How to selectively render react table components? - reactjs

In the given code snippet I dont want to render the component if the heading is equal to _id but the following conditional rendering results in no rendering at all (empty table). What conditional statement should I use?
return <table className='paleBlueRows' cellPadding= {11} cellSpacing={11}>
<tr>{data[0] && => {
if(heading!=='_id') <th>{heading}</th>
})}</tr> .....

You can use Array.filter() to filter out the heading before mapping, or you can return null or false which React will ignore. Note that returning undefined (which is the same as not returning anything from a function) is not valid, and will cause React to emit a warning.
So, either:
return (
<table className="paleBlueRows" cellPadding={11} cellSpacing={11}>
{data[0] &&
.filter((heading) => heading !== "_id")
.map((heading) => {
return <th>{heading}</th>;
return (
<table className="paleBlueRows" cellPadding={11} cellSpacing={11}>
{data[0] &&
.filter((heading) => heading !== "_id")
.map((heading) => {
if (heading === "_id") return null;
return <th>{heading}</th>;
Since you're rendering a list (with .map()), make sure you set the key of the element which you return from it. I don't know if columns can contain duplicate values, or anything else about its nature, so I can't make a precise suggestion. If columns contains no duplicate values, just set its value as the key so React knows which elements it needs to update if columns changes between renders.
return (
<table className="paleBlueRows" cellPadding={11} cellSpacing={11}>
{data[0] &&
.filter((heading) => heading !== "_id")
.map((heading) => {
return <th key={heading}>{heading}</th>;


Filtering a table from search word

I have a simple table:
<Table bordered striped>
<th>Requested By</th>
<th>Approved By</th>
{accountList?.map((account, index) => (
{account.confirmDate == null
? ""
: moment(account.confirmDate).format("DD-MM-YYYY")}
<td style={{ width: 90 }} className={"text-center"}>
onClick={() => showAccountModal(account)}
/>{" "}
{/* <FontAwesomeIcon
/> */}
And then i Have a free text search box. I would like to filter all accounts, where name contains the search word. I could fairly easy just have to hooks/variables with the full result in one variable and the filtered in another and then swap between the two. But is there something smarter in REACT? Some kind of filter pipe like Angular? I want to do all filtering client side.
You can use array::filter and filter your state in-line right in the render logic.
({ name }) => !nameFilter || name.includes(nameFilter)
Returns true if the nameFilter is falsey ('', null, undefined, 0) and short-circuit the boolean expression and so will return all elements, otherwise will continue evaluating the expression and process name.includes(nameFilter).
Updated code
({ name }) => !nameFilter || name.includes(nameFilter),
).map((account, index) => (...
If you are looking for an in-box solution use
But your approach is pretty simple: Store raw data (array) like the source of truth, filtered array store in local state.
Add a handler onChange to input something like this setFilteredData(raw.filter(el =>

unique key prop error even with unique key on table row

I am not sure how to correct this issue. I am using a unique ID but react still isn't happy. I tried to do it on each but then it complains about duplicates.
{!loading &&
products && => (
<td key={product._id}>{}</td>
You must put the key in the upper most component: the Fragment. So instead of <> use <React.Fragment key={...}>
or instead of handling the key by yourself, maybe let React handle it for you. I find it pretty handy:
!loading && products && React.Children.toArray( => (
so you'll never have to worry about assigning keys anymore!
Returns the children opaque data structure as a flat array with keys assigned to each child. Useful if you want to manipulate collections of children in your render methods, especially if you want to reorder or slice this.props.children before passing it down.
Official documentation:

React JS: Only map certain elements of an array within JSX tag, where the elements to map are iterated

I have programatically created the above table in React using, the below code:
tableRenderer() {
let table = <Table striped bordered hover responsive="sm" id='mytable'>
{, index) =>
<th key={index}>{header} </th>
{, index)=>
<tr key={index}> <td><b>{label} </b></td>
{this.state.table.slice(0,4).map((match, index)=>
<td key={index}>{match.teamA} vs {match.teamB}</td>
</tr> )}
However I'm stuck on the last piece of functionality I need: How can I change the value of the slice of the table array, so on the first run it slices 0->number of pitches, second run number of pitches-> number of pitches+number of pitches... etc.
Do I need to create some sot of function that will iterate a variable every time a row is created?
It would be something along the lines of:
{, index)=> {
const NO_OF_PITCHES = 4;
let from = NO_OF_PITCHES * index;
let to = NO_OF_PITCHES * (index + 1);
return <tr key={index}>
{this.state.table.slice(from,to).map((match, index)=>
<td key={index}>{match.teamA} vs {match.teamB}</td>
that's assuming the slicing is
also you could lift NO_OF_PITCHES to the parent of the map function because it doesn't have to be recreated on each iteration

How to color specific cells in Table

I have a HTML Table in my ReactJS app and I want to color specific cells or rows there. I have my array in state and want to check differences between neighbor rows and then show this differencies by coloring them on red.
class MainTable extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
results: []
render() {
const sorted = _.sortBy(this.state.results, ['ORIGIN', 'DATASTAMP']);
return (
<Table hover striped bordered responsive size="sm">
{ =>
I have no idea how to do something like that. Maybe some idea? Sorry for noobie question, I'm new with ReactJS.
To mark some rows you can:
{, index) =>
<tr className={`item-${index}`}>
Basically you first need some criteria on which to mark your element, than you can apply a class or style to it. Helpful is classnames so you could do something like that:
{, index) =>
<tr className={classnames({
even: index % 2 == 0,
odd: !(index % 2 == 0)
That would add either even or odd to the classes of the <row>, depending on the index in the list.
I guess there are only two things to remember are:
element styles need to objects like: { backgroundColor: #000 } and
css classes need to be added as »className« property
You can use something like
<tr style={{'background-color': result.color}}>...</tr>
<tr style={{'background-color': shouldHighlight[key] ? 'red' : 'white'}}>...</tr>
Obviously in second case you need to findout before function, which table rows should be highlighted and store it in the array.
Also, you need to write your map function in format (result, key) => ... or you need to know id of the result.
You can add a flag in each element of your array to indicate if you need to set the background color of your cell or not.
And then use it like this in your render method :
render() {
const sorted = _.sortBy(this.state.results, ['ORIGIN', 'DATASTAMP']);
return (
<Table hover striped bordered responsive size="sm">
{ =>
<tr className={(result.colorFlag ? 'colored-background' : '')}>
And of course, don't forget to create the CSS class
.colored-background {
background-color: #BADA55;

React: validateDOMNesting: #text cannot appear as a child of <tr>

Can you explain me why react show warning Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): #text cannot appear as a child of <tr>. See Router > RouterContext > CarWashPage > AllCarWashTable > tr > #text.? I don't see any text inside tag tr
Code that renders table
export default class AllCarWashTable extends React.Component{
constructor(props) {
this.generateHeaders = this.generateHeaders.bind(this);
this.generateRows = this.generateRows.bind(this);
static propTypes = {
cols : React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
rows : React.PropTypes.array.isRequired
generateHeaders() {
let cols = this.props.cols; // [{key, label}]
return {
return <th key={colData.key}> {colData.label} </th>;
generateRows() {
let cols = this.props.cols, // [{key, label}]
data = this.props.rows;
if (this.props.rows.length > 0) {
return {
var cells = {
return <td key={colData.key}> {item[colData.key]} </td>;
return <tr key={}> {cells} </tr>;
let headers = this.generateHeaders();
let rows = this.generateRows();
return (
<table className="table table-hove">
At the end, my table has the following structure
Where is the problem?
The problem is the spaces in this line:
return <tr key={}> {cells} </tr>;
It might seem silly, but you're actually rendering the cells and some whitespace (i.e. text). It should look like this:
return <tr key={}>{cells}</tr>;
This will also happens when using logical AND short-circuit && to show/hide conditional rows:
foo && (<tr><td>{foo}</td></tr>)
change it to ternary a ? b : c form where c is null will fix it
foo ? (<tr><td>{foo}</td></tr>) : null
In my case where was an empty '' output (w\o space inside)
order =>this.props.selectedAgent === order.agent ?
<Row item={order} key={ order._id } /> : ''
The null does the trick:
order =>this.props.selectedAgent === order.agent ?
<Row item={order} key={ order._id } /> : null
The accepted answer wasn't the root cause in my case. I got the same warning when I had a comment after <th> tag. The warning went away when I removed the comment.
const TableHeaders = (props) => (
<th>ID</th> {/* TODO: I had a comment like this */}
EDIT: Removing the space between </th> and {/* will also do the trick.
A <tr> HTML tag indicates a table row. So, any text to be displayed inside a table row must be placed inside <td> HTML tag. This would remove the error.
return (
<td> {/* Using <td> inside <tr> */}
Hello World!
Notification warning: validateDOMNesting(...): Whitespace text nodes cannot appear as a child of <tbody>. Make sure you don't have any extra white space between tags on each line of your source code.
In my case, initialize variable should NOT is null.
let elementCart = ''; {/* in the here,warning will append */}
if(productsCart.length > 0){
elementCart =, index) => {
return <CartItem item={item} key={index} index={index} />
<tbody id="my-cart-body">
Solution: let elementCart = null;
Incase anyone else comes across this error or a similar whitespace error with Material UI in React, my solution after hours of breaking my code was a simple javascript comment inside of my table.
{ /* sortable here */ }
I removed that from between my table elements and the warning disappeared.
Make sure the let variables are valued otherwise initialize a new empty array.
{headers ? headers : []}
{rows || []}
For me it works like a charm ...
let headers = this.generateHeaders();
let rows = this.generateRows();
return (
<table className="table table-hove">
{headers ? headers : []}
{rows || []}
also || null can solve it.
the important is that the value is not ''
Kevin Law (from other comment) said that you can do this:
foo ? (<tr><td>{foo}</td></tr>) : null
But you can also fix it like this:
Boolean(foo) && <tr><td>{foo}</td></tr>
Removing the comment is what helped me too
in my case initialize a variable with null instead of "" works fine
In addition to #Jarno's answer, I also ran into this issue as well. Double check that you don't have any additional } or { at the end of your javascript code:
{ => <th key={header}>{header}</th>)}}
I received this warning when I had a parenthesis instead of a curly bracket
(showMsg && <td>Hi</td>} // leading '(' should be a '{'
I received this warning when I put text inside <tr> element with no <td> elements. I wrapped my text with <td> elements and the warning disappeared.
When I did this, having a whitespace in my text or having used {} didn't matter.
In my case I indeed had a <tr> inside a <tr> (intended to use <td>) :)
It's very easy to find. Just open your inspect and look for tag. It should appear at the beginning or at the end of the tag a quoted string like this:
You shouldn't pass an unexpected element in the table body tag. You should use tr and td
In your rows would return the element with tr and td
Something like
For my situation, I was getting this error because I forgot to update a SQL query to include an updated column name. The original query was trying to access a column that didn't exist.
This query was being used with Nextjs, React, Material UI and sent to a PostgreSQL server in order to load up a MUI front-end table with database information from the table.
Updating the query fixed the issue.
