React functional component access state in useeffect - reactjs

I've gote some react component like below. I can use "messages" in return, but if I try to access messages inside some function, or useEffect, as in example, I always become initial value. How can I solve it in functional component? Thanks
const Messages = () => {
const { websocket } = useContext(WebsocketsContext);
let [ messages, setMessages ] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
.then(result => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
if(websocket != null){
websocket.onmessage = (msg) => {
let wsData = JSON.parse(;
if(wsData.message_type == 'Refresh'){
}, [websocket]);
export default Messages;

Looks like you have encountered a stale closure
the useEffect with [websockets] in its dependency array will only ever "update" whenever the websocket reference/value changes. Whenever it does, the function will have created a "closure" around messages at that point in time. Thus, the value of messages will stay as is within that closure. If messages updates after websocket has been created, it will never update the value of "messages" within the onmessage callback function.
To fix this, add "messages" to the dependency array. [websockets, messages]. This will ensure the useEffect callback always has the latest state of messages, and this the onmessage function will have the latest state of messages.
useEffect(() => {
if(websocket != null){
websocket.onmessage = (msg) => {
let wsData = JSON.parse(;
if(wsData.message_type == 'Refresh'){
}, [websocket, messages]);

It's because your getMessages() is an async function. The order is as follows: component mounts initially and values are initialized -> componentDidMount() is invoked meaning your getMessages() is invoked (an async function!) -> your webaocket is initialized and invokes the second useEffect, which reads the initial value of messages -> your getMessages gets its response and sets the messages accordingly.
To make it work as intended, make the second useEffect's dependency array as [websocket, messages].


My custom React hook method "useFetch" is running 8 times when called

Hope anyone is able to help me with a custom react hook.
My custom react hook "useFetch" is running 8 times when called.
Can anyone see, why it is running 8 times when the custom "useFetch" hook is called?
I am a bit new to React, but it seems like I am using useEffect method wrong. Or maybe I need to use another method.
UseFetch hook method:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
export const useFetch = function (
options = {
IsPending: true,
data = {}
) {
// load data
const [loadData, setLoadData] = useState(null);
// pending
const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(false);
// error
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
// method
const fetchData = async function () {
// try
try {
// set pending
// response
const response = await fetch(data.url, data);
// handle errors
if (response.status !== 200 && response.status !== 201) {
// throw new error with returned error messages
throw new Error(`Unable to fetch. ${response.statusText}`);
// convert to json
const json = await response.json();
// set load data
// set error
// set pending
// catch errors
} catch (err) {
// set error
setIsError(`Error fetching data: ${err.message}`);
// set pending
// invoke fetch data method
}, []);
// return
return {
export default useFetch;
Everytime you change a state in a hook, the component that has the hook in it will rerender, making it call the function again.
So let's start counting the renders/rerenders by the change of state:
Component mounted
(depending if it's successful or not you might get more state changes, and therefore rerenders, and therefore hook being called again)
So 4 is not 8, so why are you getting 8?
I presume you are using React18, and React18 on development and StrictMode will call your useEffect hooks twice on mount: React Hooks: useEffect() is called twice even if an empty array is used as an argument
What can you do to avoid this?
First of all, check on the network tab how many times you are actually fetching the data, I presume is not more than 2.
But even so you probably don't want to fetch the data 2 times, even though this behaviour won't be on production and will only be on development. For this we can use the useEffect cleanup function + a ref.
const hasDataFetched = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
// check if data has been fetched
if (!hasDataFetched.current) {
const fetchData = async function () {
// fetch data logic in here
// cleanup function
return () => {
// set has data fetched to true
hasDataFetched.current = true;
}, []);
Or as you suggested, we can also add data to the dependency array. Adding a variable to a dependency array means the useEffect will only be triggered again, when the value of the variable inside the dependency array has changed.
(Noting that data is the argument you pass to the useFetch hook and not the actual data you get from the fetch, maybe think about renaming this property to something more clear).
useEffect(() => {
// check if data has been fetched
const fetchData = async function () {
// fetch data logic in here
}, [data]);
This will make it so, that only if loadData has not been fetched, then it will fetch it. This will make it so that you only have 4 rerenders and 1 fetch.
(There is a good guide on useEffect on the React18 Docs:
Every time you change the state within the hook, the parent component that calls the hooks will re-render, which will cause the hook to run again. Now, the empty array in your useEffect dependency should be preventing the logic of the hook from getting called again, but the hook itself will run.

React componentWillUnmount hook (useEffect) with react hook (useState) array comes out empty?

Upon componentWillUnmount I want to send an array inside a useState to a postRequest function.
My useState array:
const [array, setArray] = useState([]);
My componentWillUnmount function:
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log(array); // logs "[]"
// TODO: Send to a post request to BE
}, [])
I do also have a "normal" useEffect that listens on my useState array. When I add three elements inside it, the console logs shows there are three elemetns inside it
useEffect(() => {
console.log('array: ', array); // logs "(3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]"
}, [array]);
How come the array is empty in my componentWillUnmount function?
Edit: Adding array to the dependecy of the useEffect will make the function execute every time that array is updated, which is not what is desired. The function should only execute upon unmount with the values of the array
It's because the value of the variable did not changed inside hook because it initiated on componentDidMount and did not received an update because the second parameter is empty.
Since you only want to trigger it once if the component unmounts and not every time the value changes:
you can use useRef to "preserve" the value without rerendering the component.
const ref = useRef();
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = array;
}, [array]);
useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
console.log(ref.current); // here is your array
}, []);
When passing an empty dependency array as second argument to useEffect, the code inside the useEffect callback will only be run on mount. At this moment, array is still empty.
Does it work when you also add the array to the dependency array of the first useEffect like this?
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
console.log(array); // logs "[]"
// TODO: Send to a post request to BE
}, [array])
BTW, I think you can also combine the two like this:
useEffect(() => {
console.log('array: ', array); // logs "(3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]"
return () => {
console.log(array); // logs "[]"
// TODO: Send to a post request to BE
}, [array])

Electron/React cannot access component state changes in ipcRenderer listener

I am using Electron with React and I am facing a little problem.
I am creating a functional component and in the useEffect hook I subscribe to ipcRenderer to listen for when ipcMain replies.
When ipcRenderer event triggers I am unable to access the latest state updates. All state variables values inside ipcRenderer.on function contain data when the component was initially created.
In the code below customers is an array state variable. If I console.log its value every time the ipcRenderer.on is fired it is always empty. I am absolutely sure this variable is not empty inside the component's context because it contains information that is rendered in a grid. When ipcRenderer.on is triggered my grid is reset or cleared. All I am trying to do is refresh a row in the grid when ipcRenderer.on is triggered.
useEffect(() => {
// Actions triggered in response to main process replies
ipcRenderer.on(IPCConstants.UPDATE_SALE_CUSTOMER, (event: any, arg: IUpdateResponse) => {
if(!arg.success) {
setCustomers( => {
if(cst.CUS_CustomerId === arg.customer.CUS_CustomerId){
cst.RowId = `${generateRandomValue()}`;
cst.isActive = arg.customer.isActive;
return cst;
return () => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// Actions triggered in response to main process replies
ipcRenderer.on(IPCConstants.UPDATE_SALE_CUSTOMER, (event: any, arg: IUpdateResponse) => {
if(!arg.success) {
setCustomers( => {
if(cst.CUS_CustomerId === arg.customer.CUS_CustomerId){
cst.RowId = `${generateRandomValue()}`;
cst.isActive = arg.customer.isActive;
return cst;
return () => {
}, [customers, otherState (if needed)]); // <= whichever state is not up to date
You need to include the proper dependencies.
the useEffect will keep up to date with these state values
alternatively if you don't need the functionality of useState (unlikely) you can use useRef and the useEffect will always have the up to date ref without passing it as a dependency.

does setInterval inside a useEffect can recognize an updated state?

I'm working on an app which requires a user location every X seconds. When the component is mounted, the interval starts and fetch the GPS location and compare it to the old one which is saved on the component state.
The thing is, the interval is comparing only to the default state of the variable, so if the new value is different than the old one, a setter is called to change that value.
I used useEffect on the location var so whenever it changes, to just print it and it does correctly by the new value.
but the interval keeps using the default value given in useState hook.
What is it that I'm missing here.
An example of my code is below:
const [currentLocation, setCurrentLocation] = useState(null);
let locationInterval = null;
useEffect(() => {
locationInterval = setInterval(async () => {
console.log("IN INTERVAL");
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((location, error) => {
if (location) {
location = [location.coords.latitude, location.coords.longitude];
/// currentLocation is not updating here for some reason
if (JSON.stringify(location) !== JSON.stringify(currentLocation)) {
`the new location in interval ${location} old location: ${currentLocation}`
} else {
}, 15000);
}, [map]);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
/// currentLocation is updated here from the setInterval
console.log("newlocation", currentLocation);
}, [currentLocation]);
The reason is because currentLocation value is not given as a dependency in the useEffect, therefore that useEffect callback function only has access to the original useState value.
May I ask are there any React warning on your terminal where you run your react app?
Something like
React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'currentLocation'
But on the side node, if you add currentLocation to the dependency,since because you are updating currentLocation in your useEffect and if it's updated, it will re-run the useEffect callback again.
You can not get an updated state in setInterval because callback inside useEffect hook only called when its dependency array updates([map]).
When it is called currentLocation is passed as a parameter to setInterval's callback. Which is the default value for useState at that time.
To prevent this you can do this.
const [currentLocationRef] = useRef(null);
useEffect(() => {
locationInterval = setInterval(async () => {
if (JSON.stringify(location) !== JSON.stringify(currentLocationRef.current)) {
currentLocationRef.current = location;
}, 15000);
return () => {
}, [map, currentLocationRef]);
Also, you should return clearInterval in the same useEffect Callback.
The reason behind this is currentLocationRef.current is different from currentLocation. The first one is the getter function and the second one is value. That's why the first one is still able to access updated value while the second one cannot.

useEffect hook is not waiting for an async depency

I'm using useEffect hook to implement some logic after an async function that contains an API call return an array of objects which is the the dependecy of the hook.
The problem is that the hook itself is not waiting for the array to change in order to execute the logic inside of it, it just executes even if availableSites is still []:
const [availableSites, setAvailableSites] = useState([]);
useEffect(initialize, [getAxiosInstance])
async function initialize() {
// ...
const initPage = async () => {
try {
const response = await getAxiosInstance().get(GetObjects); // Api EndPoint
if ( {
setAvailableSites(; // data for availableSites
const Secondresponse = await somePromise(); // Another API call thas lasts around 10 seconds
if (response && response.status === 200) {
// ...
} catch {
// ...
// useEffect that is failing
useEffect(() => {
// I want this to happen when availableSites has recieved the data
}, [availableSites]);
useEffect is always going to execute at least once, doesn't matter what dependencies it has. If you only want it to execute when the data is set, use something like:
useEffect(() => {
if(availableSites.length > 0) {
}, [availableSites]);
If availableSites coming from the backend could be empty, set the initial state of availableSites to null and check if it's not null in the useEffect
If we have multiple instances of useEffect in the component, all the useEffect functions will be executed in the same order as they are defined inside the component the behavior you're getting is expected. Try checking if the array length has changed since the second useEffect depends on the [availableSites] so it will run again if the values of [availableSites] change.
