MD5 encrypt selected GDrive files - md5

not being a coder myself but need to know for a task of an AppSheet app project, if it basically is possible to MD5 or other encrypt actual GDoc, GSheet, image, etc. files.
So if someone logs into that given Gdrive, they would not be able to open the documents, without decryption.


AWS Glacier File Validation

I'm new to AWS Glacier and I've uploaded a pretty large encrypted file (500GB). It took around 4 days. The file exactly matches by byte to the original. My only concern is, how do I know it was damaged in the upload? Anyone know how to verify that?
Thank you!
Q. How can i verify that file was uploaded correctly?
A. When you upload the files, FastGlacier checks file integrity by calculating sha256 hash and sha256-tree-hash of an each part of the file and sha256-tree-hash of the entire file when completing the upload. If the hashes do not match, you will see corresponding error message and file will not be written.
See Computing Checksums in the Glacier API Reference documentation for how x-amz-sha256-tree-hash and x-amz-content-sha256 actually work.
Glacier re-calculates these hashes as the data comes in and will refuse to store anything that doesn't match what the client software sent... so the statement that FastGlacier checks file integrity is strictly not accurate -- it's actually the Glacier service that does the checking, against hashes generated by FastGlacier.

How can I deal with the file which users upload?

If I have a website, and every user can upload his or her file, after I get this file, how can I deal with this file.
Should I store it to a specific folder(like upload), and store the file path in a specific database(for example table upload_file)?
Or should I just store this file in the database, if I can, how can I apply this to reality??
I think the first way is much better, but can I store all upload files in the same folder, or should I make a folder for each user?
Maybe I can encrypt the file name with md5 or anothers?
I do not know in real website development, how can you deal with the file, and keep the relationship with the user?
Thanks for your help !!
If they are small, just store it in the database;
Otherwise store they in a floder

Protect sqlite database from downloading

There is no solution to prevent to download a preloaded database in jailbreak iPhone.
Any way to get your SQLite DB off iPhone?
I think the only way is to encrypt a preloaded database (maybe encrypting only the data inside single fields where we don't need to search) and decrypt only when a View have to show the data.
(all this using a personal key, of course)
Do someone know how to do exactly and if there is a better solution?
I'm using Core Data but I can't decrypt NSString Attributes, I can decrypt only NSData but is not simple to create a sqlite db with Data (BLOB) fields containing text encrypted string.
Maybe I found a solution!
I try this code on iOS5 and iOS6 and it works great. Now I can encrypt a NSString with a personal keyword and get a NSString (with AES256 and Base64 encoding).
Actually, the code needs just a simple little modification to work with ARC.
If someone find a better solution, please, post here.
For a greatest solution, it could be very useful if there is a way to export encrypted fields in csv data from FileMaker or other, and import in a sqlite db. In that way we can preload the sqlite db in Core Data. The App can decrypt the fields just when the View have to show on the screen.

Uploading and saving files in CakePHP 2.1

I want to save my uploads in a specific folder for each app_id. For example, when an applicant with app_id of 45 uploads the files it must save in a folder named 45 whilst all his/her uploads such as birth certificate, college certificate, profile picture and high school certificate will be in that folder, same to the other app_id eg 89 must have his/her own folder but all the uploaded files will be located in one parent folder for example webroot/files/uploads/....
I managed to implement Uploader v3.6 from Miles Johnson, so any help on that plugin or any other solutions
Any tutorial or link to tackle this challenge
Thank you
A huge security fail in your idea is to store high school certificates in the public (!) accessible /webroot/files/uploads folder. You can be sure to get in pretty unpleasant situations in many countries that have privacy laws if everyone can download these proivate documents from your server.
Storing the files in folders 1, 2, 3... using the incremental ids is also a bad idea performance wise: Read the section "File System Performance" of this article.
Storing all files attached to a user in the same folder might be a good idea if you want to delete all of them in one action when you delete the user but you should not forget about sanitizing the file names properly. But again: If you store thousands of files in the same (sub) folder you might get into issues again.
For a file storage solution for CakePHP 2.x I can suggest you to read the of my FileStorage plugin that covers nearly all common problems and gives you a solid base for a file storage.

Packaging application with file

I'm currently working on an application which will use the bouncy castle api in C# to encrypt/decrypt, I've got all of the public/private and pass phrase key encryption/decryption working but need to also be able to create encrypted self decrypting archives, I've read that the best way to do this is the encrypt the file using the passphrase encryption that I've written and create a light weight forms application which will decrypt the file, I've done this but my question is now how do I package the forms application with the file so that I can automatically save the file somewhere, launch the forms application passing in the file location in order for the user to specify where they want to save the decrypted file and enter their passphrase?
Many thanks in advance
After reading many other posts I've realised that the best way to do this is by creating the application on the fly and then adding the file to be decrypted to the resources of the application.
