Complete novice question: I want to delete a table via command prompt (postgis) - postgis

I am a regular FME user and I know how to create a postgis database to be used in FME (using PGadmin). I now want to use FME to backup and then delete a generated table. I use the 'systemcaller' transformer for this, the systemcaller basically opens command prompt.
I was able to make a backup file using cd C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\118\bin\ && set PGPASSWORD=password&& pg_dump.exe -U postgres -p 5433 -d bag -t tablename -F c -f C:/Users/username/Downloads/tablename.backup", but I am having a hard time getting the table to be deleted.
I tried the 'drop table' command, but this is not recognized. It will recognize drobdb, but I obviously do not want to drop the whole database.
What commandline should I use to drop te table 'testtable' in the database 'testdatabase'?


Backup MSSQL DB Schema

I'm trying to back up my production database to my local dev machine with the following constraints:
It will be a regular backup, so using the UI should (ideally?) be avoided.
Some tables are marked to be deleted, so these should not be included in the backup.
I would like to be able to pass the solution (file/package/etc) to other members of the team and they should only have to change a couple of variables in one file and then they can execute and get their own backup.
The DB is over 100GB and contains data that I won't need. I have identified the top largest tables and would only like to take say 5k rows from each - this should provide me with enough data for my purposes and limit space used on my local drives.
I have tried beginning with backing up the schema only using the following methods:
Using the UI to backup Schema only (Tasks -> Generate Scripts)
Get the following error:
Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.FailedOperationException: Discover dependencies failed. ---> System.ArgumentException: Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: 'Server[#Name='PRODSQL']/Database[#Name='Database1']/UnresolvedEntity[#Name='SomeObjectName' and #Schema='Some.Schema.SomeObjectName']' Key being added: 'Server[#Name='PRODSQL']/Database[#Name='Database1']/UnresolvedEntity[#Name='SomeObjectName' and #Schema='Some.Schema.SomeObjectName']' at System.Collections.SortedList.Add(Object key, Object value) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DependencyTree..ctor(Urn[] urns, DependencyChainCollection dependencies, Boolean fParents, Server server) at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.DependencyWalker.DiscoverDependencies(Urn[] urns, Boolean parents) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlScriptPublish.GeneratePublishPage.worker_DoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(DoWorkEventArgs e) at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThreadStart(Object argument)
So I moved on.
Tasks -> Copy Database
I get a message saying there is not enough space on disk
Extract Data-tier Application
Get same error as in 1. above.
Powershell script, and a batch file calling sqlcmd on the generated .sql files after the PS script was run.
I was sure this method would work and it took me 2 days to get this far, but still working through multiple errors.
Basically I am doing the following:
Create db objects from the source DB (Schemas, SPs, Tables, Views, UDFs, Triggers, Indexes) and output them to .sql files - Roughly followed with some more work added.
If the database already exists on my server, kill, drop, then recreate it (DropCreate.sql):
IF(db_id(#DatabaseName) IS NOT NULL)
SELECT #SQL = COALESCE(#SQL,'') + 'Kill ' + Convert(VARCHAR, SPId) + ';'
FROM MASTER..SysProcesses
WHERE DBId = DB_ID(#DatabaseName) AND SPId <> ##SPId
The .bat file is essentially doing this
sqlcmd -S %Server% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\DropCreateDB.sql
#loop through and execute multiple .sql files in the directory
for /f %f in (`dir /b C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\StoredProcedures\`) do sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i %f
#Just one sql file in this directory, execute it
sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\Schemas\AllSchemas.sql
sqlcmd -S %Server% -d %Database% -U %UserName% -P %Password% -i C:\Database\DatabaseScripts\TestDatabase\2018-04-18-15-13-13\Tables\AllTables.sql
The latest error I'm experiencing is:
Changed database context to 'master'.
Msg 6107, Level 14, State 1, Server MYSERVER, Line 1
Only user processes can be killed.
do was unexpected at this time.
Everywhere I turn I am experiencing new errors and have spent over 2 days on it, and I haven't even got to getting the data yet..
TLDR: Is there any easier way backup MSSQL Db schema and top n rows of data from certain tables?

How to change my T-SQL query to overwrite a csv file rather than append data to it?

I have the following T-SQL codes configured to run on a daily basis using SQL Server Agent job. My database is running on SQL Server 2012.
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Text;Database=C:\;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited','SELECT * FROM [myfile.csv]')
SELECT ReservationStayID,NameTitle,FirstName,LastName,ArrivalDate,DepartureDate FROM [GuestNameInfo]
My issue is that the output of this query is being appended to the existing records in the csv file. I want the output to overwrite the existing content each time the SQL Server Agent job is run.
How do I modify my query to acheive this?
I would recommend first renaming your existing myfile.csv to something else (like myfile_[DateOfLastRun].csv). Then start fresh with a new myfile.csv. That way if something goes wrong outside this process and you need whatever was in myfile.csv the day/week/month before, you have it.
You could use BCP for this in a BAT file:
set vardate=%DATE:~4,10%
set varDateWithoutSlashes=%vardate:/=-%
bcp "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile_%varDateWithoutSlashes%.csv -t, -c -T
The example above creates your CSV with the date already in the name. You could also rename the existing file, then create your new myfile.csv without the date:
set vardate=%DATE:~4,10%
set varDateWithoutSlashes=%vardate:/=-%
ren myFile.csv myFile_%varDateWithoutSlashes%.csv
bcp "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile.csv -t, -c -T
Be sure to build in cleanup of old files somewhere - that can even be done in the same batch process as this one.
You can add DB name and server name to the bcp line - by default it connects to the local server and the user's default DB (See the BCP documentation link for even more options)
bcp databaseName "SELECT someColumns FROM aTable" queryout myFile.csv -t, -c -T -S serverName

SQL - Automatic results to CSV or Text File

I was wondering if anyone can help.
I have a number of queries in SQL (all in separate *.sql files). I wanted to know if there is a way to run these queries automatically or mass run them to be saved to either a csv or txt file?
Also, I have come variables within these queries which will need to be amended on a weekly bases before the queries are run.
Could you please provide some additional help in relation to the variables? Previously I would declare and set variables as:
SET #TW_FROM = '2015-11-16 00:00:00';
SET #TW_TO = '2015-11-22 23:00:00';
How do I do this using sqlcmd?
Yes, you can use sqlcmd to do this.
First of all - variables. You can refer to your variables in the .sql files using $(variablename) wherever you want to substitue the variable. For example,
use $(dbname);
select $(columnname) from table1 where column= '$(var1)'
You then call sqlcmd with the following command (note the argument -v variables)
sqlcmd -S servername -d database -i "yoursqlfile.sql" -v dbname="database" columnname="column" var1="Fred"
In order to output this to a file, you tag > filename.txt on the end
sqlcmd -S servername -d database -i "yoursqlfile.sql" -v dbname="database" columnname="column" var1="Fred" > filename.txt
If you want to output to a csv, you can also specify the delimiter using the argument -s (note the idfference with the capital S for server). So now we have
sqlcmd -S servername -d database -s "," -i "yoursqlfile.sql" -v dbname="database" columnname="column" var1="Fred" > filename.csv
If you want to output several commands to the same csv or txt file, use >> instead of > as it add to teh bottom of the file, rather than replacing it.
sqlcmd -S servername -d database -s "," -i "yoursqlfile.sql" -v dbname="database" columnname="column" var1="Fred" >> filename.csv
To run this for several scripts, you can put the statements in a batch file, and then change the variables every week.
You could write a batch file that uses sqlcmd:
MSDN sqlcmd
That will allow you to call script files in a loop and output the results to a file.
Convert your current scrips to a Stored Procedure.
You can then pass your variables to that and run the query.
If you have SQL Server agent available (SQL standard or better) you can use this to automate the running of the stored procedures.
Otherwise the same can be achieved with Task Scheduler in windows.
As for exporting to CSV this will be useful.
It depends on where your SQL Server is acutally running. It might be quite tricky to write anything to the location you want.
You could read about BCP.
My suggestion is:
Create an UDF (best is inline-UDF!) from all of your queries within your database. Than call them from EXCEL or any other fitting product. You might want to set up an Excel where all your queries are filled one on each Sheet automatically

Dump specific records from a table using SSMS

I need to select & dump specific records from my database table using SSMS.
I have tried googling but cant find solution for this scenario.
According to julio-césar
In SQL Server Management Studio right-click your database and select
Tasks / Generate Scripts. Follow the wizard and you'll get a script
that recreates the data structure in the correct order according to
foreign keys. On the wizard step titled "Set Scripting Options" choose
"Advanced" and modify the "Types of data to script" option to "Schema
and data"
TIP: In the final step select "Script to a New Query Window", it'll
work much faster that way.
enter link description here
Using command line, you can execute sqlcmd.exe and use -o parameter to put results to a file.
sqlcmd.exe -E -d db1 -Q"select * from dbo.t1 where col1 = 'foo'" -o results.txt
Or pass in a sql script
sqlcmd.exe -E -d db1 -i file1.sql -o results.txt
You can also use bcp.exe, using queryout parameter.

Setting up a database, schemas, tables and stored procedures all in one click

I have all the scripts to do:
Set up a database.
Create schema/s.
Create tables.
Create stored procedures.
I would like to write a batch file that will have SQL Server run those scripts and consequently my database will be created easier and quicker. For the sake of this example, lets assume that I have a folder with the address C:\folder and inside this folder I have files SetDatabase.sql, SetSchema.sql, SetTable.sql, and SetSP.sql. How would I set all that up on localhost\TSQL2012?
You can do this in powershell using sqlcmd
sqlcmd -S serverName\instanceName -i scripts.sql
The above statement will execute a script.
You can use the :r command in another file (scripts.sql) to store all your scripts.
:r C:\..\script1.sql
:r C:\..\script2.sql
set _connectionCredentialsMaster=-S MyServer\MyInstance -d Master -U sa -P mypassword
set _connectionCredentialsMyDatabase=-S MyServer\MyInstance -d MyDatabase -U sa -P mypassword
set _sqlcmd="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE"
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFileCreateDatabase001.sql -b -o MyFileCreateDatabase001.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMaster%
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFile001.sql -b -o MyFile001.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMyDatabase%
%_sqlcmd% -i MyFile002.sql -b -o MyFile002.Sql.log %_connectionCredentialsMyDatabase%
set _connectionCredentialsMaster=
set _connectionCredentialsMyDatabase=
set _sqlcmd=
Just remember, when you run the 'Create Database' statement, you are actually USING the "Master" database. Then, after MyDatabase is created, you can use it. Thus why the first line in the example above...connects to Master.
The above will let you set the credentials "at the top" "one time"....and keep your lines in the file for each file.
Use SQL data tools to implement your needs. You should study about that before you do.
