Ternary operator vs array? - arrays

In C, is indexing an array faster than the ?: operator?
For example, would (const int[]){8, 14}[N > 10] be faster than N > 10? 14 : 8?

Stick with the ternary operator:
It is simpler
It is fewer characters to type
It is easier to read and understand
It is more maintainable
It is likely not the main bottleneck in your application
For the CPU it is a simple comparison
Compilers are clever, if the array solution was faster, compilers would already generate the same code for both variants
Mandatory quote (emphasis mine):
Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and maintenance are considered.
We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%
— Donald Knuth • https://wiki.c2.com/?PrematureOptimization
Now that's out of the way, let's compare what compilers actually produce.
#include <stdlib.h>
int ternary(int n) { return n > 10 ? 14 : 8; }
int array(int n) { return (const int[]){8, 14}[n > 10]; }
Compile with (g)cc 10.2.1 in Ubuntu and optimizations enabled:
$ cc -O3 -S -fno-stack-protector -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables ternary.c
-S stops after compilation and does not assemble. You will end up with a .s file which contains the generated assembly code. (the -fno… flags are to disable additional code generation which is not required for our example).
ternary.s assembly code, lines unrelated to the methods removed:
cmpl $10, %edi
movl $8, %edx
movl $14, %eax
cmovle %edx, %eax
movq .LC0(%rip), %rax
movq %rax, -8(%rsp)
xorl %eax, %eax
cmpl $10, %edi
setg %al
movl -8(%rsp,%rax,4), %eax
.long 8
.long 14
If you compare them, you will notice a lot more instructions for the array version: 6 instructions vs. 4 instructions.
There is no reason to write the more complicated code which every developer has to read twice; the shorter and straight-forward code compiles to more efficient machine code.

Use of the compound literal (and array in general) will be much less efficient as arrays are created (by current real-world compilers) despite the optimization level. Worse, they're created on the stack, not just indexing static constant data (which would still be slower, at least higher latency, than an ALU select operation like x86 cmov or AArch64 csel which most modern ISAs have).
I have tested it using all compilers I use (including Keil and IAR) and some I don't use (icc and clang).
int foo(int N)
return (const int[]){8, 14}[N > 10];
int bar(int N)
return N > 10? 14 : 8;
mov rax, QWORD PTR .LC0[rip] # load 8 bytes from .rodata
mov QWORD PTR [rsp-8], rax # store both elements to the stack
xor eax, eax # prepare a zeroed reg for setcc
cmp edi, 10
setg al # materialize N>10 as a 0/1 integer
mov eax, DWORD PTR [rsp-8+rax*4] # index the array with it
cmp edi, 10
mov edx, 8 # set up registers with both constants
mov eax, 14
cmovle eax, edx # ALU select operation on FLAGS from CMP
.long 8
.long 14


For GNU Assembly x64 AT&T syntax: How to add 2 quad numbers? [duplicate]

I have written a Assembly program to display the factorial of a number following AT&T syntax. But it's not working. Here is my code
.globl _start
movq $5,%rcx
movq $5,%rax
Repeat: #function to calculate factorial
decq %rcx
cmp $0,%rcx
je print
imul %rcx,%rax
cmp $1,%rcx
jne Repeat
# Now result of factorial stored in rax
xorq %rsi, %rsi
# function to print integer result digit by digit by pushing in
movq $0, %rdx
movq $10, %rbx
divq %rbx
addq $48, %rdx
pushq %rdx
incq %rsi
cmpq $0, %rax
jz next
jmp loop
cmpq $0, %rsi
jz bye
popq %rcx
decq %rsi
movq $4, %rax
movq $1, %rbx
movq $1, %rdx
int $0x80
addq $4, %rsp
jmp next
movq $1,%rax
movq $0, %rbx
int $0x80
num : .byte 5
This program is printing nothing, I also used gdb to visualize it work fine until loop function but when it comes in next some random value start entering in various register. Help me to debug so that it could print factorial.
As #ped7g points out, you're doing several things wrong: using the int 0x80 32-bit ABI in 64-bit code, and passing character values instead of pointers to the write() system call.
Here's how to print an integer in x8-64 Linux, the simple and somewhat-efficient1 way, using the same repeated division / modulo by 10.
System calls are expensive (probably thousands of cycles for write(1, buf, 1)), and doing a syscall inside the loop steps on registers so it's inconvenient and clunky as well as inefficient. We should write the characters into a small buffer, in printing order (most-significant digit at the lowest address), and make a single write() system call on that.
But then we need a buffer. The maximum length of a 64-bit integer is only 20 decimal digits, so we can just use some stack space. In x86-64 Linux, we can use stack space below RSP (up to 128B) without "reserving" it by modifying RSP. This is called the red-zone. If you wanted to pass the buffer to another function instead of a syscall, you would have to reserve space with sub $24, %rsp or something.
Instead of hard-coding system-call numbers, using GAS makes it easy to use the constants defined in .h files. Note the mov $__NR_write, %eax near the end of the function. The x86-64 SystemV ABI passes system-call arguments in similar registers to the function-calling convention. (So it's totally different from the 32-bit int 0x80 ABI, which you shouldn't use in 64-bit code.)
// building with gcc foo.S will use CPP before GAS so we can use headers
#include <asm/unistd.h> // This is a standard Linux / glibc header file
// includes unistd_64.h or unistd_32.h depending on current mode
// Contains only #define constants (no C prototypes) so we can include it from asm without syntax errors.
.p2align 4
.globl print_integer #void print_uint64(uint64_t value)
lea -1(%rsp), %rsi # We use the 128B red-zone as a buffer to hold the string
# a 64-bit integer is at most 20 digits long in base 10, so it fits.
movb $'\n', (%rsi) # store the trailing newline byte. (Right below the return address).
# If you need a null-terminated string, leave an extra byte of room and store '\n\0'. Or push $'\n'
mov $10, %ecx # same as mov $10, %rcx but 2 bytes shorter
# note that newline (\n) has ASCII code 10, so we could actually have stored the newline with movb %cl, (%rsi) to save code size.
mov %rdi, %rax # function arg arrives in RDI; we need it in RAX for div
.Ltoascii_digit: # do{
xor %edx, %edx
div %rcx # rax = rdx:rax / 10. rdx = remainder
# store digits in MSD-first printing order, working backwards from the end of the string
add $'0', %edx # integer to ASCII. %dl would work, too, since we know this is 0-9
dec %rsi
mov %dl, (%rsi) # *--p = (value%10) + '0';
test %rax, %rax
jnz .Ltoascii_digit # } while(value != 0)
# If we used a loop-counter to print a fixed number of digits, we would get leading zeros
# The do{}while() loop structure means the loop runs at least once, so we get "0\n" for input=0
# Then print the whole string with one system call
mov $__NR_write, %eax # call number from asm/unistd_64.h
mov $1, %edi # fd=1
# %rsi = start of the buffer
mov %rsp, %rdx
sub %rsi, %rdx # length = one_past_end - start
syscall # write(fd=1 /*rdi*/, buf /*rsi*/, length /*rdx*/); 64-bit ABI
# rax = return value (or -errno)
# rcx and r11 = garbage (destroyed by syscall/sysret)
# all other registers = unmodified (saved/restored by the kernel)
# we don't need to restore any registers, and we didn't modify RSP.
To test this function, I put this in the same file to call it and exit:
.p2align 4
.globl _start
mov $10120123425329922, %rdi
# mov $0, %edi # Yes, it does work with input = 0
call print_uint64
xor %edi, %edi
mov $__NR_exit, %eax
syscall # sys_exit(0)
I built this into a static binary (with no libc):
$ gcc -Wall -static -nostdlib print-integer.S && ./a.out
$ strace ./a.out > /dev/null
execve("./a.out", ["./a.out"], 0x7fffcb097340 /* 51 vars */) = 0
write(1, "10120123425329922\n", 18) = 18
exit(0) = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++
$ file ./a.out
./a.out: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=69b865d1e535d5b174004ce08736e78fade37d84, not stripped
Footnote 1: See Why does GCC use multiplication by a strange number in implementing integer division? for avoiding div r64 for division by 10, because that's very slow (21 to 83 cycles on Intel Skylake). A multiplicative inverse would make this function actually efficient, not just "somewhat". (But of course there'd still be room for optimizations...)
Related: Linux x86-32 extended-precision loop that prints 9 decimal digits from each 32-bit "limb": see .toascii_digit: in my Extreme Fibonacci code-golf answer. It's optimized for code-size (even at the expense of speed), but well-commented.
It uses div like you do, because that's smaller than using a fast multiplicative inverse). It uses loop for the outer loop (over multiple integer for extended precision), again for code-size at the cost of speed.
It uses the 32-bit int 0x80 ABI, and prints into a buffer that was holding the "old" Fibonacci value, not the current.
Another way to get efficient asm is from a C compiler. For just the loop over digits, look at what gcc or clang produce for this C source (which is basically what the asm is doing). The Godbolt Compiler explorer makes it easy to try with different options and different compiler versions.
See gcc7.2 -O3 asm output which is nearly a drop-in replacement for the loop in print_uint64 (because I chose the args to go in the same registers):
void itoa_end(unsigned long val, char *p_end) {
const unsigned base = 10;
do {
*--p_end = (val % base) + '0';
val /= base;
} while(val);
// write(1, p_end, orig-current);
I tested performance on a Skylake i7-6700k by commenting out the syscall instruction and putting a repeat loop around the function call. The version with mul %rcx / shr $3, %rdx is about 5 times faster than the version with div %rcx for storing a long number-string (10120123425329922) into a buffer. The div version ran at 0.25 instructions per clock, while the mul version ran at 2.65 instructions per clock (although requiring many more instructions).
It might be worth unrolling by 2, and doing a divide by 100 and splitting up the remainder of that into 2 digits. That would give a lot better instruction-level parallelism, in case the simpler version bottlenecks on mul + shr latency. The chain of multiply/shift operations that brings val to zero would be half as long, with more work in each short independent dependency chain to handle a 0-99 remainder.
NASM version of this answer, for x86-64 or i386 Linux How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?
How to convert a binary integer number to a hex string? - Base 16 is a power of 2, conversion is much simpler and doesn't require div.
Several things:
0) I guess this is 64b linux environment, but you should have stated so (if it is not, some of my points will be invalid)
1) int 0x80 is 32b call, but you are using 64b registers, so you should use syscall (and different arguments)
2) int 0x80, eax=4 requires the ecx to contain address of memory, where the content is stored, while you give it the ASCII character in ecx = illegal memory access (the first call should return error, i.e. eax is negative value). Or using strace <your binary> should reveal the wrong arguments + error returned.
3) why addq $4, %rsp? Makes no sense to me, you are damaging rsp, so the next pop rcx will pop wrong value, and in the end you will run way "up" into the stack.
... maybe some more, I didn't debug it, this list is just by reading the source (so I may be even wrong about something, although that would be rare).
BTW your code is working. It just doesn't do what you expected. But work fine, precisely as the CPU is designed and precisely what you wrote in the code. Whether that does achieve what you wanted, or makes sense, that's different topic, but don't blame the HW or assembler.
... I can do a quick guess how the routine may be fixed (just partial hack-fix, still needs rewrite for syscall under 64b linux):
cmpq $0, %rsi
jz bye
movq %rsp,%rcx ; make ecx to point to stack memory (with stored char)
; this will work if you are lucky enough that rsp fits into 32b
; if it is beyond 4GiB logical address, then you have bad luck (syscall needed)
decq %rsi
movq $4, %rax
movq $1, %rbx
movq $1, %rdx
int $0x80
addq $8, %rsp ; now rsp += 8; is needed, because there's no POP
jmp next
Again didn't try myself, just writing it from head, so let me know how it changed situation.

Optimize lookup tables to simple ALU

Say you have a simple function that returns a value based on a look table for example:
See edit about assumptions.
lookup0(uint32_t r) {
static const uint32_t tbl[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
if(r >= (sizeof(tbl) / sizeof(tbl[0]))) {
/* Can replace with: `return r`. */
return tbl[r];
lookup1(uint32_t r) {
static const uint32_t tbl[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1 };
if(r >= (sizeof(tbl) / sizeof(tbl[0]))) {
/* Can replace with: `return r / 2`. */
return tbl[r];
Is there any super-optimization infrastructure or algorithm that can take go from the lookup table to the optimized ALU implementation.
The motivation is I'm building some locks for NUMA machines and want to be able to configure my code generically. Its pretty common that in NUMA locks you will need to do cpu_id -> numa_node. I can obviously setup the lookup table during configuration, but since I'm fighting for every drop of memory bandwidth I can, I am hoping to generically reach a solution that will be able to cover most layouts.
Looking at how modern compilers do:
Neither clang or gcc are able to do this at the moment.
Clang is able to get lookup0 if you rewrite it as a switch/case statement.
lookup0(unsigned int): # #lookup0(unsigned int)
movl %edi, %eax
movl lookup0(unsigned int)::tbl(,%rax,4), %eax
case0(unsigned int): # #case0(unsigned int)
movl %edi, %eax
but can't get lookup1.
lookup1(unsigned int): # #lookup1(unsigned int)
movl %edi, %eax
movl .Lswitch.table.case1(unsigned int)(,%rax,4), %eax
case1(unsigned int): # #case1(unsigned int)
movl %edi, %eax
movl .Lswitch.table.case1(unsigned int)(,%rax,4), %eax
Gcc cant get either.
lookup0(unsigned int):
movl %edi, %edi
movl lookup0(unsigned int)::tbl(,%rdi,4), %eax
lookup1(unsigned int):
movl %edi, %edi
movl lookup1(unsigned int)::tbl(,%rdi,4), %eax
case0(unsigned int):
leal -1(%rdi), %eax
cmpl $2, %eax
movl $0, %eax
cmovbe %edi, %eax
case1(unsigned int):
subl $2, %edi
xorl %eax, %eax
cmpl $1, %edi
setbe %al
I imagine I can cover a fair amount of the necessary cases with some custom brute-force approach, but was hoping this was a solved problem.
The only true assumption is:
All inputs are have an index in the LUT.
All values are positive (think that makes things easier) and will be true for just about any sys-config thats online.
(Edit4) Would add one more assumption. The LUT is dense. That is it covers a range [<low_bound>, <bound_bound>] but nothing outside of that range.
In my case for CPU topology, I would generally expect sizeof(LUT) >= <max_value_in_lut> but that is specific to the one example I gave and would have some counter-examples.
I wrote a pretty simple optimizer that does a reasonable job for the CPU topologies I've tested here. But obviously it could be a lot better.
There seems to be some confusion about the question/initial example (I should have been clearer).
The example lookup0/lookup1 are arbitrary. I am hoping to find a solution that can scale beyond 4 indexes and with different values.
The use case I have in mind is CPU topology so ~256 - 1024 is where I would expect the upper bound in size but for a generic LUT it could obviously get much larger.
The best "generic" solution I am aware of is the following:
int compute(int r)
static const int T[] = {0,0,1,1};
const int lut_size = sizeof(T) / sizeof(T[0]);
int result = 0;
for(int i=0 ; i<lut_size ; ++i)
result += (r == i) * T[i];
return result;
In -O3, GCC and Clang unroll the loop, propagate constants, and generate an intermediate code similar to the following:
int compute(int r)
return (r == 0) * 0 + (r == 1) * 0 + (r == 2) * 1 + (r == 3) * 1;
GCC/Clang optimizers know that multiplication can be replaced with conditional moves (since developers often use this as a trick to guide compilers generating assembly codes without conditional branches).
The resulting assembly is the following for Clang:
xor ecx, ecx
cmp edi, 2
sete cl
xor eax, eax
cmp edi, 3
sete al
add eax, ecx
The same applies for GCC. There is no branches nor memory accesses (at least as long as the values are small). Multiplication by small values are also replaced with the fast lea instruction.
A more complete test is available on Godbolt.
Note that this method should work for bigger tables but if the table is too big, then the loop will not be automatically unrolled. You can tell the compiler to use a more aggressive unrolling thanks to compilation flags. That being said, a LUT will likely be faster if it is big since having a huge code to load and execute is slow in this pathological case.
You could pack the array into a long integer and use bitshifts and anding to extract the result.
For example for the table {2,0,3,1} could be handled with:
uint32_t lookup0(uint32_t r) {
static const uint32_t tbl = (2u << 0) | (0u << 8) |
(3u << 16) | (1u << 24);
return (tbl >> (8 * r)) & 0xff;
It produces relatively nice assembly:
lookup0: # #lookup0
lea ecx, [8*rdi]
mov eax, 16973826
shr eax, cl
movzx eax, al
Not perfect but branchless and with no indirection.
This method is quite generic and it could support vectorization by "looking up" multiple inputs at the same time.
There are a few tricks to allow handling larger arrays like using longer integers (i.e. uint64_t or __uint128_t extension).
Other approach is splitting bits of value in array like high and low byte, lookup them and combine using bitwise operations.

Trying to reverse engineer a function

I'm trying to understand assembly in x86 more. I have a mystery function here that I know returns an int and takes an int argument.
So it looks like int mystery(int n){}. I can't figure out the function in C however. The assembly is:
mov %edi, %eax
lea 0x0(,%rdi, 8), %edi
sub %eax, %edi
add $0x4, %edi
callq < mystery _util >
repz retq
< mystery _util >
mov %edi, %eax
shr %eax
and $0x1, %edi
and %edi, %eax
I don't understand what the lea does here and what kind of function it could be.
The assembly code appeared to be computer generated, and something that was probably compiled by GCC since there is a repz retq after an unconditional branch (call). There is also an indication that because there isn't a tail call (jmp) instead of a call when going to mystery_util that the code was compiled with -O1 (higher optimization levels would likely inline the function which didn't happen here). The lack of frame pointers and extra load/stores indicated that it isn't compiled with -O0
Multiplying x by 7 is the same as multiplying x by 8 and subtracting x. That is what the following code is doing:
lea 0x0(,%rdi, 8), %edi
sub %eax, %edi
LEA can compute addresses but it can be used for simple arithmetic as well. The syntax for a memory operand is displacement(base, index, scale). Scale can be 1, 2, 4, 8. The computation is displacement + base + index * scale. In your case lea 0x0(,%rdi, 8), %edi is effectively EDI = 0x0 + RDI * 8 or EDI = RDI * 8. The full calculation is n * 7 - 4;
The calculation for mystery_util appears to simply be
n &= (n>>1) & 1;
If I take all these factors together we have a function mystery that passes n * 7 - 4 to a function called mystery_util that returns n &= (n>>1) & 1.
Since mystery_util returns a single bit value (0 or 1) it is reasonable that bool is the return type.
I was curious if I could get a particular version of GCC with optimization level 1 (-O1) to reproduce this assembly code. I discovered that GCC 4.9.x will yield this exact assembly code for this given C program:
bool mystery_util(unsigned int n)
n &= (n>>1) & 1;
return n;
bool mystery(unsigned int n)
return mystery_util (7*n+4);
The assembly output is:
movl %edi, %eax
shrl %eax
andl $1, %edi
andl %edi, %eax
movl %edi, %eax
leal 0(,%rdi,8), %edi
subl %eax, %edi
addl $4, %edi
call mystery_util
rep ret
You can play with this code on godbolt.
Important Update - Version without bool
I apparently erred in interpreting the question. I assumed the person asking this question determined by themselves that the prototype for mystery was int mystery(int n). I thought I could change that. According to a related question asked on Stackoverflow a day later, it seems int mystery(int n) is given to you as the prototype as part of the assignment. This is important because it means that a modification has to be made.
The change that needs to be made is related to mystery_util. In the code to be reverse engineered are these lines:
mov %edi, %eax
shr %eax
EDI is the first parameter. SHR is logical shift right. Compilers would only generate this if EDI was an unsigned int (or equivalent). int is a signed type an would generate SAR (arithmetic shift right). This means that the parameter for mystery_util has to be unsigned int (and it follows that the return value is likely unsigned int. That means the code would look like this:
unsigned int mystery_util(unsigned int n)
n &= (n>>1) & 1;
return n;
int mystery(int n)
return mystery_util (7*n+4);
mystery now has the prototype given by your professor (bool is removed) and we use unsigned int for the parameter and return type of mystery_util. In order to generate this code with GCC 4.9.x I found you need to use -O1 -fno-inline. This code can be found on godbolt. The assembly output is the same as the version using bool.
If you use unsigned int mystery_util(int n) you would discover that it doesn't quite output what we want:
movl %edi, %eax
sarl %eax ; <------- SAR (arithmetic shift right) is not SHR
andl $1, %edi
andl %edi, %eax
The LEA is just a left-shift by 3, and truncating the result to 32 bit (i.e. zero-extending EDI into RDI implicilty). x86-64 System V passes the first integer arg in RDI, so all of this is consistent with one int arg. LEA uses memory-operand syntax and machine encoding, but it's really just a shift-and-add instruction. Using it as part of a multiply by a constant is a common compiler optimization for x86.
The compiler that generated this function missed an optimization here; the first mov could have been avoided with
lea 0x0(,%rdi, 8), %eax # n << 3 = n*8
sub %edi, %eax # eax = n*7
lea 4(%rax), %edi # rdi = 4 + n*7
But instead, the compiler got stuck on generating n*7 in %edi, probably because it applied a peephole optimization for the constant multiply too late to redo register allocation.
mystery_util returns the bitwise AND of the low 2 bits of its arg, in the low bit, so a 0 or 1 integer value, which could also be a bool.
(shr with no count means a count of 1; remember that x86 has a special opcode for shifts with an implicit count of 1. 8086 only has counts of 1 or cl; immediate counts were added later as an extension and the implicit-form opcode is still shorter.)
The LEA performs an address computation, but instead of dereferencing the address, it stores the computed address into the destination register.
In AT&T syntax, lea C(b,c,d), reg means reg = C + b + c*d where C is a constant, and b,c are registers and d is a scalar from {1,2,4,8}. Hence you can see why LEA is popular for simple math operations: it does quite a bit in a single instruction. (*includes correction from prl's comment below)
There are some strange features of this assembly code: the repz prefix is only strictly defined when applied to certain instructions, and retq is not one of them (though the general behavior of the processor is to ignore it). See Michael Petch's comment below with a link for more info. The use of lea (,rdi,8), edi followed by sub eax, edi to compute arg1 * 7 also seemed strange, but makes sense once prl noted the scalar d had to be a constant power of 2. In any case, here's how I read the snippet:
mov %edi, %eax ; eax = arg1
lea 0x0(,%rdi, 8), %edi ; edi = arg1 * 8
sub %eax, %edi ; edi = (arg1 * 8) - arg1 = arg1 * 7
add $0x4, %edi ; edi = (arg1 * 7) + 4
callq < mystery _util > ; call mystery_util(arg1 * 7 + 4)
repz retq ; repz prefix on return is de facto nop.
< mystery _util >
mov %edi, %eax ; eax = arg1
shr %eax ; eax = arg1 >> 1
and $0x1, %edi ; edi = 1 iff arg1 was odd, else 0
and %edi, %eax ; eax = 1 iff smallest 2 bits of arg1 were both 1.
Note the +4 on the 4th line is entirely spurious. It cannot affect the outcome of mystery_util.
So, overall this ASM snippet computes the boolean (arg1 * 7) % 4 == 3.

gcc inline assembly - operand type mismatch for `add', trying to create branchless code

I'm trying to do some Code Optimization to Eliminate Branches, the original c code is
if( a < b )
k = (k<<1) + 1;
k = (k<<1)
I intend to replace it with assembly code like below
mov a, %rax
mov b, %rbx
mov k, %rcx
xor %rdx %rdx
shl 1, %rcx
cmp %rax, %rax
setb %rdx
add %rdx,%rcx
mov %rcx, k
so I write c inline assembly code like blow,
#define next(a, b, k)\
__asm__("shl $0x1, %0; \
xor %%rbx, %%rbx; \
cmp %1, %2; \
setb %%rbx; \
addl %%rbx,%0;":"+c"(k) :"g"(a),"g"(b))
when I compile the code below i got error:
operand type mismatch for `add'
operand type mismatch for `setb'
How can I fix it?
Here are the mistakes in your code:
Error: operand type mismatch for 'cmp' -- One of CMP's operands must be a register. You're probably generating code that's trying to compare two immediates. Change the second operand's constraint from "g" to "r". (See GCC Manual - Extended Asm - Simple Constraints)
Error: operand type mismatch for 'setb' -- SETB only takes 8 bit operands, i.e. setb %bl works while setb %rbx doesn't.
The C expression T = (A < B) should translate to cmp B,A; setb T in AT&T x86 assembler syntax. You had the two operands to CMP in the wrong order. Remember that CMP works like SUB.
Once you realize the first two error messages are produced by the assembler, it follows that the trick to debugging them is to look at the assembler code generated by gcc. Try gcc $CFLAGS -S t.c and compare the problematic lines in t.s with an x86 opcode reference. Focus on the allowed operand codes for each instruction and you'll quickly see the problems.
In the fixed source code posted below, I assume your operands are unsigned since you're using SETB instead of SETL. I switched from using RBX to RCX to hold the temporary value because RCX is a call clobbered register in the ABI and used the "=&c" constraint to mark it as an earlyclobber operand since RCX is cleared before the inputs a and b are read:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
static uint64_t next(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t k)
uint64_t tmp;
__asm__("shl $0x1, %[k];"
"xor %%rcx, %%rcx;"
"cmp %[b], %[a];"
"setb %%cl;"
"addq %%rcx, %[k];"
: /* outputs */ [k] "+g" (k), [tmp] "=&c" (tmp)
: /* inputs */ [a] "r" (a), [b] "g" (b)
: /* clobbers */ "cc");
return k;
int main()
uint64_t t, t0, k;
k = next(1, 2, 0);
printf("%" PRId64 "\n", k);
scanf("%" SCNd64 "%" SCNd64, &t, &t0);
k = next(t, t0, k);
printf("%" PRId64 "\n", k);
return 0;
main() translates to:
<+0>: push %rbx
<+1>: xor %ebx,%ebx
<+3>: mov $0x4006c0,%edi
<+8>: mov $0x1,%bl
<+10>: xor %eax,%eax
<+12>: sub $0x10,%rsp
<+16>: shl %rax
<+19>: xor %rcx,%rcx
<+22>: cmp $0x2,%rbx
<+26>: setb %cl
<+29>: add %rcx,%rax
<+32>: mov %rax,%rbx
<+35>: mov %rax,%rsi
<+38>: xor %eax,%eax
<+40>: callq 0x400470 <printf#plt>
<+45>: lea 0x8(%rsp),%rdx
<+50>: mov %rsp,%rsi
<+53>: mov $0x4006c5,%edi
<+58>: xor %eax,%eax
<+60>: callq 0x4004a0 <__isoc99_scanf#plt>
<+65>: mov (%rsp),%rax
<+69>: mov %rbx,%rsi
<+72>: mov $0x4006c0,%edi
<+77>: shl %rsi
<+80>: xor %rcx,%rcx
<+83>: cmp 0x8(%rsp),%rax
<+88>: setb %cl
<+91>: add %rcx,%rsi
<+94>: xor %eax,%eax
<+96>: callq 0x400470 <printf#plt>
<+101>: add $0x10,%rsp
<+105>: xor %eax,%eax
<+107>: pop %rbx
<+108>: retq
You can see the result of next() being moved into RSI before each printf() call.
Given that gcc (and it looks like gcc inline assembler) produces:
leal (%rdx,%rdx), %eax
xorl %edx, %edx
cmpl %esi, %edi
setl %dl
addl %edx, %eax
int f(int a, int b, int k)
if( a < b )
k = (k<<1) + 1;
k = (k<<1);
return k;
It would think that writing your own inline assembler is a complete waste of time and effort.
As always, BEFORE you start writing inline assembler, check what the compiler actually does. If your compiler doesn't produce this code, then you may need to upgrade the version of compiler to something a bit newer (I reported this sort of thing to Jan Hubicka [gcc maintainer for x86-64 at the time] ca 2001, and I'm sure it's been in gcc for quite some time).
You could just do this and the compiler will not generate a branch:
k = (k<<1) + (a < b) ;
But if you must, I fixed some stuff in your code now it should work as expected:
"shl $0x1, %0; \
xor %%eax, %%eax; \
cmpl %3, %2; \
setb %%al; \
addl %%eax, %0;"
:"=r"(k) /* output */
:"0"(k), "r"(a),"r"(b) /* input */
:"eax", "cc" /* clobbered register */
Note that setb expects a reg8 or mem8 and you should add eax to the clobbered list, because you change it, as well as cc just to be safe, as for the register constraints, I'm not sure why you used those, but =r and r work just fine.
And you need to add k to both the input and output lists. There's more in the GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO
Branchless might not even be the best choice.
Inline asm defeats some other optimizations, try other source changes first, e.g. ? : often compiles branchlessly, also use booleans as integer 0/1.
If you use inline-asm, make sure you optimize the constraints as well to make the compiler-generated code outside your asm block efficient.
The whole thing is doable with cmp %[b], %[a] / adc %[k],%[k]. Your hand-written code is worse than what compilers generate, but they are beatable in the small scale for cases where constant-propagation / CSE / inlining didn't make this code (partially) optimize away.
If your compiler generates branchy code, and profiling shows that was the wrong choice (high counts for branch misses at that instruction, e.g. on Linux perf record -ebranch-misses ./my_program && perf report), then yes you should do something to get branchless code.
(Branchy can be an advantage if it's predictable: branching means out-of-order execution of code that uses (k<<1) + 1 doesn't have to wait for a and b to be ready. LLVM recently merged a patch that makes x86 code-gen more branchy by default, because modern x86 CPUs have such powerful branch predictors. Clang/LLVM nightly build (with that patch) does still choose branchless for this C source, at least in a stand-alone function outside a loop).
If this is for a binary search, branchless probably is good strategy, unless you see the same search often. (Branching + speculative execution means you have a control dependency off the critical path,
Compile with profile-guided optimization so the compiler has run-time info on which branches almost always go one way. It still might not know the difference between a poorly-predictable branch and one that does overall take both paths but with a simple pattern. (Or that's predictable based on global history; many modern branch-predictor designs index based on branch history, so which way the last few branches went determine which table entry is used for the current branch.)
Related: gcc optimization flag -O3 makes code slower then -O2 shows a case where a sorted array makes for near-perfect branch prediction for a condition inside a loop, and gcc -O3's branchless code (without profile guided optimization) bottlenecks on a data dependency from using cmov. But -O3 -fprofile-use makes branchy code. (Also, a different way of writing it makes lower-latency branchless code that also auto-vectorizes better.)
Inline asm should be your last resort if you can't hand-hold the compiler into making the asm you want, e.g. by writing it as (k<<1) + (a<b) as others have suggested.
Inline asm defeats many optimizations, most obvious constant-propagation (as seen in some other answers, where gcc moves a constant into a register outside the block of inline-asm code). https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/DontUseInlineAsm.
You could maybe use if(__builtin_constant_p(a)) and so on to use a pure C version when the compiler has constant values for some/all of the variables, but that's a lot more work. (And doesn't work well with Clang, where __builtin_constant_p() is evaluated before function inlining.)
Even then (once you've limited things to cases where the inputs aren't compile-time constants), it's not possible to give the compiler the full range of options, because you can't use different asm blocks depending on which constraints are matched (e.g. a in a register and b in memory, or vice versa.) In cases where you want to use a different instruction depending on the situation, you're screwed, but here we can use multi-alternative constraints to expose most of the flexibility of cmp.
It's still usually better to let the compiler make near-optimal code than to use inline asm. Inline-asm destroys the ability of the compiler to reuse use any temporary results, or spread out the instructions to mix with other compiler-generated code. (Instruction-scheduling isn't a big deal on x86 because of good out-of-order execution, but still.)
That asm is pretty crap. If you get a lot of branch misses, it's better than a branchy implementation, but a much better branchless implementation is possible.
Your a<b is an unsigned compare (you're using setb, the unsigned below condition). So your compare result is in the carry flag. x86 has an add-with-carry instruction. Furthermore, k<<1 is the same thing as k+k.
So the asm you want (compiler-generated or with inline asm) is:
# k in %rax, a in %rdi, b in %rsi for this example
cmp %rsi, %rdi # CF = (a < b) = the carry-out from edi - esi
adc %rax, %rax # eax = (k<<1) + CF = (k<<1) + (a < b)
Compilers are smart enough to use add or lea for a left-shift by 1, and some are smart enough to use adc instead of setb, but they don't manage to combine both.
Writing a function with register args and a return value is often a good way to see what compilers might do, although it does force them to produce the result in a different register. (See also this Q&A, and Matt Godbolt's CppCon2017 talk: “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid”).
// I also tried a version where k is a function return value,
// or where k is a global, so it's in the same register.
unsigned funcarg(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned k) {
if( a < b )
k = (k<<1) + 1;
k = (k<<1);
return k;
On the Godbolt compiler explorer, along with a couple other versions. (I used unsigned in this version, because you had addl in your asm. Using unsigned long makes everything except the xor-zeroing into 64-bit registers. (xor %eax,%eax is still the best way to zero RAX.)
# gcc7.2 -O3 When it can keep the value in the same reg, uses add instead of lea
leal (%rdx,%rdx), %eax #, <retval>
cmpl %esi, %edi # b, a
adcl $0, %eax #, <retval>
#clang 6.0 snapshot -O3
xorl %eax, %eax
cmpl %esi, %edi
setb %al
leal (%rax,%rdx,2), %eax
# ICC18, same as gcc but fails to save a MOV
addl %edx, %edx #14.16
cmpl %esi, %edi #17.12
adcl $0, %edx #17.12
movl %edx, %eax #17.12
ret #17.12
MSVC is the only compiler that doesn't make branchless code without hand-holding. ((k<<1) + ( a < b ); gives us exactly the same xor/cmp/setb / lea sequence as clang above (but with the Windows x86-64 calling convention).
funcarg PROC ; x86-64 MSVC CL19 -Ox
lea eax, DWORD PTR [r8*2+1]
cmp ecx, edx
jb SHORT $LN3#funcarg
lea eax, DWORD PTR [r8+r8] ; conditionally jumped over
ret 0
Inline asm
The other answers cover the problems with your implementation pretty well. To debug assembler errors in inline asm, use gcc -O3 -S -fverbose-asm to see what the compiler is feeding to the assembler, with the asm template filled in. You would have seen addl %rax, %ecx or something.
This optimized implementation uses multi-alternative constraints to let the compiler pick either the cmp $imm, r/m, cmp r/m, r, or cmp r, r/m forms of CMP. I used two alternates that split things up not by opcode but by which side included the possible memory operand. "rme" is like "g" (rmi) but limited to 32-bit sign-extended immediates).
unsigned long inlineasm(unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long k)
__asm__("cmpq %[b], %[a] \n\t"
"adc %[k],%[k]"
: /* outputs */ [k] "+r,r" (k)
: /* inputs */ [a] "r,rm" (a), [b] "rme,re" (b)
: /* clobbers */ "cc"); // "cc" clobber is implicit for x86, but it doesn't hurt
return k;
I put this on Godbolt with callers that inline it in different contexts. gcc7.2 -O3 does what we expect for the stand-alone version (with register args).
movq %rdx, %rax # k, k
cmpq %rsi, %rdi # b, a
adc %rax,%rax # k
We can look at how well our constraints work by inlining into other callers:
unsigned long call_with_mem(unsigned long *aptr) {
return inlineasm(*aptr, 5, 4);
# gcc
movl $4, %eax #, k
cmpq $55555, (%rdi) #, *aptr_3(D)
adc %rax,%rax # k
With a larger immediate, we get movabs into a register. (But with an "i" or "g" constraint, gcc would emit code that doesn't assemble, or truncates the constant, trying to use a large immediate constant for cmpq.)
Compare what we get from pure C:
unsigned long call_with_mem_nonasm(unsigned long *aptr) {
return handhold(*aptr, 5, 4);
# gcc -O3
xorl %eax, %eax # tmp93
cmpq $4, (%rdi) #, *aptr_3(D)
setbe %al #, tmp93
addq $8, %rax #, k
adc $8, %rax without setc would probably have been better, but we can't get that from inline asm without __builtin_constant_p() on k.
clang often picks the mem alternative if there is one, so it does this: /facepalm. Don't use inline asm.
inlineasm: # clang 5.0
movq %rsi, -8(%rsp)
cmpq -8(%rsp), %rdi
adcq %rdx, %rdx
movq %rdx, %rax
BTW, unless you're going to optimize the shift into the compare-and-add, you can and should have asked the compiler for k<<1 as an input.

help understanding differences between #define, const and enum in C and C++ on assembly level

recently, i am looking into assembly codes for #define, const and enum:
C codes(#define):
3 #define pi 3
4 int main(void)
5 {
6 int a,r=1;
7 a=2*pi*r;
8 return 0;
9 }
assembly codes(for line 6 and 7 in c codes) generated by GCC:
6 mov $0x1, -0x4(%ebp)
7 mov -0x4(%ebp), %edx
7 mov %edx, %eax
7 add %eax, %eax
7 add %edx, %eax
7 add %eax, %eax
7 mov %eax, -0x8(%ebp)
C codes(enum):
2 int main(void)
3 {
4 int a,r=1;
5 enum{pi=3};
6 a=2*pi*r;
7 return 0;
8 }
assembly codes(for line 4 and 6 in c codes) generated by GCC:
6 mov $0x1, -0x4(%ebp)
7 mov -0x4(%ebp), %edx
7 mov %edx, %eax
7 add %eax, %eax
7 add %edx, %eax
7 add %eax, %eax
7 mov %eax, -0x8(%ebp)
C codes(const):
4 int main(void)
5 {
6 int a,r=1;
7 const int pi=3;
8 a=2*pi*r;
9 return 0;
10 }
assembly codes(for line 7 and 8 in c codes) generated by GCC:
6 movl $0x3, -0x8(%ebp)
7 movl $0x3, -0x4(%ebp)
8 mov -0x4(%ebp), %eax
8 add %eax, %eax
8 imul -0x8(%ebp), %eax
8 mov %eax, 0xc(%ebp)
i found that use #define and enum, the assembly codes are the same. The compiler use 3 add instructions to perform multiplication. However, when use const, imul instruction is used.
Anyone knows the reason behind that?
The difference is that with #define or enum the value 3 doesn't need to exist as an explicit value in the code and so the compiler has decided to use two add instructions rather than allocating space for the constant 3. The add reg,reg instruction is 2 bytes per instruction, so thats 6 bytes of instructions and 0 bytes for constants to multiply by 3, that's smaller code than imul plus a 4 byte constant. Plus the way the add instructions are used, it works out to a pretty literal translation of *2 *3, so this may not be a size optimization, it may be the default compiler output whenever you multiply by 2 or by 3. (add is usually a faster instruction than multiply).
#define and enum don't declare an instance, they only provide a way to give a symbolic name to the value 3, so the compiler has the option of making smaller code.
mov $0x1, -0x4(%ebp) ; r=1
mov -0x4(%ebp), %edx ; edx = r
mov %edx, %eax ; eax = edx
add %eax, %eax ; *2
add %edx, %eax ;
add %eax, %eax ; *3
mov %eax, -0x8(%ebp) ; a = eax
But when you declare const int pi = 3, you tell the compiler to allocate space for an integer value and initialize it with 3. That uses 4 bytes, but the constant is now available to use as an operand for the imul instruction.
movl $0x3, -0x8(%ebp) ; pi = 3
movl $0x3, -0x4(%ebp) ; r = 3? (typo?)
mov -0x4(%ebp), %eax ; eax = r
add %eax, %eax ; *2
imul -0x8(%ebp), %eax ; *pi
mov %eax, 0xc(%ebp) ; a = eax
By the way, this is clearly not optimized code. Because the value a is never used, so if optimization were turned on, the compiler would just execute
xor eax, eax ; return 0
In all 3 cases.
I tried this with MSVC and in debug mode I get the same output for all 3 cases, MSVC always uses imul by a literal 6. Even in case 3 when it creates the const int = 3 it doesn't actually reference it in the imul.
I don't think this test really tells you anything about const vs define vs enum because this is non-optimized code.
The const keyword merely states that the particular file accessing it isn't allowed to modify it, but other modules may modify or define the value. Therefore, shifts and multiplies aren't allowed, since the value isn't known in advance. The #define'ed values are simply replaced with the literal value after preprocessing, so the compiler can analyze it at compile time. I'm not entirely sure about enums though.
When compiled as C++, identical code is generated to that produced when compiled with C, at least with GCC 4.4.1:
const int pi = 3;
- 0x40132e <main+22>: mov 0xc(%esp),%edx
- 0x401332 <main+26>: mov %edx,%eax
- 0x401334 <main+28>: shl %eax
- 0x401336 <main+30>: add %edx,%eax
- 0x401338 <main+32>: shl %eax
- 0x40133a <main+34>: mov %eax,0x8(%esp)
The same code is emitted if pi is defined as:
#define pi 3
In the last case, the compiler treats pi as a variable rather than a literal constant. It may be possible for the compiler to optimise that out with different compiler options.
[edit]Note the entire fragment as written can be optimised out since a is assigned but not used; declare a as a volatile to prevent that occurring.
The semantics of const in C++ differ from that in C in subtle ways, I suspect you'd get a different result with C++ compilation.
It appears that you did not actually turn the optimizer on -- even when you thought you did. I compiled this:
int literal(int r)
return 2*3*r;
int enumeral(int r)
enum { pi=3 };
return 2*pi*r;
int constant(int r)
const int pi=3;
return 2*pi*r;
... with Apple's gcc 4.2 (rather older than the compiler you used); I can reproduce the assembly you say you got when I use no optimization (the default), but at any higher optimization level, I get identical code for all three, and identical code whether compiled as C or C++:
movl 4(%esp), %eax
leal (%eax,%eax,2), %eax
addl %eax, %eax
Based on the comments on John Knoeller's answer, it appears that you did not realize that GCC's command line options are case sensitive. Capital O options (-O1, -O2, -O3, -Os) turn on optimization; lowercase o options (-o whatever) specify the output file. Your -o2 -othing construct silently ignores the -o2 part and writes to thing.
