed to use the arrayfilters by ommiting the label of the first level of the array nest. Example document:
"steps": [
"actionType": "dispatch",
"payload": {
"vehicle": {
"name": "Livestock Truck",
"type": "road",
"thirdParty": true
"actionType": "dispatch",
"payload": {
"vehicle": {
"name": "Airplane",
"type": "air",
"thirdParty": true
"actionType": "store",
"payload": {
"company": "Company A",
"is_supplier": false
"actionType": "sell",
"payload": {
"reseller": "Company B",
"is_supplier": false
In my case, I want to:
Find all documents that have any steps with payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true and actionType=dispatch
Update the actions set payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true only for the actions that have actionType=dispatch.
My first approach was withour arrayfilters. But it would create the property payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true inside the steps with actionType store and sell.
The final query that updated the properties only inside the steps with actionType=dispatch:
Mongo Shell:
{"steps": {"$elemMatch": {"$elemMatch": {"payload.vehicle.thirdParty": true, "actionType": "dispatch"}}}},
{"$set": {"steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty": false}},
{"arrayFilters": [ { "i.actionType": "dispatch" } ], multi: true}
query = {
"steps": {"$elemMatch": {"$elemMatch": {"payload.vehicle.thirdParty": True, "actionType": "dispatch"}}}
update_statement = {
"$set": {
"steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty": False
array_filters = [
{ "i.actionType": "dispatch" }
NOTE that I'm omitting the label on the first array at the update statement steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty. Most examples out there will use both labels because their objects have a key for the array. I took me some time to figure that out.

How can I omit elements from arrays inside nested documents with mongo?

I have the following structure for a collection in MongoDB
'_id': 45
'tags': [ 'tag 1', 'tag 3' ]
'active': true
'fields': [
{ 'name': 'common field 1', 'type': 'text', 'value': 'some text', ... },
{ 'name': 'common field 2', ... },
{ 'name': 'multivalued field 1',
'type': 'multifield',
'valueCount': 5,
'value': [
{ 'name': 'subfield1', ..., 'value': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]},
{ 'name': 'subfield2', ..., 'value': ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five"]},
{ 'name': 'subfield3', ..., 'value': ["here", "there", "", "", ""]}
], ... }
and I am trying to implement projection in my API: for example, if the user requests
api/collection/?fields=id,fields{common field 2, multifield{subfield1}}
The result should be
'_id': 45
'fields': [
{ 'name': 'common field 1', 'type': 'text', 'value': 'some text', ... },
{ 'name': 'multivalued field 1',
'type': 'multifield',
'valueCount': 5,
'value': [
{ 'name': 'subfield1', ..., 'value': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]},
], ... }
Since the 'fields' names are not actual keys, I cannot use mongo projection, say
db.collection.find({},{_id: 1, tags: 1, fields.'common field 1': 1})
So I must instead search within the array for the fields whose "name" property matches my projection parameter. I achieved that for the first level array with aggregation and $redact, as suggested in this answer
{ $match: {}},
$project: {_id :1, fields: 1}
{ $redact : {
$cond: {
if: { $or : [{ $not : "$name" }, { $eq: ["$name", "common field 1"] }]},
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
However, I cannot use $redact to select subfields from the inner arrays in multivalued fields. The $or parameters would have to be something like
[{ $not : "$name" }, { $eq: ["$name", "common field 1"] }, { $eq: ["$name", "subfield1"] }]
which means a first level field with the same name of the subfield specified would also pass.
After upgrading MongoDB to 3.2, I attempted the $filter solution in this answer, which also works fine for the first level array:
{$project: {
fields: {$filter: {
input: '$fields',
as: 'field',
cond: {$eq: ['$$', 'multivalued field 1']}
but I couldn't find a way to use it "nested" and filter the second level array items. Adding {$eq: ['$$', 'subfield1']} doesn't work.
Last, I tried the $map solution presented here
{ "$project": {
"_id": 1,
"fields": {
"$map": {
"input": "$fields",
"as": "f",
"in": {
"$ifNull": [
"name": "$multivalued field 1",
"type": "$multifield", //attempt to restrict search to fields with arrays as values
"value": {
"$map": {
"input": "$$f.value",
"as": "v",
"in": {
"$ifNull": [
{ "name": "$subfield1"},
But this one won't work because the "value" property of each "fields" item is not necessarily an array, and when it isn't the whole query fails.
I'm about to give up and mask the results in JS. Is there a good solution for that with Mongo?
Is there a typo in your sample request. As you're querying for documents with
fields where name is "common field 2" but you're expecting "common field 1" in your response.
Also instead of making this so complex, you can simply use the aggregation pipeline and proceed in the following manner:
First $unwind on the fields array.
Then $match fields where = "common field 1" and type = "multifield".
Then $unwind on the value array.
Finally $match the fields where = "subfield1"
Something like this :
{ $unwind: "$fields" },
{ $match: { "": "common field 1", "fields.type": "multifield" } },
{ $unwind: "$fields.value" },
{ $match: { "": "subfield1" } }

Finding the highest value of object's field with specified _id in array of objects in mongodb

I am new to mongodb. I am doing simple application that uses this database. Here is my doctors collection structure:
_id: 1,
name: "David",
specialisation: "dentist",
description: "Super dentist",
treatments: [
_id: 0,
price: 2200
_id: 2,
price: 200
_id: 5,
price: 2500
_id: 8,
price: 3200
_id: 13,
price: 2050
hospitals: [1, 2, 8, 5, 20]
_id: 2,
name: "John",
specialisation: "dentist",
description: "Super dentist",
treatments: [
_id: 2,
price: 2500
hospitals: [1]
What I want to do, is to get the max value of a treatment with specified id of all doctors in collection. For example in this case if I want to check treatment with _id = 2 it should return 2500, as it is written in John's object.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Named ur collection as stack
try this
db.stack.aggregate([ {$project:{"treatments._id":1, "treatments.price":1}},
{$sort:{"treatments.price":-1}}, {$limit:1} ]);
result: { "_id" : 2, "treatments" : { "_id" : 2, "price" : 2500 } }

MongoDB Find Exact Array Match but order doesn't matter

I am querying for finding exact array match and retrieved it successfully but when I try to find out the exact array with values in different order then it get fails.
2nd Document Retrieved Successfully
Showing Nothing
Please help
The currently accepted answer does NOT ensure an exact match on your array, just that the size is identical and that the array shares at least one item with the query array.
For example, the query
db.coll.find({ "hobbies": { "$size" : 2, "$in": [ "2", "1", "5", "hamburger" ] } });
would still return the user kaushik in that case.
What you need to do for an exact match is to combine $size with $all, like so:
db.coll.find({ "hobbies": { "$size" : 2, "$all": [ "2", "1" ] } });
But be aware that this can be a very expensive operation, depending on your amount and structure of data.
Since MongoDB keeps the order of inserted arrays stable, you might fare better with ensuring arrays to be in a sorted order when inserting to the DB, so that you may rely on a static order when querying.
To match the array field exactly Mongo provides $eq operator which can be operated over an array also like a value.
db.collection.find({ "hobbies": {$eq: [ "singing", "Music" ] }});
Also $eq checks the order in which you specify the elements.
If you use below query:
db.coll.find({ "hobbies": { "$size" : 2, "$all": [ "2", "1" ] } });
Then the exact match will not be returned. Suppose you query:
db.coll.find({ "hobbies": { "$size" : 2, "$all": [ "2", "2" ] } });
This query will return all documents having an element 2 and has size 2 (e.g. it will also return the document having hobies :[2,1]).
Mongodb filter by exactly array elements without regard to order or specified order.
// Insert data
{ item: "journal", qty: 25, tags: ["blank", "red"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ] },
{ item: "notebook", qty: 50, tags: ["red", "blank"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ] },
{ item: "paper", qty: 100, tags: ["red", "blank", "plain"], dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ] },
{ item: "planner", qty: 75, tags: ["blank", "red"], dim_cm: [ 22.85, 30 ] },
{ item: "postcard", qty: 45, tags: ["blue"], dim_cm: [ 10, 15.25 ] }
// Query 1: filter by exactly array elements without regard to order
db.inventory.find({ "tags": { "$size" : 2, "$all": [ "red", "blank" ] } });
// result:
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e02"),
item: 'journal',
qty: 25,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ]
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e03"),
item: 'notebook',
qty: 50,
tags: [ 'red', 'blank' ],
dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ]
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e05"),
item: 'planner',
qty: 75,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 22.85, 30 ]
// Query 2: filter by exactly array elements in the specified order
db.inventory.find( { tags: ["blank", "red"] } )
// result:
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e02"),
item: 'journal',
qty: 25,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ]
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e05"),
item: 'planner',
qty: 75,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 22.85, 30 ]
// Query 3: filter by an array that contains both the elements without regard to order or other elements in the array
db.inventory.find( { tags: { $all: ["red", "blank"] } } )
// result:
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e02"),
item: 'journal',
qty: 25,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ]
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e03"),
item: 'notebook',
qty: 50,
tags: [ 'red', 'blank' ],
dim_cm: [ 14, 21 ]
_id: ObjectId("6179333c97a0f2eeb98a6e05"),
item: 'planner',
qty: 75,
tags: [ 'blank', 'red' ],
dim_cm: [ 22.85, 30 ]
This query will find exact array with any order.
let query = {$or: [
with $all we can achieve this.
Query : {cast:{$all:["James J. Corbett","George Bickel"]}}
Output : cast : ["George Bickel","Emma Carus","George M. Cohan","James J. Corbett"]
Using aggregate this is how I got mine proficient and faster:
{$unwind: "$array"},
$match: {
"array.field" : "value"
You can then unwind it again for making it flat array and then do grouping on it.
This question is rather old, but I was pinged because another answer shows that the accepted answer isn't sufficient for arrays containing duplicate values, so let's fix that.
Since we have a fundamental underlying limitation with what queries are capable of doing, we need to avoid these hacky, error-prone array intersections. The best way to check if two arrays contain an identical set of values without performing an explicit count of each value is to sort both of the arrays we want to compare and then compare the sorted versions of those arrays. Since MongoDB does not support an array sort to the best of my knowledge, we will need to rely on aggregation to emulate the behavior we want:
// Note: make sure the target_hobbies array is sorted!
var target_hobbies = [1, 2];
{ // Limits the initial pipeline size to only possible candidates.
$match: {
hobbies: {
$size: target_hobbies.length,
$all: target_hobbies
{ // Split the hobbies array into individual array elements.
$unwind: "$hobbies"
{ // Sort the elements into ascending order (do 'hobbies: -1' for descending).
$sort: {
_id: 1,
hobbies: 1
{ // Insert all of the elements back into their respective arrays.
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
__MY_ROOT: { $first: "$$ROOT" }, // Aids in preserving the other fields.
hobbies: {
$push: "$hobbies"
{ // Replaces the root document in the pipeline with the original stored in __MY_ROOT, with the sorted hobbies array applied on top of it.
// Not strictly necessary, but helpful to have available if desired and much easier than a bunch of 'fieldName: {$first: "$fieldName"}' entries in our $group operation.
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
$mergeObjects: [
hobbies: "$hobbies"
{ // Now that the pipeline contains documents with hobbies arrays in ascending sort order, we can simply perform an exact match using the sorted target_hobbies.
$match: {
hobbies: target_hobbies
I cannot speak for the performance of this query, and it may very well cause the pipeline to become too large if there are too many initial candidate documents. If you're working with large data sets, then once again, do as the currently accepted answer states and insert array elements in sorted order. By doing so you can perform static array matches, which will be far more efficient since they can be properly indexed and will not be limited by the pipeline size limitation of the aggregation framework. But for a stopgap, this should ensure a greater level of accuracy.
