How to Convert PDF to Image using Azure Logic App - azure-logic-apps

I'm trying to use a Logic App to convert a PDF File into an Image (JPG). I did every configuration with this article showed but it's not working. When I send it to API, that returns this error:

Not sure whether this is a fix. I have raised a thread in the Adobe Forum as well
I switched the logic app to code view
I moved the below piece of code
"body": "JPEG",
"headers": {
"Content-Disposition": "form-data; name=\"targetFormat\""
Above :
"body": "this ith",
"headers": {
"Content-Disposition": "form-data; name=\"InputFile0\""
Final Version :
Save it, Don't switch it to designer view. Run the Flow. You will be able to run the flow without the above error.


Mozilla addon loading too late to block a resource

I'm trying to cancel requests from to to help page loads go faster. In my locale, google is blocked, but the browser waits for 75 seconds before giving up. I'd like to prevent the delay by blocking the request (and the page seems to work fine without jsapi).
I followed the example from, installed the addon. I included a console.log statement to see that my code is called, but it only shows up after the browser waits another 75 seconds trying to load the resource that I hoped to block.
I'm open to other approaches if this isn't going to work.
"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "cancel-google",
"version": "1.0",
"permissions": [
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["*"],
"js": ["cancel-google.js"]
// match pattern for the URLs to block
var pattern = "*";
console.log("cancelator script loaded");
// cancel function returns an object
// which contains a property `cancel` set to `true`
function cancel(requestDetails) {
console.log("Cancelling: " + requestDetails.url);
return {cancel: true};
// add the listener,
// passing the filter argument and "blocking"
{urls: [pattern]},
cancel-google.js should be loaded as a background script, which is true for most of the WebExtension APIs.
"name": "Your Addon",
"manifest_version": 2,
"background": {
"scripts": ["cancel-google.js"]
Then it should work.
Smile4ever's answer is correct but I found some other issues with my original code.
First - the 'timing' issue of my original content-script was a red herring. Although the original content script will write to the log of the page, it has no effect on loading resources. The same script, as a background script, will not write anything (that I have noticed) into the console log, but it will work.
Second - the background script needs more permissions than I had originally (more than are described in the link).
"permissions": [
"webRequestBlocking" ]
The above permissions are adequate/excessive; you can also replace "http(s)://*/*" with the actual urls of the pages requesting the resource and the resource to be blocked.

Getting shareable link to document in react app

I am currently making an app that generates Itineraries and I am able to convert the html to pdf using PDFjs using something like this:
var doc = new jsPDF();
How should I proceed about making a shareable link to this pdf on client-side preferably using an API such as Google Drive?
Getting the shareable link would be to get the webViewLink which you can try by passing webViewLink as parameter in the 'fields' property in Files.get. This returns a link you can open in any browser. However, you also have to deal with permissions.
To make the webViewLink (your shareable link) work for anyone you can use in Permissions.create:
"role": "writer",
"type": "anyone",
To make the webViewLink available to certain users only you'll have a request body like:
"role": "writer",
"type": "user",
"emailAddress": ""

Use parametrized values with Azure Logic App

I'm working with an Azure LogicApp where the workflow have fixed values. Our DevOps tool is VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services) and because we have multiple environments to handle, I have to do some refactoring (using parametrized values) so in VSTS we'll be able to provide environment-specific values.
Thanks to 2 websites I found on Internet I managed to understand that there are 3 kind of parameters :
To understand my problem, here's my action :
I want to have my string "/work/documents" in a parameter value. So in the "Code view" I managed to use a parameter instead of a hard-coded value :
"triggers": {
"When_a_file_is_added_or_modified": {
"type": "ApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connection": {
"name": "#parameters('$connections')['sftp_1']['connectionId']"
"method": "get",
"path": "/datasets/default/triggers/onupdatedfile",
"queries": {
"folderId": "#{parameters('pathToRootFolder')}"
"recurrence": {
"frequency": "Hour",
"interval": 1
And in my parameters.json :
"sftp_1_path_root_folder": {
"value": "/work/documents"
Here's the final result in Visual Studio:
Am I missing something ? Why isn't the value displayed in the Designer ? Thank you for your help in advance !
When you are using Logic Apps parameters inside your Logic App definition, they are not resolved at design-time, but at run-time. Thus, you are not supposed to see them in the designer. If you run the workflow, you should be able to see the actual value at run-time.
If you want to resolve those parameters at deployment-time, then you would need to write directly from the ARM template using ARM parameters into the workflow definition. This is possible, but in some cases, it can become a bit more complex. That's why I prefer to make use of Logic Apps parameters as described here.

String concatenation issue with Azure Logic Apps

I'm creating an ARM template that deploys an Web App (an Mvc Api) and a Logic App.
I'm attempting to define an HTTP Action within the Logic App such that it dynamically concatenates the base Uri of the Api as well as a property of the current item using splitOn and #triggerBody(). The base Uri itself is concatenated from a set of parameters in the ARM template into a variable variables('hockeyAppAPISettings').Uri.
Here's the relevant snipped of the action definition:
"actionName": {
"conditions": [ ],
"inputs": {
"authentication": {
"audience": "[variables('apiSettings').Authentication.Audience]",
"clientId": "[variables('apiSettings').Authentication.ClientId]",
"secret": "[variables('apiSettings').Authentication.Secret]",
"tenant": "[variables('apiSettings').Authentication.Tenant]",
"type": "ActiveDirectoryOAuth"
"method": "patch",
"uri": "[concat(variables('apiSettings').Uri, '/#{triggerBody()['Id']}/ScanningInProgress')]"
//"uri": "[concat(variables('apiSettings').Uri, '//#{triggerBody()[/'Id/']}//ScanningInProgress')]"
//"uri": "[concat(variables('apiSettings').Uri, '//##{triggerBody()[/'Id/']}//ScanningInProgress')]"
"type": "Http"
The "uri" section is what i'm struggling with. I've sprinkled various escape characters (\ and #) in differing patterns through out this.
I either can't get the deployment to succeed w/deployment errors like:
Unable to parse template language expression
'//#{triggerBody()[/'Id/']}//ScanningInProgress')': expected token
'RightParenthesis' and actual 'Identifier'. Please see for usage details..'.
Or if I get the deployment working and then look at the code in the portal after deployment, the string concatenation doesn't seem to work properly. The variable doesn't get converted to its value.
I have validated that if I edit the Uri directly (via the portal HTML editor) using this: "uri" : "{triggerBody()['Id']}/ScanningInProgress" the Logic App will make a patch call for each item that comes from the HTTP trigger.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to escape the inner single quotes, i.e. try
"uri": "[concat(variables('apiSettings').Uri, '/#{triggerBody()[''Id'']}/ScanningInProgress')]"
Alternatively you can use the dot notation to reference the property, i.e.
"uri": "[concat(variables('apiSettings').Uri, '/#{triggerBody().Id}/ScanningInProgress')]"
For me changing this
"uri": "[concat(parameters('APIMUrl_param'), '/sales-management/differential-reference-codes/v1/?instance=', parameters('APIDRCInstance_param'), '&filter=differentialReferenceCode%20eq%27', variables('varDRC'), '%27')]",
to this has worked
"uri": "#concat(parameters('APIMUrl_param'), '/sales-management/differential-reference-codes/v1/?instance=', parameters('APIDRCInstance_param'), '&filter=differentialReferenceCode%20eq%27', variables('varDRC'), '%27')",

Login application using angularjs

Hi all I am new to Angular, I have to work on login application as of now iam using static json values and my json is given below
"records": [
"Name": "sudhir",
"Password": "ptg"
Using this Json i have to work on login application so please tell me how to validate this users in my controller if possible give me the answer with code.
Since it looks that your quite new to Angular I would suggest looking at:
Or just use any SE. There's plenty of tutorials that will give you a step by step solution to building/validating login form.
