I was using React.useCallBack() to produced a debounced function, something like:
const debouncedFunction = React.useCallback(
_.debounce(function, 2000),
and trigger it using React.useEffect(), like:
React.useEffect(() => {
When I change someInputValue(like typing "hi" in a Input component) in a short time(less than 2 seconds), 2 requests were sent, one with param "h" and one with param "hi".
I understand this was due to debouncedFunction was recreated every time someInputValue was changed, so multiple debounced requests cannot be merged into a single one. So what should I do to send one "merged" request with param "hi"?
Without using an extra lib:
const useDebounce = (value, delay, fn) => { //--> custom hook
React.useEffect(() => {
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, delay);
return ()=> {
}, [value]);
const [someInputValue, setsomeInputValue] = useState(null);
const fn = ()=> console.log(someInputValue);
useDebounce(someInputValue, 2000, fn);
I took code based off this page and adjusted it. I want to time the amount of milliseconds the user is on the component so I want to log the counter value when the component unmounts aka the return statement of useffect/componentWillUnmount().
const [milliseconds, setMilliseconds] = useState(0);
const isActive = useState(true);
const logger = new logger(stuff);
useEffect(() => {
initializeIcons(undefined, { disableWarnings: true });
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log("empty useffect milliseconds:", milliseconds);
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
let interval: NodeJS.Timeout = setInterval(() => {
}, 0);
interval = setInterval(() => {
setMilliseconds(milliseconds => milliseconds + 1000);
}, 1000);
console.log("interval:", interval);
console.log("interval milliseconds:", milliseconds);
}, [ milliseconds]);
I see the millisecond printout fine in the "interval milliseconds" console statement but the "empty useffect milliseconds:" always prints out 0. What am I doing wrong?
You can remember a mount timestamp and then calculate the difference.
useEffect(() => {
const mountedAt = Date.now();
return () => {
const mountedMilliseconds = Date.now() - mountedAt;
}, []);
Side note 1: use an empty array as deps if you want to run function on mount only. If you do not pass [] deps, your initializeIcons effect will run with each re-render. Do it like this:
useEffect(() => {
initializeIcons(undefined, { disableWarnings: true });
}, []);
Side note 2: first interval you create creates a memory leak, because it does nothing, and is never cleared.
Another problem you have is milliseconds dependency in useEffect, which registers new intervals after each milliseconds state change.
useEffect(() => {
const id_1 = setTimeout(() => {
// do something
}, 500);
}, [success_failure_msg[0]]);
useEffect(() => {
const id_1 = setTimeout(() => {
// do something
}, 500);
return () => clearTimeout(id_1);
}, [success_failure_msg[0]]);
What is the difference and which is the correct practice?
The correct practice is the second one that you provided. To answer your question you really have to understand why we clear the timeout.
Let's take an example of a simple react component:
const Comp = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
setCount(1); // set the count in the timeout
}, 1000);
}, [setCount]);
return (
<div>count: {count}</div>
Now this will work as long as the component is rendered. But what happens if the component gets unmounted before the timeout is resolved. The timeout will still run and you will be calling setCount of a component that is no longer in the view.
If you change it to the code you have given in your first example the problem is still the same:
useEffect(() => {
const id_1 = setTimeout(() => {
clearTimeout(id1); // this does not do anything as the timeout has already run
setCount(1); // set the count in the timeout
}, 1000);
}, [setCount]);
The clearing the timeout does not do anything and you will still have a memory leak. The only way to resolve it is to return a function from the useEffect that react will run when it unmounts the component. Within that function you can clean up the code.
useEffect(() => {
const id_1 = setTimeout(() => {
setCount(1); // set the count in the timeout
}, 1000);
// React will run this function when it unmounts and so no memory leak
return () => clearTimeout(id_1)
}, [setCount]);
both seems wrong to me, cleartimeout should be before settimetimeout
and when success_failure_msg changes two time the settimeout trigger only once.
var id_1 = undefined;
useEffect(() => {
id_1 = setTimeout(() => {
success_failure_msg // shoule be test2
}, 500);
}, [success_failure_msg]);
success_failure_msg = "test";
success_failure_msg = "test2"
So I am writing a product prototype in create-react-app, and in my App.js, inside the app() function, I have:
const [showCanvas, setShowCanvas] = useState(true)
This state is controlled by a button with an onClick function; And then I have a function, inside it, the detectDots function should be ran in an interval:
const runFaceDots = async (key, dot) => {
const net = await facemesh.load(...);
setInterval(() => {
detectDots(net, key, dot);
}, 10);
// return ()=>clearInterval(interval);};
And the detectDots function works like this:
const detectDots = async (net, key, dot) => {
requestFrame(()=>{drawDots(..., showCanvas)});
I have a useEffect like this:
runFaceDots(); return () => {clearInterval(runFaceDots)}}, [showCanvas])
And finally, I can change the state by clicking these two buttons:
return (
Show Canvas
onClick={()=> {setShowCanvas(false)}}>
Hide Canvas
I checked a few posts online, saying that not clearing interval would cause state loss. In my case, I see some strange behaviour from useEffect: when I use onClick to setShowCanvas(false), the console shows that console.log(showCanvas) keeps switching from true to false back and forth.
a screenshot of the console message
you can see initially, the showCanvas state was true, which makes sense. But when I clicked the "hide canvas" button, and I only clicked it once, the showCanvas was set to false, and it should stay false, because I did not click the "show canvas" button.
I am very confused and hope someone could help.
Try using useCallback for runFaceDots function - https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecallback
And ensure you return the setInterval variable to clear the timer.
const runFaceDots = useCallback(async (key, dot) => {
const net = await facemesh.load(...);
const timer = setInterval(() => {
detectDots(net, key, dot);
}, 10);
return timer //this is to be used for clearing the interval
Then change useEffect to this - running the function only if showCanvas is true
if (showCanvas) {
const timer = runFaceDots();
return () => {clearInterval(timer)}
}, [showCanvas])
Update: Using a global timer
let timer // <-- create the variable outside the component.
const MyComponent = () => {
if (showCanvas) {
runFaceDots(); // You can remove const timer here
return () => {clearInterval(timer)}
} else {
clearInterval(timer) //<-- clear the interval when hiding
}, [showCanvas])
const runFaceDots = useCallback(async (key, dot) => {
const net = await facemesh.load(...);
timer = setInterval(() => { //<--- remove const and use global variable
detectDots(net, key, dot);
}, 10);
return timer //this is to be used for clearing the interval
I have a webpage where I fetch the data with async axios and then make calculations with them.
Here is the code snippet:
const FetchData = async () =>{
console.log("FETCH CALLED");
await Axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/stock/getquote/${props.API}`)
.then(resp => {
Here, I get the error at calculateTrend() function. My question is, that this .then() should run when the response has arrived, but it seems that it runs before. Because both calculateTrend and calculateTrendDirection works with this fetched data
Edit: The error I am getting is Cannot read property 'previousClosePrice' of undefined. I am sure this exist in the object so mispelling is not a problem
Edit2: I edited my Component according to your solutions and one happens to work, the only thing is that the fetching gets to an infinite loop and fetches multiple times a second. My suspect is the dependencies in useEffect, but I am not sure what to set there.
Here is my full component:
function StockCard(props) {
const [FetchInterval, setFetchInterval] = useState(300000);
const [StockData, setStockData] = useState({});
const [TrendDirection, setTrendDirection] = useState(0);
const [Trend, setTrend] = useState(0);
const FetchData = async () =>{
console.log("FETCH CALLED");
const resp = await Axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/stock/getquote/${props.API}`)
const calculateTrendDirection = () => {
if(StockData.lastPrice.currentPrice > StockData.lastPrice.previousClosePrice){
} else if (StockData.lastPrice.currentPrice < StockData.lastPrice.previousClosePrice){
} else {
const calculateTrend = () => {
var result = 100 * Math.abs( ( StockData.lastPrice.previousClosePrice - StockData.lastPrice.currentPrice ) / ( (StockData.lastPrice.previousClosePrice + StockData.lastPrice.currentPrice)/2 ) );
useEffect(() => {
console.log("LÉTEZIK A LAST PRICE")
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, FetchInterval)
return() => clearInterval(interval);
},[StockData, FetchData, FetchInterval, calculateTrend, calculateTrendDirection]);
currencyName={StockData.lastPrice? StockData.name : "Name"}
currencyPrice={StockData.lastPrice? `$ ${StockData.lastPrice.currentPrice}` : 0}
icon={<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Bitcoin.svg/2000px-Bitcoin.svg.png"/>}
currencyShortName={StockData.lastPrice? StockData.symbol : "Symbol"}
trend={StockData.lastPrice? `${Trend} %` : 0}
trendDirection={StockData.lastPrice? TrendDirection : 0}
chartData={[9200, 5720, 8100, 6734, 7054, 7832, 6421, 7383, 8697, 8850]}
The then block is called only after the promise is fulfilled, so the data is available at that point.
From what I can see, the problem is setStockData tries to set the stockData state variable with the response, but calculateTrend and calculateTrendDirection are called before the state is set because updating state values is batched.
There are several solutions to the problem.
Solution 1:
You can call the two functions after the state is set:
setStockData(resp.data, () => {
Solution 2:
You can use useEffect to call the functions again after the state is updated:
useEffect(() => {
if (stockData) { // or whatever validation needed
}, [stockData]);
Solution 3:
You can pass the parameters to the method:
The best option? I think #2, because it also makes sure that the trend and trend direction are re-calculated whenever stock data is updated (from whatever other causes).
I guess in calculateTrend you are using the data which setStockData sets to the state, if that is the case
setState is not happening right after you call the setState, if you want something to execute after correctly update the State then should look at something like this
setStockData(resp.data, () => {
calculateTrend();// this will call once the state gets changed
or you could use useEffect
useEffect(() => {
calculateTrend(); // this will call every time when stockData gets changed
}, [stockData])
If you are using stockData inside calculateTrend function and setStockData is an async function, move calculateTrend function to useEffect using stockData as dependency, so every time stockData is updated, calculateTrend and calculateTrendDirection will be called:
useEffect(() => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
}, FetchInterval);
return() => clearInterval(interval);
}, [FetchInterval]);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("LÉTEZIK A LAST PRICE")
}, [StockData]);
const FetchData = async () =>{
console.log("FETCH CALLED");
const res = await Axios.get(`http://localhost:8080/stock/getquote/${props.API}`);
i have a function that gets called by a socket.io's event:
const [room, setRoom] = useState({})
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([])
function reciveMessage(message) {
if (room.id == message.roomid) {
setMessages(messages => [...messages, message])
the room state value is stale
if i try to work around it by
setRoom(room => {
if (room.id == event.data.source.conId) {
setMessages(messages => [...messages, message])
return room
the room value is the lastest but setMessage runs twice is there a better way?
A socket message is a side-effect, so handle it in useEFfect.
useEffect(() => {
// do whatever it is to set up the message subscription/connection
// and call `setMessages([...messages, message])` when
// one is received in the handler/callback
return () => {
// clean-up, e.g., closing connection, etc.
// will only re-run the effect if the id changes
setMessages will only be called when a message is received. If the room.id changes, then the useEffect code will be run again, subbing to the new room.