multithreading with mutexes in c and running one thread at a time - c

I have an array of 100 requests(integers). I want to create 4 threads to which i call a function(thread_function) and with this function i want every thread to take one by one the requests:
and then thread0->request4 etc up to 100) all these by using mutexes.
Here is the code i have writen so far:
threadRes = pthread_create(&(threadID[i]), NULL,thread_function, (void *)id_size);
This is inside my main and it is in a loop for 4 times.Now outside my main:
void *thread_function(void *arg){
int *val_p=(int *) arg;
for(i=0; i<200; i=i+2)
for (j= 0; j<100; j++)
if (val_p[i]==cache[j].id)
printf("The request %d has been served.\n",val_p[i]);
printf("\nCurrent request to be served:%d \n",cache[k].id);
Where: val_p is the array with the requests and cache is an array of structs to store the id(requests).
-So now i want mutexes to synchronize my threads. I considered using inside my main:
pthread_join(threadID[0], NULL);
pthread_join(threadID[1], NULL);
pthread_join(threadID[2], NULL);
pthread_join(threadID[3], NULL);
and inside the function to use:
Before i finish i would like to say that so far my programm result is that 4threads run 100 requests each(400) and what i want to achieve is that 4threads run 100 threads total.
Thanks for your time.

You need to use a loop that looks like this:
Acquire lock.
See if there's any work to be done. If not, release the lock and terminate.
Mark the work that we're going to do as not needing to be done anymore.
Release the lock.
Do the work.
(If necessary) Acquire the lock. Mark the work done and/or report results. Release the lock.
Go to step 1.
Notice how while holding the lock, the thread discovers what work it should do and then prevents any other thread from taking the same assignment before it releases the lock. Note also that the lock is not held while doing the work so that multiple threads can work concurrently.

You may want to post more of your code. How the arrays are set up, how the segment is passed to the individual threads, etc.
Note that using printf will perturb the timing of the threads. It does its own mutex for access to stdout, so it's probably better to no-op this. Or, have a set of per-thread logfiles so the printf calls don't block against one another.
Also, in your thread loop, once you set f to true, you can issue a break as there's no need to scan further.
val_p[i] is loop invariant, so we can fetch that just once at the start of the i loop.
We don't see k and cache, but you'd need to mutex wrap the code that sets these values.
But, that does not protect against races in the for loop. You'd have to wrap the fetch of cache[j].id in a mutex pair inside the loop. You might be okay without the mutex inside the loop on some arches that have good cache snooping (e.g. x86).
You might be better off using stdatomic.h primitives. Here's a version that illustrates that. It compiles but I've not tested it:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
int k;
#define true 1
#define false 0
struct cache {
int id;
struct cache cache[100];
#ifdef DEBUG
#define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
#define dbgprt(_fmt...) \
do { } while (0)
void *
thread_function(void *arg)
int *val_p = arg;
int i;
int j;
int cval;
int *cptr;
for (i = 0; i < 200; i += 2) {
int pval = val_p[i];
int f = false;
// decide if request has already been served
for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
cptr = &cache[j].id;
cval = atomic_load(cptr);
if (cval == pval) {
f = true;
if (f == true) {
dbgprt("The request %d has been served.\n",pval);
// increment the global k value [atomically]
int kold = atomic_load(&k);
int knew;
while (1) {
knew = kold + 1;
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(&k,&kold,knew))
// get current cache value
cptr = &cache[kold].id;
int oldval = atomic_load(cptr);
// mark the cache
// this should never loop because we atomically got our slot with
// the k value
while (1) {
if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(cptr,&oldval,pval))
dbgprt("\nCurrent request to be served:%d\n",pval);
return (void *) 0;


Sloppy Counter and Multiple Locks in same program

This is the code on implementation of Sloppy Counter from OSTEP that I am currently reading, and there are a few things that I don't understand
The following code is assumed to run on a 4-core CPU
typedef struct __counter_t {
int global; // global count
pthread_mutex_t glock; // global lock
int local[NUMCPUS]; // local count (per cpu)
pthread_mutex_t llock[NUMCPUS]; // ... and locks
int threshold; // update frequency
// init: record threshold, init locks, init values
// of all local counts and global count
void init(counter_t* c, int threshold) {
c->threshold = threshold;
c->global = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&c->glock, NULL);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NUMCPUS; i++) {
c->local[i] = 0;
pthread_mutex_init(&c->llock[i], NULL);
// update: usually, just grab local lock and update local amount
// once local count has risen by ‘threshold’, grab global
// lock and transfer local values to it
void update(counter_t* c, int threadID, int amt) {
c->local[threadID] += amt; // assumes amt > 0
if (c->local[threadID] >= c->threshold) { // transfer to global
c->global += c->local[threadID];
c->local[threadID] = 0;
// get: just return global amount (which may not be perfect)
int get(counter_t* c) {
int val = c->global;
return val; // only approximate!
Why must there be a lock for each local counter in __counter_t? In update() function, the id of the thread is passed in as argument, so doesn't that mean that only one thread would be able to access local[threadID]? And if context switch happens, the other thread would only access the local[threadID] that corresponds to their threadID. I don't understand why the threads must be locked before accessing their own local[NUMCPUS] since each element inside the array would not be accessed by the other threads other than their own, and no other thread would call update() with same threadID
Why must there be a lock for each local counter
To quote the book
In addition to these counters, there are also locks: one for each local counter1, and one for the global counter.
What does the 1 mean? At the end of the page:
1 We need the local locks because we assume there may be more than one thread on each core. If, instead, only one thread ran on each core, no local lock would be needed.

False sharing in multi threads

The following code runs slower as I increase the NTHREADS. Why use more threads make the program run slower? Is there any way to fix it? Someone said it is about false sharing but I do not really understand that concept.
The program basicly calculate the sum from 1 to 100000000. The idea to use multithread is to seperate the number list into several chuncks, and calculate the sum of each chunck parallelly to make the calculation faster.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define LENGTH 100000000
#define NTHREADS 2
#define NREPEATS 10
typedef struct {
size_t id;
long *array;
long result;
} worker_args;
void *worker(void *args) {
worker_args *wargs = (worker_args*) args;
const size_t start = wargs->id * CHUNCK;
const size_t end = wargs->id == NTHREADS - 1 ? LENGTH : (wargs->id+1) * CHUNCK;
for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i) {
wargs->result += wargs->array[i];
return NULL;
int main(void) {
long* numbers = malloc(sizeof(long) * LENGTH);
for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH; ++i) {
numbers[i] = i + 1;
worker_args *args = malloc(sizeof(worker_args) * NTHREADS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHREADS; ++i) {
args[i] = (worker_args) {
.id = i,
.array = numbers,
.result = 0
pthread_t thread_ids[NTHREADS];
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHREADS; ++i) {
pthread_create(thread_ids+i, NULL, worker, args+i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHREADS; ++i) {
pthread_join(thread_ids[i], NULL);
long sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < NTHREADS; ++i) {
sum += args[i].result;
printf("Run %2zu: total sum is %ld\n", n, sum);
Why use more threads make the program run slower?
There is an overhead creating and joining threads. If the threads hasn't much to do then this overhead may be more expensive than the actual work.
Your threads are only doing a simple sum which isn't that expensive. Also consider that going from e.g. 10 to 11 threads doesn't change the work load per thread a lot.
10 threads --> 10000000 sums per thread
11 threads --> 9090909 sums per thread
The overhead of creating an extra thread may exceed the "work load saved" per thread.
On my PC the program runs in less than 100 milliseconds. Multi-threading isn't worth the trouble.
You need a more processing intensive task before multi-threading is worth doing.
Also notice that it seldom make sense to create more threads than the number of cores (incl hyper thread) your computer has.
false sharing
yes, "false sharing" can impact the performance of a multi-threaded program but I doubt it's the real problem in your case.
"false sharing" is something that happens in (some) cache systems when two threads (or rather two cores) writes to two different variables that belongs to the same cache line. In such cases the two threads/cores competes to own the cache line (for writing) and consequently, they'll have to refresh the memory and the cache again and again. That's bad for performance.
As I said - I doubt that is your problem. A clever compiler will do your loop solely be using CPU registers and only write to memory at the end. You can check the disassemble of your code to see if that is the case.
You can avoid "false sharing" by increasing the sizeof of your struct so that each struct fits the size of a cache line on your system.

Allocate the resource of some threads to a global resource such that there is no concurrency(using only mutexes)

The summary of the problem is the following: Given a global resource of size N and M threads with their resource size of Xi (i=1,M) , syncronize the threads such that a thread is allocated,it does its stuff and then it is deallocated.
The main problem is that there are no resources available and the thread has to wait until there is enough memory. I have tried to "block" it with a while statement, but I realized that two threads can pass the while loop and the first to be allocated can change the global resource such that the second thread does not have enough space, but it has already passed the conditional section.
//piece of pseudocode
int MAXRES = 100;
// in thread function
while (thread_res > MAXRES);
allocate_res(); // MAXRES-=thread_res;
// do own stuff
deallocate(); // MAXRES +=thread_res;
To make a robust solution you need something more. As you noted, you need a way to wait until the condition ' there are enough resources available for me ', and a proper mutex has no such mechanism. At any rate, you likely want to bury that in the allocator, so your mainline thread code looks like:
n = Allocate()
do stuff
and deal with the contention:
int navail = N;
int Acquire(int n) {
while (n < navail) {
navail -= n;
return n;
void Release(int n) {
navail += n;
But such a spin waiting system may fail because of priorities -- if the highest priority thread is spinning, a thread trying to Release may not be able to run. Spinning isn't very elegant, and wastes energy. You could put a short nap in the spin, but if you make the nap too short it wastes energy, too long and it increases latency.
You really want a signalling primitive like semaphores or condvars rather than a locking primitive. With a semaphore, it could look impressively like:
Semaphore *sem;
int Acquire(int n) {
senter(sem, n);
return n;
int Release(int n) {
sleave(sem, n);
return n;
void init(int N) {
sem = screate(N);
Update: Revised to use System V semaphores, which provides the ability to specify arbitrary 'checkout' and 'checkin' to the semaphore value. Overall logic the same.
Disclaimer: I did not use System V for few years, test before using, in case I missed some details.
int semid ;
// Call from main
do_init() {
shmkey = ftok(...) ;
semid = shmget(shmkey, 1, ...) ;
// Setup 100 as max resources.
struct sembuf so ;
so.sem_num = 0 ;
so.sem_op = 100 ;
so.sem_flg = 0 ;
semop(semid, &so, 1) ;
// Thread work
do_thread_work() {
int N = <number of resources>
struct sembuf so ;
so.sem_num = 0;
so.sem_op = -N ;
so.sem_flg = 0 ;
semop(semid, &so, 1) ;
... Do thread work
// Return resources
so.sem_op = +N ;
semop(semid, &so, 1) ;
As per:, this will result in atomic checkout of multiple items.
Note: the ... as sections related to IPC_NOWAIT and SEM_UNDO, not relevant to this case.
If sem_op is a negative integer and the calling process has alter permission, one of the following shall occur:
If semval(see ) is greater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op, the absolute value of sem_op is subtracted from semval. ...
If semval is less than the absolute value of sem_op ..., semop() shall increment the semncnt associated with the specified semaphore and suspend execution of the calling thread until one of the following conditions occurs:
The value of semval becomes greater than or equal to the absolute value of sem_op. When this occurs, the value of semncnt associated with the specified semaphore shall be decremented, the absolute value of sem_op shall be subtracted from semval and, ... .

How to pass a sequential counter by reference to pthread start routine?

Below is my C code to print an increasing global counter, one increment per thread.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
static pthread_mutex_t pt_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int count = 0;
int *printnum(int *num) {
printf("thread:%d ", *num);
return NULL;
int main() {
int i, *ret;
pthread_t pta[10];
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pthread_create(&pta[i], NULL, (void *(*)(void *))printnum, &count);
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pthread_join(pta[i], (void **)&ret);
I want each thread to print one increment of the global counter but they miss increments and sometimes access same values of global counter from two threads. How can I make threads access the global counter sequentially?
Sample Output:
Blue Moon's answer solves this question. Alternative approach is available in MartinJames'es comment.
A simple-but-useless approach is to ensure thread1 prints 1, thread2 prints 2 and so on is to put join the thread immmediately:
pthread_create(&pta[i], NULL, printnum, &count);
pthread_join(pta[i], (void **)&ret);
But this totally defeats the purpose of multi-threading because only one can make any progress at a time.
Note that I removed the superfluous casts and also the thread function takes a void * argument.
A saner approach would be to pass the loop counter i by value so that each thread would print different value and you would see threading in action i.e. the numbers 1-10 could be printed in any order and also each thread would print a unique value.

Bakery Lock when used inside a struct doesn't work

I'm new at multi-threaded programming and I tried to code the Bakery Lock Algorithm in C.
Here is the code:
int number[N]; // N is the number of threads
int choosing[N];
void lock(int id) {
choosing[id] = 1;
number[id] = max(number, N) + 1;
choosing[id] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
if (j == id)
while (1)
if (choosing[j] == 0)
while (1)
if (number[j] == 0)
if (number[j] > number[id]
|| (number[j] == number[id] && j > id))
void unlock(int id) {
number[id] = 0;
Then I run the following example. I run 100 threads and each thread runs the following code:
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
After all threads have been executed, the result of the shared counter is 10 * 100 = 1000 which is the expected value. I executed my program multiple times and the result was always 1000. So it seems that the implementation of the lock is correct. That seemed weird based on a previous question I had because I didn't use any memory barriers/fences. Was I just lucky?
Then I wanted to create a multi-threaded program that will use many different locks. So I created this (full code can be found here):
typedef struct {
int number[N];
int choosing[N];
and the code changes to:
void lock(LOCK l, int id)
l.choosing[id] = 1;
l.number[id] = max(l.number, N) + 1;
l.choosing[id] = 0;
Now when executing my program, sometimes I get 997, sometimes 998, sometimes 1000. So the lock algorithm isn't correct.
What am I doing wrong? What can I do in order to fix it?
Is it perhaps a problem now that I'm reading arrays number and choosing from a struct
and that's not atomic or something?
Should I use memory fences and if so at which points (I tried using asm("mfence") in various points of my code, but it didn't help)?
With pthreads, the standard states that accessing a varable in one thread while another thread is, or might be, modifying it is undefined behavior. Your code does this all over the place. For example:
while (1)
if (choosing[j] == 0)
This code accesses choosing[j] over and over while waiting for another thread to modify it. The compiler is entirely free to modify this code as follows:
int cj=choosing[j];
if(cj == 0)
Why? Because the standard is clear that another thread may not modify the variable while this thread may be accessing it, so the value can be assumed to stay the same. But clearly, that won't work.
It can also do this:
int cj=choosing[j];
if(cj==0) break;
Same logic. It is perfectly legal for the compiler to write back a variable whether it has been modified or not, so long as it does so at a time when the code could be accessing the variable. (Because, at that time, it's not legal for another thread to modify it, so the value must be the same and the write is harmless. In some cases, the write really is an optimization and real-world code has been broken by such writebacks.)
If you want to write your own synchronization functions, you have to build them with primitive functions that have the appropriate atomicity and memory visibility semantics. You must follow the rules or your code will fail, and fail horribly and unpredictably.
