Authorization_IdentityNotFound on Microsoft Graph API request first time, - azure-active-directory

It is now 2021, but I meet this issue again....
When calling the /users MS Graph API, it says:
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_IdentityNotFound",
"message": "The identity of the calling application could not be established.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "b2d9ec62-0b65-44eb-9e0f-4aec52b45750",
"date": "2021-01-22T10:19:48"
I use the 'client credentials' flow, and I've already configured to get the admin consent to get the tenant id. Then use it to call{tenantId}/oauth2/token to get token.
And I configured the permissions/scopes as:
- Directory.Read.All
- User.Read.All
- Calendars.ReadWrite
Or even:
- Directory.Read.All
- Calendars.ReadWrite
The strange thing is that this error only happens with the token got by authorizing the app with a global admin account first time. It will work if use a second token gets back after a few seconds. And by comparing the two tokens, I found the differences are the not working one doesn't have 'roles: string[]` value in the JWT, while the working one has (see attached images).
token not working
token working
Anyone can help me out?
It's very appreciated!

The reason for the error is not that you lack permissions, it is caused by the delay.
Your idea is correct. The reason why your first token call is unsuccessful is the lack of roles claim in the token, which means that the permissions are not injected into the first token. When you grant admin consent to the application, it will be delayed. If you get the token right now, it may cause the token to lack permissions. So, please wait a few minutes after you grant the admin consent before trying to obtain the token.


Access Token through Azure Active Directory for Graph API ends in Property Error

I'm trying to call the Graph API:
I run the query successfully with the Graph Explorer, where I gave my user the Mail.Send permission. And if I use the Access Token from the Graph Explorer in Postman it works too.
But if I use my own Access Token which I create from calling the Azure Active Directory App in ends in this error:
"error": {
"code": "RequestBodyRead",
"message": "The property 'subject' does not exist on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message'. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type or mark the type as open type. REST APIs for this mailbox are currently in preview. You can find more information about the preview REST APIs at",
"innerError": {
"date": "2021-12-23T12:47:23",
"request-id": "cbb00b85-295b-45e2-abc7-f064ec52f994",
"client-request-id": "cbb00b85-295b-45e2-abc7-f064ec52f994"
The body in the message is the same, I just changed the Access Token from the Graph Explorer to the one I created. The Access Token is created through a POST Request to:
POST{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
I checked both Tokens with if they vary in some way. The only thing which was odd was the parameter "aud" for Audience. The value in my Token was different than the one from the Graph Explorer, but I don't know if I can change that.
The Azure Active Directory App does have the necessary permissions, also with Admin consens.
enter image description here
Help is much appreciated.
You have given Delegated permissions to the application which allow your app to call an API on behalf of a user.
But you authenticate using only application credentials where no user is involved.
In that case only Application permissions apply.
You either need to grant the "Send mail as any user" Application permission (and use /users/user-id instead of /me), or you need to change how you authenticate such that it involves a user at some point of the process.

how to get access without a user

I am trying to follow this Get access without a user to get access token. I am getting access token using API request<-tenant-id->/oauth2/token. When i used step 5 for above given link i got the following error :
"error": {
"code": "InvalidAuthenticationToken",
"message": "Access token validation failure. Invalid audience.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "e9e9820e-2a3f-411a-bc77-760c9369fc8f",
"date": "2020-01-02T06:17:41"
I have registered app with the following permission : Calendars.Read, Calendars.ReadWrite, Sites.Read.All, User.Read, User.Read.All and have generated secret key and registered redirect url as :
My questions are:
1. Have i done anything wrong while creating app?
2. Why step 4 is not working of the link?
3. Did i get wrong access access using the above given api request?
In step 5, it calls the Microsoft Graph - Get a user, so make sure your app has the User.Read.All Application permission in Microsoft Graph(must be application permission, not delegated permission), after adding the permission, it appears like below(Note: don't forget to click the Grant admin consent button)
In the doc you provided, it uses the v2.0 endpoint /oauth2/v2.0/token, but you use the v1.0 endpoint /oauth2/token in your question.
So please change the request URL to /oauth2/v2.0/token, then use the one below.
Request URL:
Request body:
You can get the token in the postman.
Then use the token to call the Get a user API:
GET<object-id of the user>

Request Denied After Getting Admin Consent on Tenant

I went through the process to get admin consent for a POC app (delegated) I am building that leverages the new Presence API via MS Graph
However, when I try to make a Graph API Call, I am able to get a token, but get this error when I try to hit the /me endpoint (gets my AD Info)
Failed to call the Web Api: Forbidden
Content: {
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "0c293c6f-f8d2-4a12-8879-c52b16e4c51f",
"date": "2020-01-07T18:09:14"
I am not sure what this error is from, anyone here that can help me? My app has permissions for
The fix for this issue is to update the authentication flow to use the 'On behalf of a user flow'. This will give you a delegated access token and the context of a user to return their presence information. See
admin consent for a POC app
Sounds like you're using the client credential flow. If that's the case then the presence-get doc you linked shows that this call is not supported for admin consent.
That doesn't necessarily mean it won't work but...
...if you want to keep trying add the Presence.Read and Presence.Read.All permission to your app and see if that helps.

invalid_grant error when obtaining access token

I am trying to build a website where a user can log in via Azure AD B2C. After logging in, I'm trying to present a secure area where the user can change their Azure B2C user attributes (first name, last name, etc) via the Microsoft Graph API.
I am attempting to follow along with the Get a Token documentation
Everything is working up to step #3, where a call gets made out to to obtain an access_token using the code I received on my return URL.
Here's the general flow of what I am doing:
End user clicks a login link on my localhost site that links out to my Azure B2C tenant policy. Link looks something like this:
User logs in and gets redirected to the redirect_uri.
redirect_uri successfully recieves code, id_token, and state values.
I take the code value from that and makes a POST request with the following body:
&client_secret=[application secret]
The response code I receive back from that endpoint is the above error message.
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADSTS9002313: Invalid request. Request is malformed or invalid.\r\nTrace ID:6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00\r\nCorrelation ID:252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9\r\nTimestamp: 2019-06-2722:11:18Z",
"error_codes": [9002313],
"timestamp": "2019-06-27 22:11:18Z",
"trace_id": "6d7a8e32-bcbf-4fc4-a37a-87dae4781b00",
"correlation_id": "252912b7-5775-491a-968f-00ab03696dd9"
Other StackOverflow posts mention verifying that the redirect_uri's have to match between the initial login and the subsequent access_token requests. They appear identical to me, but I am still receiving errors.
Any ideas what could be going wrong?
This is something you need to understand about OAuth on B2C before you are able to successfully request for a token.
This error means that the requested scope (resource) can’t be accessed by you (login user) because of the lack of permissions.
So, to fix that, you need to grant these required permissions to access that resource, by following these steps:
Define a new scope.
Grant Admin consent on that scope.
Request that scope when you request for a token.
In other words, in B2C-->App Registrations--> (Your App), shown in the image below, start with “Expose an API”, here you define a new scope of access, scope of resources or API, just a metadata that you know it represents some resources or API.
Then you click on “API Permissions”, here you will add the scope you just created and grand admin access in needed. But al least you need to add permissions to your newly defined scope.
The third and last step is when you hit: https://{tenant}{tenant}{policy}/oauth2/v2.0/token
Make sure to pass the scope that you added. (Use the scope that you added)
The details are explained in here but I can simplify it for you.
configure b2c
So you need to go to your B2C
Seems you are trying to get access token using Authorization Code Grant V2.0
Your request doesn't match with Authorization Code Grant V2.0 format and you have encountered that error.
You should send token request for Authorization Code Grant V2.0 is like below:
Token Endpoint: ``
See Screen shot for details:

Authorization_IdentityNotFound on Microsoft Graph API request

I'm trying to develop an app in my enterprise and I've followed this tutorial to get access to the AD users information. Meaning:
I created an app in
I set User.Read.All in Application Permissions and User.Read in Delegated Permissions
With this done I'm able to successfully login (Azure AD OAuth2 with as resource and User.Read as scope) and get a correct response from
Ask the Admin for the Delegated Permissions
With this, my admin can see in the azure portal that my App has both permissions consented by himself.
This is working because I asked a coworker to log in and I could get a correct response from even though he wasn't even prompted to consent this (Before the admin consenting the permissions the user was prompted)
Request a token from with client_credentials as a response_type
Receive the token!
Do a GET request to and receive:
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_IdentityNotFound",
"message": "The identity of the calling application could not be established.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "b2d9ec62-0b65-44eb-9e0f-4aec52b45750",
"date": "2017-03-22T19:19:48"
Furthermore, doing a request to returns:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Current authenticated context is not valid for this request",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "047e2ba9-a858-45fc-a0dd-124e1db503f3",
"date": "2017-03-22T19:39:25"
Which leads me to believe that Microsoft knows this token and knows it is not impersonating any user.
I've been looking for documentation on Azure AD and Microsoft Graph authentication but I only find blog posts and all seem outdated (although most features are in preview).
If you could point me in the right direction I would thank you.
I've also found this and this similar questions on SO but they all remain unanswered.
Update, after this answer
Thank you, Dan,
I've used my organization domain name and I'm also able to get a token.
Now the response from is:
"error": {
"code": "Authorization_RequestDenied",
"message": "Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "3f190b47-73f5-4b29-96f9-54ed3dbc3137",
"date": "2017-03-23T11:07:15"
Which makes no sense because in the azure portal I have User.Read.All as Application Permission (already consented by the admin).
I think the problem is with the request for the token, that returns successfully no matter the scope I send, even if I made one up.
For Example:
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": "3599",
"ext_expires_in": "0",
"expires_on": "1490271617",
"not_before": "1490267717",
"resource": "",
"access_token": *****
I had two problems, both not covered documentation:
For client credentials, if the app belongs to a work or school (organization) context then for replace common with a tenantId or domain name (thanks to Dan Kershaw)
For or{id | userPrincipalName} you need Directory.Read.All permission.
User.Read.All is relevant for Microsoft to stop requesting permissions (delegation) to the user when you ask for User.Read in the OAuth workflow. Check this and other Permission related issues in the Release Notes.
I've added this issue to the Microsoft Graph Docs!
The /me segment is a shortcut or alias for the currently signed-in user. The request to /me will never work with an application token, because it doesn't contain any user context (or signed in user) - and hence the error. We might be able to improve this error though ;)
I believe when using the client credentials flow, you need to specify the actual tenant that you want a token for.
If you're app is performing this operation in a work or school (organization) context then for replace common with a tenantId or domain name, and see if that works.
If you are following it looks like we might have a couple of doc bugs in there that we need to fix...
Hope this helps,
