React - issue with useEffect() and axios.get - reactjs

I am struggling to understand why my code is not working. I am using the useEffect() hook to make a call to an API, and then I am using setState() to update my component state. In my JSX, I am mapping my info array to render the data.
Here's my code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
import './App.css';
function App() {
const [info, setInfo] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
const getUsers = async () => {
const res = await axios('');
}, []);
return (
<input type='text' placeholder='Search users' />
<input type='text' placeholder='Search users' />
{, index) => {
return <h1 key={index}>{}</h1>;
export default App;
However, I get this error: 'TypeError: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined'. My best guess is that my JSX is rendered before my state is populated with API info.
The code does work when I write the following JSX, which allows me to check if 'info' is true:
{info &&, index) => {
return <h1 key={index}>{}</h1>;
Is this a normal behavior? Why is useEffect not populating my state before my page is rendered?
I would appreciate your help, as I am struggling to find the solution to this specific issue.

Just do this:
const [info, setInfo] = useState([]);
The issue is that you have no intial value and therefore it automatically defaults to undefined. Now you are trying to call .map on a value that is undefined therefore it throws an error. With an empty array as the initial value however, .map will loop over an empty array on the first render (before the useEffect) and it won't throw any error.

that's because useEffect hook will run after the dom render phase finished and one more thing that can cause the delay of getting data is the fact that you're calling an asynchronous function which usually get some time to finished.
so what are the possible options here:
just use empty array [] as default value
check the length of the state like info.length && whatever...
sometimes you can use the useLayoutEffect which is kinda a synchronous operation. but in your case which is an api calls solution 1 and 2 is the answer

You are trying to iterate over undefined it's normal cause you need to check first before data will come to your state. You can achieve this in two ways:
info &&
But your initial state must be falsy value like:
Or better way to set initial state to empty array and map will run when data will come and you will get no error.

So basicly useEffect function is equivalent of componentDidMount. What I'm trying to say your component renders and then it executes function passed in useEffect. To avoid this eighter use check that you introduced as a fix yourself or pass default value to useState method. I would suggest your option but with condition if info exists show it and if it's not then show some kind of loading indicator.

A use Effect with a [] as second can be interpreted as a 'componentDidMount'
To give a very simple answer, your code is 'executed' the first time without the useEffect. So indeed, 'info' will not exist. At this point your 'info' variable is not yet defined. Then, when your component 'is mounted', it will execute the code in your useEffect. Only then info will be filled in.
I would recommend to go through this documentation to fully understand this:


React with TypeScript - React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by ComponentName

I am working with a project with users. Right now I am working with the UserProfile
This is the error I am recieving.
React has detected a change in the order of Hooks called by UserProfile
Previous render Next render
1. useState useState
2. useContext useContext
3. useEffect useEffect
4. undefined useContext
Let me show some code of the UserProfile component.
export const UserProfile = () => {
document.title = `${title} - My Profile`;
const [profile, setProfile] = useState<UserDetails>();
const {claims} = useContext(AuthContext);
const getUserEmail = (): string => {
return claims.filter(x => === "email")[0]?.value.toString();
useEffect(() => {
.then((response: AxiosResponse<UserDetails>) => {
}, [getUserEmail]);
return (
profile ?
<h1>This profile belongs to {UserName()}</h1>
: <div>Loading...</div>
I get a warning at the getUserEmail function,
It says
The 'getUserEmail' function makes the dependencies of useEffect Hook (at line 26) change on every render.
Move it inside the useEffect callback.
Alternatively, wrap the definition of 'getUserEmail' in its own useCallback() Hook.
I am not sure on how this should be done.
Any ideas on what I could do?
Wrap getUserEmail's value in a useCallback.
On every render, getUserEmail essentially becomes a 'new' function.
When there's a function in the deps array of a useEffect or other such hooks, React checks it by reference. Since each component function execution/rerender leads to the creation of a new function, your useEffect hook will actually run every single time, sending you into a re-render loop (because it'll run the useEffect, update the state with setProfile, which in turn will trigger another execution, where getUserEmail is different again, leading to the useEffect to run again and so on).
const getUserEmail = useCallback((): string => {
return claims.filter(x => === "email")[0]?.value.toString();
}, [claims]);
This should give you a memoized callback that will only be recreated if claims changes. Since claims comes from your context, this should be safe as a dependency.
The reason why you are getting error about order of hooks is I think because of this:
profile ?
<h1>This profile belongs to {UserName()}</h1>
: <div>Loading...</div>
If UserName is a component you should not call it as function, rather as element <UserName/>. When you call it as function react thinks some of the hooks which you call inside it belong to the parent component - this combined with condition profile ? could give you the error.

React, wait for a hook to finish before starting another hook

I have a component like follows
export const Component = () => {
const { data: item} = useItem();
const { list } = useItemList(item?.id.toString());
item ? (<p>some stuff</p>) : (<p>loading</p>)
Problem is the app is not waiting for item to be available and it runs useItemList while its undefined, but i've to wait to fetch item
How can I solve so?
you cannot run the hook conditionally because React relies on the order in which Hooks are called
React cannot track the state correctly if a hook is skipped
An easy solution is to modify your useItemList code, if the argument is undefined, then don't call whatever is inside it.
update: my solution is incorrect because the hook value is initial value, so it wont work.
this is the correct solution:
You should return a memorized callback from useItemList instead and run this callback in useEffect with item and that callback(optional) as dependency

React Useeffect running when page loads

Am using useEffect in a react functional component to fetch data from an external API but it keeps calling the API endpoint on render on the page .
Am looking for a way to stop the useeffect from running on render on the component
Use the dependency array (second argument to the useEffect), so you can specify when you need to run the useEffect.
The problem here is that you have not used the dependency array, so that it executes every time. By adding a dependency array, you specify the changes where you want useEffect to run.
},[<dependency array: which contains the properties>]);
If you leave the dependency array empty, it will run only once. Therefore if you want the API call to run only once, add an empty array as the second argument to your useEffect. This is your solution.
Like this:
//Your API Call
useEffect is always meant to run after all the changes or render effects are update in the DOM. It will not run while or before the DOM is updated. You may not have given the second argument to useEffect, which if u do not provide will cause the useEffect to execute on each and every change. Assuming you only want to call the API just once when on after the first render you should provide an empty array.
Runs on all updates, see no second argument to useEffect:
useEffect(() => { /* call API */ });
Runs when the prop or state changes, see the second argument:
useEffect(() => { /* call API */ }, [prop, state]);
Runs only once, see the empty second argument:
useEffect(() => { /* call API */ }, []);
I recommend you to read the full documentation about the React useEffect hook.
Here is a easy example of using useEffect
function functionalComponent() {
const [data, setData] = React.useState(null);
React.useEffect(() => {
const url = '';
.then(data => {
.catch(error => console.error(error))
}, []); // it's necessary to use [] to avoid the re-rendering
return <React.Fragment>
{data !== null && (
{ => (
Maybe in your useEffect implementation you are avoiding the [] dependencies, this is a bit hard to understand if you come from class states. This on hooks review when a state element inside the hook change, for example if you are using an element that always change like a prop that you pass throught another component you might be setting inside the dependencies or another state, if you do not need any dependency just use it empty like the example above. As you can see in the documentation sometimes the dependencies are not used, this might generate an infinite loop.

First time working with an API in React - Openweather API - TypeError: Cannot read property 'temp' of undefined

I've been working on a little Dashboard App, trying to pull the temperature for my city and wanting to display it. I have also searched through a dozen threads with similar problems and it feels like I am close to solving it.
I've used this tutorial as a reference.
The main problem is that I get a "TypeError: Cannot read property 'temp' of undefined" error when trying to access apiData.main.temp way down in the return. Looking via the console it seems that the temperature value lies within this line but I can't seem to get it to work.
Thanks a lot in advance! I am trying to learn and I hope I didn't mess up in a stupid way and I am more than happy to be shown the proper ways!
This here is the code of the App component:
function App() {
// State
const [apiData, setApiData] = useState({});
const weatherInCity = "Vienna";
const apiKey = process.env.REACT_APP_API_KEY;
const apiUrl = `${weatherInCity}&units=metric&appid=${apiKey}`;
// Side effect
useEffect(() => {
.then((res) => res.json())
.then((data) => setApiData(data));
}, [apiUrl]);
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="app-item">
export default App;
There are mutliple ways, using useEffect is one of the way
So here the problem is you are calling an async request, so the response of that is in future within waiting for that time your render has been done with apiData as empty so thats why you get the error, so what you need to do is write another useEffect with array deps as apiData so when its changed you can get the value on the render
const [temp, setTemp] = useState(null)
useEffect(() => {
if(!apiData?.main?.temp) return
}, [apiData])
in your return
<p>{temp && temp}</p>
Even you can add a ternary check and show text loading and once loaded api success you can access apiData?.main?.temp
On your first render cycle, apiData is simply {} because that's how you initialized it in setState. This is before the API gets called. React tries to render your component but can't because it doens't have the data. Don't assume you've already fetched data when rendering the component, you should check first. So something like:
apiData.main ? ...yourComponentHere : <div>...Loading</div>
This can be done better, obviously, with loading spinners, handling for timeouts etc but this is the root of your problem.
EDIT: If you want an elegant way to handle rendering while data is fetching you can read up on suspense.
This is because your HTML renders before receiving data,
in your return replace following line
with this
<p>{(apiData.main || {}).temp || 'loading temp...'}</p>
You are initializing your apiData as an empty object, so accessing apiData.main.temp on first render will already fail as apiData.main is undefined at that point and therefore has not property temp.

Explanation needed: getting data from API with useEffect hook and get name

const [ countries, setCountries ] = useState([])
const hook = () => {
.then(response => {
useEffect(hook, [])
This one below doesn't work:
//Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
This one below does work:
{ => (
Any ide why one method of printing name does work, while the other doesn't?
Coz you can loop through the empty array, but you can't access the index which is not available yet
// So if
countries = []
// this will not throw error
{ => (
// but this will
// if you want to check try to run this
console.log(countries.length ? countries[1].name : "not available yer");
The usage of useEffect hook notifies React that component has to perform some side-effects(passed as a callback function to the hook) after it has been rendered, The default behavior of useEffect will run both after the first render and after every update, but when an empty array is passed as a dependency the side-effect will be performed only once after the component has been mounted for the first time.
In the case above useEffect(hook, []) the callback hook will be called after the component has mounted for the first time, which means the component will render with the initial state on it's first render which is an empty array ([]).
That is why when you try to access countries[1].name it errors out, because the value of countries is still an empty array on the first render.
const [ countries, setCountries ] = useState([])
const hook = () => {
.then(response => {
useEffect(hook, [])
// can not use index expression to get the first element because
// the value of countries is still an empty array on first render
// it only gets populated when axios.get call is succesful inside the
// callback in useEffect hook after the component has mounted for the first time
Check for the length of the array before trying to get the first element,
if (countries.length) {
P.S.- You should be using a .catch block for handling the error when the API call fails.
There is an example solution for a type of request like this in the React document:
The hooks provided by React are for the most part, asynchronous functions provided by React, to help manage the loading of data, presenting it to the DOM, and dealing with updates. The useEffect behaves in a similar way to componentHasLoaded, where the hook is triggered once the functional component has rendered, and the DOM has been loaded, but it may not have been presented to the user yet. It's important to remember this when working with useEffect. useState is another asynchronous hook, but it provides access to the state property of the hook after it has been instantiated, and won't immediately trigger a re-render of the component, unless the data is updated.
The reason you get an undefined error when you attempt to access console.log(countries[1].name) is because the array at that point is still empty.
I'll explain in code:
const myComponent = () => {
// initialise countries: []
const [ countries, setCountries ] = useState([])
const hook = () => {
.then(response => {
// This is allow you to see the DOM change after the effect has run
setTimeout(() => setCountries(, 5000);
// Tell react to run useEffect once the component is loaded
useEffect(hook, [])
// Display data
return (
<p>Countries: {countries.length}<p>
Because useEffect is an asynchronous function, it doesn't block the execution of the function and the rendering of the DOM, but refreshes the DOM once useEffect is completed. In this case, you are setting the country list, based on the result of the useEffect function.
The useEffect function will still trigger, you will have access to the state, and the function will re-render when the state is updated.
See codepen example:
