previous day's count except on Monday, use Friday's counts - sql-server

I have the below code. I am comparing counts from today's date to yesterday's date unless date falls on Monday then I want to use Friday's count.
cast(getdate() as date)run_dt,
'dx' as db,
'dbo' as [schema],
'tb_cust' as [table],
'completed status' as check_type,
abs(cast((a.prev_cnt - a.curr_cnt) / cast(a.curr_cnt as decimal(10,2)) as decimal(5,2))*100) as cal_prcnt_dff,
when abs(cast((a.prev_cnt - a.curr_cnt) / cast(a.curr_cnt as decimal(10,2)) * 100 as int) ) >= 100
then 'Y'
else 'N'
end email_trigger,
concat('count on',' ', #curr_dt,' ','[',datename(dw,#curr_dt),']',' ' ,'increased/decreased by 100% from',' ',#prev_dt,' ','[',datename(dw,#prev_dt),']') as 'comment'
from (select
when a.custstatus = 'completed'
and a.custdate = cast(getdate() -1 as date)
then 1
else 0
end) curr_cnt,
when a.custstatus = 'completed'
and a.custtdate = cast(getdate() -2 as date)
--and cast(getdate() as date) in ()
--and datepart(dw,getdate()) in (3,4,5,6)
then 1
else 0
end) prev_cnt,
from cte_apt a
where 1=1
and a.custstatus = 'completed'
group by
How can I get prev_cnt to count Friday when the day lands on a Monday?
when a.custstatus = 'completed'
and a.custtdate = cast(getdate() -2 as date)
--and cast(getdate() as date) in ()
--and datepart(dw,getdate()) in (3,4,5,6)
then 1
else 0
end) prev_cnt,


Count Number of Saturdays in a date range - SQL

I have a report which looks for orders during a given date range... It returns the DateName from the report to give me mondays, it then gives me times from the report, to give me 859 for 08:59 for example.. I then use a case on this report to do the following...
WHEN (DATENAME(DW,T1.DocDate)) = 'Monday' AND T1.DocTime >= '700' AND T1.DocTime <= '859' THEN '1 Monday 07:00-08:59'
What I want to achieve, is the count for "1 Monday 07:00-08:59" to be divided by 2 if there has been 2 mondays, divided by 3 if there has been 3 mondays etc... but I have to be able to have it divide by 3 mondays for example, but 2 wednesdays if the date is a tuesday...
The report currently gives a Total of all orders placed in a datetime grouped together but has no division to average for each day.
SELECT (DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate)) AS Weekday,
T1.DocTime AS Time,
SUM(T1.DocTotal) AS Value,
WHEN (DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate)) = 'Monday'
AND T1.DocTime >= '700'
AND T1.DocTime <= '859' THEN '1 Monday 07:00-08:59'
INNER JOIN OCRD T0 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode
WHERE (T1.DocDate >= #Start
AND T1.DocDate <= #End)
AND T0.QryGroup20 = 'Y'
AND T1.Canceled = 'N'
GROUP BY T1.DocTime,
I expect the report to count the mondays / tuesdays etc that occur between #START and #END to give me an average sale per day and time.Then be able to then somehow divide by the count of the defined days in the case statement. (I'll hopefully be doing this part in Crystal Reports) but if i can get the first part, I'll work on the second half.
Just cross join the DW_Count subquery, which returns the count of every weekday in your orders range. Then you can count your avg for each weekday
SELECT (DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate)) AS Weekday,
T1.DocTime AS Time,
SUM(T1.DocTotal) AS Value,
SUM(T1.DocTotal)/(CASE WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Monday' then DW_Count.MonCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Tuesday' then DW_Count.TueCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Wednesday' then DW_Count.WedCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Thursday' then DW_Count.ThuCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Friday' then DW_Count.FriCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Saturday' then DW_Count.SatCount
WHEN DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate) = 'Sunday' then DW_Count.SunCount) AS AvgValue
WHEN (DATENAME(DW, T1.DocDate)) = 'Monday'
AND T1.DocTime >= '700'
AND T1.DocTime <= '859' THEN '1 Monday 07:00-08:59'
INNER JOIN OCRD T0 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode
CROSS JOIN (select sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Monday' then 1 else 0 end) as MonCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Tuesday' then 1 else 0 end) as TueCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Wednesday' then 1 else 0 end) as WedCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Thursday' then 1 else 0 end) as ThuCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Friday' then 1 else 0 end) as FriCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Saturday' then 1 else 0 end) as SatCount,
sum(case when DATENAME(DW, DW_Count.DateValue) = 'Sunday' then 1 else 0 end) as SunCount
from (select distinct DocDate from ORDR where (T1.DocDate >= #Start AND T1.DocDate <= #End))) AS DW_Count
WHERE (T1.DocDate >= #Start
AND T1.DocDate <= #End)
AND T0.QryGroup20 = 'Y'
AND T1.Canceled = 'N'
GROUP BY T1.DocTime,
You can use the below logic-
DECLARE #DT1 DATE = '20190802'
DECLARE #DT2 DATE = '20190820'
DECLARE #SatCount INT = 0
SET #SatCount = #SatCount + CASE WHEN DATEPART(WeekDay,#DT1) = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
SELECT #SatCount
Just one more option-
DECLARE #DT1 DATE = '20190802',
#DT2 DATE = '20190920';
Date = DATEADD(DAY, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY a.object_id) - 1, #DT1)
FROM sys.all_objects a
-- A System table just used for creating multiple rows.
CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects b
-- CROSS JOIN will create number of row = original number of row X original number of row.

How to identify why rows are duplicating

The below query selects all the rows from a master table (there are no duplicates in the table i have checked) and this query counts the number of business days and checks it against a certain number of days, if the count is greater than that certain number of days, it is late, else it is not late. For some reason when I run this query, even with the select DISTINCT, my rows are duplicating. I see a row for each tracking number showing one as Late and the other as Not Late but I don't see how they could possibly be showing both answers? Could anyone help me understand why my rows are being duplicated?
SELECT DISTINCT case UT.[Service] when '0PW' then 'UPS SurePost 1 lb or Greater' else UT.[Service] end as 'Service'
,UT.[Tracking_Number] as 'TrackingCounts'
WHEN UT.[Service] = 'UPS Ground' AND WarehouseLocation = 'Wausau' then iif(((
DATEDIFF(dd, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END) )
-(DATEDIFF(wk, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Manifest_Date]) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Date_Delivered]) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(Select Count(*) from [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_HolidayDates] where [HolidayDate] between UT.[Manifest_Date] and UT.[Date_Delivered])) > UZ.TNTDAYS, 1, 0)
WHEN UT.[Service] in ('UPS SurePost 1 lb or Greater','UPS SurePost Less than 1 lb','0PW') AND WarehouseLocation = 'Wausau' then iif(((
DATEDIFF(dd, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END) )
-(DATEDIFF(wk, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Manifest_Date]) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Date_Delivered]) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(Select Count(*) from [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_HolidayDates] where [HolidayDate] between UT.[Manifest_Date] and UT.[Date_Delivered])) > (UZ.TNTDAYS + 1), 1, 0)
ELSE iif(((
DATEDIFF(dd, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END))
-(DATEDIFF(wk, UT.[Manifest_Date], CASE WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] = '1/1/2099') THEN GETDATE() WHEN (UT.[Date_Delivered] IS NULL) THEN GETDATE() ELSE UT.[DATE_DELIVERED] END) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Manifest_Date]) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, UT.[Date_Delivered]) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(Select Count(*) from [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_HolidayDates] where [HolidayDate] between UT.[Manifest_Date] and UT.[Date_Delivered])) > USS.[Days], 1, 0)
End as LATE
FROM [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_UPS_Automation_QVM_Tracking] UT
INNER JOIN [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_UPS_Automation_States] US on US.[State] = UT.[Ship_To_State_Province]
INNER JOIN [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_UPS_Automation_Ground_Zips] UZ on UZ.[DESTZIPCODE] = UT.[Ship_To_Postal_Code]
INNER JOIN [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_UPS_Automation_Services] USS on UT.[Service] = UT.[Service]
where cast(UT.Manifest_Date as date) between '1/20/2019' and '1/26/2019' AND WarehouseLocation = 'Wausau' and UT.Status = 'Delivered'
group by UT.[Service],US.[Region], USS.Days, UT.[Manifest_Date], UT.[Date_Delivered], TNTDAYS, Tracking_Number, Ship_To_Postal_Code, WarehouseLocation
So I found the issue is on INNER JOIN [Reporting_Operations].[CORP\u694172].[tbl_UPS_Automation_Services] USS on UT.[Service] = UT.[Service]
however I don't understand why when i join UT.SERVICE on USS.Service the uss.service field shows every possible service, and not the value that Ut.SERVICE has.
if UT.Service = UPS 2nd Day Air wouldn't the join on USS only give me UPS 2nd Day Air values?
The root cause is one of the joins returns more than 1 records
The way you need to find the the root cause of issue is:
1- Remove all columns from your select to become Select * from yourtable
2- comment all joins
3- uncomment joins and watch your data to see if the become duplicate
3.1- if the records are not duplicated that join is OK, do the same on next join
3.2- if records get duplicated, means join might not be right, usually some join conditions are missing
4- After fixing the join issue, remove * and bring back the fields
5- do final check

How to add Totals in SQL

I am trying to get the totals of each month as of YTD (Years to date) Can someone please help me figure out how to integrate this in my query? thank you This is what I have so far.
DECLARE #Year int
set #Year = 2013
select a.first_name, a.last_name
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) January
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) February
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) March
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) April
From tContact a Join tContract b ON a.contact_id = b.contract_id
Group by a.first_name, a.last_name
This is just an example of how you could count up rows that fall under a certain month.
SELECT MONTH(b.Funded_date) AS 'MonthNum',
COUNT(*) AS 'Total'
FROM Table AS b
WHERE YEAR(b.Funded_date) = 2014
GROUP BY MONTH(b.Funded_date)
Hopefully this will help you with your query.
What I tried to do here is create an upper bound record for each month in tContract then join that back into the query you already had. It is joined on dates that are between the beginning of the year and the current month.
DECLARE #Year int
set #Year = 2013
select Ms.thismonth, count(B.thing_You_are_Totalling) from (
select thisMonth = dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,Funded_date),0)
from tContract
where moid = 2005405
and year(Funded_date) = #Year
group by dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,Funded_date),0)
) Ms
inner join (select * from tContact a inner join tContract ON a.contact_id = tContract.contract_id) B
on B.Funded_date >=dateadd(year,datediff(year,0,B.Funded_date),0) -- beginning of year
and B.Funded_date <= Ms.thisMonth -- this month
where year(B.Funded_date) = #Year -- restrict to only this year
group by thisMonth, first_name, last_name
I don't have your full table definition so there might be some issues (maybe a SqlFiddle is in order)
Not sure if this is what you are asking for.
select a.first_name, a.last_name
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) January
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) February
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) March
, COUNT(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) April
, COUNT(*) TotalCount
, SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 1 THEN Amount ELSE NULL END) JanuaryAmount
, SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 2 THEN Amount ELSE NULL END) FebruaryAmount
, SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 3 THEN Amount ELSE NULL END) MarchAmount
, SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(b.Funded_date) = 4 THEN Amount ELSE NULL END) AprilAmount
From tContact a Join tContract b ON a.contact_id = b.contact_id
WHERE YEAR(b.Funded_date) = #Year
Group by a.first_name, a.last_name
How about this:
declare #year int = 2013
select a.first_name
, a.last_name
, month(b.Funded_date) [Month]
, datename(month, dateadd(month, month(date_of_birth_dt), - 1)) [MonthName]
, count(month(b.Funded_date)) [Total]
from tContact a
where a.[Year] = #year
group by a.first_name, a.last_name, month(b.Funded_date)
It returns the total of each Month for the year 2013. a.[Year] might not the the name of the field that you have so adjust accordingly. Also, [Month] returns numeric value for month.
Use the Count(*) As Total function. I'm sure this will help you
SELECT MONTH(b.Funded_date) AS 'MonthNum',
COUNT(*) AS 'Total'
FROM Table AS b
WHERE YEAR(b.Funded_date) = 2014
GROUP BY MONTH(b.Funded_date)

How to make Query for that

I have a table structure from there i have to make a query in some different way
Table Structure
id unique identifier
code varchar(5) Not Null
Recording_date Datetime Not Null
Max_Temp numeric(5,2) Not Null
Min_Temp numeric(5,2) Not Null
We have some data as well in this table.We have data only for 2013 year and for first 3 months.
But the main thing is that i have to return's data in such a format like
Please help me to create a query for such a logic.
Thanks in advance.
Presuming you have one recording per day then
DATEPART(m, Month_Start) + ' ' + DATEPART(yyyy, Month_Start)
, Max_Temp_Days
WHEN Denominator = 0 THEN 0
ELSE (Max_Temp_Days / Denominator) * 100
END AS Percent_Max_Temp_Days
, Min_Temp_Days
WHEN Denominator = 0 THEN 0
ELSE (Min_Temp_Days / Denominator) * 100
END AS Percent_Max_Temp_Days
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, Recording_Date), 0) Month_Start
, Sum(CASE WHEN Max_Temp <= 0 THEN 1 END) Max_Temp_Days
, Sum(CASE WHEN Min_Temp <= 0 THEN 1 END) Min_Temp_Days
, COUNT(*) Denominator
FROM TemperatureRecordings
WHERE Recording_Date BETWEEN '2013-01-01' AND '2013-03-31'
) t
ORDER BY Month_Start
This works for all month data
DECLARE #maxTempratureTable table(monthName varchar(20), [No. of days Max<=0] int,[Percentage Max <=0] float)
INSERT INTO maxTempratureTable
SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Recording_date, 106), 8) ,
COUNT(*) ,
COUNT(*) / DAY(DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,-1,Recording_date),-1)) * 100
FROM tablename
WHERE Max_Temp <=0
GROUP BY RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Recording_date, 106), 8)
DECLARE #minTempratureTable table(monthName varchar(20), [No. of days Min<=0] int,[Percentage Min<=0] float)
INSERT INTO #minTempratureTable
SELECT RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Recording_date, 106), 8) ,
COUNT(*) ,
COUNT(*) / DAY(DATEADD(mm,DATEDIFF(mm,-1,Recording_date),-1)) * 100
FROM tablename
WHERE Min_Temp <=0
GROUP BY RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Recording_date, 106), 8)
SELECT * FROM #minTempratureTable min
INNER JOIN #maxTempratureTable max
ON min.monthName = max.monthName
SUM(CASE WHEN Max_Temp <= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*),
SUM( CASE WHEN Min_Temp <= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ),
SUM( CASE WHEN Min_Temp <= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) / COUNT(*)
FROM temperatures
GROUP BY MONTH(Recording_date)

How to properly GROUP BY datetime columns in specific intervals?

I am making a stored procedure in MSSQL and I want to group my results by the interval day, I am unsure if this is correct though:
(this is a portion)
INSERT #Results
DATEPART(DD, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)),
DATEPART(MM, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)),
DATEPART(YY, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)),
Result = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(*) END
FROM BundleEvent
WHERE BundleEventTypeId = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN #TypeTakeId ELSE #BundleEventTypeId END
AND EventDate >= #StartTime AND EventDate <= #EndTime
DATEPART(YY, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)),
DATEPART(MM, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)),
DATEPART(DD, DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate))
My fear is it is ultimately going to group the data by the date where the year or month do not matter. Does anyone know if I am doing this correctly? EventDate is the DateTime field that I want to do a GROUP BY on by interval of day.
This is the correct way, a simple format exchange... sometimes I need more coffee.
INSERT #Results
CAST(DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, BundleEvent.EventDate) AS DATE),
Result = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN 0 ELSE COUNT(*) END
FROM dbo.BundleEvent WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN dbo.BundleUser WITH (NOLOCK)
ON BundleEvent.BundleId = BundleUser.BundleId
ON BundleEvent.BundleId = Bundle.BundleId
WHERE BundleEvent.EventDate >= #StartTimeGmt AND BundleEvent.EventDate <= #EndTimeGmt
AND BundleEvent.BundleEventTypeId = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN #TypeTakeId ELSE #BundleEventTypeId END
AND BundleUser.UserId = CASE WHEN #UserId IS NULL THEN BundleUser.UserId ELSE #UserId END
AND Bundle.BundleType = 1
CAST(DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, BundleEvent.EventDate) AS DATE)
Then I do a sub compare with the format exchange:
FROM dbo.BundleEvent WITH (NOLOCK)
JOIN dbo.BundleUser WITH (NOLOCK)
ON BundleEvent.BundleId = BundleUser.BundleId
ON BundleEvent.BundleId = Bundle.BundleId
WHERE CAST(DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, BundleEvent.EventDate) AS DATE) = [Date]
AND BundleEvent.BundleEventTypeId = #TypeTakeId
AND BundleUser.UserId = CASE WHEN #UserId IS NULL THEN BundleUser.UserId ELSE #UserId END
AND Bundle.BundleType = 1)
So in essence the query is matching up correctly and using a new format.
Since you are not using and aggregates (except Count(*), Are you sure you want a GROUP BY? Using DISTINCT will produce a single insert entry for all matching dates; perhaps something like:
SET #DATE_GMT=DATEADD(MI, #GmtOffset, EventDate)
INSERT #Results
Result = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN NULL ELSE COUNT(*) END
FROM BundleEvent
WHERE BundleEventTypeId = CASE WHEN #Metric = 'Take Rate' THEN #TypeTakeId ELSE #BundleEventTypeId END
AND EventDate Between #StartTime AND #EndTime
