Best way to simulate a CMD prompt from a .bat script - batch-file

So basically, I have a script we use out on the field to do various functions. Part of the script will include a 'Debug Terminal' (For setting and checking variables, running functions directly etc.). I ran into some problems initially with echo and set commands (echo Hi would result in Hi is not recognized..; set would not process).
Here's what I wound up with:
%title%Debug Console %end%
echo Enter a command or type 'exit' to finish.
set /p ConsoleInput=
if "%ConsoleInput%"=="exit" (
goto DebugConsoleEnd
:if set used
if "%ConsoleInput:~0,3%"=="set" (
echo %ConsoleInput%> "%datapath%\debugcmd.txt"
set /p ConsoleOutput=<"%datapath%\debugcmd.txt"
del /f "%datapath%\debugcmd.txt"
) else (
:if echo
if "%ConsoleInput:~0,4%"=="echo" (
set "echofix=echo echo"
::set ConsoleInput=%ConsoleInput:%echofix%=%
call set ConsoleInput=%%ConsoleInput:echo=%echofix%%%
goto DebugConsoleTop
:all else
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('%ConsoleInput%') DO (
SET ConsoleOutput=%%i
echo %ConsoleOutput%
goto DebugConsoleTop
exit /b
The problem I'm facing now is that you can not echo variables correctly. If I input "set var=test" and then "echo %var%" the output is "%var%" and not "test". However, if I input "%var%" i receive "test is not recognized.."


How to "hide" a text from Batch-File?

I want to know if there any solution to this:
#echo off
goto 'input'
: 'input'
set "inp="
set /p inp=What would you like to do?
set firstresponse=%inp:~0,5%
if %firstresponse%==help goto 'help'
if /I %firstresponse%==check set firstresponse=dir && set
if /I %firstresponse%==remov goto 'remove'
goto 'input'
: 'remove'
set "firstresponse=" && set firstresponse=%inp:~0,6%
if /I %firstresponse%==remove set firstresponse=del
set executeparttwo=%inp:~6%
goto 'input'
: 'help'
echo Check = Dir in regular command prompt, checks a directory.
echo Remove = del in regular command prompt, deletes something.
goto 'input'
if the User typed an invalid command, it will show like what CMD does ( 'command' is not recongnized...)
What i want to do is to replace the CMD invalid command text to my own one like "command" is an invalid command, but to do that i need to "hide" the CMD one (because if the user typed a invalid command it will not show him a "custom message")
I tried to use some Batch plugins like batbox, CursorPos etc... To replace the cursor position but i didn't get what i wanted. So if anyone have a solution i will be very appreciated!
Have a nice day, and thanks for reading!
Your splitting the command and parameters is not ideal, there is a much easier and safer way. Also, the method of an own subroutine for each command is suboptimal (especially, when you add more and more commands).
#echo off
call :commandlist REM build translation table
REM get input line:
set /p "commandline=Enter Command: "
REM split to command and parameters
for /f "tokens=1,*" %%a in ("%commandline%") do (
set "command=_%%a"
set "params=%%b"
REM check for valid command:
set _|findstr /bi "%command%=" >nul || (
echo invalid command: '%command:~1%'.
goto :input
REM execute the command:
call %%%command%%% %params%
goto :input
set "_check=dir /b"
set "_remove=del"
set "_help=:help"
set "_where=call echo %%cd%%"
set "_change=cd"
set "_apt-get=:apt"
set "_bye=exit /b" 'secret' exit command ;)
goto :eof
echo Check = Dir in regular command prompt, checks a directory.
echo Remove = del in regular command prompt, deletes something.
echo Where = echo %%cd%% in regular command prompt, print working folder.
echo Change = cd in regular command prompt, change working folder
goto :eof
if /i "%~1" == "update" echo updating... & goto :eof
if /i "%~1" == "whatever" echo whatevering... & goto :eof
echo invalid command: '%command:~1% %1'
goto :eof
(Note to experienced batch users: yes I know there is a possibility for some "code injection")

display a variable like %%i in for statements in variable? batch

How do I use a variable like %%i in a permanent variable?
(I don't really know the correct terms, so I hope anyone can figure out what I mean)
This is the code I am using:
#echo off
color 0f
goto number
title number
echo number of options?
set /p num=
goto option
for /l %%i in (1,1,%num%) do (
echo Name nr. %%i
echo Enter a option
set /p n%%i=
echo %%i = %n%%i% >> log.txt
goto select
echo %n2%
pause >nul
the "%n2%" works for whatever you put in second, but when I try to print it into a file ( echo %%i = %n%%i% >> log.txt ) it doesn't work.
I know the "%n%%i%" is not correct, But I don't really know what to actually put there.
for /l %%i in (1,1,%num%) do (
echo Name nr. %%i
echo Enter an option
set /p option%%i=
goto select
set option>log.txt
echo %option2%
You may like to consider this.
The command
set option
will show every environment variable that starts option in the format option1=Gido, which is why I changed n to option (there are other variables set that start n)

Making a batch file do something once

I'm making a game and I want a personalized username option that only appears once.
Here is an example:
#echo off
echo please enter a username
set /p newuser=%newuser%:
echo %newuser%> cfg.txt
goto menu
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (cfg.txt) do echo %%x
I'm trying to figure out how to make :onetime happen once, so that it sends the username to cfg.txt
Anyone know how?
I have cleaned up your code and provided a completed working script, and noted where you will put your game code.
Although Delayed expansion is not needed for this code, I have placed it in the script as you had it in your original script.
Please be mindful of the variable names I have chosen as they are used in several locations.
I have tried to comment the code with info on what it is doing, and I would be happen to explain further if needed.
I'd like to actually play your game when you are completed with it, if I may. :)
Hope that helps.
REM Script: BPG.cmd
REM Version: 1.0
REM Description: Game to play about Monsters.
Rem Notes: Currently Implementing Menu System.
Rem Sets up Variables and checks if the script needs to be re-called.
echo off
SET "eLvl=0"
SET "ScriptFolder=%~dp0"
SET "Log=%~dpn0.log"
SET "ConfigFile=%~dpn0_cfg.txt"
IF /I "%~1" NEQ "MAX" (
ECHO.Game not started Maximized, Opening in a New Window by Running: Start "BPG 1 A Batch of Monsters" /MAX "%~dpnx0" MAX
Start "BPG 1 A Batch of Monsters" /MAX "%~dpnx0" MAX
EXIT /b %eLvl%
REM Calls Main Function.
CALL :Main
REM Ends the script.
EXIT /b %eLvl%
REM Main Function, most of your coding goes here, and this function calls sub functions.
Rem Check if Config file exists, if it does not, then call the New User Function.
IF NOT EXIST "%ConfigFile%" (
CALL :NewUser
Rem Load Username from Config file.
FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%A IN ('Type "%ConfigFile%"') DO (
SET "_UserName=%%~A"
Rem Call Menu System
CALL :Menu
REM Based off the option chosen Either Start a new Game or Skip to the End.
REM ECHO.CALL %_Menu_Choice%
CALL %_Menu_Choice%
REM Get the Username Input
SET /P "_User=Please Enter a Username: "
REM Output the Username to the config file, overwriting all the file contents:
REM Output the Config file contents:
Type "%ConfigFile%"
REM Clear the screen
echo ______ _______ _______
echo I ___ \ I ____ I I ____ \
echo I I I II I II I I \/
echo I I__/ / I I____II I I
echo I __ I I _____I I I ____
echo I I \ \ I I I I \_ I
echo I I___I II I I I___I I
echo I______/ I_/ I_______I A BATCH OF MONSTERS
echo 1) Begin
echo 2) Exit
set /p "_Choice=%_UserName%, Enter a Number: "
REM End the local variable Space, and Set return variables based on the choice, or re-draw the menu.
IF /I "%_Choice%" EQU "1" (
REM ECHO.%_Choice% EQU 1
SET "_Menu_Choice=:Begin_Game"
) ELSE (
IF /I "%_Choice%" EQU "2" (
REM ECHO.%_Choice% EQU 2
SET "_Menu_Choice=GOTO :EOF"
) ELSE (
ECHO.%_Choice% Not Valid!
GOTO :Menu
goto :EOF
REM All the remaining code for your game should probably go here.
try checking file existence :
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "cfg.txt" (
echo please enter a username
set /p newuser=%newuser%:
echo !newuser!> cfg.txt
goto menu
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (cfg.txt) do echo %%x

Batch || I am having problems loading variables from txt file

I am having problems reading from text files.
When I try to load in variables from text files, they just return blank, but when I 'type' them, they return perfectly normal.
The code I use to read and save the files (basecd is the directory of the bat file):
echo Saves:
cd Data\Saves\
dir /a:d /b
cd %~dp0
echo %~dp0
set /p filename=Name of save file:
if "%filename%" EQU "" (
echo File does not exist...
goto menuLoop
if exist "Data/Saves/%filename%" (
cd %basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\
echo %basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\
echo Loading File...
set /p name=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\name.txt
set /p race=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\race.txt
set /p hair=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\hair.txt
set /p eyes=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\eyes.txt
set /p area=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\area.txt
set /p quest_starter=<%basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\quest_starter.txt
type %basecd%Data\Saves\%filename%\area.txt
echo %name%
echo %quest_starter%
echo %area%
echo File loaded
goto mainLoop
echo File does not exist...
goto menuLoop
This is the code that I use to write to the files, but I can see on my computer that the files are in the folder and are not empty.
echo Save file name:
set /p filename=
if "%filename%" EQU "" (
echo File name is invalid!
goto saveloop
if exist "Data\Saves\%filename%" (
echo Save file already exists.
set /p input=Overwrite? y/n
if "%input%" EQU "n" (
echo Save canceled
set /p buffer=
goto mainLoop
echo saving game '%filename%'...
if exist "Data\Saves\%filename%" (
del Data\Saves\%filename%
mkdir Data\Saves\%filename%
echo %area%>Data\Saves\%filename%/area.txt
echo %hair%>Data\Saves\%filename%/hair.txt
echo %eyes%>Data\Saves\%filename%/eyes.txt
echo %race%>Data\Saves\%filename%/race.txt
echo %name%>Data\Saves\%filename%/name.txt
echo %quest_starter%>Data\Saves\%filename%/quest_starter.txt
echo Game saved
goto mainLoop
'set /p buffer=' Is a stand in for 'pause'
Please help, I have been ruminating on this for days and I can't get over it.
Thank you for reading
Please note that \ is the path-separator in batch, and / introduces swiches. Sometimes batch does the translation. Not always....
This has nothing to do with your apparent problem. Please see endless items on SO about delayed expansion
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements), the entire block is parsed and then executed. Any %var% within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed - the same thing applies to a FOR ... DO (block).
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse) will be executed using the values of %variables% at the time the IF is encountered.
In your case, you are varying the values within the block, hence you see the original values, not the altered values.
Tip for game-generation:
If you reserve a character as a prefix for variables-you-want-to-save (eg all variables I want to save/reload start with #) then all you need to save a game is
set #>"mygamefile.txt"
and all you need to reload a game is
for /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a in ("mygamefile.txt") do set "%%a"
To zap all # variables (useful before reloading a game) use
for /f "delims==" %%a in ('set # 2^>nul') do set "%%a="

How to find a certain word in a file without using ERRORLEVEL (batch)

I can use ERRORLEVEL, but tried and with a loop it failed.
I am writing a batch "shell."
Since I have tried and tried, I am finally asking for help.
The reason I don't want to use errorlevel is because the loop.
#set /p build=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\WellOS\Build".txt
#title WellOS V.%build%
#echo off
goto boot
echo You are registering...
echo If this is an error press CTRL + C NOW...
set /p user= Enter your username:
set /p passwordreg= Enter your password:
mkdir "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%"
mkdir "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\Documents"
echo %passwordreg% >"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\password".txt
echo 2 >"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\OSfiles\bootset".txt
echo Your done.
goto welloslog
echo Sorry the boot file has an error. Check the user manual for BOOT$
set /p boot=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\OSfiles\bootset".txt
if %boot% == 1 goto register
if %boot% == 2 goto welloslog
goto booterror
echo ----------ERROR-------------------
echo %error%
goto %back%
echo Welcome to WellOS2!
echo ----------------LOGIN-------------
set /p user= Username:
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%" goto pass
set error= Sorry that account doesn't exist.
set back=welloslog
goto welloslogerror
set /p password=<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Users\%user%\password".txt
set /p passwordlog= Password:
if /i %passwordlog% == %password% goto wellos
set error= Sorry! wrong password.
set back= welloslog
goto error
echo --------------MAIN---------------
echo type help for help
set /p command= #:
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.sys" set type=sys
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\" set type=pro
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.sys" goto po
if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\" goto po
set error= !Unreconized program/system program!
set back=wellos
goto error
set lines=0
echo --------------%command%.%type%---------------
set /a lines=%lines% + 1
set /p "code="<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%".wellcode
if "%code%"=="GOWELL" goto wellosnocls
findstr /I /L "if" "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%.wellcode"
call %code%
goto porep
goto porep
PROGRAM OPENER (What I am talking about, and having problems with...)
set lines=0
echo --------------%command%.%type%---------------
set /a lines=%lines% + 1
set /p "code="<"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%".wellcode
if "%code%"=="GOWELL" goto wellosnocls
findstr /I /L "if" "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\WellOS2\Programdata\%command%.%type%\%command%.%type%-%lines%.wellcode" goto iftl
call %code%
goto porep
goto porep
findstr "targetstring" datafilename >flagfilename
for %%a in (flagfilename) do if %%~za==0 echo not found
for %%a in (flagfilename) do if %%~za neq 0 echo found
beyond that, your question is too vague.
The following command returns all lines of a text file textfile.txt that contain the word word (remove the /I switch if you want the search to be case-sensitive):
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt"
With for /F you can capture the output and test whether it is empty, as the loop does not iterate if no match is encountered:
set "FOUND="
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt"
') do (
set "FOUND=Yes"
if defined FOUND (
echo One or more matches found.
rem do something...
) else (
echo No match found.
rem do something else...
Type for /? and if /? in command prompt to get details about the used commands.
There is also a way to use ErrorLevel implicitly, meaning you do not have to query its value by something like %ErrorLevel%, !ErrorLevel! or if ErrorLevel, namely when using conditional command separators:
the && separator executes the following command only in case the previous one succeeded, that is, it returned an ErrorLevel of 0; (findstr returns 0 in case a match is encountered;)
the || separator executes the following command only in case the previous one failed, that is, it returned an ErrorLevel other than 0; (findstr returns a non-zero ErrorLevel in case no match is encountered;)
The following line of code demonstrates the usage:
findstr /I /L "word" "textfile.txt" && (echo One or more matches found.) || echo (No match found.)
