Chrome Dev Tools. How to check the outgoing size of request when there is no content-length header? - request

Is there a way to see actual outgoing traffic size (per request) in Chrome (or other browser).
Content-Length is not provided on some requests.


Andvanced REST Client ignores a custom Host header

I am testing my proxy that simply sends a client's request to a proxied server and returns a response back. The current realization requires that the client must send the fully prepared valid request to the proxy (the Host header value must match with a DNS of the predefined in source code proxied server).
Heres my custom request to the proxy that proxies a
But the result request that ARC sends to the localhost is:
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:1234
connection: close
then it is sent to the but the Host header is invalid for it so 404 is returned as a result.
I just noticed that this refers to the old version of ARC for Chrome. Support for Chrome apps is scheduled to end soon the the app is no longer supported. Instead, please, install desktop client from
To move your data from one app to another follow instructions from

Angular, Chrome - all requests are stalled for about 450ms

We have had a angularJS application, then we've updated our FE to angular7.1 and now every request in chrome is stalled for about 450ms, both static files and data requests.
There isn't such an issue on local version of an application
Firefox and IE don't block requests.
Do you have a any idea about this? Thanks.
Was tested with Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
Was tested with only one request at a time
Was tested with and w/o proxy
(can't post images)
Old app chrome behavior:
AngularJS behavior image
New app chrome behavior:
Angular7 behavior image
New app IE behavior:
Angular7 IE behavior image
Even first request is stalled.
Waterfall looks like this:
Please read the following information in the link that #JonathanHamel posted:
A request being queued indicates that:
The request was postponed by the rendering engine because it's considered lower priority than critical resources (such as scripts/styles). This often happens with images.
The request was put on hold to wait for an unavailable TCP socket that's about to free up.
The request was put on hold because the browser only allows six TCP connections per origin on HTTP 1.
Time spent making disk cache entries (typically very quick.)
Additionally, Stalled/Blocking is the time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. It can be waiting for any of the reasons described for Queueing. Additionally, this time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation.
Please tell us which of these case might apply to you.

CORS issue between web/android/ios

when trying to $.ajax to fetch some content from other websites in my website, I got the error.
Failed to load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8100' is therefore not allowed access.
I knew if the target website didn't allow localhost:8100 to fetch the data, I cannot fetch it in the client side on the web.
However, I found that mobile app (not mobile browser, but android/ios application) does not have the issue, they can simply get the website content by their default mobile built-in HTTP get function.
Do i want to ask why mobile will not encounter CORS issue (mobile can fetch the webcontent simply by the built-in http get function)?
CORS is enforced by the browser to fulfill the security standard they have to meet. It does not affect requests made programmatically from any language, like a curl call on bash.
This is how CORS works, based on Wikipedia:
The browser sends the OPTIONS request with an Origin HTTP header. The value of this header is the domain that served the parent page. When a page from attempts to access a user's data in, the following request header would be sent to Origin:
The server at may respond with:
An Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO) header in its response indicating which origin sites are allowed. For example Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
An error page if the server does not allow the cross-origin request
An Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO) header with a wildcard that allows all domains: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
The way CORS works means it is optional. Browsers enforce it to prevent Javascript AJAX calls to perform malicious calls. But other types of consumers built by hand don't need to enforce CORS.
Think in this example:
You are the owner of
Users authenticate to your site using the traditional cookie method
User logins into, built by an attacker. This site has the following code:
<script>fetch('', { method: 'DELETE' });</script>
... effectively performing a request to your site and doing bad things.
Happily, the browser will perform a preflight request when it sees a cross-domain request, and if your site does not respond saying that requests coming from are OK, you will be covered by default from a potential attack
This is why CORS only makes sense in the context of a browser. Javascript you send to the browser can not (at least easily) circumvent CORS because the only API that allows you to perform requests from the browser is written in stone. Additionally, there are no local storage or cookies outside of the browser.
Corolarium: Enforcing CORS is a deliberate action from the requester, or whoever is making the requests for you, not the sender. Javascript APIs in browsers enforce it. Other languages don't have the need for the reasons explained.
When running on a device, your files are served over the file:// protocol, not http://, and your origin will therefore not exist. That's why the request from the native device does not trigger CORS.

Access-Control-Allow-Origin error but request goes through

I'm currently deploying a basic API to my live server and I'm running into (what I think is) a CORS problem but there is some behavior going on that I can't explain.
I'm communicating from an AngularJS front-end to a Laravel 5 (+ laravel-cors) back-end.
I started testing with a simple jQuery AJAX call (below) and when I make a request from my local Vagrant environment (http://dev.example.local/test.html) to I get an error about Access-Control-Allow-Origin. The weird thing is that the request does come through because the information is stored in the database via the Laravel-based API correctly.
method: 'POST',
url: '',
data: {
"username": "username",
"first_name": "First",
"last_name": "Last",
"nickname": ""
}).always(function(r) {
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
The console.log(r) returns {readyState: 0, responseJSON: undefined, status: 0, statusText: "error"}
I developed the application locally using a Homestead VM (API) and a Vagrant environment (application) and it's working correctly within these environments...
Some observations:
Each of these requests shows up with Method: POST, Status: 200 OK, Type: xhr in my Chrome Developer Tools.
Tools like Postman and PhpStorm's RESTful service tester correctly execute the request and the data is added without errors.
Any ideas on how to further debug this problem are welcome... I've been trying to wrap my head around this for the entire day now and I just don't know what's causing it.
Your server must return an appropriate Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in the response. For example, if the request is being sent from, then your server must return this header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: You can determine, server-side, what the origin is by looking at the Origin header on the request. If your server does not return this header in the response, you will not have any access to the properties of the response browser-side (such as the status code, headers, or message body). The Same Origin Policy is at the center of this restriction.
The reason you are not seeing any similar issues when the request is sent by Postman or PhpStorm's RESTful service tester is due to the fact that these services do not send an Origin header with the request, as they are not subject to the Same Origin policy. By default, the browser will append this header to any cross-origin ajax requests, as browsers are subject to the Same Origin Policy. In my previous scenario, the request header would look like this: Origin: Browsers that implement the CORS spec are required to add this request header so the server is able to determine if the origin of the request has been whitelisted for cross-origin ajax requests. If this is the case, the server will return the proper Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. If not, it can simply omit the header. Browsers that do not implement the CORS spec will simply refuse to send such an ajax request.
Regarding your bewilderment as to why the request is being sent in the first place, that comes down to a distinction between "simple" and "non-simple" CORS requests. For simple CORS requests, the request will always be sent to the server, but the client/JS will not be able to parse the response without proper acknowledgement from the server. Some CORS requests are not simple, so to speak. These are, for example, DELETE or PATCH requests, or POST/GET requests that contain non-standard headers (such as X-headers or a Content-Type of "application/json" as opposed to "multipart/form-data"). In other words, a request is not simple if it cannot be sent without JavaScript. For example, a <form> submit, or a GET request from a <script src="..."> will always send "simple" requests. For non-simple requests, the browser must "preflight" the request. This means that the browser sends an intermediate request, called a preflight, before the original request. This preflight request is an OPTIONS request. The server must than return headers in the response to this preflight that acknowledge any non-standard properties of the original request. If it does, then the browser will send the original request.
You can read more about preflighting and CORS in general on MDN.

How to Send OCSP Request and receive OCSP response on Mobile Phone

I need to make comparison (on the basis of time) on OCSP request/response between a mobile device and desktop clients. I understand that one can use OpenSSL and other similar command line tools to check OCSP on desktop clients. But I don’t know how to go about making OCSP request on a mobile phone.
I want to send OCSP request for known certificate (e.g Facebook's) to its OSCP URL ( and obtain the certificate's revocation status.
Is there any tool or a guide on sample code (preferably J2ME) that I can use to send OCSP request and get response?
I understand that the BouncyCastle library for mobile devices has some sample classes related to OCSP. I have gone through but I have not been able to make much sense from them.
You could base64 the OCSP request and send it across on HTTP to the OCSP URL and then time it. Note that there might be a CDN that would serve the OCSP Response and that would factor in with the latency as well by reducing it.
How do you create an OCSP Request:
