Return value of db.insert in sqflite? - database

Insert function on database in sqflite returns id of row inserted. But I want to know what it returns if an error occurs after getting an error during insertion.
Thanks in advance.

It should throw an error and then you can let it return whatever you want.

I have used sqflite package which is used by flutter to work with sqlite3. When we insert a row in table using insert method, it returns row id if successfully inserted or an error if there was some problem.


Why am I keep getting this query error when I try to create this database?

I have tried to look online but still, keep running in this problem
Failed to execute query.
Error: There is already an object named 'CANDYINVENTORY' in the database.
You don't need to run create table query everytime. Just execute insert once the table has been created.
your table already created in your system now just execute insert query

MSSQL + Laravel: "Error by converting varchar to bigint"

Actually, I can't insert data into a table with big number.
The primary key has type of BIGINT, when I try to insert a row I'm getting this error.
Same thing happens when I try it manually with HeidiSQL.
It seems you are going to insert string/varchar/nvarchar data to your BIGINT type column. please check your data.
The problem is solved. It's been caused by a trigger in the database, which tried to put a string with "8001049473-A1-R" into a bigint field. After deleting that row containing the "8001049473-A1-R", everything works.

##Identity return same value on each insert

I have a stored procedure where which insert an statement and returns ##Identity.
This ## Identity returns always 1. When removed the ##Idnetity to Identity_Scope it returns the correct expected value, which was always incremented by 1. so this is good. but the question is. Why ## Identity columns is returning 1.
i checked and removed all the trigger and checked all the function but have no idea why i am getting 1 with ##Identity. Seems like there is a table that is being truncated and then a value is being inserted.
Any clue guys why ##Identity is returning 1 all the time. Is there server settings that is doing something?
Please note that:
The ##identity function returns the last identity created in the same
The scope_identity() function returns the last identity
created in the same session and the same scope.
The ident_current(Name) returns the last identity created for a specific
table or view in any session.
So please send us your code for better assistance. You may use ##Identity in a wrong way.

How do I create a trigger to place a message in case of null value

Normally I like solving things on my own, but i started SQLServer not too long ago and it's giving me a headache.
Anyways, the question was to Write a trigger that will Place 'No First Name' in any record added to the customerEmployee table that has a NULL for the EmpFirstName field.
What I have been done was:
<code>print 'No First Name'</code>
Then I wrote another query to test it out but it returns me an error that says:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TITLE', table 'Chapter8.dbo.CUSTOMEREMPLOYEE'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
Can anyone see what is wrong?
I think the problem is that you are printing : print 'No First Name' but not inserting the value into the table!
Refer to this question: Insert Update trigger

LINQ to SQL not worked in Window application

I have created LINQ to SQL Class and trying to insert one record in application but unable to save record in database table in window application
Table Name : Test
I have two column in table
1) TID Type INT , Primary Key , Identity column
2) Title Type Varchar(50)
I have written below code to save new record in to table, Code running successfully without any error but record not store into application
My code is
DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext();
Test t = new Test();
t.Title = "Abhishek";
please help me to resolve this problem
Your code looks fine. But, just before calling SubmitChanges, take a look at db.GetChangeSet() and see if there are any pending inserts. There should be one. If there is one, take a look at the db.Log output and see what is getting sent to SQL Server.
