Set GIF as background of text in react native - reactjs

We can achieve the above styling on the website(using CSS) by setting a GIF as background to text. Is it possible to achieve a similar thing in react native?


react slick center mode different images in centered slide

hey I am using react slick for a web, now I want to use center mode in a way that show different image in slick-center container , is it possible to change image when item is in the center ?

Change background of react app according to Chakra UI color mode

I am new to Chakra UI and React, and would like to to implement a background changing according to the color mode of Chakra(dark/light).
I have tried several versions, I could use any of them(there are no limitations), but none of them worked:
Dynamic SVG component as background - had positioning issues.
Trying to change SCSS variables with react on color mode change
Trying to read color mode from the cookies in SCSS as the chakra
ui color mode is stored in the cookies
have an inline styled component with useColorMode() hook - this is partially working, but only if I refresh the page(tried useEffect() and useMemo() as well but did not help)
So I basically fixed it with turning the background opacity of the SVG to 0, this way, the color mode of the page is visible.

Antd: prevent style override?

In my tsx react project, I am using styled components and have created a few pages. Now I wanted to use a modal, so I tried using the antd modal. However, the antd styles have completely overridden my page's styles.
for instance, I have set the background and text fonts through styled components, and everything is running automatically. How do I prevent antd from applying it's background and text colors, and make it leave it as whatever it is?

How would I make a Custom Switch and Toggle Like this In react Native

I am Trying to make a custom switch in react native expo but all the NPM's components don't seem to work, how would i come about creating a custom switch with animations and a custom toggle like the ones show in the image with react native expo?
What I am trying to make
To achieve your first switch example you can look at react-native-switch and tweak it slightly to take a height and width (instead of circle size). I have a working example of this here.
For your second example a simple TouchableOpacity with toggle icon should suffice. You can get a little more elborate and add a color animation if you wanted.

Insert custom emoji image in TextInput in React Native

I want to use custom emoji in my application, so that emojis are consistent over different platforms. So I have to add some small images in TextInput component to achieve this. However it is not possible in React Native yet.
I mean something like this:
<Text>Some Text Here...</Text>
This doesn't show image on IOS, and has some problems Android too. I know this is possible in both Android and IOS but React Native implementation doesn't allow us to do so.
I have read these posts and issues:
How to insert custom emoji (small pictures) into Textinput of React Native?
Can you help me achieve what I want? How to use custom emoji in TextInput?
It is not possible to use images inside textInput. Maybe it can be added in the future versions of react native.
But for now, we can use some RTE(Rich Text Editor) like this one. This way we can add images into text editor and work with it with ease.
