How to put a logo in React Material UI Toolbar - reactjs

I want to put a logo on the left side of the Toolbar in React (Material-UI Apppbar), but I don't get why it doesn't work. The logo is not showing at all.
import logo from '../../assets/companylogo.png';
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
logo: {
width: '10%',
<AppBar position='sticky'>
<Toolbar className={classes.toolbar} variant='dense'>
<img scr={logo} className={classes.logo}/>
<div className={}>
<div className={classes.grow} />
<div className={classes.sectionDesktop}>
<div className={classes.sectionMobile}>
When <img/> is included I can see the width changes on the left depending on what the width of the logo is set to.
Here it is without the <img/>
I tried different images both .png and other formats, but id doesn't solve anything. I made sure the path to images is correct and also tried to wrap the <img/> with <div></div>, but nothing solved it. I thought it might be a z-index issue and the image is simply hiding behind the Toolbar, but that doesn't make sense to me and after playing a bit with zIndex value for image it didn't solve it either. I'm out of ideas here.
Any idea what am I doing wrong here?


How to add full page background image in NextJS

I'm trying to add a background image to an entire welcome page in NextJS and it's just not working. Before, I was having trouble with the fact that NextJS seems to render every component inside a master component that becomes an html div with a class of "__next". Therefore, every time I try and add a background image that takes the full page, it is only as big as the "__next" div and is cut off. I tried using NextJS' image component, but now it doesn't even load the image and just displays the alt text. Can anyone tell me how to fix the following code?
import React from "react";
import styles from "/styles/WelcomePage.module.css";
import Card from "/Components/Card";
import Link from "next/link";
import Image from "next/image";
function WelcomePage() {
return (
<h1 className={styles.title}>Welcome to Class Chooser</h1>
<button type="button">
<Link href="/ClassSearch"> Class Search </Link>
alt="Cartoon graduates jump with happiness"
export default WelcomePage;
To add a background image simply do it via CSS:
.card {
background-image: url("/images/graduates.jpg");
make your parent component (Card) position relative and add below properties to next-image.
position relative should be there for which you need to apply image as a background.
When you add layout="fill" to Image you need to wraper Image component in parent element and assing postion property to parent (relative, absolute, ...).
Wrap your Image inside a parent div, and make your parent position fixed
<div className="bg-image-wrapper">
alt="Cartoon graduates jump with happiness"
In css
.bg-image-wrapper {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;

React non-modal "modal"?

(Forewarning: I'm new to React, so I'm not sure all the vocab I'm using is correct)
I want something that's like a modal in that it pops up over the background, but I don't want it to lock the background/make it greyed out/make the background non-interactable (i.e., I want to be able to have the "modal" open but then click on the background/copy and paste something from that background into the "modal"). I've looked over some pre-built React components, but not seeing anything that fits the bill. Looking for any advice/pointers on this front. TIA!
This is more of a css question really. Using react you will want a div of height h and width w then you can position it in the center of the screen with a position: fixed you can then use a z-index to make sure it is over all the content is the screen and leave the rest of the page interactive.
function App(){
const [isOpen, setIsOpen] = useState(false);
return (
<h1>Some content</h1>
<button onClick={()=>setIsOpen(true)}>Open Modal</button>
<div className="willFloat" style={{display: isOpen?'block':'none', height: '110px', width: '150px', position: 'fixed', zIndex: 1, top: '50%', left: '50%'}}>
<p>This will float in the center</p>
<button onClick={()=>setIsOpen(false)}>Close Modal</button>
This is of course just an example and uses quite a bit of inline styling and onClick function handling which you will want to separate out for any real projects.
With some additional styling you can get this div to do whatever you want. Learn some more html/css and it will make your life easier as well.Best

AirBnb two column sticky Mapbox with results scroll - React, Mapbox, Tailwind

I'd like to create the desired results as seen here.
Please view in Desktop widescreen. AirBnb results.
As you can see with the AirBnb results, the Map on the Righthand side sticks perfectly into place while allowing the user to scroll down to view the results on the Lefthand side.
I've been trying to figure out how they have achieved this but am reaching some road blocks. I found some luck with implementing this bit of code but there is still a slight amount of vertical scrolling before the bottom of the map snaps into place. I believe it has to do with the h-screen class making the map height: 100vh
<main className="flex">
{/* Results & Filters section - Left side */}
<section className='flex-grow'>
<div className='lg:inline-flex mt-5 mb-5 space-x-3 text-gray-800 whitespace-no-wrap'>
<p className='custom-button'>Cancellation Flexibility</p>
<p className='custom-button'>Type of Place</p>
<p className='custom-button'>Price</p>
<p className='custom-button'>Rooms and Beds</p>
<p className='custom-button'>More Filters</p>
<div className="flex flex-col">
{/* Search results */}
({ img, location, title, description, star, price, total }) => (
{/* Map section - Right side */}
<aside className="hidden h-screen w-[50%] sticky xl:inline-flex l:min-w-[600px] top-0">
<Map searchResults={searchResults} />
Some help would be greatly appreciated. I've started a codesandbox to make it easier to see what I'm experiencing. Please view in Desktop widescreen
[Edit] : I just noticed the left side is hidden by the map now since the map is out of the flex flow. I'll keep the answer as an idea. If you can manipulate the architecture of the page, it's easy to fix.
Looks like applying :
position: fixed;
right: 0;
justify-content: end;
to the aside tag that contains the map and removing its top-0 class fix your problem. I see that you are using an external library to display the map so I don't know if there is a way to apply css to it since I can't edit the codesandbox sorry. You could just wrap it in a span with a class and target it with .my-class > aside in your css. But first check the documentation, they are probably exposing some classes for you to apply styles.
So I seemed to have solved this. Took a bit of work but I achieved the result I was looking for.
I added some root css here in globals.css file
:root {
--navigation-bar-offset: 90px;
--gp-placement-max-height: calc(100vh - var(--navigation-bar-offset, 80px));
I utilized these root class names to be used in index.js on the component parent div
<div className="w-full
<MapBox searchResults={searchResults} />
I also found, that Mapbox was overriding my height from it's setViewport callback in Map.js. So I overrode Mapbox by adding this code in Map.js in the onViewportChange.
onViewportChange={nextViewport => setViewPort({ ...nextViewport, width: "100%", height: "100%" })}
I updated the Codesandbox to reflect these changes.
Also, if you resize the browser, it maintains height and width.

I am trying to make my button size smaller in JSX but I do not know how to

I want to make my button and status symbol smaller they are way too big for the screen chat.
Here is my JSX file
import React from 'react';
import closeIcon from '../../icons/closeIcon.png';
import onlineIcon from '../../icons/onlineIcon.png';
import './InfoBar.css';
const InfoBar = ({room}) => (
<div className="infoBar">
<div className="leftInnerContainer">
<img className= "onlineIcon" src={onlineIcon} alt="open 6342 56837 Image" />
<div className="rightInnerContainer">
<img src={closeIcon} alt="close 6342 56837 Image"/>
export default InfoBar;
Thank you so much
In the attached image you have defined an inline style like this
<div className="leftInnerContainer" style={{"width:60px"},{"height:30px"}}
You have the right idea, but the syntax for the style prop is wrong - hence the compilation error.
It needs to be a plain Javascript object, for which the correct syntax is this
{ width: "60px", height: "30px" }
And in the style prop in JSX, looks like this
<div className="leftInnerContainer" style={{ width: "60px", height: "30px" }}
You should give the css you are importing too given it can be solved through that.
That aside, just pass with either the css or the style prop a max height and/or width and it should work.
Note: if you set a max width or height you don't need to specify the other, just set it to auto and it will retain the proportion.
If you attach the css i can give you additional help.
You can also pass inline styles
<img className= "onlineIcon" src={onlineIcon} style={{height:"20px",width:"20px"}}alt="open 6342 56837 Image" />

Set Card content visible only on hover with Gatsby + Bootstrap React + scss module

First, the stack I'm using:
- React: Gatsby
- Typescript
- Scss (using module for each component)
- React Bootstrap
I'm trying to show the content of a React Bootstrap Card only when the mouse hovers over it. The problem is that I am using Gatsby modules for scss, and I cannot find the way to directly access the .card-img-overlay class to change its hover properties, since a module would add its name to the class.
My solution was to wrap a div around it. However it doesn't work. The content is hidden but nothing happens when the mouse hovers it. Here is the code:
import React from 'react'
import { Card } from 'react-bootstrap'
import styles from './projectCard.module.scss'
interface ProjectInfo {
title: string
description: string
imageSrc: any
const ProjectCard = (project: ProjectInfo) => (
<Card className="bg-dark text-white">
<Card.Img src={project.imageSrc} alt="Card image" />
<div className={styles.cardContent}>
<Card.Title> {project.title} </Card.Title>
<Card.Text> {project.description} </Card.Text>
export default ProjectCard
.cardContent {
visibility: hidden;
.cardContent:hover {
visibility: visible;
Any help would be appreciated!
I was able to find a solution with the help of a previous comment (someone erased the comment.. but thanks anyways!)
I followed this codepen:
<Card className={styles['card']}>
<Card.Img src={project.imageSrc} alt="Card image" className={styles['card-content-image']} />
<Card.ImgOverlay className={styles['card-content']}>
<Card.Title className={styles['card-content-text']}> {project.title} </Card.Title>
<Card.Text className={styles['card-content-text']}> {project.description} </Card.Text>
<Card.Text className={styles['card-content-text']}> {project.technologies} </Card.Text>
Note that I couldn't directly access the Bootstrap elements, so I created class for each of them. Also, gatsby has a camelCase convention, but since it doesn't go well with css standards I overwrote that by adding to gatsby-config.js
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-sass`,
options: {
cssLoaderOptions: {
camelCase: false,
However, that is just a band-aid fix for the problem. I still want to access the React Bootstrap variables if possible. For example, I want to center the Card.Img. I have tried using a className, but it doesn't have access to the image itself.
And here is the code trying to access the React Bootstrap name, but it doesn't work
.card-img {
// any type of css here doesn't have any effect
