Update value in nested object using React Hooks - reactjs

My desire is to update the products inside the shoppingCart[0]
The state: const [authenticatedUser, setAuthenticatedUser] = useContext<any>(UserContext)
console.log(authenticatedUser) displays the following:
I've tried updating the value of the products array with the following code:
setAuthenticatedUser({ ...authenticatedUser, products: ['new item'] })
But it creates a new product array inside the authenticatedUser.
How can I update the products array inside authenticatedUser.shoppingCart[0].products ?
const [authenticatedUser, setAuthenticatedUser] = useState(
authenticated: true,
id: "3i4jijrifjifrjifr",
shoppingCart: [{
createdAt: "2021-01-29T10:14:21.253Z",
products: ['this is the array i want to update', '2', '3']

try this:
setAuthenticatedUser({ ...authenticatedUser, shoppingCart:[{...authenticatedUser.shoppingCart[0],products:['newItem']}] })

const authenticatedUserCopy = { ...authenticatedUser }
authenticatedUserCopy.shoppingCart[0].products = ['new product']

shoppingCart: authenticatedUser.shoppingCart.map(s => { //map all items
return {
products: [...s.products, 'new item'] //add item


Finding an array item in state

I have the following array in my Sate:
this.state = {
currentAsset: null,
assets: [
{ id: uuidv4(), selected: false, text: 'Sorte',},
{ id: uuidv4(), selected: false, text: 'optical_dillusion2322.jpg'},
{ id: uuidv4(), selected: false, text: 'man_read_abook3242332.jpg'},
I want to find one of these assets and assign it to currentAsset. I have the following function:
handleAssetIDChange(assetID) {
var currentAsset = this.state['assets'][assetID]
// this.setState({
// currentAsset: this.state['assets'][assetID],
// openAssetSideBar: true
// }, () => {
// console.log(this.state['assets'][assetID])
// })
You can see the commented out part is now working. I am trying to set the currentAsset and then trigger the open of the sidebar to display the contents, but currentAsset is not getting set.
I have the assetID, how can I locate the one I need? Another question i have is in many stackoverflow posts they reference state vars like objects, aka:
this.state.assets but I always get an error when trying to do that.
How can I assign currentAsset and then trigger the openAssetSidebar when it has been set?
I would use a filter use get the object, this should update your currentAsset in the state.
handleAssetIDChange(assetID) {
var currentAsset = this.state['assets'].filter( item => item.id === assetID)[0]
this.setState(( prev ) => {
openAssetSideBar: true
In order to find the asset that you are looking for with a specific id, instead of
var currentAsset = this.state['assets'][assetID]
You should do:
const foundAsset = this.state['assets'].find((el) => el.id === assetID)
then to update the state, you would do:
this.setState((prev) => ({...prev, currentAsset: foundAsset}))

Delete multiple item from array - Redux State

I'm working on react app with redux. I want to delete multiple item from array. I write below code in my reducer which delete single item from array but i want to delete multiple item.
let dltLink = state.filter(item => {
return item._id !== action.data._id
return {
parentFolderlinks: dltLink
It seems you want to filter links from state.parentFolderlinks, say you have the ids in action.data.ids, you could
const parentFolderlinks = state.parentFolderlinks.filter(item => {
return !action.data.ids.includes(item._id);
return {
On what basis would you like to filter items? I assume that multiple items will not have the same id.
Below example shows how we can filter multiple items in redux. In this case, foods state with items that has type as fruit and removes everything else.
// initial state with all types of foods
const initialState = {
"foods": [
name: "apple",
type: "fruit"
name: "orange",
type: "fruit"
name: "broccoli",
type: "vegetable"
name: "spinach",
type: "vegetable"
// sample reducer that shows how to delete multiple items
export default (state = initialState, { type, payload }) => {
switch (type) {
// delete multiple items that does not have type fruit
// i.e both brocolli and spinach are removed because they have type vegetable
const onlyFruits = state.foods.filter(food => food.type === "fruit");
return {
foods: onlyFruits
you could map over the state and run it through a function that works out if you want to keep it or not (I don't know what your logic is for that) then return the array at the end
const keepThisItem =(item) => {
return item.keep
let itemsToKeep = []
let dltLink = state.map(item => {
return itemsToKeep

Redux state is being updated without dispatching any action

I should start off by saying this is not a duplicate of this question, which happened to have the same title.
I'm simply getting a customers object of arrays from props inside a componentDidMount method like this;
componentDidMount() {
const { customers } = this.props
const expiringCustomers = getExpiringCustomers(customers)
console.log('Expiring customers ', expiringCustomers)
Inside another file, I have that getExpiringCustomers function which takes the customers passed and is suppose to return a newly modified list of customers like this;
function numbersOnly(value) {
if(_.isString(value)) {
value = Number(value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''))
return value
function normalizeNumber(collection, field) {
return collection.map(obj => {
obj[field] = numbersOnly(obj[field])
return obj
export function getExpiringCustomers(customers) {
const expiringCustomers = customers.filter(customer => {
const daysLeft = Number(new Date(customer.endDate)) - _.now()
if(daysLeft <= (dateInMonth * 3)) {
return customer
return normalizeNumber(expiringCustomers, 'rent')
I'm connecting my react component with redux state like this;
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
customers: state.customers.filter(customer => customer && !customer.deleted)
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Accounting)
After the functions run and log results, customers' state is changed in redux store.
This is very confusing as customers_edit action has to pass through some procedures but none of them are called/logged.
Snapshot of the affected object:
Ps. The data is just boilerplate.
//- Focus on rent property
const customers = [
id: 'o91wukyfsq36qidkld02a0voo93rna5w',
cardId: 'GD-1101010111',
id_type: 'Driving License',
firstName: 'Maalim',
lastName: 'Guruguja',
names: 'Maalim Guruguja',
property: '5iaprurefg3v3uhad688mypo9kqf6xk3',
rent: '250,000',
email: 'tonimarikapi#yahoo.com',
phone: '239-288-3838-38',
noticePeriod: '3',
status: '2 months remain',
startDate: '2018-07-09',
endDate: '2018-08-17',
createdAt: 1530623480772,
updatedAt: 1531213159147
//- After the functions run, log and edit customers array
const customers = [
id: 'o91wukyfsq36qidkld02a0voo93rna5w',
cardId: 'GD-1101010111',
id_type: 'Driving License',
firstName: 'Maalim',
lastName: 'Guruguja',
names: 'Maalim Guruguja',
property: '5iaprurefg3v3uhad688mypo9kqf6xk3',
rent: 250000,
email: 'tonimarikapi#yahoo.com',
phone: '239-288-3838-38',
noticePeriod: '3',
status: '2 months remain',
startDate: '2018-07-09',
endDate: '2018-08-17',
createdAt: 1530623480772,
updatedAt: 1531213159147
From the linked question (possible duplicate one) the guy who answered stated that it's some mutation issue that may cause this. I'm not sure if that applies on props that are suppose to be read-only.
How can I stop these functions from updating my redux store, please help.
You mutate the objects in normalizeNumber, since all the array methods you use don't clone the array's objects.
Change normalizeNumber callback to return a new object with the updated field:
function normalizeNumber(collection, field) {
return collection.map(obj => ({
[field]: numbersOnly(obj[field])
It looks like you're modifying the customers array unintentionally.
componentDidMount() {
const { customers } = { ...this.props };
const expiringCustomers = getExpiringCustomers(customers)
console.log('Expiring customers ', expiringCustomers)

Filter products depend on another ACTION in React-native Redux

I have an app which get all categories and products from the server with Redux ACTIONS. I need to filter products with a category Id. after load data action is complete, i call another action to filter products but i'm a little bit confused.
There is codes of few parts of the app:
export const getInitialProductsData = () => ({
export const filterProductsByCategoryId = categoryId => ({
import {
} from "../actions/products";
const initialState = {
isFetching: false,
data: {},
error: null
const filterProductsByCategoryId = (state, action) => {
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {
isFetching: true
return {
isFetching: false,
data: action.result
return {
isFetching: false,
error: action.error
return {
data: filterProductsByCategoryId(state, action.categoryId)
return state;
export default reducer;
And there is my code to call filter action:
filterProducts = (title = "A") => {
const _categories = Object.values(this.props.categories);
const selectedCategory = _categories.find(
category => category.title === title
My questions is:
A) Is there is a way to filter my data and display them in UI and refresh them without using ACTIONS way??
B) If A's answer is No!, How can i get my state.data and filter them in FILTER_PRODUCTS_BY_CATEGORY_ID?
You can use the Array.prototype.filter() to return filtered result.
keep in mind that this will return an array and not a single value, which is a good thing if you are using this filter within your reducer. because your reducer's shape is an array and not an object.
Running example:
const myData = [{
name: 'some name',
id: 1
}, {
name: 'some name2',
id: 2
}, {
name: 'some name3',
id: 3
}, {
name: 'some name4',
id: 4
const filterProductsByCategoryId = (state, action) => {
return state.filter(c => c.id === action.categoryId);
const result = filterProductsByCategoryId(myData, {categoryId: 2});
I think it is more appropriate to create a selector for a singular product that will handle this kind of action, this way you will be able to return an object instead of an array with one product in it.
Not to mention the benefits of using reselect to do some memoizations.
For this task you can use the Array.prototype.find():
const myData = [{
name: 'some name',
id: 1
}, {
name: 'some name2',
id: 2
}, {
name: 'some name3',
id: 3
}, {
name: 'some name4',
id: 4
const filterProductsByCategoryId = (state, id) => {
return state.find(c => c.id === id);
const result = filterProductsByCategoryId(myData, 2);

React Duplicate Key Error

I'm getting the following error, I understand what its telling me but I can't figure out how to solve the issue.
flattenChildren(...): Encountered two children with the same key...
I have 2 lists on my page which contain emails. The initial state of my app contains the following data:
const initialState = {
emails: [
id: 1, from: 'test.1#test.co.uk', body: 'test1 body', title: 'test 1 title',
id: 2, from: 'test.2#test.co.uk', body: 'test2 body', title: 'test 2 title',
draggedEmails: [],
The UI of my app lets you drag and drop items from the first list (emails) to the second list (draggedEmails).
In my Redux reducer I have the following code to move emails between the lists.
let newState = {};
//Check if the email exists in my 'emails' array
const doesExistInEmails = state.emails.find(x => x.id === action.id) !== null;
//If it exists then move it to the 'draggedEmails' list
if (doesExistInEmails) {
const filteredEmails = state.emails.filter(e => e.id !== action.emailItem.id);
newState = Object.assign(
{ draggedEmails: [...state.draggedEmails, action.emailItem], emails: filteredEmails }
} else {
const filteredEmails = state.emails.filter(e => e.id !== action.emailItem.id);
newState = Object.assign(
{ draggedEmails: [...state.emails, action.emailItem], emails: filteredEmails });
return newState;
The problem occurs when I move the items BACK to the emails list, once they have been moved to the 'draggedEmails' list.
The following code is what is used to create the elements and the keys.
createEmailItem(em) {
return React.createElement(
EmailItem, { email: em, key: `${em.id}` });
Any help is appreciated,
EDIT: Console.Logged state after moving one item from the 'emails' list to the 'draggedEmails' list. Everything looks as it should.
Object {emails: Array[1], draggedEmails: Array[1]}
EDIT2: Adding render method.
render() {
return (
<div className="email-container" onDrop={this.onDrop} onDragOver={this.allowDrop}>
I found the problem. There were 4.
The first is that the following was returning 'undefined' rather than 'null'
const doesExistInEmails = state.emails.find(x => x.id === action.id) !== null;
The second is that my action doesn't have an id, my action has an emailItem which has an id
const doesExistInEmails = state.emails.find(x => x.id === action.emailItem.id) !== undefined;
The third is that I was filtering my emails rather than dragged emails in the following line.
const filteredEmails = state.filter(e => e.id !== action.emailItem.id);
And finally I was assigning the wrong values back when setting the state.
{ draggedEmails: [...state.emails, action.emailItem], emails: filteredEmails });
Should be...
{ emails: [...state.emails, action.emailItem], draggedEmails: filteredEmails });
So overall, I had lots wrong...
Thanks to the guys who commented.
