STM32F103C8 Bluepill board HAL_delay() problem - c

I am using STM32 cubeMX for configuration and Keil for programming.
Have set onboard led pin pc13 pin as an output pin and default in push-pull mode. Set debugger to the serial wire as I am using ST-link V2 as a debugger. RCC set HSE to crystal/ceramic resonator.
and clock configuration set to default and generated project.
Now I started with a simple LED blink program. As below
build successfully with no error and uploaded and wonder my led was not blinking and shocked as I have done this before and now this is not working.
when I debugged step by step and my code was just going from two functions repeatedly.
while ((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart) < wait)
__weak uint32_t HAL_GetTick(void)
return uwTick;
Nothing happens more in this code I know the code is right but there is some error in the HAL_delay configuration.
After scratching my head for a day I tried uploading the following code
And strange thing is that now my led is blinking only I have change the HAL_dealy value from 1000 to 100 and it works fine but, when using 1000 does not work at all.
So for testing, I gradually increased the delay value and I find that more than HAL_delay(400) it does not work.
Not able to find cause for this Any help will be appreciable.
As suggested by Tom I debugged uwTickFreq using STstudio.
and I got the following output waveform.
After that, I also uploaded the following code. And defined a variable as "unsigned long int a;"
a= HAL_GetTick();
Now I debugged the value of a using STstudio. And strange the value of a becomes 0 once it reached around 300.

It seems like finally, I got the problem when I noticed the reset problem in the controller I searched around and find something here.
So I checked my optional bytes set in MCU with the STM32 cube programmer.
It was set as below.
Therefore I enabled these three optional bytes.
And the problem of reset was gone and I am now able to use the HAL_delay function properly and now the value of HAL_GetTick() is also increasing more than 300.
Still have one dought I think watchdog was causing reset but why it only cause that when I use the timing function.


Microcontroller Programming - Program not exiting for loop

I have a simple PIC16F18877 circuit setup on my breadboard and I've successfully gotten an LED to blink within an infinite while loop. I attempted to put the same code inside a for loop that should only execute 5 times, but the LED keeps blinking.
My Code (MPLAB with XC8 Compiler):
#include <xc.h>
#define _XTAL_FREQ 8000000
int main()
TRISD1 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
RD1 = 1;
RD1 = 0;
return 0;
Where do you expect the CPU to jump on return from main? Or rather, what do you expect it to do when you don't tell it what to do? On a desktop computer, the program would normally return to the OS - On an embedded system, there is none.
Most probably, the return from main returns to the startup code and, eventually (either "by accident" or deliberately) to the reset vector, starting your program from the beginning.
If you want the MCU to "stop" actually, "do nothing" you need to force it into an infinite loop instead of return. This is, however, not a common approach on an MCU.
I tried adding a while loop after the for loop and something strange occurred. It appeared to be executing the for and while loop simultaneously. The light would blink link normal and then blink really fast, almost like a stutter and then blink normally, etc.. but it never stopped blinking
Check the watchdog timer. If it's set, the mcu will just reset after a set amount of clock cycles and run the code again and again. You can use CLRWDT() to reset the watchdog timer or just turn the WDT off.
I highly recommend to go through these steps in order to be sure that the mcu does as expected:
Check the PIC configuration bits, are they setup properly? See the documentation in the microchip program folder /docs/chips
Make sure the oscillator is setup correctly.
Read the datasheet and make sure the ports are set correctly, especially the analogue ports using the analogue selection registers.
(my reputation isn't high enough to comment, sorry about that.)
you are not on an operating system here, can you show us the disassembly to show the call to main and what it returns to? Or what if you put an infinite loop before main ends (while(1) continue;) do you get 5 blinks then?

Atmel SAM4S8B: Unable to enter Programming mode

So I was programming on my board with a ATSAM4S8Bu using an Atmel-ICE debugger happily when suddenly I was assaulted by this error message any time I tried to debug or deploy to my board:
Failed to launch program
Error: unexpected chip identifier 0x00000000
This error also sometimes gets shouted at me:
Could not activate interface, but found DAP with ID 0x2ba01477.
How rude of it! I tried reasoning with it but it is not having any of it.
but seriously, it was fine one moment and the next this error has stopped me from further development so what does it mean and how do I fix this?
This error only seems to occur on my machine. It works on my colleagues, I tried reinstalling atmel-usb and atmel studio 6.2 but no luck :(
Some screen shots of the screen im shown in Tools->Device Programming and then trying to read the devices signature:
I also seem to get this error sometimes instead:
I've had this problem too and I have found a couple of solutions that I would like to share.
My PCB was using an ATSAM4E processor (that had never been programmed) with a Cortex debug header. I got the error message when I tried either method (SWD or JTAG).
Note: I was able to read the Device ID for a very short window after powering the PCB on or after pressing the reset button (Credit to Yaro and Yarooo). Often I would have to try multiple times to try and hit that short window. This confirmed to me that my circuit of the Cortex Debug header was correct.
jrb114 quotes in his post that there is an errata on the SAM3S datasheet that requires:
an external crystal or ceramic resonator on XIN/XOUT, or use the Main oscillator in bypass mode (applying a clock on XIN).
So what I did to make these boards work was provide a 1 MHz clock to XIN using a signal generator. Apply power to the PCB, then connect using the ATMEL-Ice. This connects fine. After that I set the GPNVM Bit 1 so we boot from flash, not SAMBA, programmed the device and it works fine.
My PCBs had an external crystal so I was a bit confused why my boards didn't work. So I put an oscilloscope on the XIN line and found that the crystal was not generating a waveform.
It turns out that on most of my boards, there was a short between one of the capacitors (for the crystal) to ground. No wonder my clock wasn't going.
On the other boards, the inductor that goes between VDD_OUT and VDD_PLL was not soldered correctly to the PCB, causing it to be open circuit.
Overall, it appears that this error is a result of not having a clock signal on XIN, whether it be incorrect wiring or not using an external crystal/resonator.

NVIC_SystemReset() stuck in while loop (STM32F302VB)

I'm currently developing on a STM32F302VB and I need to perform a software reset. On all my previous projects (with STM32F427 and STM32F030C8), I've always used the NVIC_SystemReset() function successfully. But for some reason it won't work with this chip.
The implementation is in CMSIS core_cm4.h and is as follows:
__STATIC_INLINE void NVIC_SystemReset(void)
__DSB(); /* Ensure all outstanding memory accesses included buffered write are completed before reset */
SCB_AIRCR_SYSRESETREQ_Msk); /* Keep priority group unchanged */
__DSB(); /* Ensure completion of memory access */
while(1); /* wait until reset */
The function is called and all instructions are executed, but it gets stuck in the while loop, and reset never happens. I then have to reset it via JTAG to get it out of that state.
I checked the programming manual and the implementation seems fine (not surprising since it works perfectly on F4 and F0).
I really don't know what the problem might be, does someone have an idea what's going on?
Edit: The function is still not working but as a workaround, after the function gets stuck, I pull down the nRST pin and then up. It's ugly, but it works for now. I would rather do it all in software though.
Tony K was right in his comment, the nRST pin was indeed being pulled high externally, because of a routing mistake.
And contrary to what I thought, the nRST pin is taken into account even in a software reset: the reference manual says: "[Reset] sources act on the NRST pin and it is always kept low during the delay phase", so I should have known!
Removing the pull-up did the trick, the NVIC_SystemReset() function now works as expected!
Thank you very much!

PIC32 WDT reset not working on some PIC32

I have a PIC32 reset function:
void reset_cpu(void)
EnableWDT(); // enable the WDT
It works on a PIC32MX360F512L but not on a PIC32MX695F512L. It just spins forever. Can anyone tell me why, or suggest another way to reset my processor?
If you are using plib.h, you can simply call this function:
void reset_cpu(void)
This has the advantage to trigger an instant reset. From reset.h:
How it works: The following steps are performed by this function:
Step 1 - Execute "unlock" sequence to access the RSWRST register.
Step 2 - Write a '1' to RSWRST.SWRST bit to arm the software reset.
Step 3 - A Read of the RSWRST register must follow the write. This action triggers the software reset, which should occur on the next
clock cycle.
Bear in mind plib is obsolete and will soon be removed from MPLAB XC32. Worth considering Harmony for new designs:
Nothing immediately stands out to me when looking at the datasheets for both of the microcontrollers. However, I do have a couple of suggestions.
First, in your function you are doing the following:
If you look at plib.h you will see that it refers to wdt.h. In wdt.h you can see that EnableWDT() is simply a macro that expands to the following:
Where the mask is 0x00008000. Basically, you are performing the same operation twice. Just let the macro take care of enabling it.
Also, since you are using the watchdog to reset your device, there is no need to clear the watchdog. ClearWDT() just resets the watchdog and makes your while(1) loop run longer. So, I would write your function like this:
void reset_cpu(void)
Finally, I would recommend taking a look to ensure that you have the correct processor selected in your IDE. I am not certain that this would cause your problem, but if you had the PIC32MX360F512L selected and tried running it on the PIC32MX695F512L, you could end up with the wrong register definitions (assuming that you are using #include "xc.h").
I would also check on how you are setting your device configuration bits. It is possible to set a very long timeout on the watchdog.

Keil IDE stopwatch not working in Debug mode

I have been using ST F4-Discovery board for some time, as many of other friends. We all have the same problem. We are using Keil IDE (used different versions from 4.3 up to 4.7). Whenever we time anything using breakpoints and stopwatch, it works perfectly when in simulation mode. However, when we are debugging on-board and run the same code, the stopwatch never reports correct timing. It is actually random. Does anyone know what the problem is?
Stopwatch is based on the internal register SEC. There seems to be a bug that if the register window is not showing then the stopwatch values are not updated. When debug is running select View|Register window and make sure you can see the SEC register value updating. The stopwatch in the status bar should now be updating too.
To solve the problem of the stopwatch, go to: Tarjet options - debug - setting - trace - core clock and adjust the frequency to 72MHz or core of your processor.
I found the answer much later in time. It has to do with the internal debug circuitry. By default, the timer peripherals do not stop when we hit a breakpoint in debug mode but continue counting. This is why we keep getting random measurment intervals between timer interrupt instances using the stop watch. In order to get accurate timing, we need the debug circuity to force the timer peripheral to stop counting once we reach a breakpoint and resume later once we step over it. This can be done by writing this code:
Which instructs timer 3 on APB1 bus to stop counting at breakpoints.
