I can not find the WPF App (.Net Core) template in visual studio 2019? - wpf

I have read all the topics on this. I actually have it working on Visual Studio on one computer. I have used the installer to install the necessary work loads. I have tried downloading dotnet 5 and .net core 3.1. It just will not show up on the create projects window of Visual Studio. I only get WPF App(.NET Framework) or WPF App(.NET). I want to make WPF .netcore applications and this is a roadblock. Else, I can only make .Net Framework applications that can not be used for multi-platform development. I can make a core project in the Visual Studio with wpf .netcore template and then move it to my other computer and it works fine. The template just will not show up for core project (wpf). I am taking a wpf udemey course and it tells of the advantages of using core wpf in many applications.

Open the Visual Studio Installer (This is for VS2022, but the same should apply for 2019.)
Add the ".NET desktop development" Workload (see image below) which allows you to "Build WPF, Windows Forms, and console apps using C#, VB, & F#... "
And then it will appear (or should):


How to create MSI for WPF .Net Core 3 Application?

When working with .Net Framework 4.7 & WPF, we use fody weaver to package up all the project dlls etc... into one dll, so we could then use Wix installer.
This is extremely convenient, and fody worked a treat.
With a .Net Core 3.1 Wpf app I cant get fody to work and they have put it in maintenance mode because of .net core 3's new single- file exe's.
I can create a single file exe but still need to install my app as its code signed and I want the user experience to be familiar with the standard ms installer ui.
At the moment im sure I can create a Wix project and include all the dll's, but there are hundreds of them with .net core & this is an immense amount of work.
Can anyone shed any light on how to install a .net core 3 WPF app using Wix?

Rehosted Microsoft Workflow Designer UI

I have recently created a rehosted Workflow Designer application and noticed that the UI looks outdated when compared with how it looks in Visual Studio. Does anyone know which could be the problem?
No matter what version of .NET I'm using (for example 4.6 or 4.7), the UI still doesn't update. I have also followed the next article to enable Workflow 4.5 features, but without any success on the UI side.
(WF4.5) Enabling new .Net framework 4.5 features in your rehosted designer application https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/tilovell/2012/06/04/wf4-5-enabling-new-net-framework-4-5-features-in-your-rehosted-designer-application
In the rehosted WF application it looks like this:
While in Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition if looks like this (notice the updated colours, icons and toolbox):
Any clues? Thanks!

.NET Native Compilation with Desktop Bridge to UWP

I have a wpf application which I want to host on windows app store. I am thinking of using the desktop bridge to convert WPF to UWP without code changes. However, is it possible to make use of .net native compilation while using the desktop bridge approach in visual studio 2017???
No, this is not possible today for your WPF code - even with the Desktop Bridge. You can only do it for regular UWP projects that are targeting the .NET Core for UWP runtime.

Blend 2015 - couple questions

Have some questions regarding Visual Studio Blend tool below:
Can i use Blend to prepare windows for Windows Forms applications or it's only for wpf applications?
If yes on 1st point how to do it (how to import such forms)?
If i am working with wpf applications can i just prepare my user interface and also develop code within Blend instead of doing windows
in Blend and then switch to normal Visual studio to develop code?
No, it's a XAML deisgner, for WPF and UWP etc.
Yes. It's a code editor, and will compile and run your project, and you can switch between VS and Blend. The switching experience is further improved in Visual Studio 2015, I personally hop between the 2 regularly.

Setup project for wpf application

I am trying to build a setup-msi using visual studio for my wpf application.
The issue i am facing is that i force primary output from wpf project to the setup project
and the dependencies are calcaluted automatically.
I run the msi locally (on the machine i built the wpf app) and everything works fine.
The problems start when i try to install it on different machines.
On other machines i run the installation process and it finishes justfine
but when i try to run the application i get exceptions about assemblies that could not be found.(e.g System.Web , Version=4,0,0,0 could not be found etc)
I really suck building setup projects but can anybody give a hand?
P.S.: I also tried installShield... same results.
I would guess that the target machine only had .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile installed. System.Web is in .NET Framework 4.0 Extended, which is installed with the full 4.0 Framework but not with the Client Profile.
Are you bootstrapping .NET 4 in your setup?
Check for the presence of "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile" and "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended" in Add/Remove Programs (XP) or Programs and Features (Vista/7) on the machines where the application ran fine and those where it gave that error.
Edit: .NET Framework Deployment Guide for Developers. That should help you figure out how best to deploy it.
