Safaricom dashboard does not show all the test credentials - mpesa

I am working on Safaricom Daraja API B2C but some of the required test credentials are not displayed in the Safaricom Dashboard.
As you can see above, the initiator name and security credentials are not provided yet they are needed in the B2C API call.
How do I get these credentials.
This question was asked before Safaricom upgraded to the new Daraja Dashboard. The problem has now been sorted

Apparently, for some unknown reason to us, Safaricom chose to hide the test credentials and if you need them, you have to write them an email at and request for the test credentials. You will get a response in less than an hour with shortcodes and initiators that you can use for test.
Source ->

The test Credentials are on the simulator link, bottom right redirects to the link.

Please try this with the new mpesa portal2.0 - It is straight-forward


Invalid OAuth2 redirect_uri

Im making a dashboard for my discord bot on replit with Node.Js but when I click "add to discord/add to server" it says "Invalid OAuth2 redirect_uri" how can I fix this?
Kind reminder, when asking questions make sure to provide the most amount of details to further assists others in assisting you.
The error derives from the redirect_uri parameter in your oauth2 link not matching with those in the developer portal.
In your developer portal go to OAuth2 -> General -> Redirects
Make sure you have one created.
Then go to the URL Generator, select your scopes, and then in the option where it says SELECT REDIRECT URL set that to the url you just created/selected.

During signIn receiving B2C error code ‘AADB2C99059’

Integrated a web application(SPA) with azure B2C for user authentication. During logging from web app, I’m seeing this b2c exception code (AADB2C99059) on the UI instead of actual b2c login screen. Please suggest me on this scenario, whether I have to make any changes in b2c configuration or the backend application code to make any changes.
The Error (AADB2C99059: The supplied request must present a code challenge) generally comes when you are missing your code challenge in run now URL. You can test the user flow without implementing it in an application by appending a static value for the code_challange on the run now url.
For example, you can append &code_challenge=YTFjNjI1OWYzMzA3MTI4ZDY2Njg5M2RkNmVjNDE5YmEyZGRhOGYyM2IzNjdmZWFhMTQ1ODg3NDcxY2Nl to the url and it should work for you.
If above code challenge is not working for you can also generate your code challenge using C# code and pass it to the request URL.
You can refer this document to know how to generate the code_challenge
This should be automatic in an SPA.
It's part of the "Run Now" flow.


On the website I have registered my application, set up generated Client ID: and Client Secret to my app and tried to log in with Google.
Unfortunately, I got the error message:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
The redirect URI in the request: did not match a registered redirect URI
What does mean this message, and how can I fix it?
I use the gem omniauth-google-oauth2.
The redirect URI (where the response is returned to) has to be registered in the APIs console, and the error is indicating that you haven't done that, or haven't done it correctly.
Go to the console for your project and look under API Access. You should see your client ID & client secret there, along with a list of redirect URIs. If the URI you want isn't listed, click edit settings and add the URI to the list.
EDIT: (From a highly rated comment below) Note that updating the google api console and that change being present can take some time. Generally only a few minutes but sometimes it seems longer.
In my case it was www and non-www URL. Actual site had www URL and the Authorized Redirect URIs in Google Developer Console had non-www URL. Hence, there was mismatch in redirect URI. I solved it by updating Authorized Redirect URIs in Google Developer Console to www URL.
Other common URI mismatch are:
Using http:// in Authorized Redirect URIs and https:// as actual URL, or vice-versa
Using trailing slash ( in Authorized Redirect URIs and not using trailing slash ( as actual URL, or vice-versa
Here are the step-by-step screenshots of Google Developer Console so that it would be helpful for those who are getting it difficult to locate the developer console page to update redirect URIs.
Go to
Select your Project
Click on the menu icon
Click on API Manager menu
Click on Credentials menu. And under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs, you will find your client name. In my case, it is Web Client 1. Click on it and a popup will appear where you can edit Authorized Javascript Origin and Authorized redirect URIs.
Note: The Authorized URI includes all localhost links by default, and any live version needs to include the full path, not just the domain, e.g.
Here is a Google article on creating project and client ID.
If you're using Google+ javascript button, then you have to use postmessage instead of the actual URI. It took me almost the whole day to figure this out since Google's docs do not clearly state it for some reason.
In any flow where you retrieved an authorization code on the client side, such as the GoogleAuth.grantOfflineAccess() API, and now you want to pass the code to your server, redeem it, and store the access and refresh tokens, then you have to use the literal string postmessage instead of the redirect_uri.
For example, building on the snippet in the Ruby doc:
client_secrets = Google::APIClient::ClientSecrets.load('client_secrets.json')
auth_client = client_secrets.to_authorization
:scope => 'profile',
:redirect_uri => 'postmessage' # <---- HERE
# Inject user's auth_code here:
auth_client.code = "4/lRCuOXzLMIzqrG4XU9RmWw8k1n3jvUgsI790Hk1s3FI"
tokens = auth_client.fetch_access_token!
# { "access_token"=>..., "expires_in"=>3587, "id_token"=>..., "refresh_token"=>..., "token_type"=>"Bearer"}
The only Google documentation to even mention postmessage is this old Google+ sign-in doc. Here's a screenshot and archive link since G+ is closing and this link will likely go away:
It is absolutely unforgivable that the doc page for Offline Access doesn't mention this. #FacePalm
For my web application i corrected my mistake by writing
instead of : http://localhost:11472/authorize/
type : http://localhost/authorize/
Make sure to check the protocol "http://" or "https://" as google checks protocol as well.
Better to add both URL in the list. would see an error like this
2.then you should click on request details
after this , you have to copy that url and add this on
go to
click on Menu -> API & Services -> Credentials
you would see a dashboard like this ,click on edit OAuth Client
now in Authorized Javascript Origins and Authorized redirect URLS
add the url that has shown error called redirect_uri_mismatch i.e here it is , so i have added that in both the places in
Authorized Javascript Origins and Authorized redirect URLS
click on save and wait for 5 min and then try to login again
This seems quite strange and annoying that no "one" solution is there.
for me http://localhost:8000 did not worked out but http://localhost:8000/ worked out.
This answer is same as this Mike's answer, and Jeff's answer, both sets redirect_uri to postmessage on client side. I want to add more about the server side, and also the special circumstance applying to this configuration.
Tech Stack
Python 3.6
Django 1.11
Django REST Framework 3.9: server as API, not rendering template, not doing much elsewhere.
Django REST Framework JWT 1.11
Django REST Social Auth < 2.1
React: 16.8.3, create-react-app version 2.1.5
react-google-login: 5.0.2
The "Code" Flow (Specifically for Google OAuth2)
Summary: React --> request social auth "code" --> request jwt token to acquire "login" status in terms of your own backend server/database.
Frontend (React) uses a "Google sign in button" with responseType="code" to get an authorization code. (it's not token, not access token!)
The google sign in button is from react-google-login mentioned above.
Click on the button will bring up a popup window for user to select account. After user select one and the window closes, you'll get the code from the button's callback function.
Frontend send this to backend server's JWT endpoint.
POST request, with { "provider": "google-oauth2", "code": "your retrieved code here", "redirect_uri": "postmessage" }
For my Django server I use Django REST Framework JWT + Django REST Social Auth. Django receives the code from frontend, verify it with Google's service (done for you). Once verified, it'll send the JWT (the token) back to frontend. Frontend can now harvest the token and store it somewhere.
All of REST_SOCIAL_OAUTH_ABSOLUTE_REDIRECT_URI, REST_SOCIAL_DOMAIN_FROM_ORIGIN and REST_SOCIAL_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI in Django's are unnecessary. (They are constants used by Django REST Social Auth) In short, you don't have to setup anything related to redirect url in Django. The "redirect_uri": "postmessage" in React frontend suffice. This makes sense because the social auth work you have to do on your side is all Ajax-style POST request in frontend, not submitting any form whatsoever, so actually no redirection occur by default. That's why the redirect url becomes useless if you're using the code + JWT flow, and the server-side redirect url setting is not taking any effect.
The Django REST Social Auth handles account creation. This means it'll check the google account email/last first name, and see if it match any account in database. If not, it'll create one for you, using the exact email & first last name. But, the username will be something like youremailprefix717e248c5b924d60 if your email is It appends some random string to make a unique username. This is the default behavior, I believe you can customize it and feel free to dig into their documentation.
The frontend stores that token and when it has to perform CRUD to the backend server, especially create/delete/update, if you attach the token in your Authorization header and send request to backend, Django backend will now recognize that as a login, i.e. authenticated user. Of course, if your token expire, you have to refresh it by making another request.
Oh my goodness, I've spent more than 6 hours and finally got this right! I believe this is the 1st time I saw this postmessage thing. Anyone working on a Django + DRF + JWT + Social Auth + React combination will definitely crash into this. I can't believe none of the article out there mentions this except answers here. But I really hope this post can save you tons of time if you're using the Django + React stack.
In my case, my credential Application type is "Other". So I can't find Authorized redirect URIs in the credentials page. It seems appears in Application type:"Web application". But you can click the Download JSON button to get the client_secret.json file.
Open the json file, and you can find the parameter like this: "redirect_uris":["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob","http://localhost"]. I choose to use http://localhost and it works fine for me.
When you register your app at and
make a Client ID, you get a chance to specify one or more redirect
URIs. The value of the redirect_uri parameter on your auth URI has to
match one of them exactly.
http or https?
& or &?
trailing slash(/) or open ?
(CMD/CTRL)+F, search for the exact match in the credential page. If
not found then search for the missing one.
Wait until google refreshes it. May happen in each half an hour if you
are changing frequently or it may stay in the pool. For my case it was almost half an hour to take effect.
for me it was because in the 'Authorized redirect URIs' list I've incorrectly put instead of (without / at the end).
The redirect url is case sensitive.
In my case I added both:
If you use this tutorial: then you should use "postmessage".
In GO this fixed the problem:
confg = &oauth2.Config{
RedirectURL: "postmessage",
ClientID: ...,
ClientSecret: ...,
Scopes: ...,
Endpoint: google.Endpoint,
beware of the extra / at the end of the url
http://localhost:8000 is different from http://localhost:8000/
It has been answered thoroughly but recently (like, a month ago) Google stopped accepting my URI and it would not worked. I know for a fact it did before because there is a user registered with it.
Anyways, the problem was the regular 400: redirect_uri_mismatch but the only difference was that it was changing from https:// to http://, and Google will not allow you to register http:// redirect URI as they are production publishing status (as opposed to localhost).
The problem was in my callback (I use Passport for auth) and I only did
callbackURL: "/register/google/redirect"
Read docs and they used a full URL, so I changed it to
callbackURL: "https://" + process.env.MY_URL+ "/register/google/redirect"
Added https localhost to my accepted URI so I could test locally, and it started working again.
TL;DR use the full URL so you know where you're redirecting
2015 July 15 - the signin that was working last week with this script on login
<script src="" async defer></script>
stopped working and started causing Error 400 with Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
and in the DETAILS section: redirect_uri=storagerelay://...
i solved it by changing to:
<script src=""></script>
Rails users (from the omniauth-google-oauth2 docs):
Fixing Protocol Mismatch for redirect_uri in Rails
Just set the full_host in OmniAuth based on the Rails.env.
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
OmniAuth.config.full_host = Rails.env.production? ? '' : 'http://localhost:3000'
REMEMBER: Do not include the trailing "/"
None of the above solutions worked for me. below did
change authorised Redirect urls to - https://localhost:44377/signin-google
Hope this helps someone.
My problem was that I had http://localhost:3000/ in the address bar and had in the
Just make sure that you are entering URL and not just a domain.
So instead of:
it should be
Anyone struggling to find where to set redirect urls in the new console: APIs & Auth -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 client IDs -> Click the link to find all your redirect urls
My two cents:
If using the Google_Client library do not forget to update the JSON file on your server after updating the redirect URI's.
I also get This error Error-400: redirect_uri_mismatch
This is not a server or Client side error but you have to only change by checking that you haven't to added / (forward slash) at the end like this
redirecting URL list ❌:
Do this only ✅:
Let me complete #Bazyl's answer: in the message I received, they mentioned the URI
(which of course, seems an internal google configuration). I changed the authorized URI for that one,
"http://localhost:8080/" , and the message didn't appear anymore... And the video got uploaded... The APIS documentation is VERY lame... Every time I have something working with google apis, I simply feel "lucky", but there's a lack of good documentation about it.... :( Yes, I got it working, but I don't yet understand neither why it failed, nor why it worked... There was only ONE place to confirm the URI in the web, and it got copied in the client_secrets.json... I don't get if there's a THIRD place where one should write the same URI... I find nor only the documentation but also the GUI design of Google's api quite lame...
I needed to create a new client ID under APIs & Services -> Credentials -> Create credentials -> OAuth -> Other
Then I downloaded and used the client_secret.json with my command line program that is uploading to my youtube account. I was trying to use a Web App OAuth client ID which was giving me the redirect URI error in browser.
I have frontend app and backend api.
From my backend server I was testing by hitting google api and was facing this error. During my whole time I was wondering of why should I need to give redirect_uri as this is just the backend, for frontend it makes sense.
What I was doing was giving different redirect_uri (though valid) from server (assuming this is just placeholder, it just has only to be registered to google) but my frontend url that created token code was different. So when I was passing this code in my server side testing(for which redirect-uri was different), I was facing this error.
So don't do this mistake. Make sure your frontend redirect_uri is same as your server's as google use it to validate the authenticity.
The main reason for this issue will only come from chrome and chrome handles WWW and non www differently depending on how you entered your URL in the browsers and it searches from google and directly shows the results, so the redirection URL sent is different in a different case
Add all the possible combinations you can find the exact url sent from fiddler , the 400 error pop up will not give you the exact http and www infromation
Try to do these checks:
Bundle ID in console and in your application. I prefer set Bundle ID of application like this "org.peredovik.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}"
Check if you added URL types at tab Info just type your Bundle ID in Identifier and URL Schemes, role set to Editor
In console at "APIs & auth" -> "Consent screen" fill form about your application. "Product name" is required field.
Enjoy :)

Authorization request to get access on behalf of a user results in a 'cookiesDisabled' page

I'm trying to do an Authorization request following the documentation about it on Microsoft (Getting access on behalf of a user: I'm making the request using Azure's Logic Apps. I already made an app registration in Azure AD and gave it the following permissions (I used the app for a few different requests before so that's why it contains a lot of unnecessary api permissions). I already succeeded in getting access without a user ( Now I really don't know what I'm doing wrong, so if anybody has an idea of what it is, please let me know. I will try to explain as carefully as possible using screenshots so you guys get the idea of what I'm trying to do.
On the first screen below you can see the api permission I added to my app registration. For this request I'm only asking authorization for the one with arrow next to it(as you will see later on).
On the second screen you can see the HTTP post request I'm trying to make to the authorize endpoint. I blurred out the Tenant and Client_id for privacy reasons. I only added the required parameters in the body as described by Microsoft. In the scope parameter you can see the api permission I'm asking permission for.
On the third screenshot you can see the output of the request. Instead of getting an Authorization code as requested, I get an HTML body.
When I paste that HTML body into a browser it gives me the following result:
I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I tripled checked to make sure cookies are enabled, made sure third-party cookies are not disabled and added login.microsoftonline to my trusted websites.
I'm starting to think I'm doing something very simple wrong, but I can't figure out exactly what. Any help is welcome! :D
Sorry can't add a comment so posting as an answer
What you are trying to implement is the Authorization Code grant flow of OAUTH 2.0. In Authorization code grant flow following steps occur
1) User is presented with the scopes that an application requires when accessing certain resources,
2) The user authorizes this. and the user is redirected to a redirect url
3) The application then exchanges the code sent with the redirect url to get the actual token which in this case will be sent to the Microsoft Graph for validation.
4) User then sees the information pulled.
The major crux of Authorization Code grant flow is that "User Authorization is required" This basically means that this flow is used when the call is invoked from a browser client where the user is actually interacting. This flow should not go through the Azure Logic Apps. If you want a service or a daemon to access the resources in that case you should use Client Credentials Grant flow

Restricting API Calls to a Certain Domain

My app uses JS Facebook API to use Facebook as a login/pass. Here what happens when you try to login.
User click on the Facebook Login Button
Facebook Authenticates
If Success. I grab the Facebook ID and Name of the user
Calls on my REST API on my APP to check and see if the that FBID is registered in my system.
If Registered, I write the session to verify that the user is authenticated.
This is great since I don't have to store usernames and password. But I am worried that someone will just use a REST API debugger like POSTMAN in chrome and just send a Facebook ID and the name of the user and they will be authenticated.
My question is what is the best way to secure my end that will prevent apps like POSTMAN to just input the fields needed to authenticate? Am I missing something? Can anyone recommend a strategy for this?
Or is using CSRF token the only way to combat this? I am using FuelPHP as a backend and doing a single page app using AngularJS with NgRoutes. But every time I enabled the CSRF on fuel, the token passed does not match what it was in the back-end.
I am under the impression that this is due to that the javascript token function is in the main page, where the ng-view. I know this might have something to do with the ngRoutes.
Use Fuel's Auth package. It has Opauth integration which does all the above, and for an entire list of social media platforms, not only facebook.
Always try not to reinvent the wheel, assume someone else has had the same challenge, solved at, and shared the solution with the community.
