cakePHP:Tried running this code in cakePHP - cakephp

C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\bin>cake bake migration_snapshot Initial
PHP Warning: Module 'intl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
Exception: Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency
In [C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php, line 202]
2021-02-09 08:52:48 Error: [Cake\Database\Exception\MissingExtensionException] Database driver Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql cannot be used due to a missing PHP extension or unmet dependency in C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php on line 202
Exception Attributes: array (
'driver' => 'Cake\\Database\\Driver\\Mysql',
Stack Trace:
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Database\Connection.php:142
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Datasource\ConnectionRegistry.php:90
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Core\ObjectRegistry.php:110
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Datasource\ConnectionManager.php:212
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\migrations\src\Command\BakeMigrationSnapshotCommand.php:122
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\migrations\src\Command\BakeMigrationSnapshotCommand.php:55
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\migrations\src\Command\BakeSimpleMigrationCommand.php:91
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Console\BaseCommand.php:179
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Console\CommandRunner.php:336
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Console\CommandRunner.php:172
- C:\xampp\htdocs\my_app\bin\cake.php:12

Please check if you have two different versions of php on your machine.
cake bake should read the php extensions from xamp's php version i.e C:\xampp\php.


compilation error when upgraded from ReactJS 15 + webpack 3.x TO ReactJS 16 + webpack 4

my app currently working fine with ReactJS 15 however I thought of upgrading it to ReactJS 16, currently I have an app which has both client and Server part.
many files are being referred in both client and server side, to upgrade ReactJS 16, I created a new project using create-react-app command , then I copied all my files/folders from old project to new project.
when I compiled, I faced lot of issues with respect to import / require style of including files , all the js files using module.exports = kind of are not working at all with ReactJS 16.
now I am getting following error, for which I am not getting any help in internet.
Failed to compile.
Error: Child compilation failed:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token )
- Function
- lodash.js:14866
- lodash.js:473 apply
- lodash.js:15250
- lodash.js:475 apply
- lodash.js:6569
- lodash.js:14865 Function.template
- SyntaxError: Unexpected token )
- compiler.js:141 childCompiler.runAsChild
- Compiler.js:306 compile
- Compiler.js:630 hooks.afterCompile.callAsync.err
- Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
- Compiler.js:627 compilation.seal.err
- Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
- Compilation.js:1325 hooks.optimizeAssets.callAsync.err
- Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
- Compilation.js:1316 hooks.optimizeChunkAssets.callAsync.err
- Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
- Compilation.js:1311 hooks.additionalAssets.callAsync.err

Akeneo 2.2.5: No JobInstance found with code "add_to_existing_product_model"

Since the forum at is locked down, I posted my question here.
When I try to add Produkts to a Product-Model via mass-edit, I get the following error message:
No JobInstance found with code "add_to_existing_product_model"
[2018-06-19 19:39:31] request.INFO: Matched route "pim_enrich_mass_edit_rest_launch". {"route":"pim_enrich_mass_edit_rest_launch","route_parameters":{"_controller":"","_route":"pim_enrich_mass_edit_rest_launch"},"request_uri":"","method":"POST"} []
[2018-06-19 19:39:32] request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\NotFoundResourceException: "No JobInstance found with code "add_to_existing_product_model"" at ./vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/EnrichBundle/MassEditAction/OperationJobLauncher.php line 59 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Translation\\Exception\\NotFoundResourceException(code: 0): No JobInstance found with code \"add_to_existing_product_model\" at ./vendor/akeneo/pim-community-dev/src/Pim/Bundle/EnrichBundle/MassEditAction/OperationJobLauncher.php:59)"} []
I get this error with the latest version of Akeneo 2 (v2.2.5). The product model was created manually, the products to be associated with the model came through the api.
This error looks like a missing job in the database. Did you run all the doctrine migrations?
To do so you need to launch this command:
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=prod
If you already launched the migrations and they failed, you can install a clean 2.2.5 PIM elsewhere and dump the job instance table to be able to add the missing jobs. Here is the list of the jobs to add or update in 2.2:
- add_association
- move_to_category
- add_to_category
- remove_from_category
- add_to_existing_product_model
- compute_family_variant_structure_changes
- compute_completeness_of_products_family
- add_attribute_value
- delete_products_and_product_models

Ontapi Runtime Error including openllet 2.6.3

Adding opellet 2.6.3 to Maven project including Ontapi throws the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TSV
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntFormat.<clinit>(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$ONTLoaderImpl.guessFormat(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$ONTLoaderImpl.getSupportedFormats(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$ONTLoaderImpl.readGraph(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$ONTLoaderImpl.loadGraph(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl$ONTLoaderImpl.load(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl.loadOWLOntology(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyFactoryImpl.loadOWLOntology(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManagerImpl.load(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManagerImpl.load(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManagerImpl.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
at ru.avicomp.ontapi.OntologyManager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
The code tested is the following:
OWLOntologyManager manager = OntManagers.createONT();
OWLDataFactory factory = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
OWLOntology ontology=manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(
new File("ontologies/E1G1.owl"));
My pom file contains the following dependencies:ontapi1 .1.0, jena-arq 3.6.0, openllet-pellint 2.6.3.
Ensure you only have one owlapi version in the claaspath. The stack trace implies there are at least two versions.

proguard.ParseException: Unknown option '-encryptstrings' in proguard.cfg

When I run mvn install goal with progurad option then am getting the following error. Previously, I don't have this error. I could not find what has made the difference in getting the following error:
proguard.ParseException: Unknown option '-encryptstrings' in line .. of file 'proguard.cfg'
I am using dexguard for my project. is this error because of the maven could not identify the dexguard folder location?
proguard.cfg content:
-dalvik -- unknown option
-android -- unknown option
# Encrypt all strings -- parse exception
-encryptstrings '???*'
The following works with out issues:
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic
-optimizationpasses 30
-renamesourcefileattribute Maviance
-keepattributes SourceFile,LineNumberTable,*Annotation*
-keep,allowshrinking,allowobfuscation class**Compat* { *; }
The option -encryptstrings '???*' is only supported by DexGuard. So when you use ProGuard to build your application, you will receive such an error.
Thus it is advised to separate the dexguard related configuration into a separate config file dexguard-project.txt that is only included when using DexGuard.
I had the same error using dexguard. The problem was that I was missing this line
proguardFiles getDefaultDexGuardFile('')
So gradle took Proguard instead of Dexguard, which obviously doesn´t have the encryptstrings feature. So the working release configuration is this:
release {
debuggable true
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultDexGuardFile('')
signingConfig signingConfigs.release

Converting PB 9 classic app to .Net winform

I have a powerbuilder 9 app and we are converting that to .net. To do this, I am following the below approach :
Convert powerbuilder 9 app to powerbuilder classic 12.5. - Completed successfully.
Convert powerbuilder classic 12.5 app to 12.5 app. - In progress, with build errors.
Create .Net dlls in 12.5
Refer 12.5 dlls in .Net winforms project to reuse the existing forms and the code. - Pending.
In step 2, I am facing issues for building the app successfully.
After conversion, I got the below errors :
There is a functionality to create excel sheet. After conversion, there is an error at the below line.
Error C0014: Undefined variable: columnwidth
There is an error at GOTO statement.
Syntax/statement in the code: GOTO IssuerLtrsOnly1, IssuerLtrsOnly1:
Error: No label 'IssuerLtrsOnly1' within the scope of the GoTo statement.
I commented the above lines to see the successful build. Unfortunately, below is the error i got again and with this error I am unable to find the location of the error. On double click of the error, it is not pointing to the error location after target corecompile.
Below is the build information:
PowerScript compile complete -- 0 error(s), 92 warning(s)
MSBuild started... output path:
C:\Data\DUTCH\PB 12.5\Copy of DAU_PB_CODE_dot net 12.5\wpf\auction.out\bin\Debug
Project "auction.csproj" (default targets):
Target CoreCompile
Csc: Error CS1510 u_apol_nv_wizard.uf_display_step(II) (23,67): A ref or out argument must be an assignable variable
Csc: Error CS1510 u_apol_nv_wizard.uf_display_step(II) (27,66): A ref or out argument must be an assignable variable
Error#2 goto is unsupported feature in PB.NET
