Applying embedded styles to MUI components based on variants - reactjs

I am trying to apply custom styling to the component based on its variants. However, a single component can have multiple variants specifying different style-properties. For this question, I will use code snippets from the Button component.
My wrapper of the Material UI Button component (defined here as MaterialButton):
import MaterialButton from '#material-ui/core/Button'
import './button-design-tokens.module.css'
export const Button: React.FC<ButtonProps> = (
props: ButtonProps
) => {
return (
<MaterialButton {...props}>{props.children}</MaterialButton>
I am trying to apply the following styles to this component in a Storybook environment using useStyles():
const useStyles = makeStyles({
contained: {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
fontFamily: 'var(--mdh-button-font-family)',
'&.primary': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)',
'&.secondary': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)'
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)',
color: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-text-color)'
'&:focus': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)',
color: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-text-color)'
'&$disabled': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
outlined: {
borderRightColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
borderLeftColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
borderTopColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
borderBottomColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
'&:hover': {
borderRightColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)',
borderLeftColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)',
borderTopColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)',
borderBottomColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)'
'&:focus': {
borderRightColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)',
borderLeftColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)',
borderTopColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)',
borderBottomColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)'
outlinedPrimary: {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)'
outlinedSecondary: {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)'
textPrimary: {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
'&:hover': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
'&:focus': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
textSecondary: {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)',
'&:hover': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
'&:focus': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
As you can see, a Material UI button has the variants contained (a normal button), outlined (a button with only a coloured border) and text (a button consisting only of text). These variants can, in turn, have the primary, secondary and default variants which change the colour of the text inside the button.
The CSS variables seen in the JSON are defined in the css file imported in the Button wrapper. This file has the following contents:
:root {
--mdh-button-background-color: rgb(34, 123, 60);
--mdh-button-secondary-background-color: #EDBF07;
--mdh-button-focus-background-color: #9a6f1e;
--mdh-button-focus-text-color: white;
--mdh-button-hover-background-color: #9a6f1e;
--mdh-button-hover-text-color: white;
--mdh-button-disabled-background-color: #666;
--mdh-button-font-family: "TheMix", sans-serif;
.mdh-button {
background-color: var(--mdh-button-background-color);
font-family: var(--mdh-button-font-family);
.mdh-button--focus, .mdh-button:focus {
background-color: var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color);
color: var(--mdh-button-focus-text-color);
.mdh-button--hover, .mdh-button:hover {
background-color: var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color);
color: var(--mdh-button-hover-text-color);
.mdh-button--disabled {
background-color: var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color);
As you can see, in order to style, for example, the outlined button in the primary variant, I would have to style this by combining the two variants in a class name (i.e. OutlinedPrimary). This is fine for minor changes, but I am developing a design system that is based on MUI and will have to re-style almost all the MUI components I am using in the system. This would lead to an insanely bloated and incomprehensible stylesheet for each component. Although this works, I am trying for a more compact and (in my humble opinion) logical approach. It is already defined in the JSON above, but I will highlight it below once more:
contained: {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-background-color)',
fontFamily: 'var(--mdh-button-font-family)',
'&.primary': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)',
'&.secondary': {
color: 'var(--mdh-button-secondary-background-color)'
'&:hover': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-background-color)',
color: 'var(--mdh-button-hover-text-color)'
'&:focus': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-background-color)',
color: 'var(--mdh-button-focus-text-color)'
'&$disabled': {
backgroundColor: 'var(--mdh-button-disabled-background-color)'
The primary variant is treated here as a 'subclass' of the contained variant of the Button. However, for some reason, this is not picked up by either Storybook or Material UI. I am applying the classes to the component like so:
const Template: Story<ButtonProps> = (args: any) => {
const classes = useStyles()
args.classes = {
contained: classes.contained,
outlined: classes.outlined,
// containedPrimary: classes.containedPrimary,
// containedSecondary: classes.containedSecondary,
textPrimary: classes.textPrimary,
textSecondary: classes.textSecondary,
outlinedPrimary: classes.outlinedPrimary,
outlinedSecondary: classes.outlinedSecondary
return <Button {...args}>Button</Button>
I have tried various and browsed through countless articles and blogs on the topic but have gotten none the wiser. Is there something I am missing? As far as I am aware, the syntax is correct.
Thank you in advance!


Chakra UI spacing not matching expected defaults for padding and margin

I'm working on converting my app from rebass to chakra and currently dealing with a component that needs 16px padding on mobile, and 24px padding on tablet/desktop. In my component I have <Component px={[4, 6, 6]} />
Looking at this chart, I would expect to be able to use these numbers 4, 6 because I have confirmed the font-size is 16px. However, the actual values I'm seeing are 32px on mobile and 128px for tablet/desktop. I think something might be up with my chakra setup because I'm even unable to use inbetween values like 3.5, however I have had no problems with it so far.
My chakra setup is pretty simple at the moment because I'm early in the migration and I'm not messing with the default chakra values for the space key so I don't know what's causing these weird numbers.
const config: ThemeConfig = {
initialColorMode: 'dark',
useSystemColorMode: false,
const Button: ComponentStyleConfig = {
baseStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold',
variants: {
primary: {
letterSpacing: '-0.19px',
borderRadius: '30px',
paddingLeft: '45px',
paddingTop: '14px',
paddingRight: '45px',
paddingBottom: '14px',
height: '56px',
backgroundColor: colors.white,
// The default size and variant values
defaultProps: {
variant: 'primary',
const theme = {
styles: globalStyles,
components: {
export default extendTheme({ ...theme, config })

MUISelect style overwrite in global theme

I want to overwrite a specific style for multiple components. For now it works for all components, but not the the Select.
What I'm doing is:
MuiSelect: {
styleOverrides: {
select: {
background: themePalette.palette.background.paper,
marginLeft: '0rem',
borderRadius: '10rem',
iconOutlined: {
background: themePalette.palette.background.default,
color: themePalette.palette.primary.main,
borderRadius: '10rem',
variants: [
props: { size: 'small' },
style: {
borderRadius: '0.4rem',
select: {
borderRadius: '0.4rem',
iconOutlined: {
borderRadius: '0.4rem',
The style in the "styleOverrides" section get overwritten like expected. But the variant never is applied.
For other elements like TextField, ToggleButtonGroups, etc. it works. But somehow it does not work for the Select.
Also when I directly overwrite the same properties in the Select control via the sx prop, it's not applied.
input: {
borderRadius: '0.4rem',
select: {
borderRadius: '0.4rem',
backgroundColor: theme.palette.grey[300],
borderRadius: '0.4rem !important',
Here I also don't have any effect. The border radius is still unchanged at '10rem' like it's defined in the stylesOverrides.
Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong for the Select?
style in theme props and sx work with css selectors. Not with pre-defined slots like styleOverrides
'& .MuiSelect-select': {
...styles here,

Stepper vertical line detaches when label wraps over multiple lines?

The text inside my MaterialUI Stepper // StepLabel sometimes wraps over multiple lines.
I need to keep the vertical StepConnectors attached the StepIcons regardless of the number of lines of text in the label.
I've tried other solutions such as using CSS pseudo tags, but I hit a wall every time I try to work those changes into our existing solution.
Massive thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Current Screenshot
Existing ThemeOptions
import {
} from "#material-ui/core";
export const themeOptions: ThemeOptions = {
overrides: {
MuiStepper: {
root: {
backgroundColor: "transparent" // remove set background
MuiStepConnector: {
vertical: {
padding: 0,
width: 5,
marginLeft: 8 // half icon
lineVertical: {
top: "calc(-50%)",
bottom: "calc(50%)",
borderLeftWidth: "2px",
marginLeft: "-1px", // center (1/2 width)
marginTop: "-6px", // add -ve margin to top and bottom ...
marginBottom: "-6px", // ... to hide gap due to smaller icon
borderColor: "lightgrey",
"$active &, $completed &": {
borderLeftWidth: "4px",
marginLeft: "-2px",
borderColor: "blue"
MuiStepLabel: {
label: {
textAlign: "left",
fontSize: "1.25rem",
"&$active": {
fontWeight: 400
"&$completed": {
fontWeight: 400
iconContainer: {
paddingRight: 12
MuiStepIcon: {
root: {
display: "block",
fontSize: "1rem",
color: "lightgrey",
"&$completed": {
color: "blue"
"&$active": {
color: "blue"
Just in case anyone finds this in the future, we compromised on the ​implementation to deliver the task.
Instead of having a variable height on the MuiStepLabel, it was given a fixed height to keep the StepIcons the same distance apart. If you imagine the below screenshot with a different font size + spacing, it ended up looking OK, but not ideal.
// src/Theme/index.tsx
export const themeOptions: ThemeOptions = {
overrides: {
MuiStepConnector: {
marginTop: "-6px",
marginBottom: "-6px",
MuiStepLabel: {}
// src/Theme/index.tsx
export const themeOptions: ThemeOptions = {
overrides: {
MuiStepConnector: {
marginTop: "-2px",
marginBottom: "-4px",
minHeight: "calc(24px + 0.5rem)",
MuiStepLabel: {
height: "1.25rem",
lineHeight: "1.25rem",

Material UI warning: You are trying to override a style that does not exist. Fix the `&$selected` key of `theme.overrides.MuiTab`

I'm trying to override some MUI styles in React Material UI. This is currently working for me:
MuiTab: {
root: {
color: '#284568',
textColorInherit: {
opacity: 1,
wrapper: {
textTransform: 'capitalize',
'&$selected': {
backgroundColor: '#000',
border: '1px solid #CFDCE8',
However, it gives me a warning on the console:
"getStylesCreator.js:42 Material-UI: You are trying to override a
style that does not exist. Fix the &$selected key of
I tried to convert to:
MuiTab: {
root: {
color: '#284568',
'&$selected': {
backgroundColor: '#000',
border: '1px solid #CFDCE8',
textColorInherit: {
opacity: 1,
wrapper: {
textTransform: 'capitalize',
The warning was gone, but the style won't apply anymore :(
Any suggestions?

Grommet UI -- Custom Color Schemes

I'm using grommet-ui with webpack and react.
How do I set my own color options.
Is there a way to use my own custom colors/color schemes in place of predefined colors like colorIndex="neutral-1".
Yes, there is a way to override them, but it is currently not documented. I would start checking the colors here:
For example, neutral-1 is used from this array
$brand-neutral-colors: (#5d0cfb, #7026ff, #767676) !default;
In your index.scss you can replace that (!default allows replacement):
$brand-neutral-colors: (#333333, #7026ff, #767676)
We are working on adding documentation for custom theme variables.
For Grommet v2 users, you can leverage the theme capabilities and define a customTheme as a js object with your desired colors, following the current structure:
const customTheme = {
global: {
colors: {
// Overriding existing grommet colors
brand: "#4D4CDB",
"accent-1": "#6FFFB0",
"accent-2": "#7FFFB0",
"accent-3": "#8FFFB0",
"accent-4": "#9FFFB0",
"neutral-1": "#10873D",
"neutral-2": "#20873D",
"neutral-3": "#30873D",
"neutral-4": "#40873D",
focus: "#000",
// Setting new colors
blue: "#00C8FF",
green: "#17EBA0",
teal: "#82FFF2",
purple: "#F740FF",
red: "#FC6161",
orange: "#FFBC44",
yellow: "#FFEB59",
// you can also point to existing grommet colors
brightGreen: "accent-1",
deepGreen: "neutral-2"
export const Example = () => (
<Grommet theme={customTheme}>
<Box background="orange" >
<Text color="deepGreen">Custom Color</Text>
You can override any Grommet color that is mentioned in the docs in a similar fashion.
Wrapping your application with the Grommet component that is pointing to your customTheme object as shown on the example, will allow you full access to your custom colors across your application.
Check the pre-packed themes from and choose the one that's closest to your goal
Then write your own, but only the parts you want to change
Roll your complete theme by merging the pre-packed with your prefs like so:
import React from 'reactn';
import { dark } from 'grommet/themes';
import { deepMerge } from 'grommet/utils';
import { generate } from 'grommet/themes/base';
import { FormDown } from 'grommet-icons';
const localTheme = {
global: {
font: {
family: 'Montserrat, Roboto, sans-serif',
size: '14px',
lineHeight: '20px'
colors: {
brand: '#4040DB',
focus: '#50c050',
[dark-5]: '#aaaaaa',
[dark-6]: '#bbbbbb',
// [light-1]: '#ededed', // has error "light not defined"
input: {
padding: '5px;', // this renders a 4px padding!
button: {
hoverIndicator: {
dark: { color: dark-6 },
light: { color: 'light-3' },
border: { radius: '5px' }
disabled: {
color: dark-4,
opacity: '0.6',
border: {
width: '1px',
color: 'rgb(238,238,238)',
radius: '4px'
padding: 'none',
select: {
background: 'dark-1',
icons: {
color: 'rgb(238,238,238)',
margin: '0px 0px',
down: <FormDown />,
control: {
open: {
color: 'rgb(238,238,0)'
options: {
container: {
pad: 'xxsmall',
background: 'dark-1'
text: {
margin: 'none',
size: 'small',
color: 'light-1',
container: {
extend: () => `
flex-grow: 1;
textArea: {
// not working: background: ${[dark-2] }; // dark-2
extend: () => `
background: ${ '#333333' }; // dark-1
margin: 2px 0px;
height: 100px;
&:hover {
background: ${ '#555555' }; // dark-2
&:focus {
background: ${ '#555555' }; // dark-2
color: ${ '#ffffff' };
&::placeholder {
color: dark-5;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 200;
textInput: {
extend: `
background: ${ '#333333' }; // dark-1
margin: 2px 0px;
&:hover {
background: ${ '#555555' }; // dark-2
&:focus {
background: ${ '#555555' }; // dark-2
color: ${ '#ffffff' };
&::placeholder {
color: dark-5;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: 200;
export default recipesTheme
Notice that some of the lines are failed experiments trying to overcome the flaky docs.
This exports a recipesTheme module to be used in the render method of App or whatever:
<Grommet full = { true } theme = { recipesTheme }>
There is this tool that you can use to somehow see the effect of your changes.
