Why is getValue() always returning false? - checkbox

I filled a list with a CheckBox. This Checkbox is screnning on the page. Then i will find out, if the Checkbox is checked or not. But this is Always returning false, even when the Checkbox is pressed. But why?
ArrayList<TutorialAnswerCheckbox> cbList = new ArrayList<>();
cbList.add(new TutorialAnswerCheckbox(false, "Zuweisungsoperatoren"));
Here the Checkbox is created.
public TutorialAnswerCheckbox(boolean isCorrectAnswer, String text)
this.isCorrectAnswer = isCorrectAnswer;
getElement().getStyle().setProperty("float", "left");
Here im adding the box to my HTMLPanel to a answer div.
html.add(cbList.get(0), "answer9");
This works. Then when the user hits a button i will check if the checkbox is pressed or not.
void done(ClickEvent e)
public boolean isAnswerCorrectly()
return this.getValue();
But the window alert is Always false
This Returns also false even when it is checked.

you have to set the fireEvents checkbox.setValue(value, fireEvents);


How to know if all checkbox of jstree is checked or not

I am using jstree with checkbox.
I have another checkbox with Id chkSelectAll (Select All). When user select it, All jstree checkboxes are checked and if we unselect it, all jstree checkboex are unchecked using below code:
$('#chkSelectAll').change(function() {
if ($('#chkSelectAll').is(":checked"))
$("#drpDownSource .source-list").jstree().check_all(true);
$("#drpDownSource .source-list").jstree().uncheck_all(true);
Now if all jstree checkboxes are selected manually then I want to check chkSelectAll checkbox and if any one jstree checkbox is unchecked then I want chkSelectAll to be unchecked. I am using below code:
How can I know whether all jstree checkbox are checked or not?
.on("check_node.jstree uncheck_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
if (e.type == "uncheck_node") {
$("#chkSelectAll").prop( "checked", false );
else if (e.type == "check_node") {
// here I get only one checkbox's status.
// How to check all checkboxe's status
If you have single parent node with specific id then you can use is_checked (obj) for parent to decide whether all other nodes are checked or not.
Please have a look at https://www.jstree.com/api/#/?q=checkbox&f=check_node.jstree
Please note below
triggered when an node is checked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
I hope your tree checkbox plugin configuration is having tie_selection setting to be set as false.
If you are looking for whether all nodes are checked manually to check "Select All" checkbox above then you can use below c
else if (e.type == "check_node") {
if ($(this).jstree().get_json('#', {flat:true}).length === $(this).jstree().get_checked(true).length)
$("#chkSelectAll").prop( "checked", true );
For complete and working example, you can have a look at https://everyething.com/Example-of-jsTree-with-select-all-checkbox

Why ComboBox setValue do not work in Vaadin?

I have simple code:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
When I first time click button i have items "11" and "22" present in combobox and value "22" is selected.
Second click makes value cleared but items "11" and "22" are still present.
In case I select "11" or leave "22" selected in combobox and click button - value clears.
It seems that setValue() only works when combobox is empty but following code do not helps as well:
Following code sets value of ComboBox correctly, no matter if I select some value or clear it before click:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
But I have to set items of Combobox dynamically and the last solution do not suitable for me.
Vaadin version is 10.0.9.
Has anyone some suggestions or advices ?
Thanks !
I've tried following code:
But it do not work as well.
This code works only if value in combo is empty, but if I input something in combo the code just clears value by .setItems() and further .setValue() do not work.
If value of combo is empty the code works well.
Your code works perfectly fine in a minimum project based on https://vaadin.com/start/latest/project-base (which uses Vaadin 12.0.7)
#PWA(name = "Project Base for Vaadin Flow", shortName = "Project Base")
public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {
public MainView() {
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
Whatever value you set in the ComboBox via UI .. when the button is clicked, the selected value will switch to 22.
If that's an option for you, you could update to a newer Vaadin version and try it with that.
To better show what I meant in my comment, I'm writing it as an answer.
What I meant was to set an empty collection not in the clickListener but directly after initializing the ComboBox:
ComboBox<String> combo=new ComboBox<>("Combo");
Button button = new Button("Button");
button.addClickListener(new ComponentEventListener<ClickEvent<Button>>() {
public void onComponentEvent(ClickEvent<Button> event) {
please try it out and let me know if that works

Smartgwt: How to get checkbox value on a listgrid?

I've a listener on cellClick, I get the selected Record but I can't find a way to understand if this record is checked
Method ListGrid.isSelected(ListGridRecord) returns true if row is selected, not if is checked
My Code:
listGrid.addCellClickHandler(new CellClickHandler() {
public void onCellClick(CellClickEvent event) {
if(event.getColNum() == 0 && idMenu != null){
boolean isChecked = event.getRecord().???;
I've tried also with event.getRecord().getAttributeAsBoolean("_checkField") with no success...
I found a simply solution...
My task is solved using a special boolean field in the DataSource named, for example, "checked"
In ListGrid I've a field "checked", and with a RecordClickHandler I can manage check or uncheck event.
DataSource code:
DataSourceBooleanField checkField = new DataSourceBooleanField("checked");
ListGrid code:
listGrid.addRecordClickHandler(new RecordClickHandler() {
public void onRecordClick(RecordClickEvent event) {
Record rec = event.getRecord();
boolean checked = rec.getAttributeAsBoolean("checked");
rec.setAttribute("checked", !checked);
ListGridField checkField = new ListGridField("checked", "Sel");
Maybe getSelectedRecords() method would help you!
Here is an API reference: http://www.smartclient.com/smartgwt/javadoc/com/smartgwt/client/widgets/grid/ListGrid.html#getSelectedRecords()
Definitely this will provide all records which are selected (using checkbox) but there should be some values which you could use for identifying each record uniquely!

How can I make a SelectBox required in qooxdoo?

How can I force a user to make a selection from a qooxdoo SelectBox? I would like the SelectBox to initially appear with an empty selection (or better yet, a "Please select..." message). I would like form validation to fail if the user has not made a selection, and the selectBox to appear with the red "invalid" decoration and "required" tooltip, just like a required textField.
Similarly for RadioButtonGroup: is there a way to make the group initially appear with no button selected, and not become valid until a selection is made?
Later... this seems to work for the SelectBox case:
var genderSlct = new qx.ui.form.SelectBox();
genderSlct.add(new qx.ui.form.ListItem("")); // initially selected null item
genderSlct.add(new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Male", null, "M"));
genderSlct.add(new qx.ui.form.ListItem("Female", null, "F"));
myForm.getValidationManager().setValidator(function(items) {
var valid = true;
if (genderSlct.getSelection()[0].getModel() == null) {
genderSlct.setValid(valid = false);
genderSlct.setInvalidMessage("Please select your gender.");
if (valid) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Later still... Found a solution for the RadioButtonGroup as well:
To get that initial unselected state, add an invisible first listItem with null model:
myRbg.add(new qx.ui.form.RadioButton("").set({
model: null, visibility: "excluded"
Then add the same style of code as for the selectionBox to the form validator.
Check out this demo which offers exactly which your looking for in the SelectBox case:
You can simply check for the selection in the validator.

WPF CheckBox Binding - Altering value in Property Set does not affect UI

i have a simple checkbox
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding ForceInheritance}"/>
In Code i have a class with "INotifyPropertyChanged" and the Property
public bool ForceInheritance
get { return forceInheritance; }
if (forceInheritance != value)
value = SomeTest();
if (forceInheritance != value)
//something is done here.
If SomeTest() returns !value so the underlying data does not have to change the CheckBox still changes its IsChecked state.
For example:
ForceInheritance is false.
CheckBox is clicked.
SomeTest() returns false.
--> The underlying data is not changed
--> I would expect the CheckBox to stay unchecked
The CheckBox gets checked.
What can i do to not change the IsChecked state of the CheckBox when the setter does not actually change the value?
I thought the "OnPropertyChanged("ForceInheritance");" would do the trick but it didn't.
Thank you for your time.
This problems occurs because when you click checkbox it s value is changed. Then binding causes property set. There you manipulate with its value and hope that calling OnPropertyChanged will cause back binding action updating checkbox value. But doesn't work because updating control after updating property may produce infinite updating loop. To prevent this PropertyChanged is ignored.
What can you do is to move some logic of your property setter to binding validation rule. You can read here about validation rules or leave a comment if you need more information or examples.
Hope it helps.
I would expect the CheckBox to stay unchecked
Now, it seems that CheckBox working as you expect. Something must have changed recently because it works differently now.
When I needed to correct a value in the setter I use Dispatcher.
public bool IsActive
get => _isActive;
if (_isActive != value)
if (value)
if (!CanActive())
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => IsActive = false));
_isActive = value;
Now, I don't have to change a value back to false. This works even if I remove OnPropertyChanged call, because after the setter is called, the getter is also called. It looks like the CheckBox is now correcting its state.
public bool IsActive
get => _isActive;
if (_isActive != value)
if (value)
if (!CanActive())
_isActive = value;
