React router does not render route when URL accessed directly - reactjs

Consider this the main App component (imports left out for brevity):
const App = () => {
const [orderRoutes, setOrderRoutes] = useState([])
const updateOrderRoutes = (newRoute) => {
const renderedOrderRoutes = => {
return (
<CatalogPage />
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/aboutus" exact component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" exact component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" exact component={Register} />
<Footer />
export default App
The challenge is that some of the routes are not known when rendering the initial App component. They will be known when an AJAX request in the <Header> component is responded to. The header will then update the new route to the orderRoutes state property, re-rendering the App component every time. The routes that are the result of the AJAX call (that is made in the <Header>) are then rendered to the <BrowserRouter> (in {renderedOrderRoutes}). In the <Header>, there is a <Link> for each route being rendered as a result of the same AJAX call, so that every menu entry (The <Link>s) will have a corresponding route.
This works fine, but when I access one of the URL's that this mechanism generates directly (e.g.: refresh the page), the <CatalogPage> component is not rendered.
So, for instance let's say that the AJAX call results in a bunch of routes and one of those is /t-shirts/tanktops. I will get a menu entry with a link to that path. When I click that menu entry the <CatalogPage> component is rendered. But when I access /t-shirts/tanktops directly, the <CatalogPage> component is not rendered.
How can I alter this code to make the URL's that are a result of the AJAX call directly accessible?
OK, I 'solved' this (don't like it) by forcing the <App> component to re-render when one of the <Link>s was clicked by creating an unused piece of state on the App component called activeOrderRoute. I passed the setter down to the Header as a prop and connected it as a callback to the onClick handler for each Link that was created in response to the AJAX request. This essentially forces the App to re-render and render the routes, which solved my problems.
Still, that does not seem like the correct way to do it so any help would be appreciated.

React router does not directly have routing support for all URLs. It catches the default domain only the remaining routing is done on client side and requests are not served.
If your domain is, you can not access the URL directly in the react router.
You can use a hash router but that makes the URLs unfriendly for SEO
You can set up a catch-all routes and route it yourself
This link would help you with the same

you need to modify your webpack.config.js and add the following lines.
module.exports = {
devServer: {
historyApiFallback: true,

Instead of trying to explicitly render a route for each asynchronously fetched route, leverage the power of react-router-dom and render a dynamic route path string that can handle any catalog page.
Instead of this:
const renderedOrderRoutes = => {
return (
<CatalogPage />
return (
<Route path="/" exact component={Home} />
<Route path="/aboutus" exact component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" exact component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" exact component={Register} />
<Footer />
Render a single dynamic route in your Router. Use a Switch so only a single route component is matched and rendered. Reorder the routes so the more specific paths can be matched before less specific paths. Now, when a URL has a path that is of the shape "/someClass/someOrder" it can be matched before you try matching any of the more general paths. You will see that the home path ("/") is matched last and the reordering allows us to remove the exact prop on all routes.
return (
<Header updateOrderRoutes={updateOrderRoutes} />
<Route path="/aboutus" component={AboutUs} />
<Route path="/faq" component={Faq} />
<Route path="/register" component={Register} />
<Route path="/" component={Home} />
<Footer />
You may need to adjust some logic in CatalogPage to handle possible undefined catalog data, whatever it is using from the route props/etc... to render catalog stuff.
In your Header component make the asynchronous call there to fetch the routes that can be navigated to so you can dynamically render render links to them (if that is even why you are passing the routes to Header).


How to tell google bot that page not found in React?

I have a React App with Routers, I also have 404 component, etc.
But I don't know how to send 404 header to google bot.
I'mm just thinking that it's not possible due React app without SSR.
Am I right?
If you are using Router, you can set your pages like this:
<Route exact path = "/home" component={HomePage} />
<Route exact path = "/sign-up" component={SignUpPage} />
<Route exact path = "/login" component={LoginPage} />
<Route exact path="/incorrect-login" component={IncorrectLoginPage} />
<Route exact path = "*" component={PageNotFound} /> //404 Component
With this, you set your PageNotFound to the bottom of your router list where if the url of the React App does not correspond to any of your previous urls, then the PageNotFound route is triggered. You can just render your not found component under that page like you would for any other page in your application.
I also used exact so that the url must be exactly the same along with a Switch statement so that only a SINGLE page component can be triggered at once. The * basically just means ALL other urls besides those specified previously.
The PageNotFound is treated as kind of like a default catch statement so it's at the bottom

React route does not detect nesting routing and ids

I have some React routes that when I nest one route inside another, I need to repeat the route path.
To explain, for example:
component={SpecificAdmin} />
component={EditSpecificAdmin} />
I want a page where I can see the list of items, one for adding a new one and another for looking, editing a specific item. So I thought about the paths edit/new and specific/1.
So the routes do not detect when I write specific/1 (the specific id) and not either the admin nesting, so I need to write the admin in each one...
As Tareq aziz said, you can easily have intel in props.
You can create another router to pass easily new value:
// your original component
import AdminRouter from './Admin/Router';
export default () => {
return (
<Route path="admin">
<AdminRouter />
// in ./Admin/Router.js
export default (props) => {
return (
I'm not sure though if the order of the routes are correct.
I think you can get your current page's url from props using location.pathname or match.url. You can see my image. Then you may add your nested route after that. Hope it will help you
You may code your path like this way

location.pathname vs router

I am still learning react router v4. and I'd like to know what exactly is the difference between doing this
getting location using
const {
} = this.props;
Option 1
if(location.pathname === '/500'){
return <Page500 />
and this
Option 2
<Route path={'/500'} component={Page500} />
As for me, while the first option displays everything properly for me,
the 2nd one i.e. the router one, shows the component in only half the page.
Now, why is that happening?
Option 1 result -->
Option 2 result -->
But the main point--> what is the difference between using location.path name and router
In Option 2 <Route path={'/500'} component={Page500} />
Here you are creating a Route which has a path of /500 and loads a component Page500. This means that when the user navigates to the path specified in the Route, React-Router will render the component where the Route was defined.
In Option 1 ,
if(location.pathname === '/500'){
return <Page500 />
the parent component decides when to render the Page500 component, based on the location prop which it receives. This location prop would ultimately be coming from a Route or the withRouter HOC. This is equivalent to
<Route render={(props)=>{
if(props.location.pathname === '/500'){
return <Page500 />;
return null;
which can also be written as
<Route path={'/500'} component={Page500} />
So to sum it up, you can only do Option 1 if you get the location prop from the parent component, you can define a Route (Option 2) anywhere in the application.
If you have all your Routes like
return( <div>
<Route path={'/500'} component={Page500} />
<Route path={'/confirm-email'} component={PageConfirmEmail} />
<Route path={'/lock-screen'} component={PageLockScreen} />
<Route path={'/login'} component={PageLogin} />
<Route path={'/sign-up'} component={PageSignUp} />
<Route path={'/forgot-password'} component={PageForgotPassword} />
<Route path={'/fullscreen'} component={PageFullscreen} />
</div> );
you are running the risk of multiple Routes rendering which might be why you are getting half page render in Option 2. To prevent that from happening and only render the first Route that matches, you should add a Switch
return( <div>
<Route path={'/500'} component={Page500} />
<Route path={'/confirm-email'} component={PageConfirmEmail} />
<Route path={'/lock-screen'} component={PageLockScreen} />
<Route path={'/login'} component={PageLogin} />
<Route path={'/sign-up'} component={PageSignUp} />
<Route path={'/forgot-password'} component={PageForgotPassword} />
<Route path={'/fullscreen'} component={PageFullscreen} />
</div> );
More on Switch can be found at
One of the main features with react router is that you can do stuff such as:
<Route path="/user/:id" component={User} />
and id will be passed into User component.
Ex. /user/bob and /user/jill will both render a User component, but in your componentDidMount you can now fetch the correct user information from your API.
With location.pathname that task becomes more convoluted as #palsrealm mentioned. But first of all, the location prop must be available for this method to work.
There are other features that you would be losing out, but that is the main one I can think of so far. You can check out the Route api documentation here.
EDIT: As for why it is rendering differently, I really can't answer without more context. For example, is the Route wrapped in a Switch component like so:
// Other routes
<Route exact path="/500" component={Page500} />

Multiple matching in react-router or ambiguous routing

I have a task to build routing which maintains 2 type of components: sidebar and content. If the url contains category-:type I have to render Sidebar component and if url contains any content type like profile, about or seller I have to render proper content.
If create <Route /> for each combination of sidebar and content type there will be a lot of items.
How can I build routing for this purpose?
As I know I can't use routing like <Route path="/**/:profile" component={Profile}> because if Router will match this path it will stop and avoid other comparison.
Here is my current routing
const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, routing);
<Router history={history}>
<Route path="/" component={Base}>
<IndexRedirect to="signin" />
<Route path="n=:id/:title" component={Item} />
<Route path="search(/:type)" component={require_auth(Search)} />
<Route path="people(/:type)" component={require_auth(People_Layout)} />
<Route path="person/:id" component={require_auth(Person_Scene_Layout)} />
<Route path="signin" component={Signin} />
<Route path="signup" component={Signup} />
<Route path="profile" component={require_auth(Profile)} />
, document.querySelector('#appRoot')
So, I have to extend this code to allow navigation on sidebar at the same time. I need to preserve current routing and add routing for matching Sidebar, something like <Route path="category-:type/n=:id/:title" component={Item} />. This routing can render both <Sidebar/> and <Item/> components but to make this work with all other routing I have to double almost all existing routes.
So, If I understand your question correctly, you have the requirement to Render
components dynamically based on the Router Params like
Navigation Component - Some Sidebar Navigation
Content Components - profile, about , seller etc.
So, you can not directly filter the Components and Inject in Router.
But what you can do is basically
Initiate a Parent-Components on any Router navigation by using path="/*"
and Inside the Parent-Component that, check for the Value of Router Pamas / Queries by
and based on that, inject you Child-Component i.e. Navigation or Content.
<Router history={hashHistory} >
<Route path="/*" component='ParentComponent'/>
export default class CartItem extends React.Component {
render() {
// check for Router Params and decide the Child Componenton on fly using any conditional statement.
// var Component = this.props.location.query.yourParamName
return (
<div className='parent-wrapper'>
React.createElement(Component, props, ...children)

can we reload the same component with different urls?

I have my component "messages" and i am calling it using two different urls .when i click on first link say 'messages/1' it will load my messages inbox and i have another url 'messages/5/1' for which the component is same as for above url.when page got loaded using 'messages/1' url and when i clicked on some field which points to 'messages/5/1' .It changes the url in the header but it is not reloading the page.
i want to reload my component whenever there is different url even though they have same component .Is there any way to do this.
You can load the same component under different urls and it should load everything fine. Just change the path prop and add the same component you want under the component prop.
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<Route path="about" component={About} />
<Route path="inbox" component={Message}>
<Route path="messages/:id" component={Message} />
), document.body)
You can try and use rect-router's refresh method
refresh: function () {
Router.dispatch(location.getCurrentPath(), null);
