How can I turn my code into an actual aplication for windows? [closed] - c

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I developed a program written in C language using Gtk+ 3 for visual interface, and to run it I always use the comand line (Im using cygwin), but I would like to know how can i make my program an aplication, witch can be installed in windows and function like any other aplication (launch it throught files explorer or even throught the desktop enviroment)?
Thank you for your answers!

Provided that you have written the code portable, you basically have two options.
Install GTK on Windows. You can find instructions here:
Rewrite the whole application for Windows API. This is NOT trivial.
On top of that, use windows installer


How to compile a C programm using cmd? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have installed Dev C++. Now I want to run my C code from Command window in windows 8.1 . I have added path of bin folder in dev c++ to environment variables. But still I am not able to compile my programm.
Any suggestion on how to compile it using cmd will be much appreciated.
Unfortunately, what you've tried to do wouldn't work since Dev C++ is an integrated development environment and it has its own compiler (MinGW), besides, you only need a compiler so your best bet is to offer a look at this topic : Compiling C++ in cmd using MinGW on Windows 8
Side note : most basics are covered in almost every forum, so if you find yourself blocked don't hesitate to google it up or look for the question in this website itself

Simple web server using C programming [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to develop a web server using c in Linux. Using that we need to start and configure services. is their any help like pseudo code or sample programs like that.
This is a simple multi-user web server built in C. I had to do one of these last year for a class, and I find it quite cool, though a little bit frustrating.
The Apache HTTP server, the world's most popular HTTP server, is written in C. Its documentation, and source downloads are located here

GUI on C in VIsual Studio 2013 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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How to create GUI using C language in Visual Studio 2012/2013? Which libraries I should use and is there some short introductory?
You can use standard WinAPI in windows, it let you create simple graphical user interface for your program (but it can be painful) (and especially: )
For C in Visual Studio, you can use Windows API.
here it is.
Using C with WinAPI (WinAPI is Application Programming Interface for Windows)
Now i will give you tutorial link.
WinAPI -
Best Regards.

Build a GUI Application for Windows in C [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm fairly new to C programming.
My program is running at the console as expected, but now I want to build a really simple Windows GUI application for it, sticking to C (just a window showing some text and a file menu).
So far, I have built everything in a single .c source code and used MinGW gcc in my Windows PC as the compiler.
I just downloaded Visual Studio 2013, but trying to use it was a bit overwhelming. I tried to look for alternatives but I'm confused with all the terminology (IDE, SDK, API etc.) and what I really need to do what I want to.
I'll be really satisfied if you just point something for me to read in order to clear my mind.
Thanks a lot in advance and sorry if this was a bad question.
A very simple GUI application is possible sticking with C and Windows API only.
In short, you have to register your own Window class (RegisterClassEx), then create the window (CreateWindowEx). Note that your window class main element is its (WindowProc) that receive the messages and that you have to implement to act as you want. After that, your C program should run the message pump (PeekMessage and DispatchMessage) for Windows to do its stuff and allow interacting with your window.
See the MSDN documentation for these functions to get help and examples.
YOu can start learning GTK for developing GUI using C language . you can get the same at

Java J2SE Code Compatibility in any OS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am in a confusion now. I am developing a java project in windows platform. but now, the problem is how can I get to know if my all codings (Java J2SE) will work in any OS? In my codings there are varies parts like serial port programming, smslib, RXTX lib, database connections (ODBC and JDBC). Can any one offer my some ideas or any solution for this?
Thank you very much.
Your code should work as long as you are not using any OS native APIs. Im afraid you might be doing so as you have mentioned your code uses things like serial port programmin, RXTX lib etc. If NOT then you are good to enjoy the Java 'write one and run anywhere' feature.
