Filter Implementation in Mongodb - database

I have three collections,
collection 1: subjects
_id: ObjectId(),
name: 'Subject Name',
collection 2: filters
_id: ObjectId(),
filterName: 'Filter One',
collection 3: subject_filters
_id: ObjectId(),
subjectId: {
ref: 'subjects'
filterId: {
ref: 'filters'
Now I am creating a UI where user can view subjects by filters, where they can select multiple filters, If no filters were selected then all subjects will be returned, there's also a possiblity that some subjects are not present in subject_filters but they should appear in the UI, if no filters were selected. How to achive this. I have all the ids of filters seleced by user in an array castedFilterIds (can be empty), What I have tried is
$match: {filterId: {$in: castedFilterIds}} // I managed to add this conditionally, if castedFilterIds length is > 0
$group: {
_id: '$subjectId',
doc: {$first: '$$ROOT'},
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: '$doc',
This is returning only those subjects which are associcated with filters, but I need to query on all subjects. Any help will be appriciated. Thanks in advance.


Query to aggregate a field from one collection to another in MongoDB

I have these two collections.
collectionname : req
reqId: "A123",
status: "1",
location: "hyd"
collection name : reqUser
req: "A123"
userId: "U1787"
designation: "employee"
Need an aggregate filtering the req collection based on location as hyd & aggregating the user field based on reqId.
Need Like this:
reqId: "A123",
status: "1",
userId: "U1787"
I used query on req collection with $match to filter based on location & $project to display only required fields from req collection and $lookup to match the reqId's from both collection but the issue is I am getting the whole reqUser object.
I am getting Something like this:
reqId: "A123",
status: "1",
req: "A123"
userId: "U1787"
designation: "employee"
I need only userId field. Can anyone help me with obtaining the data as per my requirement mentioned above.
I am using mongo version 3.4.
Assuming req and reqUser has one-to-one relations, you could use the following query:
"$lookup": {
"from": "reqUser",
"localField": "reqId",
"foreignField": "req",
"as": "user"
$set: {
userId: {
$arrayElemAt: [
"$project": {
user: 0
Mongo playground ref:

Exclude field from a document based on another field value mongodb mongoose

I have a users schema in which there is a companies field which I only want to select if role field value is admin else it should not be returned in find query.
user Schema:
const userInfoSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
companies: [
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: 'companyinfos',
role: {
type: String,
enum: ['user', 'admin', 'employee'],
default: 'user',
I have tried to solve this by using pre find hook but was unable to exclude the companies field.^find/, function (doc, next) {
if (doc.role !== 'admin') {
Or is there any way to conditionally set select in the companies field in the userInfoSchema based on the role value?
Please help.
use aggregate
"$project": {
companies: {
"$cond": {
"if": {
$eq: [
"then": "$companies",
"else": 0
$match: {
companies: {
$ne: 0

Mongo - add field if object in array of sub docs has value

I develop survey application with express and struggle with some getting of data.
The case:
you can get all surveys by "GET /surveys". And every survey doc has to contains hasVoted:mongoose.Bool and optionsVote:mongoose.Map if the user has voted for the survey. (SurveySchema is bellow)
you can vote for survey by "POST /surveys/vote"
you can see the results of any survey only if you vote for it
new Schema({
question: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.String,
required: true,
options: {
type: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.String,
required: true,
optionsVote: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Map,
of: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
votesCount: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
votes: {
type: [{
user: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
option: mongoose.Schema.Types.Number,
So the target of the question is how to add fields hasVoted and optionsVote if there is "Vote" sub document in votes array where ?
I believe you got the idea so if you have an idea how to change the schema to achieve the desired result I'm open!
votes:[{user:"userId1", option:0}]
votes:[{user:"userId2", option:0}]
Route handler:
Where'userId1' and then make the desired query.
The result
[{ // Voted for this survey
votes:[{user:"userId1", option:0}]
},{ // No voted for this survey
In MongoDB, you can search for sub document as follows
//Mongodb query to search for survey filled by a user
db.survey.find({ 'votes.user': myUserId })
So with this when you can get results only where user has voted, do you really need hasVoted field?
To have optionsVote field, first I would prefer schema of optionsVote as {option: "a", count:1}. You can choose any of the following approach.
A. manage to update optionsVote field at the time of update by incrementing the count of the voted option when you POST /survey/vote.
B. Another approach would be to calculate the optionsVote based on votes entries at the time of GET /survey. You can do this via aggregate
//Mongodb query to get optionsVote:{option: "a", count:1} from votes: { user:"x", option:"a"}
{ $unwind: "$votes" },
{ $group: {
"_id": { "id": "_id", "option": "$votes.option" },
optionCount: { $sum: 1 }
$group: { "_id": "$" },
optionsVote: { $push : { option: "$_id.option", count: "$optionCount" } },
votes: { $push : '$votes'}
//WARNING: I haven't tested this query, this is just to show the approach -> group based on votes.option and count all votes for that option for each document and then create optionsVote field by pushing all option with their count using $push into the field `optionsVote`
I recommend approach A because I assume POST operations would be quite less than GET operations. Also it's easier to implement. Having said that, keeping query in B handy will help you with sanity check.

MongoDB query into an array of arrays

I have the following schema into my DB:
{ name: 'AFG',
documents: [
{ name: 'doc1',
templates: [
{ name: 'templ1',
lastModified: <Date>},
I am trying to make a query to look for the template with name 'templ1'. If I find it, I have to compare the last modification date with another and update the value. If I don't find it, I have to push it into the array.
I have tried to do it with the following query:
Country.findOne({name : countrySelected, documents : {$elemMatch: {name: documentSelected}}, 'documents.templates' : {$elemMatch: {name: templateSelected}}}, function(err, templateFound){...}
But I get the following error:
MongoError: cannot use the part (documents of documents.templates) to traverse the element ({documents: [ { name: "Passport", templates: [] }, { name: "Visa", templates: [] }, { name: "Driver's Licence", templates: [] }, { name: "Id Card", templates: [] }, { name: "Other", templates: [] } ]})
Someone knows how can I do it? Thanks!!
You have to use the $in operator to search in arrays.
name : countrySelected,
documents: {
$elemMatch: {
$and: [{
name: {
$in: documentSelected //<-- must be array like ['doc1']
}, {
'': {
$in: documentSelected //<-- must be array like ['tmpl1']
}, function(err, templateFound){
//do something with err and templateFound
To update the LastModified date you need to update it in the callback function and save the document.
See this answer for nested array updates

Filtering an embedded array in MongoDB

I have a Mongodb document that contains an an array that is deeply imbedded inside the document. In one of my action, I would like to return the entire document but filter out the elements of that array that don't match that criteria.
Here is some simplified data:
id: 123 ,
vehicles : [
{name: 'Mercedes', listed: true},
{name: 'Nissan', listed: false},
So, in this example I want the entire document but I want the vehicles array to only have objects that have the listed property set to true.
Ideally, I'm looking for a solution using mongo's queries (e.g. `$unwind, $elemMatch, etc...) but I'm also using mongoose so solution that uses Mongoose is OK.
You could use aggregation framework like this:
You can use $addToSet on the group after unwinding and matching by listed equals true.
Sample shell query:
$unwind: "$vehicles"
$match: {
"vehicles.listed": {
$eq: true
$group: {
_id: "$id",
vehicles: {
"$addToSet": {
name: "$",
listed: "$vehicles.listed"
$project: {
_id: 0,
id: "$_id",
vehicles: 1
