Plantuml: how to avoid overlap of self arrows and directional and select side of component - plantuml

Steps 3 and 4 are overlapping
I'd like to move Step 3's arrow on the left side of the component
I can't find a way to move it to the other side
!define ICONURL
!includeurl ICONURL/common.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/devicons/docker.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/devicons/git.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/font-awesome-5/gitlab.puml
!includeurl ICONURL/font-awesome-5/sync.puml
!includeurl CLOUDOGUURL/tools/k8s.puml
!includeurl CLOUDOGUURL/dogus/cloudogu.puml
!define CLOUDOGU_BLUE #23a3dd
' Remove this line for transparent background
skinparam backgroundColor #FFFFF0
title <color:blue><$k8s></color> **GitOps (with Application Repo)**<color:blue><$k8s></color>\n
skinparam actorStyle awesome
actor Developer as user
together {
rectangle "<$git>\nService Repo" as appRepo
rectangle "<$git>\nService-Deploy Repo" as configRepo
rectangle "<$gitlab>\nGitlab CI" as ciServer
rectangle "<$docker>\nGitlab\nContiner\nRegistry" as registry
rectangle "<$k8s>\nK8S Cluster" as k8s {
rectangle "<$sync>\nArgoCD\noperator" as operator
rectangle "<$k8s>\nAPI-Server" as apiServer
rectangle "<$k8s>\nkubelet" as kubelet
user -> appRepo : 1. git push
appRepo <-[#blue;dotted] ciServer : 2. git pull
ciServer <- ciServer : 3. docker build
ciServer -> registry : 4. docker push
configRepo <-- ciServer : 5. git push
configRepo <-[#blue;dotted] operator : 6. git pull
operator -> apiServer : 7. kubectl apply
kubelet -> registry : 9. docker pull
apiServer <-[#blue;dotted] kubelet : 8. watch
<color:#23a3dd><$cloudogu></color> [[]]
end legend
skinparam arrow {
skinparam actor {
BackgroundColor CLOUDOGU_BLUE
BorderColor #16688d
skinparam rectangle {
BackgroundColor CLOUDOGU_BLUE
BorderColor #16688d
FontColor WHITE
backgroundColor<<node>> WHITE
FontColor<<node>> CLOUDOGU_BLUE
skinparam interface {
BackgroundColor WHITE
BorderColor #16688d
skinparam note {
BackgroundColor WHITE
BorderColor #16688d
skinparam legend {
BackgroundColor WHITE
BorderColor #16688d
Attempt to solve
I tried to use the left switch on the arrow indicator, but it changed the overall aspect to something completely unexpected
ciServer -left-> ciServer : 3. docker build
The result is as follows:
It affected another component and not the one described

how about this
ciServer -down-> registry : 4. docker push
As I try previously, the direction problem happens only when point to itself


White border line on Image using clipPath of fabricjs

I'm trying to clip image with clipPath object using fabricjs in Reactjs . It works fine except there is a white line (about 1 pixel) showing on top and left border. Code can be checked at this codesandbox
By default, fabric objects have a transparent stroke of 1px. Setting a strokeWidth value of 0 on your clipPath object will get rid of this.

Replicating color box in VScode when writing CSS

I'm currently working on a project that basically shows a map. The map, image below, has different color gradients and I'd like to replicate the effect of vscode when you set color in css and it shows a little box that displays the color. I'd display that color and write a comment beside it.(I.E green = Great economy, light green = medium economy, and very light green = poor economy).
I'd really like to replicate the color display you see in vscode when you set color properties in css like this:
Open up settings in vs code (on a Mac, press command+comma)
Search for Color Decorators and check the box
More on vs code settings
I think you are asking about setting custom properties/variables in your CSS?
:root {
--some-yellow-you-name-here: #ffff00;
.you-class-name {
background-color: var(--some-yellow-you-name-here);

top and left line border not showing on Android 7.0

In my cn1-project, the top and left line border for Label, Button and TextField are not shown on an Android 7.0 device. The simulator shows all borders correct. The issue can be easily reproduced with the code from the SignatureComponentDemo on the current cn1 version 4.x for the themes FlatXXXX which also use line borders instead of border images.
I created a new FlatBlue "Get Started App" on Intellij Idea and replaced the code for init(), start(), stop() and destroy() in MyApplication by the code from the SignatureComponentDemo.
The TextField for the name in the demo shows correctly with a line border on the simulator. One the Galaxy S7 edge with Android 7.0 the top and left border of the TextField are missing. Adding more padding for these components has no effect. Also disabling loading of native theme by setting includeNativeBool to false has no effect. The only relevant code is in the following method:
public void start() {
if(current != null){;
Form hi = new Form("Signature Component");
hi.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
hi.add("Enter Your Name:");
hi.add(new TextField());
SignatureComponent sig = new SignatureComponent();
sig.addActionListener((evt)-> {
System.out.println("The signature was changed");
Image img = sig.getSignatureImage();
// Now we can do whatever we want with the image of this signature.
Is there a workaround for this issue? I need to build a table of Components using TableLayout. The table class is no option, because i need to draw borders of different color and thickness and wanted to apply these to the Containers and Components within the container using TableLayout as a layout manager.

CSS defined background color of FloatingActionButton adds an annoying "hyphen" on top of it

My CN1 app features a FloatingActionButton. I need to change its background color. My styles are all defined in CSS. So this one is :
background-color: #80ccc4;
And if I create the FAB like FloatingActionButton.createFAB(FontImage.MATERIAL_POWER_SETTINGS_NEW, "FAB"); it results in a FloatingActionButton with an added "hyphen" on top of it :
On the contrary if I create the FAB without providing a style and then programmatically set the background color like fab.getAllStyles().setBgColor(0x80ccc4); then I get the expected FAB :
So what should I set in the css file to remove this unwanted "hyphen" ?
Any help appreciated!
You are styling FAB and not FloatingActionButton which is the right UIID for that. If you used setUIID that might be problematic on a FAB as the content is set later.
The reason this is happening is a bit of a problem with CSS. We get the background color of the FAB from the RoundBorder but transparency should be 0 for the icon in the center.
Unfortunately in CSS you can't express both a background color and 0 background transparency. I don't think this is solvable in the CSS so I'll add a special case to the FloatingActionButton that should workaround this.

Sidemenu customization

I am interested in customizing the side menu. I would like to draw a shadow over the "previous screen" that had slid right when a hamburger / side menu opens.
Is there currently a way to accomplish this?
Here is a screenshot of what I would like to accomplish:
What would be nice if there was the equivalent of Dialog.setDefaultBlurBackgroundRadius(8); for SideMenu
You can do that pretty easily. Style the SideNavigationPanel UIID to white to create the background color, make sure it's opaque (bg transparency == 255).
You can add side commands with material icons using addMaterialCommandToSideMenu from the Toolbar class. However it will set the same color to both the icon and the text so an alternative would be to use an icon from FontImage or elsewhere.
The separator can be added like we do it in the new kitchen sink:
Label separator = new Label(" ");
Style separatorStyle = separator.getAllStyles();
separatorStyle.setBgImage(Image.createImage(40, 2, 0x7f000000));
separatorStyle.setMargin(0, 0, 0, 0);
