SQL Server Irish FADA not displaying correctly - sql-server

In SQL by default it was using SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS
From my backup SQL DB, I change collation into Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8
However when I query, the text show as An Phr�omhsr�id Uachtarach

Changing the collation of an existing database doesn't change the collation of existing objects within it, only new ones. For existing tables you'll need to update the collation on each table column separately.
Note that could be a blocking operation which could be an issue in large tables. To get around that you can create a new table with the correct collation, copy the data in, delete the old table, and rename the new table to the old name.


How to import Case-Sensitive data from Oracle to SQL Server using SSIS

I am trying to import data from Oracle into SQL Server using SSIS.
The problem is I have a PK of datatype VARCHAR2(200) in one of the tables having case-sensitive data in Oracle DB. Hence, the SSIS, while importing the data, is throwing
Violation of PK, cannot insert duplicate value in PK
How should I work around this? Any solution for this EXCEPT accepted answer of this because it's not feasible for me to drop and create the DB for enabling case-sensitive data?
You don't need to Recreate database. You just need to set Case Sensitive column.
Open in Design mode Table, choose your column and push Collation row.
Just check "Case Sensitive" checkbox, push OK and Save Table. now It will be OK.
If you can add a new column, set its collation to case sensitive one, reload the records and then rename them accordingly:
ALTER TABLE #TT ADD new_pk_case_sensitive VARCHAR(200) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

How to add one column into existing SQL Table

I have a SQL Server table and it is located on a remote server. I can connect to it with SQL Server Management Studio but opening it takes time instead, I am doing my jobs with SQL Query window without reaching it.
Recently I've made a change on the local copy of this table and want to update the remote one as well. All I've done is adding one more column which is Nullable and I'd like to learn how to add this one more column to the remote SQL Server with T-SQL without ruining the remote one data.
Here is the additional info:
Table Name: Products
Columns to be added: LastUpdate, Nullable and varchar(200)
The syntax you need is
ALTER TABLE Products ADD LastUpdate varchar(200) NULL
This is a metadata only operation
What about something like:
Alter Table Products
Add LastUpdate varchar(200) null
Do you need something more complex than this?
Its work perfectly
ALTER TABLE `products` ADD `LastUpdate` varchar(200) NULL;
But if you want more precise in table then you can try AFTER.
ALTER TABLE `products` ADD `LastUpdate` varchar(200) NULL AFTER `column_name`;
It will add LastUpdate column after specified column name (column_name).
alter table table_name add field_name (size);
alter table arnicsc add place number(10);

any idea why running alter column causes column to go from “not null” to “null”?

I am mass updating a SQL Server database. I am changing all our numeric(38,0) columns to int (yes, SQL Server scripts were created from Oracle scripts).
Using SMO and C# (I am a sw engineer), I managed to generate really nice scripts like SQL Server Management Studio would.
It all works very nicely except for one particular issue:
For a handful of tables, when I call
it decides to also change the column from NOT NULL to NULL. That, of course is a huge issue since I need to regenerate primary keys for most of those tables on those particular columns.
Obviously, I have plenty of options using SMO to find out which columns are primary keys and force them to be NOT NULL after or while I am updating the data type, but I am really curious as to what can be causing this.
Because in the absense of NOT NULL, the default is NULL.
from ALTER TABLE (Transact-SQL)
When you create or alter a table with
statements, the database and session
settings influence and possibly
override the nullability of the data
type that is used in a column
definition. We recommend that you
always explicitly define a column as
NULL or NOT NULL for noncomputed

How to remove identity column from table

I have created a table with employee id as identity column. Now, I want to remove identity and replace datatype as bigint. I am using Sql Compact edition. How to achieve this?
I don't believe you can, using TSQL, remove the IDENTITY property from a column.
Add a new BIGINT column to the table
Copy the data from the current IDENTITY field into the new field
Drop the existing column
Rename the new column to the correct name
You can do it in SSMS in the Design view for the table. I believe behind the scenes it does something like above.
To confirm, in SSMS 2K8 when you try to remove the IDENTITY property from a column and then save it, it will actually recreate the table (you can see what it does exactly by monitoring in SQL Profiler). In order to do it in SSMS, you need to ensure you have the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" option turned OFF in Tools-> Options -> Designers -> Table and Database Designers. I think it defaults to ON, which would result in an error message when you try to do it otherwise.
In "real" SQL Server, you'd have to do these steps - not sure if SQL Server CE allows the same, but give it a try! I'm assuming you probably have your PRIMARY KEY constraint on that column, too - right? If not, you don't need to do the first and last step. And I'm assuming you want to have the IDENTITY on the column again, right?
-- DROP the primary key constraint (if you have that on your column)
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
DROP CONSTRAINT PK__Employees__3214EC274222D4EF
-- ALTER the datatype into BIGINT
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
-- set PK constraint again
ALTER TABLE dbo.Employees
This should help - http://www.sqlmag.com/Files/23/22081/Listing_03.txt

What is the equivalent of 'CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ..." in SQL Server

I am working with SQL Server (I am a SQL Server noob) and trying to alter a table. I want to CREATE TABLE LIKE to safely store data while I drop keys and constraints and all the other rigamorole that SQL Server seems to require when altering on the original table but I have not been able to find a match to that command...
you want to recreate the same structure?
how about this
into test
FROM myRealTable
where 0=1
no data will be inserted into the new table
You can do
SELECT * INTO #MyTable_tmp FROM MyTable
Then modify your MyTable, and copy your data back in. Other approaches I've seen is to create a new table call it Mytable_Tmp (Not a temp table), which will be your new table.
Then copy your data doing any migrations you need. Then you will drop the original table and do a rename on Mytable.
Or you can get one of the many excellant tools that compare databases and generate difference scripts or VSTS DB Edition (Comes with developer) and you can do a diff script from a project file to a DB.
When you run SELECT * INTO #MyTable FROM MyTable, SQL Server creates a new temporary table called #MyTable that matches each column and data type from your select clause. In this case we are selecting * so it will match MyTable. This only creates the columns it doesn't copy defaults, constraints indexes or anything else.
