I'm trying to learn how to filter out nested dictionaries in the MongoDB database. All documents have the same structure as this example which I will try to get:
I try to obtain the document thanks to the Name which is 'My Burberry - Eau de Parfum':
{ "q0.Results": {"Name":"My Burberry - Eau de Parfum"} }
But it doesn't give me anything back:
What you are doing:
{ "q0.Results": {"Name":"My Burberry - Eau de Parfum"} }
says find me documents where q0.Results is exactly like this document/subdocument: {"Name":"My Burberry - Eau de Parfum"}
In the arrays, you just need dot notation and the following should give you the result:
{ "q0.Results.Name": "My Burberry - Eau de Parfum" }
I am working on Pyspark
I use GridSearchCV with ALS algorithm
but I got an error .. any help ?
Thank you
als = ALS(maxIter=5, regParam=0.01, userCol="userId", itemCol="movieId", ratingCol="rating",
param_grid = {'rank': [10,50,100,150],
'regParam': [0.01,0.05,0.1,0.15]}
# run grid search
grid_search = GridSearchCV(als, param_grid=param_grid, scoring='accuracy')
start = time()
print("GridSearchCV took %.2f seconds for %d candidate parameter settings."
% (time() - start, len(grid_search.cv_results_['params'])))
output :
Cannot clone object 'ALS_855af664ffc8' (type <class 'pyspark.ml.recommendation.ALS'>):
it does not seem to be a scikit-learn estimator as it does not implement a 'get_params' methods.
As your output suggested, the created als object belongs to the class pyspark.ml.recommendation.ALS, which is not the estimator object from the class sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV.html.
I can get my RSS feed printed out to the console in an array form. Every news-item I get is an element of the array. From every news-item is a title, description, link and pub-date available.
I want to get this sorted out wherefore all the titles are being put into an array and all the descriptions are being put into an array and so on.
Is there a way how to do this in Swift?
Here is my data that I want to get sorted out and put into four different arrays:
description = "Voleco-arbiter gelauwerd voor 25 jaar op de bok\n ";
link = "https://api.nevobo.nl/permalink/nieuws/18914\n ";
pubDate = "Wed, 13 Nov 2019 12:00:00 +0100\n \n ";
title = "Zilver voor Erik-Jan Geneugelijk\n ";
description = "Het einde van het jaar is weer in zicht. Dit houdt in dat er in iedere regio een regiosymposium wordt georganiseerd. Mis het niet!\n ";
link = "https://api.nevobo.nl/permalink/nieuws/18913\n ";
pubDate = "Tue, 12 Nov 2019 13:54:00 +0100\n \n \n";
title = "Regiosymposia 2019: 'Superclubs'!\n ";
What you want to do is not sorting, sorting means to set the order of the array following a certain logic.
You just want to create new arrays, you can do it like this
let titles = newsItems.map { $0.title }
Repeat for different properties and you’ll have the arrays you want.
I'm having a problem when I want to send multi e-mails with PHP-Mailer inside a while.
I've the script that sends the email to 15 of 16 people when I'm doing to the SELECT in muy DB, and getting all the data with an array.
The code:
//Server settings
$mail->addAddress($row['correo'], $row['t_name']); // Add a recipient
$mail->Subject = 'Test';
$mail->Body = 'Esto es una mensaje de Prueba';
$mail->AltBody = '¡Test!';
$mail->ConfirmReadingTo = '';
if(!$mail->send()) {
//echo 'El mensaje no pudo enviarse. Motivo: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
I tried with different forms of the code, but finally only sends 15 instead of 16. (The e-mail is missing) Just a note, if I do the SELECT in the DB, gives me the 16 emails that I want, so I think the problem is not in the DB or in the query, I think is in this code.
Can you help me?
Kinds Regards.
I'm working on a script to automatically configure Nodemanager, enroll a machine and starting de managed servers in it. What i currently have is (not exactly):
for m in cmo.getMachines():
#Solo ejecutamos el NodeManager en el que estamos ejecutando el script.
if nombre_machine in HOST:
nm_srv_addrs[machine.getListenPort()] = machine.getListenAddress()
for nm_port, nm_addr in nm_srv_addrs.iteritems():
printInStyle('Iniciando Nodemanager, favor tener paciencia la primera vez.')
startNodeManager(verbose='false', NodeManagerHome=NM_HOME, ListenPort=str(nm_port), ListenAddress=nm_addr)
print 'Generando nodemanager.properties ',
while not os.path.exists(NM_PROP_FILE):
print '\b.',
print 'Archivo creado!'
servidores = cmo.getServers()
for s in servidores:
nombre = s.getName()
if nombre != 'AdminServer':
But the last sequence will fail because will try to start all servers and i'm looking to start only the in the one i'm running the script.
What i believe i'm looking is a way to filter the servers in the current machine.
I'll appreciate any help or advice. I am just starting in wlst scripting.
I figured it out thanks to this link
I'll just need to filter in a couple of loops like this:
import os
machines = cmo.getMachines()
for m in machines:
hostname = os.environ['HOSTNAME']
nm = m.getNodeManager()
if nm.getListenAddress() in hostname:
servers = cmo.getServers()
for s in servers:
name = s.getName()
if name != 'AdminServer':
ref = getMBean('/Servers/'+name+'/Machine/'+current_m.getName())
if ref != None:
I have a sql database with data about headers of news. Example:
id title
867 MPE consegue inverter julgamento
868 Defensoria P blica realiza licita
869 Prefeitos eleitos de todas as partes do Estado
870 Inc ndio deixa 80 pessoas desabrigadas
871 Carlos Amastha visita parlamentares
872 Defensoria P blica requer anula o
873 Marcelo Miranda diz que n o possui obriga o
874 Ex-assessor diz que Coimbra lhe deu dois cheques
I need to get each title and see if there are other news to talk about the same subject.
How i do it? My plataform is .Net and use sql server 2012.
You will probably want to put a Full-Text Index on this column and/or table. It's a complex subject, but you can start reading up on it here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms142571.aspx