Which files to add in CMake build scripts? - c

This is maybe a simple question. Let's give one example of .c program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Example.h"
int main(){
int x;
return 0;
If I have some C code which includes some .h file, i.e "Example.h" and in that header file are declared some functions which are implemented in i.e. "Example.c". Now I want to build this example using CMake files. Do I need to include also "Example.c" file ("besides Example.h") in the build process(CMake file)?

In CMake you would have to define your source files for the executable you wish to create, and yes that would include Example.h and Example.c. For example:
add_executable(myprogram Example.c Example.h)
or something on the lines of:
set(SRCS "Example.c" "Example.h")
add_executable(myprogram ${SRCS})
The following link provides a good introduction to CMake:
CMake is smart, and will only compile source file extensions. The headers will be, for most intents and purposes, ignored; the only reason to list them is to get them to show up in IDEs.


How to structure a C (embedded) project with shared header and code files

This is a question of an embedded application, but I imagine the solution is language (C) based and not specific to the embedded compiler (XC16) I'm using.
I have a number of code files I am abstracting from a single project to create a shared collection of files that can be re-used across multiple projects. These files will require a config.h file in the main application to #define a number of parameters for that project.
Files in project
#define BUFF_SIZE 4
#include "config.h"
#include <lib.h>
/*Application Code*/
Files in 'Library' (i.e. another folder NOT in the project structure)
extern uint8_t Buffer [BUFF_SIZE];
#include "lib.h"
uint8_t Buffer [BUFF_SIZE];
This produces the issue that 'BUFF_SIZE is un-declared in lib.h'. My understanding was that the compiler would start in main.c load in the `#define' values from config.h THEN try to process the lib.h header. But it seems this is not the case.
Do I have to back reference the library to the config.h file? This seems to work, but it then forces the application to have specific file names.
Are there any good examples of how this sort of structuring should take place?
Additional Notes
The same issue arises when I try and map pin outputs for bit-bang functions. i.e.
#define DATA_OUT LATBbits.LATB4
void SetPin(void)
Cheers :)
C code is compiled on translation unit basis. A translation unit being one single .c file and all the h files it includes. So you must include "config.h" from "lib.h".
You also need to use so-called "header guards"/"include guards" in every header. See
Creating your own header file in C

How to combine assembly functions in .h file?

Might be a duplicate but i wasn't able to find a answer for my question.
Usually if you want to import multiple functions from different c files in one main class, one would make a .h file and list up all functions from the .c sources.
My problem is, that all functions are wridden in .asm files. I used extern void asmFunc(int i, char c); to use the function in further code, but they become more and more and i don't want to end up with 200 of those extern lines at the beginning of my main. How can i create a library.h with all assembly functions so i can just write #include "library.h" at the beginning of my main class?
I think i didn't give enough specific information:
I use MINGW gcc and NASM to compile c and asm files
I have to compile all files to .o first so i can match them
The first answer i got didn't work because my compile chain is a bit complicated thanks to the restrictions i have on Windows (i want Linux back)
It looks like this:
I got a folder containing three folders with seperated library-like structures: bwt (basic window toolkit), io and std (stuff like strlen)
They are compiled into bwt.o io.o and std.o.
Now i want to make a .h file for each of them so i can #include "bwt.h" in all kernel classes which need them. How do i get gcc to realize, that all functions in bwt.h are defined in bwt.o?
Since you have a .o file, it doesn't matter that the source for those routines is assembly. As long as you know how to call them as C functions that's what matters.
So put all of your extern declarations for the assembly functions in library.h, then #include "library.h" in your main file. Then you can link them.
gcc -c main.c
gcc -o program main.o asmfunctions.o
You can:
Make a file
Save the file as library.h (same folder as your C file)
Put your extern declarations* in the file
Add #include "library.h" in your C file
#include is literally copy-paste. You can put some code into another file, and then you can #include that file, and the compiler pretends you wrote the code in the main file directly. That's how it works.
* by the way, you don't need to write extern when declaring functions - only variables.

How do I create a library in C?

I am working on a program that is using libgit2. I had kept the code in a single c file. Say:
I compile and use it. Now I want to separate some of the details related to libgit2 into a separate library inside the project. So I created an h file with the data structures that I need and the definitions of the functions I want to use. So far, nothing fancy: init stuff, pass in the path to the repo and s a treeish... those are const * constant.... then In the library c file I have an implementation of the functions in the .h file.
Currently, the layout is like this:
In include/mylib.h I have one struct and a couple of functions:
struct blah {} blah_info;
int blah_init(cont char * path, const char * treeish);
int blah_shutdown();
In include/mylib.c I include mylib.h:
#include "mylib.h" # notice that I don't have to use "include" in the path
And then I have definitions for the 2 functions that I put in the .h file.
In somefile.c now I am including the library c file, not the .h file (and no need to include git2.h anymore either as that is done in mylib files now).
#include "include/mylib.c"
And this allows me to compile and run the program, just like it did before I separated it into pieces but I know it's possible to include include/mylib.h from the original .c file. I think it requires to build the library before then going into compiling the final program? What steps are required for that?
Right now I'm compiling by hand in a shell script calling GCC in a single shot... so if I need to run more commands to do so, just let me know so that I add them to the script.
In somefile.c, you need to do this:
#include "include/mylib.h"
And make sure you define these functions in mylib.c:
int blah_init(cont char * path, const char * treeish) {
int blah_shutdown() {
And then declare them in mylib.h:
struct blah {} blah_info;
int blah_init(cont char * path, const char * treeish);
int blah_shutdown();
And when you compile, include both somefile.c and mylib.c as input files.
#include directive is used to insert content of a file somewhere else and it's mostly used to include headers so compiler knows what is what (types, constants, etc), then linker puts all compiled files into one single executable.
to make sure header is included only once to a single file you use something called conditional compilation, it's done with preprocessor (before compilation)
#ifndef YOUR_LIB_H_ //there are many naming conventions but I prefer this one
#define YOUR_LIB_H_
//all your declarations go here
#endif //YOUR_LIB_H_
//you should put in comment what's that condition for after every endif
now in yourlib.c you include that header and then write your definitions
#include "yourlib.h"
//all your definitions go here
and same thing for your main file, just include the header and compiler knows what to do
#include "yourlib.h"
//your code goes here

C; headers and code

I'm beginner in C programming, so I have question about basic stuff.
When I work with non-standard packages and include their headers into my projects, I'm always getting "undefined reference to function" errors. I see that header files don't contain internal code of functions, and I'm guessing that I need to link headers with the code somehow. So my question is, should I search for some libraries like dlls, which contain the functions, or should I look for C source files, and in any case, how I'm gonna link them with headers and put them all together to work in my project? I'm using CodeBlocks + MinGW.
You need to build (actually link with the library) your executable against the external library you are using which you can specify using the -L path to lib gcc flag.
gcc -L path_to_lib -llib prog.c -o executable
you can use locate lib_name to know the path of the library.
When ever you have a header file in C you will have the header file Example:
int myfunc(int x);
then you will have a source file
#include "func.h"
int myfunc(int x)
return x;
Then your source file that has main()
#include "func.h"
int main(){
int x = 2;
x = myfunc(x);
return x;
in your ide you include main.c and func.c in your source files. And include func.h in your header files.
I don't use code block, but basically any ide would work this way.

Inclusion cycles in C header files

How does one prevent an inclusion cycle in C? ie. You shouldn't have a.h #include "b.h", which #include's "c.h" which #include's "a.h". I'm looking for a way of preventing this from happening using some sort of C directive.
I had originally thought this would've prevented this from happening:
Contents of a.h:
#ifndef __A_H
#define __A_H
#include "b.h"
#endif // __A_H
Contents of b.h:
#ifndef __B_H
#define __B_H
#include "c.h"
#endif // __B_H
Contents of c.h:
#ifndef __C_H
#define __C_H
#include "a.h"
#endif // __C_H
But it doesn't seem to work.
It does work allright: the files are repeatedly included, but the sections protected by #ifdndef/#define/#endif are not repeated, and that breaks the cycle.
Use your compiler to produce the preprocessed output and look at it for yourself. With GNU CC, you need to use "-E" option on the .c[pp] file, like this:
gcc -E $(CFLAGS) -o foo.i foo.cpp
That should work. It's written correctly in your example and compiles fine for me. Did you mistype something in your actual code, or is it really some other problem you're seeing?
You shouldn't start things out with __, though, as that's reserved for the compiler and/or system libraries. Try some other names for your guards.
Macros with leading underscores are reserved for the preprocessor/compiler.
Try changing __*_H to something more standard.
I use HAVE__*_H.
ya in addition to the above things if you are working on turbo c and you are doing a project with these source files then do not attach the header files which are #included in the source files.And even then if it is not working then try it from command prompt because some compiler options give these errors again and again.so here if the header files contents are between the #ifndef and #endif then there will be no problem even you include both the files. So try removing the header files from the project keeping them in the same directory.bcos u didnt specified environment i specified turbo C because i faced this situation once on turbo C with the header files #included in source file and attached to the project files list then there will be "multiple declaration problem".also after compiling (even with errors) go to external command line and go to directory where that file is stored and try with the filename.exe directly.ok
This works.
Just to be sure, I actually compiled a test.c that included a.h with your 3 header files.
I verified this works for several versions of MSVC, Digital Mars and GCC.
