How to replace a specific character in an array with two characters - arrays

So I just came back from a job interview and one of the questions I had to face with was :
"Given an array of characters and three characters for example :
Array : [a,b,c,z,s,w,y,z,o]
Char 1: 'z'
Char 2 : 'R'
Char 3 : 'R'
Your goal is to replace each 'z' in the array to become two R characters within O(N) time complexity.
so your input will be Array : [a,b,c,z,s,w,y,z,o]
and your output array will be : [a,b,c,R,R,s,w,y,R,R,o]
assume that there is no 'R' in the array before.
You are not allowed to use other arrays or other variables.
The algorithm should be in-line algorithm.
Your final array must be a characters array."
My solution was within O(N^2) time complexity but there is a solution within O(N) time complexity .
The interview is over but I am still thinking about this problem, Can anyone help me to solve this ?

First scan the input to count how many occurrences of char 1 exist. This has a linear time complexity.
From that you know that the length of the final array will be the input length + the number of occurrences.
Then extend the array to its new length, leaving the new slots empty (or whatever value). The exact nature of the operation depends on how the array data structure is implemented. This can surely be done with at worst a linear time complexity.
Use two indexes, i and j, where i references the last character of the input array and j references the very last index in the array (potentially to an empty slot).
Start copying from i to j each time decreasing the values of these indices with one. If you copy the matching letter, then duplicate the copied character to j again, and only reduce j. This has again a linear time complexity.
The algorithm will end with both i and j equal to -1.

Do two iterations.
First, count the number of char1s ('z' in your example).
Now you know how long your array should be at the end: array.size() + num_char1s
Then, go from last to first with input and output iterators. If the element is char1, insert to the end iterator the new chars, otherwise - just copy.
Pseudo code:
num_char1s = 0
for x in array:
if x == char1:
// Assuming array has sufficient memory already allocated.
out_iterator = num_char1s + size - 1
in_iterator = size - 1
while (in_iterator >= 0):
if (array[in_iterator] == char1):
array[out_iterator--] = char3
array[out_iterator--] = char2
array[out_iterator--] = array[in_iterator]

In your question, two things are very important.
can't use new variable
can't use new array
So, we must need to use given array.
First we will increase our given array size double. why? Cause at most our new array size = given_array_size*2 (if all characters = char 1)
Now we will shift our given array n times right, where n= given_array_size.
Now we will iterate our array from the new shifted position = n. iterate i=n to 2*n-1
We will take j=0, which will write new array. if we found char 1, we will
make array[j++]=char 2 and array[j++]=char 3.
But if a character is not 'z', we simply don't do anything. array[j++]=array[i]
At last 0 to j-1 is the right answer.
Complexity: O(n)
No new variable and array needed


Compare two arrays and create new array with equal elements in C

The problem is to check two arrays for the same integer value and put matching values in a new array.
Let say I have two arrays
a[n] = {2,5,2,7,8,4,2}
b[m] = {1,2,6,2,7,9,4,2,5,7,3}
Each array can be a different size.
I need to check if the arrays have matching elements and put them in a new array. The result in this case should be:
array[] = {2,2,2,5,7,4}
And I need to do it in O(n.log(n) + m.log(m)).
I know there is a way to do with merge sorting or put one of the array in a hash array but I really don't know how to implement it.
I will really appreciate your help, thanks!!!
As you have already figured out you can use merge sort (implementing it is beyond the scope of this answer, I suppose you can find a solution on wikipedia or searching on Stack Overflow) so that you can get nlogn + mlogm complexity supposing n is the size of the first array and m is the size of another.
Let's call the first array a (with the size n) and the second one b (with size m). First sort these arrays (merge sort would give us nlogn + mlogm complexity). And now we have:
a[n] // {2,2,2,4,5,7,8} and b[n] // {1,2,2,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,9}
Supposing n <= m we can simply iterate simulateously comparing coresponding values:
But first lets allocate array int c[n]; to store results (you can print to the console instead of storing if you need). And now the loop itself:
int k = 0; // store the new size of c array!
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < n && j < m; )
if (a[i] == b[j])
// match found, store it
c[k] = a[i];
++i; ++j; ++k;
else if (a[i] > b[j])
// current value in a is leading, go to next in b
// the last possibility is a[i] < b[j] - b is leading
Note: the loop itself is n+m complexity at worst (remember n <= m assumption) which is less than for sorting so overal complexity is nlogn + mlogm. Now you can iterate c array (it's size is actually n as we allocated, but the number of elements in it is k) and do what you need with that numbers.
From the way that you explain it the way to do this would be to loop over the shorter array and check it against the longer array. Let us assume that A is the shorter array and B the longer array. Create a results array C.
Loop over each element in A, call it I
If I is found in B, remove it from B and put it in C, break out of the test loop.
Now go to the next element in A.
This means that if a number I is found twice in A and three times in B, then I will only appear twice in C. Once you finish, then every number found in both arrays will appear in C the number of times that it actually appears in both.
I am carefully not putting in suggested code as your question is about a method that you can use. You should figure out the code yourself.
I would be inclined to take the following approach:
1) Sort array B. There are many well published sort algorithms to do this, as well as several implementations in various generally available libraries.
2) Loop through array A and for each element do a binary search (or other suitable algorithm) on array B for a match. If a match is found, remove the element from array B (to avoid future matches) and add it to the output array.

Limit input data to achieve a better Big O complexity

You are given an unsorted array of n integers, and you would like to find if there are any duplicates in the array (i.e. any integer appearing more than once).
Describe an algorithm (implemented with two nested loops) to do this.
The question that I am stuck at is:
How can you limit the input data to achieve a better Big O complexity? Describe an algorithm for handling this limited data to find if there are any duplicates. What is the Big O complexity?
Your help will be greatly appreciated. This is not related to my coursework, assignment or coursework and such. It's from the previous year exam paper and I am doing some self-study but seem to be stuck on this question. The only possible solution that i could come up with is:
If we limit the data, and use nested loops to perform operations to find if there are duplicates. The complexity would be O(n) simply because the amount of time the operations take to perform is proportional to the data size.
If my answer makes no sense, then please ignore it and if you could, then please suggest possible solutions/ working out to this answer.
If someone could help me solve this answer, I would be grateful as I have attempted countless possible solution, all of which seems to be not the correct one.
Edited part, again.. Another possible solution (if effective!):
We could implement a loop to sort the array so that it sorts the array (from lowest integer to highest integer), therefore the duplicates will be right next to each other making them easier and faster to be identified.
The big O complexity would still be O(n^2).
Since this is linear type, it would simply use the first loop and iterate n-1 times as we are getting the index in the array (in the first iteration it could be, for instance, 1) and store this in a variable names 'current'.
The loop will update the current variable by +1 each time through the iteration, within that loop, we now write another loop to compare the current number to the next number and if it equals to the next number, we can print using a printf statement else we move back to the outer loop to update the current variable by + 1 (next value in the array) and update the next variable to hold the value of the number after the value in current.
You can do linearly (O(n)) for any input if you use hash tables (which have constant look-up time).
However, this is not what you are being asked about.
By limiting the possible values in the array, you can achieve linear performance.
E.g., if your integers have range 1..L, you can allocate a bit array of length L, initialize it to 0, and iterate over your input array, checking and flipping the appropriate bit for each input.
A variance of Bucket Sort will do. This will give you complexity of O(n) where 'n' is the number of input elements.
But one restriction - max value. You should know the max value your integer array can take. Lets say it as m.
The idea is to create a bool array of size m (all initialized to false). Then iterate over your array. As you find an element, set bucket[m] to true. If it is already true then you've encountered a duplicate.
A java code,
// alternatively, you can iterate over the array to find the maxVal which again is O(n).
public boolean findDup(int [] arr, int maxVal)
// java by default assigns false to all the values.
boolean bucket[] = new boolean[maxVal];
for (int elem : arr)
if (bucket[elem])
return true; // a duplicate found
bucket[elem] = true;
return false;
But the constraint here is the space. You need O(maxVal) space.
nested loops get you O(N*M) or O(N*log(M)) for O(N) you can not use nested loops !!!
I would do it by use of histogram instead:
DWORD in[N]={ ... }; // input data ... values are from < 0 , M )
DWORD his[M]={ ... }; // histogram of in[]
int i,j;
// compute histogram O(N)
for (i=0;i<M;i++) his[i]=0; // this can be done also by memset ...
for (i=0;i<N;i++) his[in[i]]++; // if the range of values is not from 0 then shift it ...
// remove duplicates O(N)
for (i=0,j=0;i<N;i++)
his[in[i]]--; // count down duplicates
in[j]=in[i]; // copy item
if (his[in[i]]<=0) j++; // if not duplicate then do not delete it
// now j holds the new in[] array size
if value range is too big with sparse areas then you need to convert his[]
to dynamic list with two values per item
one is the value from in[] and the second is its occurrence count
but then you need nested loop -> O(N*M)
or with binary search -> O(N*log(M))

Minimum value of numbers in char array

I recently ran into this problem in an interview, and I was curious what the best way to solve it would be. The question is given a char array that has the ascii characters '0' to '9' make one swap such that the the set of ascii values in the resultant array forms the lowest possible value. Both the input array will not have preceding 0s and neither should the resultant array.
So here is an example: char a[] = {'1','0', '9','7','6'}
The solution: char b[] = { '1','0', '6', '7', '9'}
Another example: char a[] = {'9','0', '7','6','1'}
The solution: char b[] = {'1','0', '7','6','9'}
I am looking for the best solution in terms of performance. Since only one swap is allowed I assumed that sorting is not allowed. I did not clarify that though. So we are looking for the lowest possible value that can be obtained through just using one swap. It would help if you could provide the complexity of the solution as well.
Note that since there can't be a leading 0, 0's should be catered for separately.
Go from the right, keeping track of the minimum non-zero number. Also record the first 0.
Whenever you find a number larger than the recorded non-zero number, record those 2 as the best possible swap so far.
Once you've found a zero, record any non-zero non-leading character from here as the best possible swap for the zero.
Note that you're not doing any comparisons between the quality of either of the swaps above, we simply replace the current best with the new one, as it's always better to swap with a more-left position.
When done, compare the target positions of the best swap for the zero and the best swap for the non-zero and pick the left-most position, or the zero if they're the same.
If no possible swap was found, the array is already the minimum permutation of the given numbers, thus don't do anything. Or, if we have to, swap the two right-most characters.
Running time:
Input: 10976
Processing 6 7 9 0 1
Minimum 6 6 6 6 1
Best swap - 6+7 6+9 6+9 6+9
Zero? No No No Yes Yes
Best 0 swap - - - - -
So the best swap is 6/9, giving us 10679
Input: 3601
Processing 1 0 6 3
Minimum 1 1 1 3
Best swap - - 1+6 1+3
Zero? No Yes Yes Yes
Best 0 swap - - 0+6 0+6
Here possible swaps are 1/3 and 0/6.
For the 1/3 swap, the target position is 0 (0-indexed).
For the 0/6 swap, the target position is 1.
So we pick the 1/3 swap giving us 1603.
Depends on what you mean by best.
Take out the lowest number except '0' as the first item in b, then sort the rest into ascending order.
Start at the leftmost digit
While current digit is valued the lowest (non-zero for the first digits equal
to the number of zeroes in the set) of the remaining set of numbers, advance
to the next number
Swap current value with lowest remaining value.
You can keep a sorted copy of the array to help you in your decision making process. You'd need it for knowing how many there are of your current lowest number(s). You can make it even more efficient if you store their indices as well.
It's not necessary to have any additional storage, but it would likely make things faster. In a single pass of the first array, you can get the number of 0s as well as the index to the next lowest number, but in an array like 1, 0, 6, 9, 7, you would then have to go through the array 4 different times.
EDIT - slightly more flushed out algorithm
Copy the array into a separate one, called c, and sort c. (You'll use this to make your decision faster, though you could simply repeatedly analyze the array.)
if c has zeros, find the value of its first non-zero value, called x
if a[0] != x, swap a[0] with x.
set index to 1
while a[index] == c[index], ++index
swap a[index] with c[index]
If you do it this way, it costs you another array, but is done with one sort and one pass through the array.
If you don't do it that way, you'll have to pass through the remainder of the array each time to find the minimums. I'm not great at complexity, but I believe that's n log n, since you'll be starting from higher indices each iteration.
Without using the array, you'd have to do something like
Find the lowest non-zero value
if a[0] isn't this value, swap with this value
index = 1
find lowest value starting at a[index]
if they're not equal, swap the values, done. Otherwise, increment index
That's still n log n. I think sorting can make it more efficient.
I think that you clearly have to go through the array at least once. You need to do this to find the smallest value.
You also need to find the value which will satisfy the conditions. The poster says that the input array will not have '0' as the leading elements.
We loop over the array one position at a time. We are looking for another position which has the minimum value (non zero for the first spot, anything for the other spots) and is smaller than any other seen.
for (pos = 0; pos < array_size-1; pos++) {
low_index = pos;
min_value = (pos == 0) ? '1' : '0';
for (i = pos+1; i < array_size; i++) {
if (min_value <= array[i]) && (array[i] < array[low_index])) {
low_index = i;
if (low_index != pos) {
low_value = array[pos];
array[pos] = array[low_index];
array[low_index] = low_value;

Search Algorithm with Incomplete Input

I need an algorithm which will search an array for a string, but the string may not be exactly the same as one of the items in the array.
For example,
Array = {"Stack", "Over", "Flow", "Stake"}
input = "Sta"
It will need to recognize that Stack and Stake both match the parameters and then choose the one which is first in alphabetical order.
How can I do this?
I would use List, do binarySearch on that list.
List<String> arr = new ArrayList<>();
add elements, while adding elements you can do the following.
int x = Collections.binarySearch(arr, key);
if(x < 0)
arr.add(-x-1, key);
//for n element this takes n.log_n time.
you can do binary search in the list, if the result of binarySearch is > 0, then the key exists in your list, else (-x-1) is the location of the key when it is inserted. go tru each element who begins with input string.
For example, arr is your array and you are searching for input.
arr = {"Flow", "Over", "Stack", "Stake"}
input = "Sta";
int x = Collections.binarySearch(arr, input);
if(x < 0)
x = -x-1;
System.out.println("there is no element starting with input string");
Time complexity is O(logn) where n is array's length.
Loop over the sorted array, compute the Levenshtein distance between each string and your target string, and if it is sufficiently small, return.
What constitutes "sufficiently small" is up to you. You'll probably have to do some testing.
Simply loop through each element in the array and compare it to the input, determining if the input is contained in the element. Remove any element that does not meet this prerequisite. Finally go through the remaining elements and pick the one that is first alphabetically.
Loop through all the index values of the array and find the substring match of the input. Find all the matches and print the one whose index value is the lowest.
For example you will find the substring match for Array[0] and Array[3]. Now you have two matches at 0 and 3. Find the next alphabet of the substirng match. At Arrary[0] the next alphabet to Sta is 'c' but at Array[3] the next alphabet is 'k', here a < k, so the output is Array[0]
You may find Trie data structure useful. It is very efficient to find all words you need.
But memory overhead can be significant if you have many words in the list.

Compare two integer arrays with same length

[Description] Given two integer arrays with the same length. Design an algorithm which can judge whether they're the same. The definition of "same" is that, if these two arrays were in sorted order, the elements in corresponding position should be the same.
<1 2 3 4> = <3 1 2 4>
<1 2 3 4> != <3 4 1 1>
[Limitation] The algorithm should require constant extra space, and O(n) running time.
(Probably too complex for an interview question.)
(You can use O(N) time to check the min, max, sum, sumsq, etc. are equal first.)
Use no-extra-space radix sort to sort the two arrays in-place. O(N) time complexity, O(1) space.
Then compare them using the usual algorithm. O(N) time complexity, O(1) space.
(Provided (max − min) of the arrays is of O(Nk) with a finite k.)
You can try a probabilistic approach - convert the arrays into a number in some huge base B and mod by some prime P, for example sum B^a_i for all i mod some big-ish P. If they both come out to the same number, try again for as many primes as you want. If it's false at any attempts, then they are not correct. If they pass enough challenges, then they are equal, with high probability.
There's a trivial proof for B > N, P > biggest number. So there must be a challenge that cannot be met. This is actually the deterministic approach, though the complexity analysis might be more difficult, depending on how people view the complexity in terms of the size of the input (as opposed to just the number of elements).
I claim that: Unless the range of input is specified, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to solve in onstant extra space, and O(n) running time.
I will be happy to be proven wrong, so that I can learn something new.
Insert all elements from the first array into a hashtable
Try to insert all elements from the second array into the same hashtable - for each insert to element should already be there
Ok, this is not with constant extra space, but the best I could come up at the moment:-). Are there any other constraints imposed on the question, like for example to biggest integer that may be included in the array?
A few answers are basically correct, even though they don't look like it. The hash table approach (for one example) has an upper limit based on the range of the type involved rather than the number of elements in the arrays. At least by by most definitions, that makes the (upper limit on) the space a constant, although the constant may be quite large.
In theory, you could change that from an upper limit to a true constant amount of space. Just for example, if you were working in C or C++, and it was an array of char, you could use something like:
size_t counts[UCHAR_MAX];
Since UCHAR_MAX is a constant, the amount of space used by the array is also a constant.
Edit: I'd note for the record that a bound on the ranges/sizes of items involved is implicit in nearly all descriptions of algorithmic complexity. Just for example, we all "know" that Quicksort is an O(N log N) algorithm. That's only true, however, if we assume that comparing and swapping the items being sorted takes constant time, which can only be true if we bound the range. If the range of items involved is large enough that we can no longer treat a comparison or a swap as taking constant time, then its complexity would become something like O(N log N log R), were R is the range, so log R approximates the number of bits necessary to represent an item.
Is this a trick question? If the authors assumed integers to be within a given range (2^32 etc.) then "extra constant space" might simply be an array of size 2^32 in which you count the occurrences in both lists.
If the integers are unranged, it cannot be done.
You could add each element into a hashmap<Integer, Integer>, with the following rules: Array A is the adder, array B is the remover. When inserting from Array A, if the key does not exist, insert it with a value of 1. If the key exists, increment the value (keep a count). When removing, if the key exists and is greater than 1, reduce it by 1. If the key exists and is 1, remove the element.
Run through array A followed by array B using the rules above. If at any time during the removal phase array B does not find an element, you can immediately return false. If after both the adder and remover are finished the hashmap is empty, the arrays are equivalent.
Edit: The size of the hashtable will be equal to the number of distinct values in the array does this fit the definition of constant space?
I imagine the solution will require some sort of transformation that is both associative and commutative and guarantees a unique result for a unique set of inputs. However I'm not sure if that even exists.
public static boolean match(int[] array1, int[] array2) {
int x, y = 0;
for(x = 0; x < array1.length; x++) {
y = x;
while(array1[x] != array2[y]) {
if (y + 1 == array1.length)
return false;
int swap = array2[x];
array2[x] = array2[y];
array2[y] = swap;
return true;
For each array, Use Counting sort technique to build the count of number of elements less than or equal to a particular element . Then compare the two built auxillary arrays at every index, if they r equal arrays r equal else they r not . COunting sort requires O(n) and array comparison at every index is again O(n) so totally its O(n) and the space required is equal to the size of two arrays . Here is a link to counting sort
given int are in the range -n..+n a simple way to check for equity may be the following (pseudo code):
// a & b are the array
accumulator = 0
arraysize = size(a)
for(i=0 ; i < arraysize; ++i) {
accumulator = accumulator + a[i] - b[i]
if abs(accumulator) > ((arraysize - i) * n) { return FALSE }
return (accumulator == 0)
accumulator must be able to store integer with range = +- arraysize * n
How 'bout this - XOR all the numbers in both the arrays. If the result is 0, you got a match.
