Toggle specific div (id) within a react component - reactjs

I have a site built with post-components to show articles in a feed. Inside the component, I have a button that opens a modal onClick. I use useState to toggle on the modal which works perfectly fine. The problem is that since the toggle is put on the modal-div inside the component.. every single post modal opens whenever I click one of the buttons. I want to open only the targeted post modal (with the sam post id as the button I’m clicking). I can’t figure out how to do this…in react.
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState (true);
const toggler = () => {
setToggle(prev => !prev)
return (
<section className="posts">
{ => {
return (
<div className="post">
<div className="postDescrip">
<h2 className="postTitle">{edge.node.frontmatter.title}</h2>
<h2 className="name">{}</h2>
<button className="readMoreBtn" onClick={toggler}>{toggle ? <h2 className="readMore">Read more</h2> : <h2 className="readMore">Read less</h2>}
<Img className="postImg" fluid={edge.node.frontmatter.featuredImage.childImageSharp.fluid} />
<div className={toggle ? 'hide' : 'postCopy'} >
<Close close={toggler} />
<div className="copy" dangerouslySetInnerHTML= {{__html: edge.node.html}}></div>
<h4>Read the full article in Issue One</h4>
export default Posts;
After trying suggested solution using object instead on bolean. I now receive this error message
[Error message][1]for the following code:
const [toggles, setToggles] = useState ({});
let id;
const createToggler = (id) = () => {
setToggles(prev => { [id] : !prev[id] })
// setToggle(prev => { ...prev, [id]: !prev[id] }) // or support multi modal at same time. but I think you don't want it.
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query {
allMarkdownRemark (
sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] }
edges {
node {
frontmatter {
featuredImage {
childImageSharp {
fluid(maxWidth: 800) {
fields {
return (
<section className="posts">
{ => {
const id =;
const toggle = toggles[id];
const toggler = createToggler(id);
return (
<div className="post" id={}>
<div className="postDescrip">
<h2 className="postTitle">{edge.node.frontmatter.title}</h2>
<h2 className="name">{}</h2>
<button className="readMoreBtn" onClick={toggler}>{toggle ? <h2 className="readMore">Read more</h2> : <h2 className="readMore">Read less</h2>}
<Img className="postImg" fluid={edge.node.frontmatter.featuredImage.childImageSharp.fluid} />
<div className={toggle ? 'hide' : 'postCopy'} id={}>
<Close close={toggler} />
<div className="copy" dangerouslySetInnerHTML= {{__html: edge.node.html}}></div>
<h4>Read the full article in Issue One</h4>
export default Posts;

like this.
use a object instead of a single boolean.
const [toggles, setToggles] = useState ({});
const createToggler = (id) = () => {
setToggle(prev => { [id]: !prev[id] }) // atmost one id is true. others is undefine or false.
// setToggle(prev => { ...prev, [id]: !prev[id] }) // or support multi modal at same time. but I think you don't want it.
return (
<section className="posts">
{ => {
const id = ... // get your id form edge.
const toggle = toggles[id];
const toggler = createToggler(id);
return (
<div className="post">
<div className="postDescrip">
<h2 className="postTitle">{edge.node.frontmatter.title}</h2>
<h2 className="name">{}</h2>
<button className="readMoreBtn" onClick={toggler}>{toggle ? <h2 className="readMore">Read more</h2> : <h2 className="readMore">Read less</h2>}
<Img className="postImg" fluid={edge.node.frontmatter.featuredImage.childImageSharp.fluid} />
<div className={toggle ? 'hide' : 'postCopy'} >
<Close close={toggler} />
<div className="copy" dangerouslySetInnerHTML= {{__html: edge.node.html}}></div>
<h4>Read the full article in Issue One</h4>
export default Posts;

I solved my problem like this
import React, {useState} from "react"
import Img from "gatsby-image"
import './posts.css';
import cancel from '../images/cancel.png'
const Post = ({title, name, id, image, details, html}) => {
const [toggle, setToggle] = useState (true);
const toggler = () => {
setToggle(prev => !prev)
const selectPost= (event) =>{
let id =,
postCopy = document.getElementById('hide' + id);;
return (
<div className="post">
<div className="postDescrip">
<h2 className="postTitle">{title}</h2>
<h2 className="name">{name}</h2>
<button className="readMoreBtn" onClick={selectPost}>{toggle ? <h2 id={id} className="readMore">Read more</h2> : <h2 id={id} className="readMore">Read less</h2>}
<Img className="postImg" fluid={image} />
<div id={'hide' + id} className={toggle ? 'hide' : 'postCopy'} >
<button aria-label="Close" onClick={selectPost} className="closeBtn">
<img alt="close-button" src={cancel}/>
<div className="copy" dangerouslySetInnerHTML= {html}></div>
<h4>Read the full article in Issue One</h4>
export default Post;


How to Create Show/Hide button when Looping in React

I am working on a development site and am having an issue. The issue is that I am looping over the data file in order to create some project cards. Each project card has a show more/show less button to display/hide card descriptions.
My problem is that the current setup is mapping over the data and causing it so that whenever one gets clicked, all three either open or close simultaneously. Please help me to fix this issue. Relevant code is shown below:
Data example:
name: "Hot in the Biscuit",
id: "3a34",
image: "/images/bonnie.jpg",
description: "A multi-page front-end business website for a local restaurant in Koh Samui, Thailand. Custom design built with vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS.",
link: "",
date: "2021",
github: ""
Hero file where Showcase Component is rendered:
<h1>Featured Projects</h1>
Showcase where cards are created (UNNECCESSARY CODE REMOVED - classes and image):
const Showcase = () => {
const {readMore, setReadMore} = useContext(HeroContext)
const {toggleMenu} = useContext(NavbarContext)
{ => {
const {id, name, image, link, github, description, date} = item;
return (
<div key={id}>
{!toggleMenu &&
<h2>{name} | {date}</h2>
<h4>{ readMore[id] ? <-- THIS IS WHERE YOU NEED AN ID
description :
`${description.substring(0, 100)}...`
} <button key={id} onClick={() => setReadMore(!readMore)}>{readMore[id] ? "Show Less" : "Show More"}</button>
<a href={github}>
<a href={link}>
<h4 >See For Yourself! →</h4>
export default Showcase
So I just need some help on figuring out how to set it up so that each button knows which card is being clicked and only that button open. Thank you very much for helping me. I appreciate your time and help immensely.
It will be easier if you split showcase item to a new component.
const ShowCaseItem = ({ data }) => {
const { toggleMenu } = useContext(NavbarContext)
const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState(false)
const { id, name, image, link, github, description, date } = data;
return (
<div key={id}>
{!toggleMenu &&
<Image />
<h2>{name} | {date}</h2>
<h4>{readMore ?
description :
`${description.substring(0, 100)}...`
} <button key={id} onClick={() => setReadMore(!readMore)}>{readMore ? "Show Less" : "Show More"}</button>
<a href={github}>
<FiGithub />
<a href={link}>
<h4 >See For Yourself! →</h4>
const Showcase = () => {
const { readMore, setReadMore } = useContext(HeroContext)
return (
{ => <ShowCaseItem data={item} />)}
export default Showcase
You should update the HeroContext state to hold a reference to the ids that are shown/hidden.
const [readMore, setReadMore] = useState({});
const readMoreToggler = (id) => setReadMore(state => ({
[id]: !state[id], // <-- toggle boolean value
// context value
setReadMore: readMoreToggler, // pass readMoreToggler as setReadMore
const { readMore, setReadMore } = useContext(HeroContext);
{ => {
const {id, name, image, link, github, description, date} = item;
return (
<div key={id}>
{readMore[id] // <-- check by id if toggled true|false
? description
: `${description.substring(0, 100)}...`
onClick={() => setReadMore(id)} // <-- pass id to toggle
{readMore[id] ? "Show Less" : "Show More"} // <-- check by id if toggled true|false

Use State not updating as expected

Fairly new to react and trying to build a clone of The Movie Database site. I want this toggle switch to change my api call from movies to tv. It starts working after a couple clicks, but then it throws everything off and it's not displaying the correct items anyway. Not really sure what's going on here...or even why it starts working after two clicks. Anyone know whats up with this?
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
import API_KEY from "../../config";
const Popular = ({ imageUri }) => {
const [popularMovies, setPopularMovies] = useState("");
const [genre, setGenre] = useState("movie");
const getPopular = async () => {
const response = await axios.get(
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const listOptions = document.querySelectorAll(".switch--option");
const background = document.querySelector(".background");
const changeOption = (el) => {
let getGenre =;
listOptions.forEach((option) => {
el =;
let getStartingLeft = Math.floor(
let getLeft = Math.floor(el.getBoundingClientRect().left);
let getWidth = Math.floor(el.getBoundingClientRect().width);
let leftPos = getLeft - getStartingLeft;
`left: ${leftPos}px; width: ${getWidth}px`
return (
<section className="container movie-list">
<div className="flex">
<div className="movie-list__header">
<h3>What's Popular</h3>
<div className="switch flex">
<div className="switch--option selected">
onClick={(e) => changeOption(e)}
In Theaters
<div className="background"></div>
<div className="switch--option">
onClick={(e) => changeOption(e)}
<div className="scroller">
<div className="flex flex--justify-center">
<div className="flex flex--nowrap container u-overScroll">
{popularMovies &&, idX) => (
<div key={idX} className="card">
<div className="image">
<img src={imageUri + "w500" + movie.poster_path} />
export default Popular;
You're using the array index as your key prop when you're mapping your array.
You should use an id that is specific to the data that you're rendering.
React uses the key prop to know which items have changed since the last render.
In your case you should use the movie id in your key prop instead of the array index. => (
<div key={} className="card">
<div className="image">
<img src={imageUri + 'w500' + movie.poster_path} />
You're calling the api directly after setGenre. However state changes aren't immediate. So when you're making your api call you're still sending the last movie genre.
Two ways of fixing this:
You could call your function with the genre directly, and change your function so it handles this case:
Or you could not call the function at all and add genre as a dependency of your useEffect. That way the useEffect will run each time the genre change.
useEffect(() => {
}, [genre]);
PS: You should consider splitting your code into more component and not interacting with the DOM directly.
To give you an idea of what it could look like, I refactored a bit, but more improvements could be made:
const Popular = ({ imageUri }) => {
const [popularMovies, setPopularMovies] = useState('');
const [genre, setGenre] = useState('movie');
const getPopular = async (movieGenre) => {
const response = await axios.get(
useEffect(() => {
}, [genre]);
const changeHandler = (el) => {
let getGenre =;
const isMovieSelected = genre === 'movie';
const isTvSelected = genre === 'tv';
return (
<section className="container movie-list">
<div className="flex">
<MovieHeader>What's Popular</MovieHeader>
<div className="switch flex">
<Toggle onChange={changeHandler} selected={isMovieSelected}>
In Theaters
<Toggle onChange={changeHandler} selected={isTvSelected}>
<div className="scroller">
<div className="flex flex--justify-center">
<div className="flex flex--nowrap container u-overScroll">
{ => {
const { title, id, poster_path } = movie;
return (
export default Popular;
const Toggle = (props) => {
const { children, onChange, selected } = props;
const className = selected ? 'switch--option selected' : 'switch--option';
return (
<div className={className}>
<div className="background"></div>
const MovieHeader = (props) => {
const { children } = props;
return (
<div className="movie-list__header">
const MovieItem = (props) => {
const { title, imageUri, poster_path } = props;
return (
<div key={idX} className="card">
<div className="image">
<img src={imageUri + 'w500' + poster_path} />

React array item selection

I am trying to click on one card of a dynamically created list using map(). I want to click on one card from the array and add a class to it, while at the same time deselecting the other card that was previously clicked. How can I accomplish this? This is what I have so far:
const CardList = () => {
return (
<div className='card-list'>
{{ id, ...otherData }) => (
<Card key={id} {...otherData} />
export default CardList;
const Card = ({
}) => {
const [isSelected, setIsSelected] = useState(false);
const [clickId, setClickId] = useState('');
function handleClick(id) {
return (
className={`card ${isSelected && clickId === id ? 'clicked' : ''}`}
onClick={() => handleClick(id)}
<div className='thumbnail-div'>
<img className='thumbnail-img' src={thumbImg} alt='video' />
{workouts ? (
<div className='workout-overlay'>
<p className='workouts'>workouts</p>
) : null}
<div className='card-info'>
<div className='card-headline'>
<img src={trainerImg} alt='trainer' />
{time && views ? (
<div className='trainer-data'>
<i className='glyphicon glyphicon-time'></i>
<i className='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></i>
) : null}
export default Card;
The parent component should control what card is clicked. Add className property to card component:
const Card = ({
}) => {
return (
className={`card ${className}`}
onClick={() => onClick(id)}
In parent component pass the className 'clicked' and add the onClick callback to set the selected card:
const CardList = () => {
const [isSelected, setIsSelected] = useState(null);
const handleClick = (id) => {
return (
<div className='card-list'>
{{ id, ...otherData }) => (
<Card key={id} className={isSelected===id && 'clicked'} onClick ={handleClick} {...otherData} />
You can do something like this.
First you don't have to set state to each card. Instead Lift state Up.
You define which card is selected in parent so you can pass that to children and add classes if current selected is matching that children.
const CardList = () => {
const [isSelected, setIsSelected] = useState();
const handleCardClick = (id) => {
return (
<div className='card-list'>
{{ id, ...otherData }) => (
<Card key={id} {...otherData} handleClick={handleCardClick} isSelected={isSelected}/>
export default CardList;
const Card = ({
}) => {
return (
className={`card ${isSelected === id ? 'clicked' : ''}`}
onClick={() => handleClick(id)}
<div className='thumbnail-div'>
<img className='thumbnail-img' src={thumbImg} alt='video' />
{workouts ? (
<div className='workout-overlay'>
<p className='workouts'>workouts</p>
) : null}
<div className='card-info'>
<div className='card-headline'>
<img src={trainerImg} alt='trainer' />
{time && views ? (
<div className='trainer-data'>
<i className='glyphicon glyphicon-time'></i>
<i className='glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open'></i>
) : null}
export default Card;

Force update to make functional component re-render

I'm doing pokedex (pokemon wiki stuff). I want to change my component view, when clicking on pokemon images (description lookalike). When I click on an image - nothing happens (firstly, I want at least pokemon's name to be added to the pokemonDescription array). What am I doing wrong?
let pokemonDescription = [];
const useForceUpdate = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(true);
return () => setValue(value => !value);
const forceUpdate = useForceUpdate();
const onPokemonClick = (event) => {
"wrapper clicked, - ",'data-name')
pokemonDescription = [];
console.log("description array -", pokemonDescription);
useEffect(() => {
document.querySelector(".wrapper").addEventListener("click", onPokemonClick);
return () => {
document.querySelector(".wrapper").removeEventListener("click", onPokemonClick);
}, []);
return (
<div className="Pokemons">
<div className="column pokemons-list">
<div className="wrapper">
{, id) => (
<div className="box" key={ id }>
src={ p.sprites.front_default }
title={ }
<div className="container">
{ pokemonsTypes[id] }
<div className="column description">
{ pokemonDescription }
You should add pokemonDescription to your component state
const [pokemonDescription, setPokemonDescription] = useState([]);
Remove the forceUpdate function and hook, it is unnecessary.
Attach the click handlers to the elements with the data-name attribute you are trying to handle.
Map the pokemonDescription state array to renderable JSX. I simply used a div, but you should use whatever your UI design requires.
const onPokemonClick = (event) => {
setPokemonDescription(names => [
return (
<div className="Pokemons">
<div className="column pokemons-list">
<div className="wrapper">
{, id) => (
<div className="box" key={ id }>
src={ p.sprites.front_default }
title={ }
onClick={onPokemonClick} // <-- attach click handler to img element
<div className="container">
{ pokemonsTypes[id] }
<div className="column description">
{ => (
Add pokemonDescription to state instead of some local variable and it will solve your issue.
Try to avoid using forceUpdate, most of the times it means only that you are doing something silly.
I don't what that useForceUpdate does , but here is how would go about adding pokemon names to description array which is a state variable in my answer
const [pokemonDescription , setPokemonDescription ] = useState(null);
const onPokemonClick = (p) => {
const tempPokemonDescription = [...pokemonDescription ];
console.log("description array -", pokemonDescription);
setPokemonDescription(tempPokemonDescription )
return (
<div className="Pokemons">
<div className="column pokemons-list">
<div className="wrapper">
{, id) => (
<div className="box" onClick={e=>onPokemonClick(p)} key={ id }>
src={ p.sprites.front_default }
title={ }
<div className="container">
{ pokemonsTypes[id] }
<div className="column description">
{ pokemonDescription }

Button Click to Render Div

I want to click the button and render its corresponding div. Should I add the the div's info that I want to render to the state?
I'm sure there's a few different ways to solve this but I want to do it the React way and maybe as a function component?
export default function About(props) (
const [isHidden, setIsHidden] = useState(true);
const handleClick = () => {
return (
<div className="row justify-content-md-center">
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton onClick={handleClick}>Website Develpment</CustomButton>
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton onClick={handleClick}>Wordpress Develpment</CustomButton>
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton onClick={handleClick}>Ecommerce Development</CustomButton>
<div className="row">
<div className="col-md-4">column 1</div>
<div className="col-md-4">column 2</div>
<div className="col-md-4">column 3</div>
You can store an ID as a string state variable, and set that variable on button press.
Then use ConditionalRendering to only display the div with the matching ID.
const {useState} = React;
function About(props) {
const [visibleItem, setVisibleItem] = useState('');
return (
<button onClick={() => setVisibleItem("website")}>
Show Website Develpment
<button onClick={() => setVisibleItem("wordpress")}>
Show Wordpress Develpment
<button onClick={() => setVisibleItem("ecommerce")}>
Show Ecommerce Development
{visibleItem === "website" &&
<h2>Wordpress Development</h2>
<p>Info about Wordpress and all the things I can do with it</p>
{visibleItem === "wordpress" &&
<h2>Ecommerce Development</h2>
<p>I can do eccomerce things too</p>
{visibleItem === "ecommerce" &&
<h2>Website Development</h2>
<p>Info about Webdev</p>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>
If the sections were much bigger then I'd recommend splitting them out into separate components, or maybe doing an if or switch statement to select between them before the return, but the above snippet is a pattern I have used often with react.
You can create two states one holding array of button info to minimize repetition of code and another state to track the column clicked.
import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function About(props) {
const [colNum, setColNum] = useState('');
const [btnNames] = useState([
colId: 1,
name: "Website Develpment"
colId: 2,
name: "Wordpress Develpment"
colId: 3,
name: "Ecommerce Develpment"
const handleClick = (id) => {
return (
<div className="row justify-content-md-center">
{ => (
<div className="col-auto" key={element.colId}>
<CustomButton onClick={()=> handleClick(element.colId)}>{}</CustomButton>
{colNum !== '' ? (<div className="row">
<div className="col-md-4">column {colNum}</div>
</div>) : null }
So you can define showing value for each section in state, which initial should be false. Then we can handle this state with a function where built-in JS tools can be used (Object.entries, Object.fromEntries and map). The element will be displayed, the value of which will be true, and the rest will automatically become false. More details can be found here:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import styles from "./TestStyles.module.css";
import CustomButton from "./CustomButton";
export default function App() {
const [showDiv, setShowDiv] = useState({
web: false,
wordpress: false,
ecommerce: false
const showDivHandler = (val) => {
const newState = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(showDiv).map(([key, value]) => [key, (value = false)])
[val]: !showDiv[val]
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
<div className={styles.Section}>
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton clicked={() => showDivHandler("web")}>
Website Develpment
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton clicked={() => showDivHandler("wordpress")}>
Wordpress Develpment
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton clicked={() => showDivHandler("ecommerce")}>
Ecommerce Development
<div className={styles.Section} style={{marginTop: 20}}>
{showDiv.web && <div className={styles.Content}>column 1</div>}
{showDiv.wordpress && <div className={styles.Content}>column 2</div>}
{showDiv.ecommerce && <div className={styles.Content}>column 3</div>}
The custom button can look like this:
import React from "react";
const button = (props) => (
//some other props if need it(e.g. styles)
export default button;
This is how I solved it. Thanks for your help!
export default function About() {
const [visibleItem, setVisibleItem] = useState(1);
const [priceItems] = useState([
id: 1,
name: "website",
id: 2,
name: "wordpress",
id: 3,
name: "ecommerce",
const handleClick = (id) => {
return (
<div className="container-fluid pricing-wrapper">
<div className="row">
<div className="col">
<div className="row">
<div className="col">
<p>Innovation that empowers your team while also reducing risk!</p>
<div className="seperator"></div>
<div className="row justify-content-md-center">
<div className="row justify-content-md-center">
{ => (
<div className="col-auto">
<CustomButton onClick={() => setVisibleItem(}>
.filter((item) => === visibleItem)
.map((item) => (
<PriceItem item={item} />
