Remove welcome video on dotnetnuke new install - dotnetnuke

I have just installed DNN and the website loads successfully. It allows me to login with the host user but a second or 2 later it overlays a "Welcome to Evoq" youtube video which I can't close. I have to close it in order to get to the admin screens to apply my customisation. There is no close option and no scroll bar
I have installed DNN9 on Windows 10, SQLServer Azure db, IIS 10
Note that I am new to DNN and this is my first install. Any guidance will be most appreciated

I would start over again and specifically start with DNN 9.08.01. There are some good videos out there on installing DNN and watching one or two might reveal the detail or step you need to get things working. Its usually pretty easy and just works. If you are just installing a local copy to play with, I highly recommend you give nvQuickSite v2.x a try.


DNN settings screen empty

I am really new with dotnetnuke, but I have a questions.
I installed the module
Also I have locally a DNN installation running and I try to install the azureb2cprovider.
After a successfull installation, I want to navigate (through the personabar?) to the new Azure AD B2C settings screen.
But When I click on it, the screen keeps blank.
Any idea what this could be? I tried different versions (all above 9.4) of DNN, but everywhere I have the same issue. I also tried many different version of the module. I think its something simple. But what?
All the other menu items are working fine

Can't edit certain pages on DNN site after upgrade to 9.01.01

We recently upgraded one of our client sites to 09.01.01 to address a Telerik vulnerability, and then had to migrate the site from to Azure due to's outage. After the upgrade, a couple of pages on the site have been uneditable using the pencil icon in the persona bar, although the rest work fine. We're aware of the workaround of going into content > pages and clicking the pencil icon there, but even then not all of the areas on the page are editable. For example, there's one instance of the HTML module on the homepage where when you click on its pencil and then click "Edit Content," it just displays a pop-up with the text but no WYSIWYG or way to actually edit. Other instances of the HTML module work fine, on other pages and even other areas of the homepage.
What's more bizarre is that we just spun up another Azure VM and created a dev site from a clone of the live site so we could troubleshoot further, and this problem does NOT occur on that site even though it's an exact copy of the live site files and database and both sites are hosted in Azure.
Does anyone have advice on what might be causing this or how to troubleshoot? My original though was to clone the page and start removing modules one by one to see if anything made a difference, but it doesn't actually remove the module when I click delete. I've read about ways to do this directly in the database, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible, especially since we're not seeing the same problem on the cloned site.
Thank you!
Could you please see if any error appearing on the logs folder? You can see the logs here. /Portals/_default/logs/2021.02.01.log.resources? The log file name may differ based on website's logging configuration.
A similar thing can be seen from the Personal bar as well using Admin Logs.

Tapping the deep link always redirects to the App Store

I implemented Appsflyer OneLink with my cordova(Ionic)application and for android everything works fine.
In iOS, when i run the application directly to the device from Xcode and when i click on a link it opens the application.
But i uploaded the ipa file to Hockeyapp and then downloaded the application and installed and then again i clicked on the link but it redirects to the appstore.
i have added associated domains as well as i doubled checked the team ID as well as other configurations(Universal Links) and they all are according to the documentation.
Any idea about the issue that i am facing here?
If the application does not open as a result of clicking the deep-link in a "Universal Links" scenario, it could be one of the following issues:
When releasing to HockyApp some credentials that are used by the Universal Link are broken - it could be the Bundle ID or the Development Team Prefix.
You can check the credentials available on and compare them to the entitlements set in the HockyApp build.
There is a known "development bug" with Universal Link, which sometimes forces an uninstall of any previous version of the Application, in order for the Universal Link to function properly.
If the issue still persists, you can always open a support ticket with and share more information that could help with debugging this.

Problems with making Silverlight project out of browser

I have a task to make large Silverlight project run out of browser.
Fortunatelly I don't have to rewrite it to some other technology. Unfortunatelly I can not understand how to make it work OOB. I tried everything that's in guides :
enabling OOB option, installing and tryiung to debug installed app, but main thing is that when I run this app OOB I can't reach any services (no matter how I try HTML Bridge is disabled in OOB).
Is there a way to reach those services (like https://localhost/WCFRest/GetUserInfo?login=somelogin&password=somepassword) from OOB enviroment?
What should I do to reach them?
I'm sorry if this is noob quetion but I can't ask anyone else.
I assume you have a Web project in your solution. I think you changed the startup project to the silverlight project. You need to start up the Web project too.
Do the following:
Right click on the solution in the Solution Explorer and select Properties.
Select "Multiple startup projects" and set the action to "Start" (on the web project)
Or just simply right click on a HTML or ASPX file in the web project and select "View in Browser".

Updating Angular HotTowel v2.3.3 to latest Angular packages in VS2015 kills routing

I'm just getting started with AngularJS and I'm using HotTowel as a starting point.
I've actually done a fair amount of work with HotTowel and have several features built for an application I'm doing. What led me to this problem is trying to get ui-grid in to my application. It blows up. Looking at HotTowel it seems to have been a while since it was last update, but the Angular stuff (and other libraries) are full steam ahead. When I update all of the Angular packages HotTowel's navigation stuff stops working. I'm going to start chasing it down, but I thought I might ask if somebody else has already fixed this issue to save myself some time.
I'm using VisualStudio2015. My project is an ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework) w/ just MVC added.
For the reproduction of the issue I used the above in a new solution. I then went to manage NuGet packages and update everything to latest, there should be 10 updates. This requires a restart of Visual Studio.
Once I'm back in I return to my solution and bring up Manage NuGet pakages again. This time I go to Browse and find HotTowel. This brings up a short list. I select HotTowl.Angular by John Papa (~73.6K downloads, version v2.3.3) and install it. Allow it to overwrite the favorite icon.
After NuGet finishes go to the solution explorer, find Index.HTML, right click on it and select "set as start page". Now, open Index.html and change line 51 to say "" and save it.
Now do a rebuild all and then run the application using Google Chrome (issue will occur with any browser). Everything works great. You can switch between dashboard and admin.
Stop the application and return to manage nuget package. select the update tab and update all of the packages. You'll be asked about overwriting some map files, go ahead and do it.
Do another rebuild all and then run the application.
The dashboard will come up as before, click on admin. You will see dashboard fade out and then fade back in. This is the issue. the routes appear to be broken.
At this point there is nothing custom in the solution. We have just updated all of the packages to their latest releases. HotTowel, however seems to have a gone stale.
Being new to Angular, and HotTowel. I'm not sure where to start debugging this.
At a guess the issue is with how the code in config.route.js sets up the routes.
Can somebody please give me some hints on how to fix this?
