Can pgadmin and pgmodeler connect to Google Cloud Spanner? - database

I want to start cloud spanner emulator in docker, and then use pgadmin to connect to emulator, but when creating server, I am not sure how to fill in the username and maintenance, has anyone tried it? Because I think cloud spanner is also using pgsql, so I should be able to connect to emulator with pgadmin.

Cloud Spanner itself does not support the PostgreSQL wire protocol, which means that you cannot connect directly to Cloud Spanner using psql or any other PostgreSQL tool. There is however an open source adapter that will allow you to use psql with Cloud Spanner. The adapter can be found here:
I don't think that pgAdmin will work with the adapter, as pgAdmin will also automatically execute a number of queries on the system tables of PostgreSQL to determine which tables etc. are in the database. Those queries will probably fail.
An alternative to using pgAdmin could be to use DBeaver:
DBeaver has built-in support for Google Cloud Spanner.
When creating a connection to Cloud Spanner in DBeaver, make sure to select the Google Cloud Spanner JDBC Driver and not the Google Cloud Spanner Community (Topicus) Driver. The latter is deprecated and does not support the newest features of Cloud Spanner.
The following screenshot shows the connection dialog for Google Cloud Spanner in DBeaver Community Edition 7.3.0.


Is there a GCP service that could be used as EKM for MS SQL Server?

I have an SQL Server on Google Compute's VM. I would like to use Extensible Key Management. The requirement is to have everything in GCP. Ideally I would like Google Cloud Platform to be the provider of EKM. Otherwise I will have to install a third party EKM in GCP.
I looked into Google KMS but I cannot see any integration with SQL Server.
I cannot find any info about other Google services being able to manage keys and to integrate with MS SQL Server.
I am struggling to find any answers on Google.
Is there a GCP service that could do that?
MS SQL Server has multiple databases. I would like to have each database encrypted with a different key and allow for a regular change of keys. may meet your needs. This page describes how to use CMEK keys from KMS on a Compute VM and which parts of the VM are protected.

Access Google Cloud SQL - SQL Server from Google Cloud Function

I'm trying to contact a SQL Server hosted on Google Cloud SQL using Private IP and VPC serverless access in Google Cloud Function)
This is actually not working (The Google Cloud Function reach its timeout) but in the same condition I succeed contacting on the private IP a PostgresSQL server, all other things being equaled (the infrastructure is deployed by Terraform to ensure exact same conditions, I just change the database_version)
The database, the VPC Serverless access and the Google Cloud Functions are all deployed in the same region.
Is there any workaround or solution to make it work?
If you check the oficial documentation Connecting to Cloud SQL from Cloud Functions, you will see that there is no support for connecting to SQL Server Beta from Google Cloud Functions.
This page is not available for SQL Server database engine

Unable to connect to Cloud SQL from Google App Engine database

I am unable to connect to Cloud SQL from Google App Engine. I am not sure what the problem is but I came across a note from an instruction stating this is a performance Cloud SQL in alpha stage and connection from Google App Engine are not excepted. Is this the problem I am unable to connect to Cloud SQL? Can anyone explain me the the note? The screenshot of the note is below
Connecting from App Engine is not yet supported for Second Generation instances. You will need to create a First Generation instance if you must connect from App Engine.

Integrating SAP servers with Google Cloud Platform

A client of mine has 2 SAP local servers and he would like to recover his data on the cloud using GCP.
The 2 SAP servers are working with a shared MS SQL database with clustering methodology, one server is active while the other is passive. His reason of recovering the data is that whenever his SAP servers are down he could still access his database with the same functionality he has locally.
I kept on trying to search for a solution to do so using the Google App Engine but as far as I understood there will be no full functionality.
What I thought of is to use the CloudSQL database as a mirror to his SQL database and to get the GAE as a passive server that only works when the systems are down. I found this link which was useful on connecting SAP with GAE but still not with much help on running GAE as an active server.
Any ideas on any other work around?
Thank you.

How do I connect to Google Cloud SQL using SSH

How do I connect to Google Cloud Platform, specifically Cloud SQL, using SSH? I’m using Tera Term and can’t seem to get in. Maybe I’m just using the wrong host, port, password or configuration settings. I’ve tried several combinations.
I can connect to my Google Cloud SQL instance using MySQL workbench, so I’m pretty sure I’ve configured the Cloud SQL Access Controls correctly.
Cloud SQL provides a managed MySQL endpoint and not a virtual machine in which you can SSH into.
