Cannot use the special principal 'sa' - ant sql task - sql-server

I am trying to execute an ant sql task, which is supposed to execute a number of queries to a local database. I already enabled the 'sa' user, it is the dbo of of the database, the authentication to the server is mixed mode and I still get the following exception, when trying to run it:
I already read and tried everything possible about the exception, so if somebody has any idea how to solve this, I would really appreciate it.


SSIS SMO Connection to SQL Server, using the Transfer Objects Task, throws various connection type errors

We are running an SSIS Package from a SQL Server 2014 instance which connects to a remote SQL 2016 Server through an SMO connection in a Transfer Objects Task. This task retrieves schemas, tables and SP's. The SSIS package has three of these tasks running in parallel which connect to three different Db's on the same SQL server.
Things had been running fine until a day last week the owners of the remote SQL Server decided to create a new user/password combo to give to us. No permissions changed or anything else, only the u/p.
After they did that the package has been failing with various connection type errors. The errors happen randomly on the three parallel tracks. Here are the errors:
Failed to retrieve data for this request.
Invalid Operation: The connection is closed.
There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first.
Property TextHeader is not available for StoredProcedure '[Sp Name]'. This property may not exist for this object, or may not be retrievable due to insufficient access rights. The text is encrypted.
But on the DB side the error the profiler was showing was the password was invalid. This is not true.
After some extensive troubleshooting we tried giving he user SA rights, which did not help. On further work we tried changing the password to 123 (while keeping SA rights,) the prior password had been a 10+ char non-alpha-numeric (had the ! char) password, for example aBc12dEF3!!!. We tried removing the ! chars and various other iterations, but that didn't work then we finally got it down to the password being 123.
This final password change worked. But obviously this is not normal, we cannot have user with SA rights and 123 as password.
Does anyone have any ideas, advice, direction on what could be going on here?

What permissions do you need to run jobs via SQL Agent?

I've googled my issue all weekend, but can't seem to solve the problem
So basically, I have a query, when I run it manually in a query window, it works fine and my job executes, resulting in an email being sent. However, when I set up a schedule, I get the following error:
If you can't read it, the error message says,
"The job failed. The job was invoked by Schedule 9. The last step to run was step 1."
Then underneath it says,
"Executed as user 'adminName(not sa)'. Failed to initialize sqlcmd library with error number -2147467259 (SQLSTATE 42000) (Error 22050). The step failed"
So I log in with user sa, and apparently this user needs to have SQL Agent permissions in the msdb database. According to this screenshot, sa is the owner:
So since sa is the owner, it would mean it has all the SQL Agent related permissions, right? Furthermore, the code I'm using executes from the CompanyDB, so I think perhaps this may be the issue. If I look at properties, under sa, I get this window:
So the CompanyDB is unchecked for user sa, so in order to allow sa to query CompanyDB in SQL Agent, what permissions would it need? I'm assuming this is the issue, but I'm not really sure, I can't seem to figure it out, any help is greatly appreciated.
Jobs should have dbAdmin permissions. That being said, it depends on whether you wrote to the db, update, or just send the email.
The better option would be to create a webservice and call it when you want to send the email.

Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON' - MS SQL Server - possibility of being unable to solve the issue

Why not asking on dba.stackexchange: the description says it is for professionals, which I am not and SO has its "for enthusiasts" part.
I have an error
"Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'"
This is a common error with several possible reasons and solutions. The problem is that I have no knowledge of the database and server administration and credentials authentication topics, thus I will need to spend some significant time understanding what is being said and proposed.
Before I do that I would like to ask if it might be possible for me not to be able to solve the problem due to technical limitations. I will describe the situation in more detail now.
There is an MS SQL Server A with database Adb and table dbo.At. I can read from it. There is also an MS SQL Server B. I can read and write here.
I have MS SQL Server Management Studio 2012 open on my computer. I have a connection with server A open with query "select * from Adb.dbo.At" which works just fine. The connection used Windows Authentication.
I have a connection with server B (Windows Authentication as well) with query "select * from A.Adb.dbo.At" which results in the aforementioned error.
At this point I do have read access to A, I have read and write access to B. I can export data from A and then import it to B using my computer, i.e. I can do a kind of a copy paste and I will end up having what I want. There is no insurmountable wall between these 2 servers with me being the middle man. I simply would like to make it easier. Before I dwell on SPNs, delegations, Kerberos, Active Directory and whatnot I would like to ask if, assuming that I have nothing more than read on A and read/write on B, I might not be able to solve the issue?
It seems I have a "double hop" problem.
I have found a workaround. I can use Server Agent on server B. Using this I can use the server to perform some actions, for example query other servers. The Agent jobs are of a specific type (like T-SQL script). For specific job types the Agent can run the jobs in "run as" mode (requires a proxy). I created a proxy referring to my normal Windows login. Sadly T-SQL script type job cannot be executed in "run as" mode. But PowerShell type job can. PowerShell can also execute SQL statements. Thus I have created PowerShell job running with proxy with the command being:
SQLCMD -Q "select * into Bdb.dbo.Bt from A.dbA.dbo.At" -E
This solved my problem.

Login failed for user 'sa' while trying to create datasource with Railo

So I'm trying to setup Railo and I want to add a datasource.
For the database I'm using Microsoft SQL server Management Studio.
But now I've run into the classical problem: "Login failed for user 'sa'. ClientConnectionId:afd80ac2-0744-4a7d-a9f7-083d93adee0d"
What I've done so far:
With the SQL Server Configuration Manager in the TCP/IP settings I enabled the IPs I had to.
I set the password for the user 'sa' in MSSQL and I added a user mapping for the table I want to use.
I made the user 'sa' the owner of the DB i want to connect to
Restarted the SQL service, my computer and Railo multiple times.
I'm pretty much out of ideas.
After Leigh mentioned in the comments to look at my logs it had the following message: "Login failed for user 'max'. Reason: Failed to open the explicitly specified database 'test'. [CLIENT:]"
I then tried to make a connection without mentioning a database and that worked.
I would also point to Leigh's answer here which explains how to turn Mixed-Mode authentication on, as this can also cause this error. Since the cause of this isn't on Railo/Lucee's end, this issue still arises in 2018.
I just don't want a useful answer to get lost to history, nor plagiarize an answer I barely found.

Getting "select permission denied" when using LINQ but my account is a sysadmin

I have a console app that's geared to be automatically ran as a Scheduled Task. I use LINQ to SQL to pull some data out of the database, format it into a CSV and email it to a client. All of a sudden I am getting the error "SELECT permission denied for table", but the account I'm using to connect to the database (specified in my app.config file) has the "sysadmin" server role (bad programmer, I know; I'll get around to changing it to a better account later but I want to make sure it works first).
I can connect directly to the SQL database using that very same account and query the table in question without a problem, it only seems to be when using the LINQ code. Any idea what would be causing this?
Same server and database?
The error should actually say something like "does not exist or do not have permission". Now, if you're sysadmin then permission is irrelevant so table must not exist where you think it is
Wrong server
Client SQL alias pointing to wrong server
Wrong DB context
Wrong schema (eg SELECT * FROM bob.myTable should be SELECT * FROM fred.Mytable)
Try SELECT ##SERVERNAME, DB_NAME() (or Linq equivalent) to see where you are as a first step...
