prevent ReactJs component sent from rendering - reactjs

I use the component that receives texts typed by the client, but clients happen to type in codes (such as an iframe), and dangerouslySetInnerHTML lets it render!
I would like it to show the code on screen (and I already tried to convert it to a string etc.) but not to render it.
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: message }}></p>

If you don't want the message to be dom, then why use dangerouslySetInnerHTML in the first place?

use dompurify, useful for these scenarios, but i am not really sure how you are not able render this, posting a code snippet would help.


React don't mount component until needed but don't unmount afterwards in list of components

Say I am building an instant messaging with app with React (I'm not doing that exactly, but this is easier to explain). I have a sidebar with a list of conversations and, when you click one, it is shown on the right (similar to this). I don't want to mount each conversation component until the user clicks it, but I don't want to unmount it, just hide it, when they click on another conversation. How can I do this cleanly? There will never be more than about 30 chats for any user.
You can store the enabled conversations in an array that you use to show, and when you disable a conversation you can just add a hidden prop to it which you pass to the conversation and make it return null. This will make it not render anything but will not unmount it since you have not removed it from the array that handles the display of conversations.
example at:
This is a bit hard to answer since you haven't posted the code.
But, theoretically, the best way to approach this problem is to transfer the data from your sidebar component and load it onto the right component on a per-user basis. You don't have to mount each "conversation component".
You can do this by with the boolean hidden property in your markup. React will render as usual and simply pass it along to the html, the browser will then simply not paint it.
const HideMe = ({ isHidden }) => (
<div hidden={isHidden}>
can you see me?
I made an example for you:

Adding markup on string without dangerouslySetInnerHTML

I have a modal component that receives two strings from a home component, it's easy to take those strings and render them on one single string with the correct markup on the modal.tsx with this
return <>No markup: {firstString}, with markup: <strong>{secondString}<strong><>
But what I actually want to do is render the whole string first in the other component to keep the modal component agnostic and just render whatever string and its markup.
The problem is that on the home component if I store the string with markup on state, I then have to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML on the modal.
const message = `No markup: {firstString}, with markup: <strong>{secondString}<strong>`
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: message }}>{}</div>
Is there another way to do this, and if not is this actually dangerous?
In terms of directly inlined HTML it is a potential XSS vulnerability.
That's why React, as well as other frameworks, try to make such places explicit and conspicuous.
But in your particular case, you control "inlined HTML" by React:
const message = `No markup: {firstString}, with markup: <strong>{secondString}<strong>`
XSS vulnerability is more about user input.
You have one more option to make "inlined HTML" as safe as possible (including user input) - use Markdown for example)
Gatsby - is a good example of Markdown usage in the React world

How to pass react component into dangerouslySetInnerHtml?

Suppose I cannot change this statement in my sourcecode:
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: template }} />  
How can I replace the template for a react component? Like:
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: someReactComponent }} />  
How can in insert a reactjs component in ?
As commented by FrankerZ,
Why do you even have to do this? <div><someReactComponent /></div>. There's a reason why it uses the word "dangerously"...avoid using it if you have to.
Yes, obviously. You shouldn't be using dangerouslySetInnerHTML most of the time as far as possible.
If you are trying to render static markup, then you may use renderToStaticMarkup. The linked post has also stated that but will not work because it is being used from React instance. You need to use it from ReactDOMServer:
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
This doesn’t create extra DOM attributes that React uses internally, such as data-reactroot. This is useful if you want to use React as a simple static page generator, as stripping away the extra attributes can save some bytes.
See the docs for more information on it.

Image handling with data input in path

I have an issue with my images in react. When i let the image render like this:
import road from '../../../../assets/images/icons/road.png';
<img src={road} />
It will work but i want it to be dynamic relying on the input of data.
So i tried it this way (where icon is refering to a data set resulting in road):
import road from '../../../../assets/images/icons/road.png';
render() {
const { place, date, icon, progress } = this.props.stage;
<img src={icon} />
So my guess is that there is an issue with referencing here. From my question you can understand that i am absolutely new to react. What i also noticed is that with the method above i will get an unused var error if i dont load this image. So for example i have a couple of these icons but depending on the data in the dataset it will only render a few. Which i find kind of messy.
I hope you can steer me towards the right direction. Kinda frustrating not being able to implement an image...
With this: Load images based on dynamic path in ReactJs
posted from Subham Khatri i was able to get the answer i desired.
<img src={require(`../../../../assets/images/icons/${icon}.png)`} />
As I understand you are trying to pass the image from this.props.stage. Did you first try console.log(icon). what do you see in the console window. First we need to know whether the data is being passed from props.

Real-Time use case of this.props.children

I have read many articles to find out the real time use case of this.props.children but i didn't find the answer that i am looking for.I know that this.props.children is used to access the data b/w the opening and closing tag of a component. But my question is why can't we add a prop to the component instead of writing data b/w opening and closing tag.
for Ex:
<Example>This is data<Example> //can be accessed as this.props.children
can be written as
<Example data="This is data"/> //can be accessed as
Can somebody please explain me with a real-time example of where we can achieve a certain task by using only this.props.children?
For example if you have complicated children of a component:
<div class='title'>Title</div>
<div class='content'>Content</div>
It would be easier than if you write like:
<Card content={[<div class='title'>Title</div>, <....>]} />
Samething you can find here, for example in Drawer component of Material-UI here. Drawer is a component that slides from the left, it can contain anything, so using props.childrens.
While making an app, you want a parent component which will render anything in your component. The use cases which I can think of are:
When you want to open a different component depending upon the route change.
const App = ({ children }) => (
<div className="full-height">
When you want to have same styles throughout your app for generic elements such as body, head etc. You'll just have to apply on this component, e.g., in above example, the full-height will get applied everywhere in the app on top component. (Obviously there are other work arounds but this is always more clear)
For use cases where you want to expose your component (when component doesn't know children ahead of time) as libraries and props can vary a lot and complicates the rendering. Read this
Obviously you don't have to use it but it makes code more elegant and understandable.
