Find number of bits in a data type - c

I need to write a macro named CountBitsM. this macro has one parameter and produces a value of type int. The parameter is any expression with an object data type or the literal name of any object data type, so i used int. This macro determines the number of bits of storage used for the data type on any machine in which its run. And i can use a macro from limits.h. Here is what i wrote, does this look right?
#include <limits.h>
#define CountBitsM(int) ((int)*(CHAR_BIT))
Second question was to create a function CountIntBitsF that counts the number of bits used to represent a type int value on any machine. However, i can NOT USE any #define, or #include header files, or any macro. I also can not use any multiplications or divisions. The hint that was given was to start with a value of 1 in a type unsigned int variable and left-shift it one bit at a time, keeping count of number of shifts, until the variables value becomes 0. Here is what i have so far:
int CountIntBitsF(void)
int IntgMax = 8;
unsigned int count = 1;
while (IntgMax = IntgMax>>2) count++;
return count;
First off, i am not supposed to use division or multiplication so am i doing the shift properly? And i cant assume a char/byte contains 8 or any other specific number of bits. So how or what should i set my IntgMax to? Thanks for any help. I am new to C.

Macro for Bits in a Type
A macro to produce the number of bits used to represent a type in storage is:
#define CountBitsM(x) (sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT)
However, this produces a result with type size_t (usually). If you really need an int result as stated in the question, convert it (but be aware overflow becomes possible):
#define CountBitsM(x) ((int) (sizeof (x) * CHAR_BIT))
Counting Bits
The second question asks to count the number of bits “to represent a type int value” by shifting bits in an unsigned value. There are two theoretical problems here. One is that the number of bits used to represent a value may including padding bits, and counting the bits by shifting a 1 through them only counts the value bits, not the padding bits. The second is that an int may have more padding bits than an unsigned; it may use fewer bits for the sign and value. Overwhelmingly, modern systems will not have these issues; the number of used bits in an int will be the same as the total number of bits used to store it and the number of bits used in an unsigned.
That said, you can count the number of bits in an unsigned object with:
int count = 0;
for (unsigned u = 1; 0 != u; u <<= 1)
This repeatedly shifts the bit in u left until it is shifted out, while counting the number of iterations required to do this. Note that the bits in an int cannot properly be counted this way, because the behavior of left shift is not defined by the C standard when it overflows an int.

Question one
#define NBITS(type_or_object) (sizeof(type_or_object) * CHAR_BIT)
or without multiplication
#define NBITS(type_or_object) (sizeof(type_or_object) << (CHAR_BIT == 8 ? 3 : CHAR_BIT == 16 ? 4 : CHAR_BIT == 32 ? 5 : 0))
Second question:
For the most popular two's complement (but I think it will also work for sign bit as well as -0 < 0 as I remember). Ir is for signed type. Unsigned types are easy.
int CountIntBits(void)
int IntgMax = 1;
int count = 1;
while (IntgMax > 0 )
IntgMax <<= 1;
return count;
int main(void)
printf("%d\n", CountIntBits());
or (also no multiplication :) )
int CountIntBits(void)
int shift = CHAR_BIT == 8 ? 3 : CHAR_BIT == 16 ? 4 : CHAR_BIT == 32 ? 5 : 0;
return sizeof(int) << shift;
for unsigned types:
int CountIntBits(void)
unsigned IntgMax = 1;
int count = 0;
while (IntgMax)
IntgMax <<= 1;
return count;


Can I use CHAR_BIT as the basis for determining the number of bits in other types?

For example, does the following code make no assumptions that might be incorrect on certain systems?
// Number of bits in an unsigned long long int:
const int ULLONG_BIT = sizeof(unsigned long long int) * CHAR_BIT;
I agree with PSkocik's comment to the original question. C11 6.2.6 says CHAR_BIT * sizeof (type) yields the number of bits in the object representation of type type, but some of them may be padding bits.
I suspect that your best bet for a "no-assumptions" code is to simply check the value of ULLONG_MAX (or ~0ULL or (unsigned long long)(-1LL), which should all evaluate to the same value):
#include <limits.h>
static inline int ullong_bit(void)
unsigned long long m = ULLONG_MAX;
int n = 0, i = 0;
while (m) {
n += m & 1;
i ++;
m >>= 1;
if (n == i)
return i;
return i-1;
If the binary pattern for the value is all ones, then the number of bits an unsigned long long can hold is the same as the number of binary digits in the value.
Otherwise, the most significant bit cannot really be used, because the maximum value in binary contains zeros.

using bit-fields as representation for integers in c [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
bit vector implementation of sets
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
In my C class we were given an assignment:
Write an interactive program (standard input/output). Define the new type set using typedef which can hold a set of integers in the range 0-127. The data structure has to be as efficient as possible in terms of storage (hint: working with bits). Also you need to define 6 global variables A,B,C,D,E,F of type set. All operations on sets in the program will be on these 6 variables.
This command read_set A,5,6,7,4,5,4,-1 will read user's input of integers while -1 means end of user's input. Other commands a user can use: print_set A - prints the set in increasing order, union_set A,B,C does union on 2 sets and saves the output in a third set, intersect_set A,B,C - determines the intersection of 2 sets and saves the output to a third set.
As far as I understand I need to use bit-fields. I could create a table of integers from 0-127. Then I could create the 6 variables A,B,C,D,E,F using set type definition and giving 128 bit-fields to each variable. Then if a user inputs 15 I would turn on the the bit which represents 15 in the data type. I'm really not sure if this is the way, because it's not clear to me how I would arrange bit-fields such that I can turn on exactly 15-th bit if I need to, I would need to convert somehow an integer to bit-field name... Also print_set prints the set in increasing order so how could I re-arrange bit-fields for this?
Really hope you have some ideas.
Yes, each of the sets called A, B, C, D, E and F is represented by a couple of unsigned long long integers like this:
typedef struct {
unsigned long long high;
unsigned long long low;
} Set;
This gives you 128 bits of data in a Set (64 bits for the high numbers 64 to 127, and 64 bits for the low numbers 0 to 63).
Then you just need to do some bit manipulation like this:
For a number between 0 and 63, you'd shift 1 to the left x times and then set that bit on the "low" field.
For a number between 64 and 127, you'd shift 1 to the left x-64 times and then set that bit on the "high" field.
Hope this helps!
Using bitfields for this assignment will prove very cumbersome because of alignment issues, and you cannot define arrays of bitfields anyway. I would suggest using an array of bytes (unsigned char) and packing values into this array. A 7-bit value spanning at most 2 bytes.
The array for count values should be allocated with a size of (count + 7) / 8 bytes. In order to conserve space, you can store small sets in an integer and larger sets using an allocated array.
The datatype would look like:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct set {
size_t count;
union {
uintptr_t v;
unsigned char *a;
} set;
Here is how to extract the n-th value:
int get_7bits(const set *s, size_t n) {
if (s == NULL || n >= s->count) {
return -1;
} else
if (n < sizeof(uintptr_t) * CHAR_BIT / 7) {
return (s->v >> (n * 7)) & 127;
} else {
size_t i = n / 7;
int shift = n % 7;
if (shift <= CHAR_BIT - 7) {
/* value fits in one byte */
return (s->a[i] >> shift) & 127;
} else {
/* value spans 2 bytes */
return ((s->a[i] | (s->a[i + 1] << CHAR_BIT)) >> shift) & 127;
You can write the other access functions and complete your assignment.

C - Method for setting all even-numbered bits to 1

I was charged with the task of writing a method that "returns the word with all even-numbered bits set to 1." Being completely new to C this seems really confusing and unclear. I don't understand how I can change the bits of a number with C. That seems like a very low level instruction, and I don't even know how I would do that in Java (my first language)! Can someone please help me! This is the method signature.
int evenBits(void){
return 0;
Any instruction on how to do this or even guidance on how to begin doing this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!
Break it down into two problems.
(1) Given a variable, how do I set particular bits?
Hint: use a bitwise operator.
(2) How do I find out the representation of "all even-numbered bits" so I can use a bitwise operator to set them?
Hint: Use math. ;-) You could make a table (or find one) such as:
Decimal | Binary
0 | 0
1 | 1
2 | 10
3 | 11
... | ...
Once you know what operation to use to set particular bits, and you know a decimal (or hexadecimal) integer literal to use that with in C, you've solved the problem.
You must give a precise definition of all even numbered bits. Bits are numbered in different ways on different architectures. Hardware people like to number them from 1 to 32 from the least significant to the most significant bit, or sometimes the other way, from the most significant to the least significant bit... while software guys like to number bits by increasing order starting at 0 because bit 0 represents the number 20, ie: 1.
With this latter numbering system, the bit pattern would be 0101...0101, thus a value in hex 0x555...555. If you number bits starting at 1 for the least significant bit, the pattern would be 1010...1010, in hex 0xAAA...AAA. But this representation actually encodes a negative value on current architectures.
I shall assume for the rest of this answer that even numbered bits are those representing even powers of 2: 1 (20), 4 (22), 16 (24)...
The short answer for this problem is:
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x55555555;
But what if int has 64 bits?
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x5555555555555555;
Would handle 64 bit int but would have implementation defined behavior on systems where int is smaller.
Using macros from <limits.h>, you could mask off the extra bits to handle 16, 32 and 64 bit ints:
#include <limits.h>
int evenBits(void) {
return 0x5555555555555555 & INT_MAX;
But this code still makes some assumptions:
int has at most 64 bits.
int has an even number of bits.
INT_MAX is a power of 2 minus 1.
These assumptions are valid for most current systems, but the C Standard allows for implementations where one or more are invalid.
So basically every other bit has to be set to one? This is why we have bitwise operations in C. Imagine a regular bitarray. What you want is the right most even bit and set it to 1(this is the number 2). Then we just use the OR operator (|) to modify our existing number. After doing that. we bitshift the number 2 places to the left (<< 2), this modifies the bit array to 1000 compared to the previous 0010. Then we do the same again and use the or operator. The code below describes it better.
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned char SetAllEvenBitsToOne(unsigned char x);
int IsAllEvenBitsOne(unsigned char x);
int main()
unsigned char x = 0; //char is one byte data type ie. 8 bits.
x = SetAllEvenBitsToOne(x);
int check = IsAllEvenBitsOne(x);
printf("shit works");
return 0;
unsigned char SetAllEvenBitsToOne(unsigned char x)
int i=0;
unsigned char y = 2;
for(i=0; i < sizeof(char)*8/2; i++)
x = x | y;
y = y << 2;
return x;
int IsAllEvenBitsOne(unsigned char x)
unsigned char y;
for(int i=0; i<(sizeof(char)*8/2); i++)
y = x >> 7;
if(y > 0)
printf("x before: %d\t", x);
x = x << 2;
printf("x after: %d\n", x);
printf("Not all even bits are 1\n");
return 0;
printf("All even bits are 1\n");
return 1;
Here is a link to Bitwise Operations in C

Left Bit Shift In C without extension

I was wondering how to get C to not extend my binary number when I bitshift to the left
int main ()
unsigned int binary_temp = 0b0100;
binary_temp = binary_temp << 2;
printf("%d", binary_temp);
return 0;
When I run that I want a return value of 0 since it has extended past the 4 digits I have, but right now it returns 16 (10000). How would I get C not to extend my number?
Edit: I would like to be able to work with the number in binary form so I need to have only 4 digits, and not just outputting the right number.
It does not extend your number but saves it as unsigned int type which is 4 bytes (32 bits) in size. You only fill the last 4 bits. To treat it as only 4 bits, use Bitwise AND with a Mask value. Here's example code:
int main()
unsigned int binary_temp = 0b0100;
binary_temp = (binary_temp << 2) & 0b1111;
printf("%u", binary_temp);
return 0;
You can bitwise AND the result with a 4 bit mask value:
binary_temp = (binary_temp << 2) & 0xF;
There is no 0b in standard C. You could use 4.
unsigned int /* prepare for wtf identifier: */
binary_temp = 4;
Left shifting by 2 is multiplying by 4. Why not?
binary_temp *= 4;
... and then reduce modulo 16?
binary_temp %= 16;
What sense is there to using binary operators, in this case? I see none.
The %d directive corresponds to an int argument, but the argument you're giving printf is an unsigned int. That's undefined behaviour.
printf("%u", binary_temp);
I'm sure whichever book you're reading will tell you about the %u directive.

Reading characters on a bit level

I would like to be able to enter a character from the keyboard and display the binary code for said key in the format 00000001 for example.
Furthermore i would also like to read the bits in a way that allows me to output if they are true or false.
01010101 = false,true,false,true,false,true,false,true
I would post an idea of how i have tried to do it myself but I have absolutely no idea, i'm still experimenting with C and this is my first taste of programming at such a low level scale.
For bit tweaking, it is often safer to use unsigned types, because shifts of signed negative values have an implementation-dependent effect. The plain char can be either signed or unsigned (traditionally, it is unsigned on MacIntosh platforms, but signed on PC). Hence, first cast you character into the unsigned char type.
Then, your friends are the bitwise boolean operators (&, |, ^ and ~) and the shift operators (<< and >>). For instance, if your character is in variable x, then to get the 5th bit you simply use: ((x >> 5) & 1). The shift operators moves the value towards the right, dropping the five lower bits and moving the bit your are interested in the "lowest position" (aka "rightmost"). The bitwise AND with 1 simply sets all other bits to 0, so the resulting value is either 0 or 1, which is your bit. Note here that I number bits from left significant (rightmost) to most significant (leftmost) and I begin with zero, not one.
If you assume that your characters are 8-bits, you could write your code as:
unsigned char x = (unsigned char)your_character;
int i;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; i --) {
if (i != 7)
printf("%s", ((x >> i) & 1) ? "true" : "false");
You may note that since I number bits from right to left, but you want output from left to right, the loop index must be decreasing.
Note that according to the C standard, unsigned char has at least eight bits but may have more (nowadays, only a handful of embedded DSP have characters which are not 8-bit). To be extra safe, add this near the beginning of your code (as a top-level declaration):
#include <limits.h>
#if CHAR_BIT != 8
#error I need 8-bit bytes!
This will prevent successful compilation if the target system happens to be one of those special embedded DSP. As a note on the note, the term "byte" in the C standard means "the elementary memory unit which correspond to an unsigned char", so that, in C-speak, a byte may have more than eight bits (a byte is not always an octet). This is a traditional source of confusion.
This is probably not the safest way - no sanity/size/type checks - but it should still work.
unsigned char myBools[8];
char myChar;
// get your character - this is not safe and you should
// use a better method to obtain input...
// cin >> myChar; <- C++
scanf("%c", &myChar);
// binary AND against each bit in the char and then
// cast the result. anything > 0 should resolve to 'true'
// and == 0 to 'false', but you could add a '> 1' check to be sure.
for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
myBools[i] = ( (myChar & (1 << i) > 0) ? 1 : 0 );
This will give you an array of unsigned chars - either 0 or 1 (true or false) - for the character.
This code is C89:
/* we need this to use exit */
#include <stdlib.h>
/* we need this to use CHAR_BIT */
#include <limits.h>
/* we need this to use fgetc and printf */
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
/* Declare everything we need */
int input, index;
unsigned int mask;
char inputchar;
/* an array to store integers telling us the values of the individual bits.
There are (almost) always 8 bits in a char, but it doesn't hurt to get into
good habits early, and in C, the sizes of the basic types are different
on different platforms. CHAR_BIT tells us the number of bits in a byte.
int bits[CHAR_BIT];
/* the simplest way to read a single character is fgetc, but note that
the user will probably have to press "return", since input is generally
buffered */
input = fgetc(stdin);
printf("%d\n", input);
/* Check for errors. In C, we must always check for errors */
if (input == EOF) {
printf("No character read\n");
/* convert the value read from type int to type char. Not strictly needed,
we can examine the bits of an int or a char, but here's how it's done.
inputchar = input;
/* the most common way to examine individual bits in a value is to use a
"mask" - in this case we have just 1 bit set, the most significant bit
of a char. */
mask = 1 << (CHAR_BIT - 1);
/* this is a loop, index takes each value from 0 to CHAR_BIT-1 in turn,
and we will read the bits from most significant to least significant. */
for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
/* the bitwise-and operator & is how we use the mask.
"inputchar & mask" will be 0 if the bit corresponding to the mask
is 0, and non-zero if the bit is 1. ?: is the ternary conditional
operator, and in C when you use an integer value in a boolean context,
non-zero values are true. So we're converting any non-zero value to 1.
bits[index] = (inputchar & mask) ? 1 : 0;
/* output what we've done */
printf("index %d, value %u\n", index, inputchar & mask);
/* we need a new mask for the next bit */
mask = mask >> 1;
/* output each bit as 0 or 1 */
for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
printf("%d", bits[index]);
/* output each bit as "true" or "false" */
for (index = 0; index < CHAR_BIT; ++index) {
printf(bits[index] ? "true" : "false");
/* fiddly part - we want a comma between each bit, but not at the end */
if (index != CHAR_BIT - 1) printf(",");
return 0;
You don't necessarily need three loops - you could combine them together if you wanted, and if you're only doing one of the two kinds of output, then you wouldn't need the array, you could just use each bit value as you mask it off. But I think this keeps things separate and hopefully easier to understand.
