Django to Wagtail: How to list my apps in the dashboard - wagtail

I just followed this guide to convert my django project to wagtail. I have some applications there already (blog, portfolio etc). Now when I accessed the wagtail admin panel I didn't see the applications. Please how is this done in wagtail?

Wagtail is not a drop-in replacement for the Django admin. The closest equivalent is the ModelAdmin module, but in general, Wagtail is intended for building new content-management features into your site as described in the tutorial, not converting your existing site functionality.


How to make a React web discoverable

I have a react web page which is structured very simply:
Welcome page
Search trails page:
Under the search trails page, there are many trails that can be found by filters, when clicking on one of the trails the view is expanded, and the URL is changed according to the chosen trail.
For example:
I tried setting all the trails inside the sitemap.txt, and also used the react-helmet but still only
https://mywebsite/search-trails is discovered.
My goal is that any trail will be discoverable by search engines such as Google.
You can connect to the Google Search Console and manage your website SEO directly in it.
Make sure the built version of react is deployed and not the development version.
Be aware that React is a SPA (Single Page Application), which is not the best technology for SEO.
Hope it helps !

ReactJs and sling CMS connectivity

I'm new to sling, so now I wanted to connect sling CMS with ReactJS Application to dynamically change the data in the front end page with out disturbing the structure of the front end application. To connect ReactJS with Sling CMS, AEM is needed? or any other ways to connect ReactJS with sling CMS
First sling is not CMS. Sling is a java based framework for building RESTful services and applications. AEM is built using JCR Jackrabbit, Apache Sling and few more other technologies.
If you are looking for adding a CMS application to your React app, there are multiple opensource headless CMS tools available like Sanity, Contentful etc.
AEM is little ahead in this game, with its SPA editor, combing its powerful CMS capabilities added on top of React/Angular based SPA applications.
But to mention, inorder to use AEM SPA editor features, you ll also need to refactor the react app.
Choice depends on business usecase, training, license etc.

Conversion from an create-react-app (CRA) to CRA + Next.Js app

I have a SPA made with create-react-app and it contains a forum where logged in users can post along with other features. The forum is simply a component within the app currently.
For SEO purposes I want to make the forum public and like Stack Overflow use dynamic routing for those posts and it should be viewable to anyone searching on Google without having to login. The user has greater abilities when logged in.
So I assume I have to implement server-side rendering on the forum using Next.js.
The problem is the rest of the code(React + Redux implementation) needs no changes and converting it to Next.js would be unnecessary. Is there a way to implement the forum within the CRA?
Yes there is! The official Next.js docs actually offers solutions on how to incrementally adopt Next.js.
There are two flavors:
Their documentation explains both in detail:

Should I use Wagtail for all models in a Django app?

I’m in the process of building a new webapp which uses Wagtail. This is an architecture question.
There will be the standard About, Terms of Service, and Blog pages. All of which fit in with the Wagtail paradigm very nicely. The rest of the site content is location-based information about specific types of businesses. Think of a FourSquare type app. The data for these pages will be very structured, be updated via user-facing webpages and a mobile app, and be JavaScript heavy.
For the regular Wagtail pages, there may be hundreds over time. For the location page types there will be (hopefully) tens of thousands of pages that will be nested to a max of four levels.
From a site-wide feature perspective, I’m looking to leverage Wagtail features like sitemaps and Elastic Search.
My question is, should I use the wagtail Page class for my location based pages?
Easy integration with Elastic Search and Wagtail sitemaps
Leverage Wagtail editor on the admin side.
Consistent model and api structure throughout.
Potentially more overhead for location pages.
Need to utilize more hooks to manipulate the view output (Lots of JS, so will be inserting non-model info into the template).
Potentially limits the use of some third-party modules.
If I went the non-wagtail route, is it possible to add non-wagtail models to the search index?
Are there other issues I should consider in this choice?
Any Django model can be indexed and searched by inherit from index.Indexed and defining search_fields onto the model.
As for using pages or not, as always it depends on many things. However, it looks like it would make sense to keep your location model as such, not make it a page and expose in in the admin (either Django Admin if you need some extensions that already exists there, or Wagtail's modeladmin otherwise). Then you would create a LocationIndexPage which implements the RoutablePageMixin to dynamically serve the LocationPages. The page won't exists in the admin tree but will be reachable anyway.

How to integrate AngularJs theme into django?

I have very basic knowledge about angularjs and django. I want to develop a web application using django, angular and Postgre SQL as a database. I have an angularjs theme and i want to integrate it with django.
Actually there's nothing special to do. If when you say theme you mean a HTML/CSS pack, you won't have problems to use it whith a django backend, just follow the Django's documentation for templates.
