I have a Neo4j relationship with a set of properties: ['PROPERTY1', 'PROPERTY2', PROPERTY3', ...]. I use the method below to cast a string to int.
I should cast all properties into the list from string to int. What is an efficient way to cast massive properties?
CALL apoc.periodic.commit(
"MATCH ()-[r:RELATED_TO]->()
WITH r LIMIT $limit
set r.PROPERTY1 = toInteger(r.PROPERTY1)
RETURN count(*)",
{limit : 5000})
You could pass the list of properties as a parameter and iterate over it with FOREACH. Properties can be accessed dynamically (dynamic property).
FOREACH (prop IN $propList |
SET r[prop] = toInteger(r[prop])
I have an array of objects called modelArray these objects have a property which is called timestamp which is of type FIRTimestamp.
Knowing that we have another timestamp which we are gonna call comparingTimestamp
I'm trying to figure out how I can find the first index in the array where the property timestamp is > of the comparingTimestamp.
If you are not practical with firebase, the object Timestamp has a numerical property called seconds which we can use for making the comparison.
Until now I tried using the function where but without any good result.
You can use collection's firstIndex(where:) method:
struct Item {
let timestamp: FIRTimestamp
let modelArray = [item1, item2, item3, item4]
let firstIndex = modelArray.firstIndex { item in
item.timestamp.seconds > comparingTimestamp.seconds
I have two arrays, both filled with objects that have numerous attributes. Both arrays are holding the same object types. I want to find where objects match based on their attribute id
Object example:
#<Link:0x00007fac5eb6afc8 #id = 2002001, #length=40, #area='mars' ...>
Example arrays filled with objects:
array_links = [<Link:0x00007fac5eb6afc8>, <Link:0x00007fdf5eb7afc2>, <Link:0x000081dag6zb7agg8>... ]
selected_links = [<Link:0x00007fad8ob6gbh5>, <Link:0x00007fdg7hh4tif4>, <Link:0x000081dag7ij5bhh9>... ]
If these were strings of the object IDs and there was a match, I could use:
intersection = array_links & selected_links
However I want to do this based on their attribute and return a matching object itself.
Something like:
intersection = array_links.select(&:id) & selected_links.select(&:id)
But of course, not that, as that doesn't work, any ideas? :)
you can:
1 :
override the eql?(other) method then the array intersection will work
class Link < ApplicationRecord
def eql?(other)
self.class == other.class && self.id == other&.id # classes comparing class is a guard here
# you should always update the hash if you are overriding the eql?() https://stackoverflow.com/a/54961965/5872935
def hash
use array.select:
array_links.flat_map {|i| selected_links.select {|k| k.user_id == i.user_id }}
If they are the same object in memory, ie array_links = [<Link:0x123] and selected_links = [<Link:0x123>], then your solution of:
intersection = array_links & selected_links
Should work.
If they are not, you could loop over you array_links and select those which are in selected_links:
intersection = array_links.select do |link|
link.id.in? selected_links.map(&:id)
The result will be the same if you loop over selected_links and select those in array_links.
Depending on your resources and the size of these arrays, you could memoize selected_links.map(&:id) to prevent this from being re-built on each iteration.
Executing below code returns the result that contains the element of type hashmap instead of type T (the basicDBList coming from mongoDB does not have "_class" attribute:
com.mongodb.BasicDBList basicDBList = // output of mongoDB query;
List<T> result = mongoOperations.getConverter().read(List.class, basicDbList);
Is there any way to provide type information of List to the read method ?
Not exactly clear what you're trying to achieve, but if you acquired your BasicDBList by calling the getRawResults().get("result") of an AggregationResults instance, you can instead call getMappedResults:
Aggregation aggregation = Aggregation.newAggregation(...);
AggregationResults<Foo> r = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregation, "foos", Foo.class);
List<Foo> foos = r.getMappedResults();
I have a dictionary containing UIColor objects hashed by an enum value, ColorScheme:
var colorsForColorScheme: [ColorScheme : UIColor] = ...
I would like to be able to extract an array of all the colors (the values) contained by this dictionary. I thought I could use the values property, as is used when iterating over dictionary values (for value in dictionary.values {...}), but this returns an error:
let colors: [UIColor] = colorsForColorSchemes.values
'LazyBidrectionalCollection<MapCollectionView<Dictionary<ColorScheme, UIColor>, UIColor>>' is not convertible to 'UIColor'
It seems that rather than returning an Array of values, the values method returns a more abstract collection type. Is there a way to get an Array containing the dictionary's values without extracting them in a for-in loop?
As of Swift 2.0, Dictionary’s values property now returns a LazyMapCollection instead of a LazyBidirectionalCollection. The Array type knows how to initialise itself using this abstract collection type:
let colors = Array(colorsForColorSchemes.values)
Swift's type inference already knows that these values are UIColor objects, so no type casting is required, which is nice!
You can map dictionary to an array of values:
let colors = colorsForColorScheme.map { $0.1 }
Closure takes a key-value tuple from dictionary and returns just a value. So, map function produces an array of values.
More readable version of the same code:
let colors = colorsForColorScheme.map { (scheme, color) in
return color
From Xcode 9.0, dictionary values can be accessed using values property, which conforms to Collection protocol:
let colors = colorsForColorScheme.values
Typically you just want it as an array:
let colors = Array(dict.values)
and that's it.
Use colorsForColorScheme.map({$0.value})
you can create an extension on LazyMapCollection
public extension LazyMapCollection {
func toArray() -> [Element]{
return Array(self)
colorsForColorSchemes.values.toArray() or colorsForColorSchemes.keys.toArray()
Firstly, from the following statement, it seems that your variable(dictionary) name is colorsForColorScheme
var colorsForColorScheme: [ColorScheme : UIColor] = ...
while you are trying to get the values from colorsForColorSchemes dictionary when you did-
let colors: [UIColor] = colorsForColorSchemes.values
which should give you a compile time error. Anyways I am assuming that you had a typo, and you dictionary's name is colorsForColorSchemes. So, here is the solution-
As mentioned earlier, because of the type inference property in swift, your code can infer that the returned type from the .values function is returning an array of UIColor. However, Swift wants to be type-safe, so when you store the values in the colors array, you need to explicitly define that. For swift 5 and above, now you could just do following-
let colors = [UIColor](colorsForColorSchemes.values)
You can also use flatMap:
let colors = colorsForColorScheme.values.flatMap { $0 }
I've found this to be the most useful in Swift 5:
See docs - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsdictionary/1408915-allvalues
According to the Dapper documentation, you can get a dynamic list back from dapper using below code :
var rows = connection.Query("select 1 A, 2 B union all select 3, 4");
What is however the use of dynamic if you have to know the field names and datatypes of the fields.
If I have :
var result = Db.Query("Select * from Data.Tables");
I want to be able to do the following :
Get a list of the field names and data types returned.
Iterate over it using the field names and get back data in the following ways :
["Id", "Description"]
[1, "This is the description"]
This would allow me to get
which will give results 1 and be of type e.g. Int 32
result[0].["Id"].Type --- what datattype is the value returned
which will give results "This is the description" and will be of type string.
I see there is a results[0].table which has a dapperrow object with an array of the fieldnames and there is also a result.values which is an object[2] with the values in it, but it can not be accessed. If I add a watch to the drilled down column name, I can get the id. The automatically created watch is :
(new System.Collections.Generic.Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView<Dapper.SqlMapper.DapperRow>(result as System.Collections.Generic.List<Dapper.SqlMapper.DapperRow>)).Items[0].table.FieldNames[0] "Id" string
So I should be able to get result[0].Items[0].table.FieldNames[0] and get "Id" back.
You can cast each row to an IDictionary<string, object>, which should provide access to the names and the values. We don't explicitly track the types currently - we simply don't have a need to. If that isn't enough, consider using the dapper method that returns an IDataReader - this will provide access to the raw data, while still allowing convenient call / parameterization syntax.
For example:
var rows = ...
foreach(IDictionary<string, object> row in rows) {
foreach(var pair in row) {
Console.WriteLine(" {0} = {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);