Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1 - libimobiledevice

I need to backup iphone with libimobiledevice, using ubuntu, the device is detected but going to launch the backup commands the following error is displayed:
Started "" service on port 49343.
Could not perform backup protocol version exchange, error code -1
What could it depend on?

Several Github issues have reported this problem, like this one.
you need to use latest version of idevicebackup and libimobiledevice
Indeed, if you use Ubuntu 20.04 (for instance), the libimobiledevice package is outdated, as of now.
If that's your case, you'll have to either wait for the next Ubuntu release (22.04) or compile it from source, what may become necessary at some point after the release of Ubuntu 22.04 anyway.
Disclaimer: downside of compiling yourself is that your binaries are not managed by the package manager. You'll have to update yourself, git pulling or downloading the newest source code releases and re-compiling everything everytime. You might have to redo all of this after a distribution upgrade. Upside is that your binaries do work...
Note: compilation steps are described on the official site only for debian; I could perform them equally well on a Linux Mint 20.3 (based on Ubuntu, based on debian). OP does not mention the OS he or she uses, but debian based seem to be the only ones available for now, so what follows should work on debian based OSes.
Compilation from source, step by step:
uninstall the official package and its dependencies and:
install the build dependencies: sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall git autoconf automake libtool-bin libplist-dev libusbmuxd-dev libssl-dev usbmuxd (see "from source" here)
get libimobiledevice source code from its repo, using for instance git clone You might get to the releases page and use the latest tar.gz instead (1.3 at the moment).
also get source code of other libraries required by libimobiledevice: libplist, libimobiledevice-glue and libusbmuxd. (I also compiled usbmuxd instead of using the official package, but I am not sure it is necessary). For each one of them, you can git clone it or download and untar the latest source code release, if available.
choose a prefix directory, where libraries and binaries will go. Create it if necessary (official libimobiledevice site suggests /opt/local and I will use this too in the next steps; in order for the compilation to work, you'll have to sudo mkdir /opt/local and export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/local/lib/pkgconfig before starting the first compilation)
to compile and install, cd to the root of each git-cloned (or source-downloaded) directory (in this order: lipblist, libimobiledevice-glue, libusbmuxd and libimobiledevice, because each one depends on the previous one) and execute, in each one of them: ./ --prefix=/opt/local, then make and finally sudo make install. (Note, the autogen line for libimobiledevice may be ./ --prefix=/opt/local --enable-debug, as suggested here).
Having done all of this, the iphone was not mounted automatically, I had to manually run idevicepair pair and then could mount it using ifuse ./iphone_mount_point/ (do sudo apt install ifuse if necessary) and perform a backup using idevicebackup2 backup --full iphone_backup/. Read the help of idevicebackup2 for more information.


Is it possible to specify, in Puppet, to use an rpm for a different OS than the host machine's OS?

I've got a machine running an unsupported OS (rhel6.3). It no longer has access to current repos, and cannot be updated for budget reasons.
It needs to have tzdata updated, but the only version it has access to is from 2014.
tzdata is a noarch package - it's just a bunch of binary files - so it doesn't matter if I grab it from another repo, say, our local yum repo which has the latest tzdata packages for other OSs, like centos7.
I know I can simply download and put the latest tzdata rpm locally on the rhel machine, but I'd like this process to be automated - as in, Puppet checks that tzdata is the latest version - and not have to manually go put it in place whenever the tzdata is updated.
Is it possible for Puppet to specify, use this repo, but use the rpm specified for another OS?
tzdata is a noarch package - it's just a bunch of binary files - so it doesn't matter if I grab it from another repo, say, our local yum repo which has the latest tzdata packages for other OSs, like centos7.
Being a noarch package has no such implication. "Noarch" packages are independent of machine architecture, but not necessarily of OS version. For example, many Python packages are noarch, but the Python2 in EL6 is version 2.6, whereas the Python2 in EL7 is version 2.7. Noarch Python packages for EL7 do not work properly on EL6 if they rely on any of the features introduced in Python 2.7. If they are well packaged then such packages won't even install on EL6.
I suspect you're ok with tzdata in particular, but there is always a possibility that there has been a change or addition to the format of the packaged files that renders them unusable on older OS versions. You should be pretty safe, however, if you go with the CentOS 6.7 package for your EL6.3 system, rather than any EL7 package.
Is it possible for Puppet to specify, use this repo, but use the rpm specified for another OS?
Packages in the same Yum repo are not distinguished by OS or OS version. Where and to the extent that different OS flavors or versions must be served different package collections, it is done by giving them altogether different repos. So no, there is no way to instruct Puppet specifically as you describe, because there is no way to instruct yum that way.
On the other hand, if you have a local repo that is enabled on the target machine, then you can indeed drop a package built for some other RPM-based distro [version] into that repo. Clients will see it, and will (attempt to) use it where appropriate based on its name and epoch-version-release codes. You don't need to do anything special to make that happen.
On the third hand, you could also consider getting the source RPM for the version of tzdata you want, building the binary RPM from it on your EL6.3 machine, and dropping that in your local repo. You can get all manner of source (and binary) RPMs for Fedora and RHEL from Koji.

Haskell platform on mac installs cabal in /usr/bin, but cabal install goes in ~/Library/Haskell

I’ve just installed the Haskell Platform on my Mac running Mavericks 10.9. The cabal version included (1.16) is out of date, and prompts me to run “cabal update” and then “cabal install cabal-install". Doing so installs cabal, but it installs in ~/Library/Haskell. This is not in my executable path, so further attempts to run cabal result in executing version 1.16 from /usr/bin, which was not updated.
I guess I could get around this by changing my executable path to include ~/Library/Haskell, with higher preference than /usr/bin. But I don’t really want to do this. And I don’t want to maintain multiple out of date versions of the software in hidden locations on my system. How do I get cabal to update the executable in the right place? Running with sudo did not help.
Edit: Updated my path, but somehow it still doesn’t work:
[76 of 76] Compiling Main ( Main.hs, dist/build/cabal/cabal-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/cabal/cabal ...
Warning: No documentation was generated as this package does not contain a library. Perhaps you want to use the --executables flag.
Installing executable(s) in
Installed cabal-install-
Updating documentation index /Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/doc/index.html
euclid:Public lethe$ which cabal
euclid:Public lethe$ cabal --version
cabal-install version
using version 1.16.0 of the Cabal library
euclid:Public lethe$ echo $PATH
It claims it installed cabal to ~/Library/Haskell, and since the path is updated, it claims it’s going to execute the version in ~/Library/Haskell, but it also claims the executed version is What’s going on here?
I also tried ghc-pkg recache and cabal install cabal-install- (with version number specified), but executed version is still
There are a couple of solutions:
1) Try updating the PATH variable such that it looks in your local path first.
(Add this to your .bash_profile: export PATH=$HOME/Library/Haskell/bin:$PATH. Source the profile and then retry the whereis command to identify which binary you are using, it should use your local one)
Though this didn't work for me. I had to resort to the next step to make it work:
2) Brute force fix: Delete /usr/bin/cabal.
Hope this helps.
According to 23skiddo at GitHub, the way to get cabal to install in the system-wide directory is cabal install --global. Also if your shell is executing the wrong path to an executable you probably need to clear the cache with hash -d cabal or hash -r.
I once had an alias to a command and forgot about it. That is not picked up by "which ".
Try $(which cabal) --version. If it shows 1.20 there may be some similar problem. Use compgen -a to list your aliases.
/Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/ghc-7.6.3/lib/cabal-install- also is not /Users/lethe/Library/Haskell/bin.
There is a new Haskell-Plattform release 2014.2 now. This comes with Cabal 1.18 and GHC 7.8.3.
It updates easily to Cabal 1.20 (I don't know why it does not come with 1.20 in the first place).
I already tried many different setups between using Haskell-Plattform, Homebrew ghc + haskell-plattform and also
Last one makes most sense to me after trying all different ways to use Haskell on OSX.
If you switch between different "distributions" make sure you really get rid of "everything" that is installed from other versions of Haskell.
I think the most important thing is to recognize that all of those installations are more or less the same. It just moves paths and preferences around.

How to build and deploy a Linux driver?

I am using ubuntu, but the question is for linux in general.
I installed a module/driver by compiling my linux kernel and install the new compiled kernel. It works fine.
In order to make this driver work in another machine without installing the new kernel, I copy the .ko file to the new machine under /lib/modules/<version>/... and then run sudo depmod -a. Then run sudo modprobe <drivername>. The module can be loaded without a problem. but the device is not working well with this .ko module.
The two machines are not identical to hardwares, BUT they are identical to kernel version and ubuntu release version. Normally, copying .ko file should work for the same linux release and the same kernel.
More information about the driver. it's a hid pen tablet driver. All patch files:
one .c file in drivers/hid/
add one line in drivers/hid/Makefile
add a few lines to drivers/hid/usbhid/Kconfig
add a few lines to drivers/hid/hid-ids.h
add a few lines to drivers/hid/usbhid/hid-quirks.c's hid_blacklist struct before { 0, 0 }
That's all.
I even tried to copy the entire drivers/hid/ directory includig all the .ko files from the first machine to the second one. but no luck. The pen tablet can be recognized in the second machine, I am able to do mouse left click event with the pen, but the pen can not move the cursor.
Hopefully, I provided enough details. My goal is to only install the module to identical linux release (kernel) without reinstalling the kernel. I am not sure how to achieve that or if it's possible.
Thanks a lot.
The dmesg output in 1st machine which works:
The dmesg output in 2nd machine:
In 1st machine, before plugging in the tablet, lsmod doesn't show the module. after plugging in, the module can be loaded automatically. I can see lsmod shows the module.
In 2nd mahcine, the module can not be loaded automatically by plugging in the device. I have to do sudo modprobe <module> manually.
Since I will have to install the module to many machines in my company, it's easier to install the module without reinstalling the kernel. I tried to install the kernel .deb packages which built in the 1st machine to the 2nd machine, it works fine in 2nd machine. but I don't feel good to reinstall the kernel to many machines. Thanks.
It seems the kernel you built isn't a 1:1 match. Also, generally there's no need to compile a new kernel.
The simplest way to deal with an out-of-tree driver deployment is to use DKMS.
What you need to provide is just a dkms.conf file specifying the package name, version, and driver names and destinations (within /lib/modules/{kernel}).
In the following examples, things within braces need to be replaced with the real thing, e.g. if version is 1.0.0, then {version} with 1.0.0, obviously.
Example dkms.conf:
Then you just need to install the sources to /usr/src/{mydriver}-{version}, and run dkms:
dkms add -m {mydriver} -v {version}
dkms build -m {mydriver} -v {version}
dkms install -m {mydriver} -v {version}
You should take a look at what other people have done in this area, there's a great deal of automation you can apply to testing and release processes. Bluecherry's solo6x10 out-of-tree version provides some useful make targets (disclosure: I'm the one who wrote that).
Also, you definitely want to build and distribute packages, you can use solo6x10/debian as a template, and you can read about repositories in the Debian wiki.
You can add the module to /etc/modules so it's loaded at boot time.

(Mac OSX) Adding libraries to C -specifically gnuplot

I am a begineer trying to get code in C. I am working on a Mac and using xcode. My only past experience has been with java using eclipse and everything was pretty straight forward. I have almost no experience with terminal.
I am required to learn a bit of C for a project I will be working on and the learning of syntax is coming along okay, but I am at a point where I need to include some libraries in my c program. Specifically I am attempting to make plots with gnuplots.
I have downloaded gnuplot-4.6.3 from their repository and I do not even know how to install the files. I have been looking around and have tried using terminal to use the ./configure command when I am in the gnuplot-4.6.3 directory. But I really don't know what I am doing so I don't even know where to go next or what to do next.
Sorry if this is so trivial, I honestly just have never done this before and I cannot find a good tutorial on what to do.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
I would recommend using MacPorts for installing third-party tools and libraries. It knows the dependencies required and will install them as part of the installation.
Download it from
Install it, and allow it to modify your ~/.profile so that /opt/local/bin is in your $PATH (any issue then just do export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH from the command line).
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install gnuplot
Now that will install the library into /opt/local/lib with the include files in /opt/local/include, so now just add that library to your Xcode project. Select the target and in the Build Phases tab open up the Link Binary With Libraries and press the + button and select Add Other. Now find /opt/local/lib/libgnuplot.a (I am assuming that's what it's called; I don't have it installed my self):
Now add /opt/local/include to your Header Search Paths so the compiler can find the gnuplot header files. Select the target and in Build Setting type in "header search" in the search box. Now double-click on the Header Search Path in the target column (or the project column to the right) and add /opt/local/include:
It's fine! You're learning then! Keep up! When I hit this kind of problem you may want to learn about the basis for linux gcc/g++ compilation and linking processes. Then you should learn Cmake and Automake, which are basically packages to configure projects before compiling building.
A typical (good) project in Unix systems build with commands
sudo make install
cmake CMakelists.txt
make all
sudo make install
That's what you need to do after downloading a source tarball online to install unix programs.
Now since you are using Mac, there are so-called package installers, one which is macports and homebrew. I personally suggest homebrew than macports here (I've tried both, although macports still outnumber homebrew with the number of repos, homebrew has the newest support, especially when upgrading to a new OS). So to install homebrew you can do
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Execute that in your terminal (see for more information.
Then you could simply install GNUplot by
brew install gnuplot

libcap-bin for ARM

I'd like to use setcap, part of libcap-bin, on an embedded Linux device. I use buildroot and see that it has the packages libcap and libcap-ng available, but not libcap-bin.
I googled around but cannot find the source for libcap-bin to produce the setcap binary for the ARM target board.
On Ubuntu I just install with:
sudo apt-get install libcap-bin
Where can I get the source and how can I build libcap-bin for my ARM board?
As others have explained: you can't expect a 1:1 match between the packages you're seeing in your Ubuntu/Debian distribution and the packages you're seeing in Buildroot.
Ubuntu/Debian packages take source packages (in this case libcap) and create multiple binary packages from them, in order to allow you to install only the library, or the library + development files, or the library + programs, etc. For example, look at, which is the reference page for the libcap2 source package: it gives you the list of binary packages generated in Ubuntu from this source package.
On the other hand, in Buildroot, there is only the concept of source packages. One package in Buildroot == one tarball from a given software component. Therefore, there is only package/libcap. At the moment, package/libcap/ is written to only install the library because no-one needed the setcap and getcap programs. But you can extend package/libcap/ (and possibly package/libcap/ to enable the compilation of the programs as well. As another commenter noted, you will need to add attr as a dependency (though the commenter wrongly said that Buildroot didn't had attr: it does have it, see package/attr).
