What is the issue with my code? It only passes 6 of my testcases and I am sure I am making some mistake but I am not able to figure it out. Also if someone could help me understand the space and time complexity of this code I would be more than grateful. Thank You.
def arrayManipulation(n, queries):
arr = [0]*(n+2)
for q in queries:
a = q[0]
b = q[1]
k = q[-1]
arr[a] += k
arr[b+1] -= k
max_sum = temp = 0
for i in arr:
temp += i
max_sum = max(max_sum,temp)
return max_sum
if __name__ == '__main__':
fptr = open(os.environ['OUTPUT_PATH'], 'w')
nm = input().split()
n = int(nm[0])
m = int(nm[1])
queries = []
for _ in range(m):
queries.append(list(map(int, input().rstrip().split())))
result = arrayManipulation(n, queries)
fptr.write(str(result) + '\n')
The problem is within following part of your code:
max_sum = temp = 0
for i in arr:
temp += i
max_sum = max(max_sum,temp)
return max_sum
max_sum and temp are both integer type which can only handle number up to 2147483647 before overflow. But the question specify that k is within range of 0 to 10^9, when those number adds up it will easily overflow. Try to use long instead of int.
LeetCode Easy 88 Merge Sorted Array
Given two sorted integer arrays nums1 and nums2, merge nums2 into nums1 as one sorted array.
You may assume that nums1 has enough space (size that is greater or equal to m + n) to hold additionalelements from nums2. The number of elements initialized in nums1 and nums2 are m and n respectively.
I got an error which I have commented in my code. I have printed the index2 and index3, both they are zero.They should be legal. Why I got this error?
Any help, I appreciate it. Thank you so much for your time!
class Solution
func merge(inout nums1:[Int], _ m: Int, _ nums2:[Int], _ n: Int)
var index1 = m - 1
var index2 = n - 1
var index3 = m + n - 1
while index2 >= 0 && index1 >= 0
if nums1[index1] > nums2[index2]
nums1[index3] = nums1[index1]
index3 -= 1
index1 -= 1
nums1[index3] = nums2[index2]
index3 -= 1
index2 -= 1
while index2 >= 0
nums1[index3] = nums2[index2] // fatal error: Index out of range
index3 -= 1
index2 -= 1
let test1 = Solution()
var haha = [Int]()
haha = []
test1.merge(&haha,0, [1],1)
Your variable nums1 is a 0-element array. So there isn't space for you to make the assignment. That is, index3=0 and you're using that to point to the first element of nums1, but there is not first element.
If, for example, you change:
haha = []
haha = [0]
then your the array nums1 will have a 0-th element inside the method.
I've been trying to complete this exercise on hackerrank in time.
But my following Haskell solution fails on test case 13 to 15 due to time out.
My Haskell solution
import Data.Vector(Vector(..),fromList,(!),(//),toList)
import Data.Vector.Mutable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString(..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Prelude hiding (length)
readInt' = fst . fromJust . L.readInt
toB [] = mempty
toB (x:xs) = string8 (show x) <> string8 " " <> toB xs
main = do
[firstLine, secondLine] <- L.lines <$> L.getContents
let [n,k] = map readInt' $ L.words firstLine
let xs = largestPermutation n k $ fromList $ map readInt' $ Prelude.take n $ L.words secondLine
L.putStrLn $ toLazyByteString $ toB $ toList xs
largestPermutation n k v
| i >= l || k == 0 = v
| n == x = largestPermutation (n-1) k v
| otherwise = largestPermutation (n-1) (k-1) (replaceOne n x (i+1) (V.modify (\v' -> write v' i n) v))
where l = V.length v
i = l - n
x = v!i
replaceOne n x i v
| n == h = V.modify (\v' -> write v' i x ) v
| otherwise = replaceOne n x (i+1) v
where h = v!i
Most optimal solution that I've found constantly updates 2 arrays. One array being the main target, and other array being for fast index look ups.
Better Java solution
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
int n = input.nextInt();
int k = input.nextInt();
int[] a = new int[n];
int[] index = new int[n + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
a[i] = input.nextInt();
index[a[i]] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < n && k > 0; i++) {
if (a[i] == n - i) {
a[index[n - i]] = a[i];
index[a[i]] = index[n - i];
a[i] = n - i;
index[n - i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
System.out.print(a[i] + " ");
My question is
What's the elegant and fast implementation of this algorithm in Haskell?
Is there a faster way to do this problem than the Java solution?
How should I deal with heavy array update elegantly and yet efficiently in Haskell in general?
One optimization you can do to mutable arrays is not to use them at all. In particular, the problem you have linked to has a right fold solution.
The idea being that you fold the list and greedily swap the items with the largest value to the right and maintain swaps already made in a Data.Map:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (empty, insert)
solve :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
solve n k xs = foldr go (\_ _ _ -> []) xs n empty k
go x run i m k
-- out of budget to do a swap or no swap necessary
| k == 0 || y == i = y : run (pred i) m k
-- make a swap and record the swap made in the map
| otherwise = i : run (pred i) (insert i y m) (k - 1)
-- find the value current position is swapped with
y = find x
find k = case M.lookup k m of
Just a -> find a
Nothing -> k
In above, run is a function which given the reverse index i, current mapping m and the remaining swap budget k, solves the rest of the list onwards. By reverse index I mean indices of the list in the reverse direction: n, n - 1, ..., 1.
The folding function go, builds the run function at each step by updating values of i, m and k which are passed to the next step. At the end we call this function with initial parameters i = n, m = empty and initial swap budget k.
The recursive search in find can be optimized out by maintaining a reverse map, but this already performs much faster than the java code you have posted.
Edit: Above solution, still pays a logarithmic cost for tree access. Here is an alternative solution using mutable STUArray and monadic fold foldM_, which in fact performs faster than above:
import Control.Monad.ST (ST)
import Control.Monad (foldM_)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray, elems, listArray, array)
import Data.Array.ST (STUArray, readArray, writeArray, runSTUArray, thaw)
-- first 3 args are the scope, which will be curried
swap :: STUArray s Int Int -> STUArray s Int Int -> Int
-> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
swap _ _ _ 0 _ = return 0 -- out of budget to make a swap
swap arr rev n k i = do
xi <- readArray arr i
if xi + i == n + 1
then return k -- no swap necessary
else do -- make a swap, and reduce budget
j <- readArray rev (n + 1 - i)
writeArray rev xi j
writeArray arr j xi
writeArray arr i (n + 1 - i)
return $ pred k
solve :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
solve n k xs = elems $ runSTUArray $ do
arr <- thaw (listArray (1, n) xs :: UArray Int Int)
rev <- thaw (array (1, n) (zip xs [1..]) :: UArray Int Int)
foldM_ (swap arr rev n) k [1..n]
return arr
Not exactly an answer to #2, but there is a left fold solution that requires loading at most ~K values in memory at a time.
Because the problem deals with permutations, we know that 1 through N will appear in the output. If K > 0, at least the first K terms are going to be N, N-1, ... N - K, because we can afford at least K swaps. In addition, we expect some (K/N) digits to be in their optimal position.
This suggests an algorithm:
Initialize a map / dictionary and scan input xs as zip xs [n, n-1..]. For every (x, i), if x \= i, we 'decrement' K and update out dictionary s.t. dct[i] = x. This procedure terminates when K == 0 (out of swaps) or we run out of input (can output {N, N-1, ... 1}).
Next, if we have any more x <- xs we look at each one and print x if x is not in our dictionary or dct[x] otherwise.
The above algorithm can fail to produce an optimal permutation only if our dictionary contains a cycle. In that case, we moved around elements with absolute value >= K using |cycle| swaps. But this means that we moved one element to its original position! So we can always save a swap on every cycle (i.e. increment K).
Finally, this gives the memory efficient algorithm.
Step 0: get N, K
Step 1: Read the input permutation and output {N, N-1, ... N-K-E}, N <- N - K - E, K <- 0, update dict as per above,
where E = number of elements X equal to N - (index of X)
Step 2: remove and count cycles from dict; let cycles = number of cycles; if cycles > 0, let K <- |cycles|, go to step 1,
else go to step 3. We can make this step more efficient by optimizing the dict.
Step 3: Output the rest of the input as is.
The following Python code implements the idea and can be made quite fast if better cycle detection is used. Of course, data better be read in chunks, unlike below.
from collections import deque
n, t = map(int, raw_input().split())
xs = deque(map(int, raw_input().split()))
dct = {}
cycles = True
while cycles:
while t > 0 and xs:
x = xs.popleft()
if x != n:
dct[n] = x
t -= 1
print n,
n -= 1
cycles = False
for k, v in dct.items():
visited = set()
cycle = False
while v in dct:
if v in visited:
cycle = True
v, buf = dct[v], v
dct[buf] = v
if cycle:
cycles = True
for i in visited:
del dct[i]
t += 1
dct[k] = v
while xs:
x = xs.popleft()
print dct.get(x, x),
I have a code that determines prime factors written as:
for i = 2 : N
q = 0;
while N/i == floor(N/i)
N = N/i;
q = q + 1;
if q > 0
if N == 1
However, I want my desired values which are 2, 3 ,47, and 14593 into one single matrix.
How can I do this?
If as it seems your code is in MATLAB, you simply can do this:
fac = [];
for i = 2 : N
q = 0;
while N/i == floor(N/i)
N = N/i;
q = q + 1;
if q > 0
fac=[fac, i];
if N == 1
Did you try to do it yourself on purpose? You could use Matlab's factor function instead,
which gives the same result.
Suppose I have an array of M elements, all numbers, negative or positive or zero.
Can anyone suggest an algorithm to select N elements from the array, such that the sum of these N elements is the smallest possible positive number?
Take this array for example:
Now I have to select any 5 elements such that their sum is the smallest possible positive number.
For i = 1, ..., M:
Let a_i be the ith number in your list of candidates
Let x_i denote whether the ith number is included in your set of N chosen numbers
Then you want to solve the following integer programming problem.
minimize: sum(a_i * x_i)
with respect to: x_i
subject to:
(1) sum(a_i * x_i) >= 0
(2) sum(x_i) = N
(3) x_i in {0, 1}
You can apply an integer program solver "out of the box" to this problem to find the optimal solution or a suboptimal solution with controllable precision.
Integer programming
Explanation of branch-and-bound integer program solver
If you want to find the best possible solution, you can simply use brute force ie. try all posible combinations of fiwe numbers.
Something like this very quick and dirty algorithm:
public List<Integer> findLeastPositivSum(List<Integer> numbers) {
List<Integer> result;
Integer resultSum;
List<Integer> subresult, subresult2, subresult3, subresult4, subresult5;
for (int i = 0; i < numbers.size() - 4; i++) {
subresult = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int j = i + 1; j < numbers.size() - 3; j++) {
subresult2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(subresult);
for (int k = j + 1; k < numbers.size() - 2; k++) {
subresult3 = new ArrayList<Integer>(subresult2);
for (int l = k + 1; l < numbers.size() - 1; l++) {
subresult4 = new ArrayList<Integer>(subresult3);
for (int m = l + 1; m < numbers.size(); m++) {
subresult5 = new ArrayList<Integer>(subresult4);
Integer subresultSum = sum(subresult5);
if (subresultSum > 0) {
if (result == null || resultSum > subresultSum) {
result = subresult;
return result;
public Integer sum(List<Integer> list) {
Integer result = 0;
for (Integer integer : list) {
result += integer;
return result;
This is really quick and dirty algorithm, it can be done more elegantly. I can provide cleaner algorithm e.g. using recursion.
It can be also further optimized. E.g. you can remove similar numbers from input list as first step.
Let initial array be shorted already, or i guess this will work even when it isnt shorted..
N -> Length of array
M -> Element req.
R[] -> Answer
TEMP[] -> For calculations
minSum -> minSum
A[] -> Initial input
All above variables are globally defined
int find(int A[],int start,int left)
//sum elements in TEMP[] and save it as curSum
//assign elements from TEMP[] to R[] (i.e. our answer)
// Made it in hurry so maybe some error would be existing..
Working solution on ideone :
I suppose Kadane’s Algorithm would do the trick, although it is for the maximum sum but I have also implemented it to find the minimum sum, though can't find the code right now.
Here's something sub optimal in Haskell, which (as with many of my ideas) could probably be further and better optimized. It goes something like this:
Sort the array (I got interesting results by trying both ascending and descending)
B N = first N elements of the array
B (i), for i > N = best candidate; where (assuming integers) if they are both less than 1, the candidates are compared by the absolute value of their sums; if they are both 1 or greater, by their sums; and if only one candidate is greater than 0 then that candidate is chosen. If a candidate's sum is 1, return that candidate as the answer. The candidates are:
B (i-1), B (i-1)[2,3,4..N] ++ array [i], B (i-1)[1,3,4..N] ++ array [i]...B (i-1)[1,2..N-1] ++ array [i]
B (i-2)[2,3,4..N] ++ array [i], B (i-2)[1,3,4..N] ++ array [i]...B (i-2)[1,2..N-1] ++ array [i]
B (N)[2,3,4..N] ++ array [i], B (N)[1,3,4..N] ++ array [i]...B (N)[1,2..N-1] ++ array [i]
Note that for the part of the array where the numbers are negative (in the case of ascending sort) or positive (in the case of descending sort), step 3 can be done immediately without calculations.
*Main> least 5 "desc" [-1000,-700,-400,-200,-100,-50,10,100,300,600,800,1200]
(0.02 secs, 1106836 bytes)
*Main> least 5 "asc" [-1000,-700,-400,-200,-100,-50,10,100,300,600,800,1200]
(0.02 secs, 1097492 bytes)
*Main> main -- 10000 random numbers ranging from -100000 to 100000
(1.77 secs, 108964888 bytes)
import Data.Map (fromList, insert, (!))
import Data.List (minimumBy,tails,sort)
import Control.Monad.Random hiding (fromList)
array = [-1000,-700,-400,-200,-100,-50,10,100,300,600,800,1200]
least n rev arr = comb (fromList listStart) [fst (last listStart) + 1..m]
m = length arr
r = if rev == "asc" then False else True
sorted = (if r then reverse else id) (sort arr)
listStart = if null lStart
then [(n,(sum $ take n sorted,take n sorted))]
else lStart
lStart = zip [n..]
. takeWhile (all (if r then (>0) else (<0)) . snd)
. foldr (\a b -> let c = take n (drop a sorted) in (sum c,c) : b) []
$ [0..]
s = fromList (zip [1..] sorted)
comb list [] = list ! m
comb list (i:is)
| fst (list ! (i-1)) == 1 = list ! (i-1)
| otherwise = comb updatedMap is
where updatedMap = insert i bestCandidate list
bestCandidate = comb' (list!(i - 1)) [i - 1,i - 2..n] where
comb' best [] = best
comb' best (j:js)
| fst best == 1 = best
| otherwise =
let s' = map (\x -> (sum x,x))
. (take n . map (take (n - 1)) . tails . cycle)
$ snd (list!j)
t = s!i
candidate = minimumBy compare' (map (add t) s')
in comb' (minimumBy compare' [candidate,best]) js
add x y#(a,b) = (x + a,x:b)
compare' a#(a',_) b#(b',_)
| a' < 1 = if b' < 1 then compare (abs a') (abs b') else GT
| otherwise = if b' < 1 then LT else compare a' b'
rnd :: (RandomGen g) => Rand g Int
rnd = getRandomR (-100000,100000)
main = do
values <- evalRandIO (sequence (replicate (10000) rnd))
putStrLn (show $ least 5 "desc" values)
Assumption: M is the original array
S = sort(M);
R = [];
sum = 0;
for(i=0, i < length(S); i++){
sum = sum + S[i];
if(sum < 1){
return R;
I have an algo with a good timing, i should change it to get better time, but i have no any idea.
Can u help me?
Here is time:
real 0m0.164s
user 0m0.021s
sys 0m0.010s
Here is algo:
def algo2(A, B):
for a in A:
for b in B:
if a == b:
m += 1
if m>y:
x = a
y = m
return x;
Here is arrays for algo:
A = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
B = [1,2,3,4,5,6,4,7,8,9,0]
Your algorithm is O(n*m). If the arrays are always sorted, you can do a straight merge (O(n+m)), as below. (Note that the code is not python ... I think you can get the idea and translate it)
ixA = 0
ixB = 0
maxVal = 0
maxCount = 0
workingVal = A[ixA]
workingCount = 0
while (ixA < A.length and ixB < B.length)
if (workingVal == B[ixB])
workingCount += 1
else if (workingCount > maxCount)
maxCount = workingCount
maxVal = workingVal
workingCount = 0
ixA += 1
workingVal = A[ixA]
ixB += 1
// have to check the last one
if (workingCount > maxCount)
maxCount = workingCount
maxVal = workingVal
If the arrays aren't sorted, you can sort them first, then do the merge. That will be O(m log m) + O(n log n) + O(m+n). That's still better than your O(m*n).