IBM Watson Assistant - use second Intent - ibm-watson

please help :-)
I use syntax intents.confidence > 0.95 for answer first. And quest is:
If confidence is NOT greater than 0.95, I need use second intent.
It!s possible please?
Thanks for help.

You could use something like
intents[0].confidence < 0.95 and intents[1].confidence > 0.5


Percent chance of coincidence

Good afternoon
The wizard is entering the intentions with less than 0.3 percent chance of coincidence, I need a minimum of 0.7 percent or the intent of anything_else.
Where can I configure that?
You can check intents or anything else using the expression I have provided below. At "intentName" you can replace with the intent you are checking.
anything_else || (intents.size() > 0 && intents[0] == 'intentName' && intents[0].confidence > 0.7)
I tried to implement what you recommended, but now it almost always goes into this node, no matter I put it at 0.3 percent confidence :(

Watson Alchemy - How to Understand Sentiment Ratings

Watson Alchemy returns "sentiment ratings" of ".85 anger" for example, but I cannot understand ON WHAT SCALE... Is that 85% - (I don't think so). Does anyone have information on how to read the data? Thanks!
Yes it means 85%. Here is the API reference link. Scroll a bit down to the response section of Emotion Analysis request and you'll see the docs.
docEmotions - Object containing emotion keys and score values (0.0 to
1.0). If a score is above 0.5, then the text can be classified as conveying the corresponding emotion.
An example:
"docEmotions": {
"anger": "0.639028",
"disgust": "0.009711",
"fear": "0.037295",
"joy": "4e-05",
"sadness": "0.002552"

bibTeX citation for stackoverflow

(I am not sure if this question belongs to the meta website or not, but here we go)
I want to add stackoverflow to the bibliography of a research paper I am writing, and wonder if there is any bibTeX code to do so. I already did that for gnuplot
I searched online, but in most cases the citation goes to a specific thread. In this case, I want to acknowledge SO as a whole, and add a proper citation, probably to the website itself. Hopefully somebody already did this in the past?
As an example, below are the codes I use for R and gnuplot:
title = {R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing},
author = {{R Core Team}},
organization = {R Foundation for Statistical Computing},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
year = {2015},
url = {},
author = {Thomas Williams and Colin Kelley and {many others}},
title = {Gnuplot 5.0: an interactive plotting program},
month = {June},
year = {2015},
howpublished = {\href{}{}}
I know that both are software, not website resources, but maybe something along those lines would work. Any feedback is appreciated!
I did not realize this question never got answered. The solution I found was to acknowledge the SO website in the LaTeX code with the following:
This research has made use of the online Q\&A platform {\texttt{stackoverflow}}
Hope it helps somebody in the future!
Actually, for my paper I am using the following citation:
title={Stack overflow},
I hope it helps!

how to use arima.rob

does anyone use arima.rob() function described by Eric Zivot and Jiahui Wang in { Modelling Financial Time Series with S-PLUS } ?
I have a question about it:
I used a dataset of network traffic flows that has anomaly, and I tried to predict the last part of dataset by robust ARIMA method (Arima.rob() function) .I compare this model with arima.mle of S-PLUS. But Unexpectedly, arima.rob’s prediction did not better than that.
I’m not sure my codes are correct and may be the reason of fault is my codes.
Please, help me if I used Arima.rob inappropriately?
my code for classic arima:
`model <- list(list(order=c(2,1,2)),list(order=c(3,1,2),period=24))
fith <- arima.mle(tmh75-mean(tmh75),model=model)
foreh <- arima.forecast(tmh75,n=25,model=fith$model)

Filtering "Smoothing" an array of numbers in C

I am writing an application in X-code. It is gathering the sensor data (gyroscope) and then transforming it throw FFTW. At the end I am getting the result in an array. In the app. I am plotting the graph but there is so much peaks (see the graph in red) and i would like to smooth it.
My array:
double magnitude[S];
magnitude[i]=sqrt((fft_result[i][0])*(fft_result[i][0])+ (fft_result[i][1])*(fft_result[i][1]) );
An example array (for 30 samples, normally I am working with 256 samples):
How to filter /smooth it? whats about gauss? Any idea how to begin or even giving me a sample code.
Thank you for your help!
best regards
Simplest way to smooth would be to replace each sample with the average of it and its 2 neighbors.
The simpliest idea would be taking average of 2 points and putting them into an array. Something like
double smooth_array[S];
for (i = 0; i<S-2; i++)
smooth_array[i]=(magnitude[i] + magnitude[i+1])/2;
It is not best one, but I think it should be ok.
If you need the scientific approach - use some kind of approximation / approximation algorithms. Something like least squares function approximation or even full SE13/SE35 etc. algorithms.
