I'm trying to write a VM (LC-3), and on this ADD instruction I encountered this statement. Basically the "register0" is the DR register, but I don't really understand what is actually shifting and why 9. Also the AND operator with the 0x7 value.
| 0001 | DR | SR1 |0| 00| SR2 |
Could anyone please explain it to me in detail?
/* destination register (DR) */
uint16_t r0 = (instr >> 9) & 0x7;
/* first operand (SR1) */
uint16_t r1 = (instr >> 6) & 0x7;
/* whether we are in immediate mode */
uint16_t imm_flag = (instr >> 5) & 0x1;
if (imm_flag) {
uint16_t imm5 = sign_extend(instr & 0x1F, 5);
reg[r0] = reg[r1] + imm5;
} else {
uint16_t r2 = instr & 0x7;
reg[r0] = reg[r1] + reg[r2];
What it's doing is isolating the 3 bits that represent the DR register so they become a standalone number.
Let's say the entire sequence looks like this:
Shifting 9 bits right gives this:
and & 0x7 (bitwise AND) isolates the 3 lowest bits:
Similar operations are performed to isolate the values of SR1 and the immediate mode flag. Depending on that flag, SR2 may also be required, but as it's already in the lowest 3 bits, no shifting is needed.
I came across some sample code which works perfectly for my application, but I am not sure what is actually going on in the IF statement.
unsigned int steps;
uint16_t selected_steps;
for (int j = 16; j>=0; j--)
if (((selected_steps^(1 << step_number))>>j) & 0x1) {
some code...
} else {
other code...
I know the purpose of the code, it is to check if the bit at selected_steps[j] XOR step_number is 1 or 0. Selected_steps[j] is either 0 or 1. Step number takes values between 0-15.
But I don't understand what is actually done by doing
(1 << step_number)
and then what is done by doing
selected_steps^(1 << step_number)) >> j
I suppose that the above statement outputs a 1 or 0 since it checks against 0x1?
Consider what happens if step_number differs from j. Then: ((selected_steps^(1 << step_number))>>j) & 0x1 does this:
The XOR with 1 << step_number changes some bit of selected_steps other than bit j. But, as we will see, we do not care about this.
Then >>j moves bit j to position 0.
Then & 0x1 isolates that bit.
The result is true iff bit j in selected_steps is true.
On the other hand, if step_number equals j, then the XOR changes bit j, and the result is true iff bit j in selected_steps is false.
So the expression is equivalent to (step_number == j) != (selected_steps >> j & 1).
Break it down into steps.
uint16_t mask = 1 << step_number ; // A bit mask with single
// bit `step_number` set.
uint16_t xor_step = selected_steps ^ mask ; // Toggle bit `step_number`.
uint16_t bit_j = (xor_step >> j) & 0x1 ; // Get the single bit `j`
if( bit_j ) ... // If bit j is not zero.
So for example when:
selected_steps == 0x5AA5 (binary:0101101010100101)
j == 5
step_number == 10
mask = 1 << 10 (Binary: 0000001000000000)
selected_steps: 0101101010100101
mask: 0000001000000000
XOR: 0101100010100101 == xor_step
|_ Toggled bit
,- Bit 5 (j)
xor_step: 0101100010100101
shift right 5: >>>>>01011000101
|_ Bit 5 moved to LSB
AND 1: 0000000000000001 == bit j
So you end up with bit j of selected_steps after bit step_number has been toggled. If j != step_number then the toggling has no effect on the result.
How that achieves the purpose of your application is not possible to tell given the aggressive eliding of your code. Presumably in reality selected_steps and step_number are not loop-invariant (and steps not unused, and selected_steps actually initialised for that matter)?
Suppose that an instruction aw is code 010 defined by a 32 bit structure as follows:
bits 31-25 unused (all 0s)
bits 24-22: code
bits 21-19: argument 1
bits 18-16: argument 2
bits 15-0: offset (a 16-bit, 2's complement number with a range of -32768 to 32767)
Given the number 8454151, how can I determine if the code is aw?
I tried to shift the number 22 bits, like 8454151 >> 22, but I keep getting 0. Any ideas on how I can obtain the bit information for the code (to check whether it's aw or something else)?
If you just have to verify if an instruction is of a certain operation, the code needing the least cycles would be as follows:
const uint32_t mask = 7 << 22; // Shift 3 set bits by 22 in order to build
// a mask where bits 22-24 are set.
const uint32_t inst_aw = 2 << 22; // Shift the opcode by 22 to build a comparable value
uint32_t instruction = ...; // Your instruction word
if ((instruction & mask) == inst_aw) {
// Do your thing
Anyway if you have to build something like an "instruction decoder" or "interpreter", I'd recommend using a lookup table with instruction names (or function pointers) indexed by the instruction code:
/*! \brief Instruction names lookup table. Make sure it has always 8 entries
in order to avoid access beyond the array limits */
const char *instruction_names[] = {
/* 000 */ "Unknown instruction 000",
/* 001 */ "Unknown instruction 001",
/* 010 */ "AW",
/* 111 */ "Unknown instruction 111"
uint32_t instruction = ...;
unsigned int opcode = (instruction >> 22) & 0x07; // Retrieving the opcode by shifting right 22
// times and mask out all bit except the last 3
printf("Instruction is: %s", instruction_names[opcode]);
A bit shift should work. Be sure to check the data types. You can also "and" the number with 0x01C000 and then compare.
I made a function to set or clear a specific number of bits in a DWORD. My function works. I don't need help making it work. However, I am wondering if the method I've chosen to do it is the fastest possible way.
It's rather hard for me to explain how this works. There are two arrays containing DWORDs that are filled with bits on the left and right side of the DWORD (with all binary 1's). It makes a mask with all the bits filled except for the ones I want to set or clear, and then sets them with bitwise operators based on that mask. It seems rather complicated for such a simple task, but it seems like the fastest way I could come up with. It's much faster than setting them bit by bit.
static DWORD __dwFilledBitsRight[] = {
0x0, 0x1, 0x3, 0x7, 0xF, 0x1F, 0x3F, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF, 0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF, 0x1FFFF, 0x3FFFF, 0x7FFFF, 0xFFFFF, 0x1FFFFF, 0x3FFFFF, 0x7FFFFF, 0xFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFF, 0x1FFFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF
static DWORD __dwFilledBitsLeft[] = {
0x0, 0x80000000, 0xC0000000, 0xE0000000, 0xF0000000, 0xF8000000, 0xFC000000, 0xFE000000, 0xFF000000, 0xFF800000, 0xFFC00000, 0xFFE00000, 0xFFF00000, 0xFFF80000, 0xFFFC0000, 0xFFFE0000, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFFFF8000, 0xFFFFC000, 0xFFFFE000, 0xFFFFF000, 0xFFFFF800, 0xFFFFFC00, 0xFFFFFE00, 0xFFFFFF00, 0xFFFFFF80, 0xFFFFFFC0, 0xFFFFFFE0,
// nStartBitFromLeft must be between 1 and 32...
// 1 is the bit farthest to the left (actual bit 31)
// 32 is the bit farthest to the right (actual bit 0)
inline void __FillDWORDBits(DWORD *p, int nStartBitFromLeft, int nBits, BOOL bSet)
DWORD dwLeftMask = __dwFilledBitsLeft[nStartBitFromLeft - 1]; // Mask for data on the left of the bits we want
DWORD dwRightMask = __dwFilledBitsRight[33 - (nStartBitFromLeft + nBits)]; // Mask for data on the right of the bits we want
DWORD dwBitMask = ~(dwLeftMask | dwRightMask); // Mask for the bits we want
DWORD dwOriginal = *p;
if(bSet) *p = (dwOriginal & dwLeftMask) | (dwOriginal & dwRightMask) | (0xFFFFFFFF & dwBitMask);
else *p = (dwOriginal & dwLeftMask) | (dwOriginal & dwRightMask) | 0;
How about:
// Create mask of correct length, and shift to the correct position
DWORD mask = ((1ULL << nBits) - 1) << pos;
// Apply mask (or its inverse)
if (bSet)
*p |= mask;
*p &= ~mask;
It's pretty likely that simple bitwise operations will be faster than table lookup on any modern processor.
Note: Depending on the relationship between DWORD and long long on this platform, you may need special handling for the case where nBits == sizeof(DWORD)*8. Or if nBits==0 is not a possibility, you could just do DWORD mask = ((2ULL << (nBits - 1)) - 1) << pos;.
Update: It's been mentioned that the if could potentially be slow, which is true. Here's a replacement for it, but you'd need to measure to see if it's actually any faster in practice.
// A bit hacky, but the aim is to get 0x00000000 or 0xFFFFFFFF
// (relies on two's-complement representation)
DWORD blanket = bSet - 1;
// Use the blanket to override one or other masking operation
*p |= (blanket | mask);
*p &= ~(blanket & mask);
This is the way I'd do it. I'd break it into two functions, setbits() and clearbits(). Steps broken out for clarity, and I'm sure it can be far more optimized.
This version is dependent on 32-bit code as it stands. Also, in my world, bit 0 is the rightmost bit. Your mileage may vary.
setbits( DWORD *p , int offset , int len )
// offset must be 0-31, len must be 0-31, len+offset must be 0-32
int right_shift = ( !len ? 0 : 32 - (len+offset) ) ;
int left_shift = offset ;
DWORD right_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> right_shift ;
DWORD left_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << left_shift ;
DWORD mask = left_mask & right_mask ;
*p |= mask ;
return ;
clearbits( DWORD *p , int offset , int len )
// offset must be 0-31, len must be 0-31, len+offset must be 0-32
int right_shift = ( !len ? 0 : 32 - (len+offset) ) ;
int left_shift = offset ;
DWORD right_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF >> right_shift ;
DWORD left_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << left_shift ;
DWORD mask = ~( left_mask & right_mask ) ;
*p &= mask ;
return ;
I stumbled across this improved version whilst looking for something else today. Courtesy of Sean Anderson's Bit Twiddling Hacks at Stanford University:
// uncomment #define to get the super scalar CPU version.
void setbits( unsigned int *p , int offset , int len , int flag )
unsigned int mask = ( ( 1 << len ) - 1 ) << offset ;
#if !defined( SUPER_SCALAR_CPU )
*p ^= ( - flag ^ *p ) & mask ;
// supposed to be some 16% faster on a Intel Core 2 Duo than the non-super-scalar version above
*p = (*p & ~ mask ) | ( - flag & mask ) ;
return ;
Much depends on your compiler, though.
I dont understand when and why you would use bitshift operators for microchip programming: for example...
Why use these operators?
void SerialInit(void)
UBRRH = ((XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1)>>8; // 250kbps at 16Mhz
UBRRL = (XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1;
UCSRA = (1<<U2X);
UCSRB = (1<<TXEN);
UCSRC = (1<<URSEL) + (1<<UCSZ1) + (1<<UCSZ0);
Whats going on here??? someone please explain graphically with 0's and 1's please. Or here's another example:
ulong MesureLC(void)
int i;
TCCR1B = 0;
CountHigh = 0;
TCNT1 = 0;
for (i=0;i<25000;i++)
TCCR1B = (1<<CS12) + (1<<CS11) + (1<<CS10); // WTF ???
UDR = 0x55;
while(!(UCSRA & (1<<UDRE)));
while(!(UCSRA & (1<<TXC)));
TCCR1B = 0;
CountLow = TCNT1;
Count = CountLow + (CountHigh << 16);
return Count;
I need to understand this stuff. Any help is appreciated.
A number of reasons spring to mind as to why you would use them.
The first is that sometimes memory is tight on micro-controller type devices and you may want to store as much as possible in as little space as possible.
This requirement may also be driven by the fact that other devices or software you interface with have that same minimal-space desire. They may use sub-byte data types for doing work, one example being TCP/IP headers where fields range from a single bit (such as the DF field) up to much more (such as the IP addresses).
In fact, that second bit of code you gave, SerialInit, is setting up properties for a serial comms chip (UART = Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter). UCSRx usually stands for UART Control/Status Register #x so you're writing information to a fairly low-level device to control its behaviour.
Another reason is that you may have memory mapped I/O. That means that, though you think you're writing to memory, you may well be sending those bits directly to an I/O device of some sort.
A classic example may be the use of a memory mapped byte where a seven-segment LEDs is controlled.
The LED may be structured as:
| d | e | g | f | a | b | c | p |
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # #===========#
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # # #===========# #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # # #===========# # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # #=====# # # #
# # # # # # # #
# # # # +-------+ # # #
# # # # |aaaaaaa| # # #
# # # # +-+-------+-+ # # #
# # # # |f| |b| # # #
# # # #===|f| |b|===# # #
# # # |f| |b| # #
# # # +-+-------+-+ # #
# # #=========|ggggggg| # #
# # +-+-------+-+ # #
# # |e| |c| # #
# #===========|e| |c|=======# #
# |e| |c| #
# +-+-------+-+ +---+ #
#=================|ddddddd| |ppp|=====#
+-------+ +---+
where each of the seven segments and the dot are controlled by a different bit. If you wanted to turn on a single segment while leaving the others as they are, you would use bit operations like your question contains.
By way of example, turning on the g segment involves an operation like:
mmap_byte |= 0x20; // binary 00100000
Turning it off involves:
mmap_byte &= 0xdf; // binary 11011111
You may also find yourself in a situation where single bits or groups of bit in a byte control totally distinct devices and you don't want the operation of one to affect the other.
As to what bitwise operators do, they are operators that work on a multi-bit value but conceptually one bit at a time:
AND is 1 only if both of its inputs are 1.
OR is 1 if one or more of its inputs are 1.
XOR is 1 only if exactly one of its inputs are 1.
NOT is 1 only if its input are 0.
left shift shifts bits left a certain amount.
right shift shifts bits right a certain amount.
Discounting the shifts for now, these can be best described as truth tables. Inputs possibilities are on the top and left, the resultant bit is one of the four (two in the case of NOT since it only has one input) values shown at the intersection of the two inputs.
AND | 0 1 OR | 0 1 XOR | 0 1 NOT | 0 1
----+----- ---+---- ----+---- ----+----
0 | 0 0 0 | 0 1 0 | 0 1 | 1 0
1 | 0 1 1 | 1 1 1 | 1 0
One example is if you only want the lower 4 bits of an integer, you AND it with 15 (binary 1111) so:
201: 1100 1001
AND 15: 0000 1111
IS 9 0000 1001
Another example is if you have two 4-bit values that you want to pack into an 8-bit one, you can use all three of your operators (left-shift, and and or):
packed_val = ((val1 & 15) << 4) | (val2 & 15)
The & 15 operation will make sure that both values only have the lower 4 bits.
The << 4 is a 4-bit shift left to move val1 into the top 4 bits of an 8-bit value.
The | simply combines these two together.
If val1 is 7 and val2 is 4:
val1 val2
==== ====
& 15 (and) xxxx-0111 xxxx-0100 & 15
<< 4 (left) 0111-0000 |
| |
| (or) 0111-0100
If you have feature which can be enabled or disabled, you can use single bit to set state: 1 or 0. This way in 1 byte you are able to set 8 features.
If you need to store value (lets say somewhere from 0 to 7) you only need 3 bits for that (000 in binary = 0 in dec, 001 = 1, 010 = 2, ..., 111 = 7). And you still have 5 out of 8 bits free.
Whats going on here??? someone please explain graphically with 0's and 1's
1 << 2 = 00000001 << 2 = 00000100 = 4
4 >> 2 = 00000100 >> 2 = 00000001 = 1
I think the real question is not "what the hell does this mean", but rather "why the hell do developers writing programs for micro-controllers seem to love this way?"
Well I don't know if they love that way. I'm not a developer at all and I'm just a little bit interested in micro-controllers, but here is what I think.
Have You ever seen a documentation for a chip? Here is an example from some Atmel pdf.
USART Control and Status Register –
• Bit 7 – RXCIEn: RX Complete
Interrupt Enable n Writing this bit to
one enables interrupt on the RXCn
Flag. A USART Receive Complete
interrupt will be generated only if
the RXCIEn bit is written to one, the
Global Interrupt Flag in SREG is
written to one and the RXCn bit in
UCSRnA is set.
• Bit 6 – TXCIEn: TX Complete
Interrupt Enable n Writing this bit to
one enables interrupt on the TXCn
Flag. A USART Transmit Complete
interrupt will be generated only if
the TXCIEn bit is written to one, the
Global Interrupt Flag in SREG is
written to one and the TXCn bit in
UCSRnA is set.
... • Bit 5 – UDRIEn: ... • Bit 4 –
RXENn: ... • Bit 3 – TXENn: ... • Bit
2 – UCSZn2: ... • Bit 1 – RXB8n: ... •
Bit 0 – TXB8n: ...
The problem is, that the chip is controlled by setting or clearing individual bits in some control registers. Those registers have ugly names in the documentation and the bits have ugly names too. The development environment comes already with all the macros with the names resembling those form the documentation defined.
Now suppose one wants to enable an interupt on the RXCn Flag and leave all other settings unchanged. This requires setting one bit in one particular register leaving other bits unchanged. The operator |= is the easiest way to do this
Assumming the address of the register is 0x3F (I made up the number, it doesn't matter) one could write this:
*((unsigned char*)0x3F) |= 0x80;// I want to set bit number 7 (RXCIEn)
Now, how readable is this?
In the development environment, there are already defined macros like UCSRnB and RXCIEn and using them is an obvious thing. It just so happens that RXCIEn is a bit number, not a value of that bit, so to code the same as above one has to write
UCSRnB |= (1 << RXCIEn);
Thanks to the documentation something like
UCSRnB = (1<<RXENn)|(1<<TXENn);
is considered more readable than
*((unsigned char*)0x3F) = 0x18; // I want to set bits number 4 and 3 (RXENn and TXENn)
The documentation itself is full of examples of code using those defined macros and I guess developers get used to it too quickly, to try to find a better way.
In the first example you gave:
That's not a bitshift, instead it's a bitmask.
Specifically the first statement turns off a given bit in a value, and the second turns the same bit on, leaving all other bits untouched.
Let's say SWITCH_DDR and SWITCH_PORT are special memory values that control the behaviour of some device. Each of its bits turns on/off a feature. If you want to control a given feature separately, you have to be able to change a bit without interfering with the others.
Let's also say the feature controlled by SWITCH_BIT is the leftmost bit in a byte. So SWITCH_BIT would have the value 0x80 (10000000 in binary).
When you do the first statement you are inverting SWITCH_BIT with the ~ operator (obtaining 01111111 in binary) and applying a binary AND to SWITCH_DDR. That efectively clears the leftmost bit and leaves the others unchanged.
The second statement does a binary OR, therefore the opposite result.
Now, about the shift operations, there are many applications to them, (much of was already mentioned in another answers), I will simply explain the specific use in the code you posted. So you have:
void SerialInit(void)
UBRRH = ((XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1)>>8; // 250kbps at 16Mhz
UBRRL = (XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1;
UCSRA = (1<<U2X);
UCSRB = (1<<TXEN);
UCSRC = (1<<URSEL) + (1<<UCSZ1) + (1<<UCSZ0);
The thing here is similar to the previous example (setting specific bits in a value) but there are a few differences due to the situation:
a) While in the first example you had the bitmask already made (SWITCH_BIT), here the constants are simply the POSITION of the bit. For instance, U2X contains the position of the bit that needs to be turned on/off (from right to left), not its bitmask. Doing (1<<U2X) effectively produces the corresponding bitmask. If the bit that needs to be turned on is the leftmost (as I made in SWITCH_BIT example), U2X would be 7 and the result of the shift would be the same 10000000 in binary.
b) In the last line:
UCSRC = (1<<URSEL) + (1<<UCSZ1) + (1<<UCSZ0);
This is combining the bitmasks produced by each constant (whose values, again, are the bit positions from the right). The thing is that the programmer decided to use the + operator instead of binary OR because he/she knew that when you don't have "colliding" bits, their result is the same. Personally, I would always use the binary OR, to make clear that what I'm doing is not an arithmetic addition.
c) Finally, about the first line
UBRRH = ((XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1)>>8;
Seems more complicated, apparently is a clock division factor, I'd have to look at the documentation to understand better. I'd not worry about it for now, it probably will become clear in time.
So looking at your SerialInit function.
You have left a lot of details out here but there is still enough to go by. So clearly you are initializing a serial port and the first couple of lines are the clock divisor. Since chips can run at different clocks and the chip usually doesnt try to guess at what clock you want say 9600 buad you have to do the math to divide down say a 12mhz reference clock. So XTAL / (8 *250000) is trying to get from the 16mhz down to 250000 with an 8x oversampling. I guess that number is 0x200 but for sake of an example lets say that number is 0x234. The UBBRH register looks to be the high half of the register so it wants the upper bits, apparently upper 8 bits (or less) the UBBRL is the lower half of that divisor so it wants the lower 8 bits.
The upper 8 bits of 0x0234 are 0x02, to get 0x02 from 0x0234 you need to shift
0x0234 = 0b0000001000110100 (0b indicating binary where 0x indicates hex)
This is not a rotate this is a logical shift, the C language does not have a rotate (nor an arithmetic shift). So that means the number of bits we shift to the right end up in a bit bucket.
so 0b0000001000110100 shifted right 8 times becomes 0bxxxxxxxx00000010. The xxes are the new bits shifted in and in C those are actually zero. But it doesnt matter here because the register being written to is 8 bits so only the lower 8 bits count.
So the second write of our 0x234 to UBRRL, is the lower 8 bits. The C compiler is going to chop off the lower 8 bits 0x34 and write that to the register.
So between those two lines of code we computed the divisor for the serial clock of 0x234 and write 0x02 to the upper divisor register and 0x34 to the lower.
The next line UCSRA = (1 << U2X);
Apparently there is register that wants a single bit set. I dont know what U2X is but lets say it is a 5 1<<5 means take the 0x01 or 0b00000001. shifted left five means shift move the bits that are there to the left and in C bring 5 zeros in on the right. Bits on the top of the variable, the leftmost 5 bits fall off into a bit bucket.
add five zeros to visualize
then chop five off the left
and we end up with 0x20.
The UCSRB line works the same way.
The UCSRC line is the same as well but three bits are being set
UCSRC = (1 << URSEL) + (1 << UCSZ1) + (1 << UCSZ0);
For sake of an example let me make up some numbers to fill in the ones not defined in your example.
UCSRC = (1 << 5) + (1 << 2) + (1 << 4);
As we did with UCSRA and UCSRB visualize those numbers
one with five zeros shifted in
Pad that on the left to make it a full 8 bits
one with 2 zeros and one with 4 zeros
0b100 padded is 0b00000100
0b10000 padded is 0b00010000
So the three components so far are:
and when added together become
0b00110100 = 0x34
And that value is what is is written to the register.
Now you have to be careful using add instead of or. If you are not careful with your defines or dont bother to look you may find that the same bit is defined with two names and you may feel you wanted both features not knowing it is the same bit, the add will mess that up, the or wont. For example if URSEL and UCSZ1 happened to be the same bit
UCSRC = (1 << URSEL) + (1 << UCSZ1) + (1 << UCSZ0);
UCSRC = (1 << 5) + (1 << 5) + (1 << 4);
you would get
which adds to
when you probably wanted to or them and get
There are other times when an or is bad and you want to add, so you have to know your numbers not just names for defines when you do this math.
Normally WHY you would do this form of bit shifting, in particular with micros and drivers is that a register in a device may be defining more than one thing. A serial port is a perfect example, say you had a control register that looked like this
where SS is stop bits 1=2 stop bits 0 = 1 stop bit
PP is parity 0b00 = no parity 0b01 = even 0b10 = odd
LLLL is length 0b1000 = 8, 0b0111 = 7 bits, etc
You will very often find code for such a register that does something like:
SCONTROL = (0 << 7)|(2 << 4)|(8 << 0);
Except that hardcoded numbers are replaced with defines:
The shifts allow for the programmer to think of each field independent of the others without using bitfields which are messy and broken and very bad (never use).
The and with not is an easy way to not have to deal with the variable length
So if you want to read-modify-write something and say the lower 3 bits are what you want to modify and dont want to mess with the other bits in the register you might do something like this:
The ra&=~7 means
start with
take the ones complement, which is make the zeros ones and ones zeros
and that with what ra had in it before anding with a 1 means you keep your value anding with zero makes it a zero so the lower three bits have been forced to 0 the other dont-care-how-many bits are unchanged. then you or in the new number to set the lower three bits to whatever you wanted to change to and then write back to the register the changed value.
Then and with inverted mask thing can be easier than doing the math yourself, ~7 instead of 0xFFFF...FF8. How it helps is you may only need one define:
#define SOMEMASK 0x7
and then use
You might get even more clever and say
#define SOMEMASK ((1
And you dont even have to think about 0x7 being three ones. you just put a 3 in there.
A bit-shift operator comes in two main varieties (and I'm not talking about the direction): shift, and rotate.
Additionally, both come in two directions, so typically you have four:
rotate left
rotate right
The first two shift the bits a number of bits to one direction. Any bits that "fall off" the end disappear. Any bits that "appear" on the other end, are zero.
Typically you also specify how many bits to shift the value.
1000 shl 1 = 0000 (the 1 fell off the end, and a 0 appeared on the other end)
1000 shr 1 = 0100 (a zero fell off the right end)
Rotation doesn't lose bits that fall off, instead they are rotated back in on the other side.
1000 rol 1 = 0001 (the 1 was rotated back in on the other side)
You can think of the two operations as:
For shifting, the number contains an infinite number of zeroes on both ends, that follows the value as you shift it
For rotation, the number is repeated an infinite number in both directions, that follows the value as you shift it
There's also a variant of the rotation one, rotate through carry, that uses the carry flag in the process as an extra bit.
If the carry flag starts as 0, here's what happens:
1000 rcl 1 = 0000 (rcl = rotate through carry to left)
0000 rcl 1 = 0001 (now the 1 came back, it was temporarily stored in carry flag)
The last one can, in machine code, be used to move single bits from one register to another:
rcl ax, 1 ; rotate AX-register, 16-bit, left 1 bit, through carry
rcr bx, 1 ; rotate BX-register, 16-bit, right 1 bit, through carry
Here we take the leftmost bit from AX, temporarily rotate it out into the carry flag, and then rotate it back into the leftmost bit of BX.
Now, you can usually combine shifting with the other bitwise operators. For instance, to set bit N of value (where N is 0-based, and bit 0 is the rightmost one), you can do this:
value = value OR (1 shl N)
Here we first shift the value 1 N times to the left. If N is 0, this does not shift the bit at all.
Then we OR the result of that shifting with the existing value, and store it. OR has the effect of combining the 1's so that if either value has a 1-bit in a specific position, the result is also a 1-bit in that position.
So for the shifting:
1 shl 0 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00000001
1 shl 1 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00000010
1 shl 2 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00000100
1 shl 3 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00001000
1 shl 4 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00010000
1 shl 5 = 00000001 shl 0 = 00100000
1 shl 6 = 00000001 shl 0 = 01000000
1 shl 7 = 00000001 shl 0 = 10000000
Then the OR:
???????? OR 00100000 = ??1?????, where ? means whatever it was before
Let me take a couple of the lines of code you've posted:
UBRRH = ((XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1)>>8; // 250kbps at 16Mhz
UBRRL = (XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1;
The first does a calculation, (XTAL / (8 * 250000)) - 1, which I don't know the purpose behind. This is normal math, however, so it calculates something. Let's call it a frequency (judging by the comment.)
This value is calculated twice, so let's rewrite the above statements:
UBRRH = value >>8; // 250kbps at 16Mhz
UBRRL = value;
Here I have to guess, but I'm guessing that UBRRH and UBRRL are both declared to be of type "BYTE", which means they can store at most 8 bits of value each. This means that the code actually reads like this:
UBRRH takes the upper 8 bits of "value", shifts them into the lower 8 bits, and stores those. Since it only stores a byte, it chops off the rest, which means it grabs bits 8-15
UBRRL takes the lower 8 bits, and chops off the rest, which means it grabs bits 0-7
Since the names of the two end in L and H, they fit with the assumption.
The bitwise operators operate (as their name suggests on bits). In the first chunk of code you have given these operators are used for setting and reseting a specific bit. For simplicity assume that SWITCH_DDR is a 8bit integer and that SWITCH_BIT is also a 8bit integer that has a constant value of 2:
SWITCH_DDR = 00000000; // initial value of SWITCH_DDR is 0
SWITCH_BIT = 00000010;
Then you can use the bitwise OR to set the specific bit of SWITCH_DDR to 1:
SWITCH_DDR |= SWITCH_BIT; // SWITCH_DDR is 00000010 now
To verify if the SWITCH_BIT bit is set you use the AND operator:
TEMP = 10101010 & SWITCH_BIT; // TEMP is 00000010 now (1 in TEMP is set only if there's 1 in both operands)
if (TEMP == SWITCH_BIT) // The condition is true
{ /* Do something */ }
TEMP = SWITCH_DDR & SWITCH_BIT; // TEMP is again 00000010 because we set it to 00000010 before and the AND operator doesn't therefore change anything
if (TEMP == SWITCH_BIT) // The condition is also true
{ /* Do something */ }
To unset a specific bit you can use this:
TEMP = ~SWITCH_BIT; // TEMP is now 11111101
SWITCH_DDR &= TEMP; // This preserves everything (because 1 & 1 = 1 and 1 & 0 = 0) but the SWITCH_BIT bit which will be always set to 0 (anything & 0 = 0)
The shift operators just shift the bits left or right:
RESULT = 10010010 << 1; // RESULT is 00100100
RESULT <<= 1; // RESULT is 01001000
RESULT <<= 2; // RESULT is 00100000
RESULT >>= 1; // RESULT is 00010000
There is one special thing about the shift operators - you can use them for a fast division/multiplication with powers of 2:
RESULT = 3 << 1; // Result is 6 (3 * 2)
RESULT = 5 << 2; // Result is 20 (5 * 4)
RESULT = 1 << 7; // Result is 128 (1 * 128)
RESULT = 36 >> 1; // Result is 18 (36 / 2)
RESULT = 35 >> 1; // Result is 17 (35 / 2)
It's worth noting, btw, that on many small processors there are specialized instructions for setting and clearing individual bits of an I/O port. I would suggest that you find out something about any processor you'll be using, because optimal coding styles vary from one to another. For example, consider the groups of statements:
some_port |= 8; /* Statement #1a -- Note value is a power of 2 */
some_port |= 2; /* Statement #1b -- Note value is a power of 2 */
some_port |= 9; /* Statement #2 -- Note value is not a power of 2 */
On some processors (e.g. ARM or Z80), if some_port is declared volatile (which it should be), each statement will be three instructions, so the first sequence will take twice the time and space of the first. On some others (e.g. PIC) the first two statements will be one instruction each, while the second will be two instructions, so both sequences will take the same time and space. Still others will offer a space advantage to one and a time advantage to the other.
Time/space for 1st and 2nd methods of setting bits
(time in cycles unless noted)
1st 2nd
2/4 2/3 8051 (standard)
4/4 3/3 8051 (accelerated clone)
2/2 2/2 PIC
10/4 8/6 6805