map not a function using react hooks - reactjs

i'm trying to populate a select bar with a name from an API call. I Have created my hook, also useEffect for its side effects, and passed the data down the return. its giving me map is not a function error. my variable is an empty array but the setter of the variable is not assigning the value to my variable. How can i clear the map not a function error ? i have attached my snippet. Thanks.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
const Sidebar = () => {
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchIngredients = async (url) => {
try {
let res = await axios.get(url);
} catch (error) {
}, []);
const displayIngredients = => {
return <option key={}>{ingredients}</option>;
return (
<div className="sidebar">
By ingredient:
export default Sidebar

First, here
change to res.ingredients (the response object doesn't have data property). Then you'll face another bug,
const displayIngredients = => {
First, is undefined, and second, it probably would be a string if it existed. Just ditch the setIngredients call here.

You are declaring displayIngredients as a variable typeof array (By directly affecting the result). You need it to be a function that return an array as follow :
const displayIngredients = () => => {
// Do not erase your previous values here
setIngredients(previousState => [...previousState,]);
// Changed it here as well, seems more logic to me
return <option key={}>{}</option>;
You should also wait for the API call to end before to display your select to prevent a blank result while your data load (If there is a lot). The easiest way to do that is returning a loader while the API call is running :
if(!ingredients.length) {
return <Loader />; // Or whatever you want
return (
<div className="sidebar">
By ingredient:


Why is my component failing to run when I call it?

I am struggling to find why my component is not responding to being called by its parent. I am trying to integrate Cloud Firestore with code that previously ran using Redux. My first goal is to populate my List with data from Firestore.
Here are my (simplified) components in question:
// List.js
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import db from "../../db";
import { onSnapshot, query, collection, orderBy } from "firebase/firestore";
import TaskItem from "./TaskItem";
const List = () => {
const [taskList, setTaskList] = useState([]); // Currently assumes DB never empty, populates on initial render
const [isInitialRender, setIsInitialRender] = useState(true);
// Firestore
const ref = collection(db, "Tasks");
const q = query(ref, orderBy("listIndex"));
useEffect(() => {
// Execute only on initial render
if (isInitialRender) {
// Populate task list
onSnapshot(q, (querySnapshot) => {
setTaskList(() =>
}, (error) => {
setIsInitialRender(() => false);
}, []);
return (
{taskList.forEach((task) => ( // console-logging `task` here will output correct data
<ul key={}>
// docRef={taskDoc}
export default List;
// TaskItem.js
import React from "react";
const TaskItem = (props) => {
console.log('This will not print')
const submitHandler = () => console.log('Submitted');
return (
<form onSubmit={submitHandler}>
export default TaskItem;
I have tried:
Populating the state with the data from each document (rather than assigning it directly), then passing the contents as props. This led to (I believe) an infinite loop, and ideally I would like to pass the actual DocumentReference to the TaskItem anyways. So this was a bust for me.
Returning [], or even (prev) => prev = [] in the state setter. No response from TaskItem().
Decomposing the taskList state into a new dummy array, and using that array to populate the props for TaskItem.
I know that the task data is being fetched successfully because I can satisfactorily log taskList's contents from the map function in List's return statement. But it seems like TaskItem() never runs.
Does anyone see my error here?
edit: sorry I assumed you were using map. I'm not sure why your forEach isn't working but map would work, from my example
edit 2: you probably are looking to use map because you want to transform every element in the array: JavaScript: Difference between .forEach() and .map()
you forgot to return something from the map, and maybe need {} instead.
{taskList.forEach((task) => {
return (
<ul key={}>
// docRef={taskDoc}

React useState overwritten even with spread

So I have a component where I have to make an API call to get some data that has IDs that I use for another async API call. My issue is I can't get the async API call to work correctly with updating the state via spread (...) so that the checks in the render can be made for displaying specific stages related to specific content.
FYI: Project is a Headless Drupal/React.
import WidgetButtonMenu from '../WidgetButtonMenu.jsx';
import { WidgetButtonType } from '../../Types/WidgetButtons.tsx';
import { getAllInitaitives, getInitiativeTaxonomyTerm } from '../../API/Initiatives.jsx';
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useState } from 'react';
import { stripHTML } from '../../Utilities/CommonCalls.jsx';
import '../../../CSS/Widgets/WidgetInitiativeOverview.css';
import iconAdd from '../../../Icons/Interaction/icon-add.svg';
function WidgetInitiativeOverview(props) {
const [initiatives, setInitiatives] = useState([]);
const [initiativesStages, setInitiativesStage] = useState([]);
// Get all initiatives and data
useEffect(() => {
const stages = [];
const asyncFn = async (initData) => {
await Promise.all(, index) => {
getInitiativeTaxonomyTerm(initiative.field_initiative_stage[0].target_id).then((data) => {
initiativeID: initiative.nid[0].value,
return stages;
// Call data
getAllInitaitives().then((data) => {
asyncFn(data).then((returnStages) => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
console.log('State of stages: ', initiativesStages);
}, [initiativesStages]);
return (
<div className='widget-initiative-overview-container'>
<WidgetButtonMenu type={ WidgetButtonType.DotsMenu } />
{, index) => {
return (
<div className='initiative-container' key={ index }>
<div className='top-bar'>
<div className='initiative-stage'>
{, stageIndex) => {
if (stage.initiativeID === initiative.nid[0].value) {
return stage.stageName;
}) }
<button className='btn-add-contributors'><img src={ iconAdd } alt='Add icon.' /></button>
<div className='initiative-title'>{ initiative.title[0].value } - NID ({ initiative.nid[0].value })</div>
<div className='initiative-description'>{ stripHTML(initiative.field_initiative_description[0].processed) }</div>
}) }
export default WidgetInitiativeOverview;
Here's a link for video visualization: In the video you can see that on page refresh, there is not data within the state but if I modify the code (like putting in a space) and saving it, data populates for half a second and updates correctly within the component.
I've tried using spread to make sure that the state isn't mutated but I'm still learning the ins and outs of React.
The initiatives state works fine but then again that's just 1 API call and then setting the data. The initiativeStages state can use X amount of API calls depending on the amount of initiatives are returned during the first API call.
I don't think the API calls are necessary for this question but I can give reference to them if needed. Again, I think it's just the issue with updating the state.
the function you pass to does not return anything, so your await Promise.all() is waiting for an array of Promise.resolve(undefined) to resolve, which happens basically instantly, certainly long before your requests have finished and you had a chance to call stages.push({ ... });
That's why you setInitiativesStage([]) an empty array.
And what you do with const stages = []; and the stages.push() inside of the .then() is an antipattern, because it produces broken code like yours.
that's how I'd write that effect:
useEffect(() => {
// makes the request for a single initiative and transforms the result.
const getInitiative = initiative => getInitiativeTaxonomyTerm(
).then(data => ({
initiativeID: initiative.nid[0].value,
// Call data
.then((initiatives) => {
}, []);
this code still has a flaw (imo.) it first updates setInitiatives, then starts to make the API calls for the initiaives themselves, before also updating setInitiativesStage. So there is a (short) period of time when these two states are out of sync. You might want to delay setInitiatives(initiatives); until the other API requests have finished.
.then(async (initiatives) => {
const initiativesStages = await Promise.all(;

In ReactJS, facing problem in rendering the data from an API due to its odd structure

This is my code:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import axios from 'axios';
function App() {
const [arrName, setName] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
.then( response => {
// console.log( )
setName( )
}, [])
const foo = () => {
// following two console statements need not to be in the code. I am putting them only to show the structure of API
Hi, I'm the component
<button onClick={foo}> console </button>
export default App;
Console response screenshot
I want to simplify the following statement. So that I can easily iterate the API and print anything from the API. However, I am printing only an id here.
Following command breaks the code
<div>[0] => <li>{item._id}</li> ) }
Kindly, Help me what changes should I make to my code.
Based on the replied comment, you would do it like so:
arrName?.data && => (
{ => (
<li> {chidlItem._id} </li>
The ? is Optional Chaining which is to check if the reference in the chain is valid, so it will skip the map function if arrName or is null/undefined
Can't you just iterate this part?[0].data
for (const d of[0].data) {
I guess the real problem is from the backend API sending the data structured as an array of objects inside another array of objects. One solution could be saving the value needed in an array that would be more accessible to you.
const [arrName, setName] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
.then( response => {
// console.log( )
setName([0].data )
}, [])
but that will only be a workaround.

input value not updating when mutating state

While creating a little project for learning purposes I have come across an issue with the updating of the input value. This is the component (I have tried to reduce it to a minimum).
function TipSelector({selections, onTipChanged}: {selections: TipSelectorItem[], onTipChanged?:(tipPercent:number)=>void}) {
const [controls, setControls] = useState<any>([]);
const [tip, setTip] = useState<string>("0");
function customTipChanged(percent: string) {
//Build controls
function buildControls()
let controlList: any[] = [];
controlList.push(<input className={styles.input} value={tip.toString()} onChange={(event)=> {customTipChanged(}}></input>);
console.log("TipSelector: useEffect");
return ()=> {
console.log("TipSelector: Render -> "+tip);
return (
<div className={styles.tipSelector}>
<span className={globalStyles.label}>Select Tip %</span>
<div className={styles.btnContainer}>
If I move the creation of the input directly into the return() statement the value is updated properly.
I'd move your inputs out of that component, and let them manage their own state out of the TipSelector.
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import CustomInput from "./Input";
function TipSelector({ selections, onTipChanged }) {
const [controls, setControls] = useState([]);
//Build controls
function buildControls() {
let controlList = [];
controlList.push(<CustomInput />);
controlList.push(<CustomInput />);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
return (
<span>Select Tip %</span>
export default TipSelector;
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
function CustomInput() {
const [tip, setTip] = useState("0");
function customTipChanged(percent) {
return (
onChange={(event) => {
export default CustomInput;
You are only calling buildControls once, where the <input ... gets its value only that single time.
Whenever React re-renders your component (because e.g. some state changes), your {controls} will tell React to render that original <input ... with the old value.
I'm not sure why you are storing your controls in a state variable? There's no need for that, and as you noticed, it complicates things a lot. You would basically require a renderControls() function too that you would replace {controls} with.

React Hook useEffect() run continuously although I pass the second params

I have problem with this code
If I pass the whole pagination object to the second parameters of useEffect() function, then fetchData() will call continuously. If I only pass pagination.current_page so It will call only one time, but when I set new pagination as you see in navigatePage() function, the useEffect() does not call to fetchData() although pagination has changed.
How to solve this. Thank you very much!
Besides I do not want the use useEffect() call when first time component mounted because the items is received from props (It is fetch by server, this is nextjs project).
import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import Filter from "../Filter/Filter";
import AdsListingItem from "../AdsListingItem/AdsListingItem";
import {Pagination} from "antd-mobile";
import styles from './AdsListing.module.css';
import axios from 'axios';
const locale = {
prevText: 'Trang trước',
nextText: 'Trang sau'
const AdsListing = ({items, meta}) => {
const [data, setData] = useState(items);
const [pagination, setPagination] = useState(meta);
const {last_page, current_page} = pagination;
const fetchData = async (params = {}) => {
axios.get('/ads', {...params})
.then(({data}) => {
.catch(error => console.log(error))
useEffect( () => {
fetchData({page: pagination.current_page});
}, [pagination.current_page]);
const navigatePage = (pager) => {
const newPagination = pagination;
newPagination.current_page = pager;
return (
<div className="row no-gutters">
<div className="col-md-8">
{ => (
<AdsListingItem key={} item={item}/>
<div className={styles.pagination__container}>
<Pagination onChange={navigatePage} total={last_page} current={current_page} locale={locale}/>
<div className="col-md-4" style={{padding: '15px'}}>
<img style={{width: '100%'}} src=""
export default AdsListing;
The issue is you aren't returning a new object reference. You save a reference to the last state object, mutate a property on it, and save it again.
const navigatePage = (pager) => {
const newPagination = pagination; // copy ref pointing to pagination
newPagination.current_page = pager; // mutate property on ref
setPagination(newPagination); // save ref still pointing to pagination
In this case the location in memory that is pagination remains static. You should instead copy all the pagination properties into a new object.
const navigatePage = (pager) => {
const newPagination = {...pagination}; // shallow copy into new object
newPagination.current_page = pager;
setPagination(newPagination); // save new object
To take it a step further you really should be doing functional updates in order to correctly queue up updates. This is in the case that setPagination is called multiple times during a single render cycle.
const navigatePage = (pager) => {
setPagination(prevPagination => {
const newPagination = {...prevPagination};
newPagination.current_page = pager;
In the case of pagination queueing updates may not be an issue (last current page set wins the next render battle), but if any state updates actually depend on a previous value then definitely use the functional update pattern,
